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Pay To Play

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:53 am
by desepchun
Howdy all,

Looking to GM other game systems on a pay to play basis in the near future along with streaming personal games online. Thought about doing some Rifts, Palladium Fantasy and or N&SS in there somewhere. Are there any issues with licensing for using the game mechanics, not the artwork and assets, the game itself?

Appreciate your time,

Re: Pay To Play

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:28 am
by Zer0 Kay
Funny since there was a topic about that before and everyone was saying that no one would pay for a GM. Was thinking myself of starting a company with a stable of GMs and going so far as to host a survey at various conventions so that the GMs could be rated and start certificates so GMs could start showing off that they were best GM in a given genre or best GM at XYZcon. But do it at a bunch of cons so that there is a large sampling.
Get stats like:
Con Stats
x games for y duration over z hours
Preference on pregen characters
Game ran serialized or same scenario
Home Stats
Average game duration
Game frequency
Variety of systems ran
Average starting level
Preferred system

Stuff like that. Maybe become popular enough to start "trading cards" for the big cons like Gencon.