Bio-manipulation: paralysis

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Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

Hi everybody.
I have always played this ability as it pretty much prevents the victim from taking any physical action whatsoever: they are paralysed. But I just re-read it and now I'm not so sure:
"Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration."
So, is it just the arms and legs or are they completely incapacitated? Doesn't the motor part of the brain cover all voluntary movement, not just arms and legs? Can the victim still speak? Can they move their head? Can they hold their breath?
Opinions please.
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Re: Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by jaymz »

Read the second part again.

Completely incapacitated.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by Kraynic »

I run that sort of thing as only allowing "involuntary" physical things to continue. The victim won't stop breathing, the heart will keep beating, eyelids will blink, etc.
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Re: Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, I look at it as the same effect as Mystic Net. It prevents the target from using his or her arms and legs, which is generally incapacitating. However, the affected person can still use all five senses, move the head, speak, and as Kraynic says respire. So, spell casters, psionicists, and creatures with innate abilities could still use those. You could also trigger an item that only requires a thought and command word.

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Re: Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by Maddog »

I'd allow a psionic action, but nothing else.
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Re: Bio-manipulation: paralysis

Unread post by Borast »

Soldier of Od wrote:Hi everybody.
"Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration."


The paralysis affects the motor control center of the brain.
Hence, no voluntary physical action may be taken.

If your character has spells or abilities that can be triggered mentally, they will work. However, if said ability also requires use of voluntarily controlled muscles... The ability would have to be purely mental for triggering.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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