I'm going to start my group on Palladium's fantasy RPG

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I'm going to start my group on Palladium's fantasy RPG

Unread post by midharana35 »

I've played palladium forever in one form or another, from Robotech to Rifts and all points in between. But it's been a while. All my books have dust on them, so I have a few questions.

How are people modding them these days (Other than removing the mechanic)?

I'll admit that I haven't looked the web over, but this place is usually good on tips, so is there a good community for original adventures and such for palladium or generic fantasy that'll fit?

Where would a person best find adventure generators or dungeon generators? I don't mind modifying what's there, something basic would be great.

How about loot generators? is this a thing? I'm just trying to make the GM's job easer as I think we are going to rotate some since we all love to play and all know the rules.

It'll be a casual affair, loosely based on the book's setting. Mainly short adventures and classic dungeons or cavern lairs interspersed with some legwork type intrigue I think. It'll depend on the game and who shows up.

Thanks for the help folks.
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Re: I'm going to start my group on Palladium's fantasy RPG

Unread post by kiralon »

Are you wanting to play first ed or second, i have lots of house rules for first ed, which i still play in preference to second ed. Added extra stats, have perks, different magic systems and extra combat rules to fill a lot of holes.
The dnd or pathfinder 1 page adventures are good and easily converted.
I use the dnd and pathfinder ones random generators, they work well.
I borrow adventures from anywhere as they are easily converted normally, and i can list a few specific ones that i enjoyed as a dm.
I wrote some standard kits that npc's carry and modify it with random generators. Works well normally.
If you specific stuff just pm me and i will send you links.
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Re: I'm going to start my group on Palladium's fantasy RPG

Unread post by Hotrod »

midharana35 wrote:I've played palladium forever in one form or another, from Robotech to Rifts and all points in between. But it's been a while.

Hi, and welcome to the boards!

midharana35 wrote:All my books have dust on them, so I have a few questions.

How are people modding them these days (Other than removing the mechanic)?

I've been working up a set of rules modifications meant to make melee weapon choices and combat a bit more interesting. Have a look.

midharana35 wrote:I'll admit that I haven't looked the web over, but this place is usually good on tips, so is there a good community for original adventures and such for palladium or generic fantasy that'll fit?

In terms of published adventures, most of them are more focused on adventure ideas than a play-by-play, ready-to-go adventures. The best-developed adventures in print are the ones in Wolfen Empire. Old Ones, High Seas, and The Island at the Edge of the World book also have some adventures that are quite good. Otherwise, most of the books are focused on describing the setting as a primer for you to come up with your own adventures. Glen Evans and I have had a slow-burning project that will (if we ever finish it and it gets published) include some fully-developed adventures, but in general, there aren't a lot of old school box set adventures in Palladium Fantasy.

Some places you might consider: Victor Peterson's "A God Rebuilt" campaign includes a wealth of resources and ideas you could use. There are a lot of fantasy map-makers (including myself) who enjoy making visual aids and other resources. I've also made NPC generators, a spell selector tool, and a few tactical/dungeon maps on my Patreon page. Prysus has also made a spreadsheet character generation tool that can be handy for cutting down on character/NPC creation time.

midharana35 wrote:Where would a person best find adventure generators or dungeon generators? I don't mind modifying what's there, something basic would be great.

Watabou's dungeon generator is quick, easy, and effective. There are others out there too, but I'm most fond of Watabou's procedurally-generated maps (he has great generators for cities and regions that are easy to adapt as you see fit).

If you're gaming in person, I suggest you use miniatures. There are a ton of resources out there, and Palladium has some paper minis that are of good quality and scaled appropriately on DriveThruRPG. I've also seen some really neat modular dungeon tile setups, if you're feeling crafty.

midharana35 wrote:How about loot generators? is this a thing? I'm just trying to make the GM's job easer as I think we are going to rotate some since we all love to play and all know the rules.

You and me both! GMs have a lot on their plates in any system. I've been working up some NPC generators for Palladium Fantasy that I'll probably start releasing on my Patreon page this month. It's a simple premise: you pick a generator, pick a level, and pick one of a few possible variants you want, and all the bonuses, weapons, armor, cash, and such are tallied up for you, so you can focus on running the game. I've already made a bunch of these for Rifts (link below).

As for your specific question, I don't know of any loot generators off the top of my head for Palladium Fantasy, at least not among the published stuff. There may well be something like that out on the interwebs. Perhaps that could be another little side project.

midharana35 wrote:It'll be a casual affair, loosely based on the book's setting. Mainly short adventures and classic dungeons or cavern lairs interspersed with some legwork type intrigue I think. It'll depend on the game and who shows up.

Thanks for the help folks.

My pleasure! Have fun, feel free to reach out if you'd like some help/insight, and thanks for joining us on the boards!
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Re: I'm going to start my group on Palladium's fantasy RPG

Unread post by Kraynic »

midharana35 wrote:Where would a person best find adventure generators or dungeon generators? I don't mind modifying what's there, something basic would be great.

How about loot generators? is this a thing? I'm just trying to make the GM's job easer as I think we are going to rotate some since we all love to play and all know the rules.

One thing you might do is keep an eye on deals going through Bundle of Holding and also Humble Bundle (though it has less RPG related pdfs). It seems like Bundle of Holding has OSR related books relatively often, and while any stats are definitely D&D related, they often have random tables for lots of things and books that you might be able to just steal ideas from... And they are usually pretty inexpensive. You can also check out individual tables or books of tables on DriveThruRPG.com. I think I have gradually collected random tables for encounters (multiple tables for different aspects of each encounter), dungeon/cave creation, treasure, personality generation, etc.

I have definitely swiped parts some treasure related tables to diversify what players end up finding. On the other hand, if you don't want your players dealing with selling scrimshaw work, jeweled signet seals, or valuable skins/furs, then you might not want to use all the options that are sometimes included in some of those tables. To be honest, the tables I use the most are for names. I generally run games that (over time at least) run long on the cast of NPCs. Being able to make a few rolls on a table to come up with a name (or at least see something that inspires a name) has been tremendously useful to me. It can also be handy for players that have trouble coming up with names.
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