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Operator Class Abilities

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:01 pm
by Richardson
For the first time in forever (queue Disney lawyers) a party I'm in has a player character Operator over level 1, a pile of MDC materials (largely from the remains of a Canadian Armored Slayer and a Russian Holocaust Borg), and a town with additional tools and supplies, all at the SAME TIME.

This brings us to something none of us have had to consider before. Do class abilities for the Operator stack with Skill-based abilities or replace them? The Operator wants to do several things. Some of which are clearly covered by more than one set of directives within just the RUE, and some things that may not be covered in any book. Here's a list of thoughts the player has voiced and a few complications we've run into involving them. Should the multiple sources for the same rough ability stack? Replace one another? If so which takes precedence?

1) Repair/Improve the party's body armor.
---OCC can increase body armor by level-based percentages
---OCC can repair body armor missing MDC
---Field Armor Skill can repair "up to 20 MDC"
---Probably 2+ entries for custom additions to body armor in things like the Cyber Knight book

2) Convert Borg integrated weapon into a hand-held weapon by adding handle/casing and e-clip port.

3) Create a custom/unique heavy bike with treads taken from borg
---Willing to buy an SDC bike and convert whatever components needed to MDC
---Vehicle Armor Skill gives stats for replacing SDC with MDC components but no prices
---OCC can increase base MDC by level-based percentages
---Vehicle Armorer Skill can increase MDC by set amount per level

4) Beef up personal hoverbike.
---OCC can increase base MDC by level-based percentages
---Vehicle Armorer Skill can increase MDC by set amount per level

Re: Operator Class Abilities

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:16 pm
by Orin J.
1) improving the MDC of body armor by 20 is fine, given they have plenty of time for doing all this. the additions would be more depndant on what they were putting on and if you think there's enough room for mounting the new addition AND the reinforrcement for the weight of the new armor (most personal body armor isn't designed to be expandable after all)

2) this really depends on the weapon. a lot of borg weapons aren't designed to be seperate from the borg's internal design and controls and would need a new frame, power couplings, insulation, and probably targeting, firing subsystems, system regulators, ect. you're more likely looking at "you have to tear off the whole arm and stuff an e-clip port inside the shoulder" than an easy fix.

3) this is a major feat of engineering design and i'd have them test on mechanical and automotive engineering just to produce a good design blueprint before working at minimum. with weapons engineering if they want any intigrated weapons added to it. with any failures hampering the performance signifigantly. depending on how much they try to push the design i'd personally hammer them with a lot of tests on the construction over electrical and engineering, especially if they try to slap a nuclear plant in there.

4) again, upping the MDC by like 10-20% is probably fine, i'd put some penalties if it goes over that meaningfully..