Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

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Comment: They/Them

Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I'm curious about beings whom know spells via multiple modalities. As an example a Jungle Elf Ley Line Walker also knows some Biomancy spells.

I don't really pay much attention to NPC writeups. Are there any good examples of characters with access to magic from really different traditions? Are there any god/godlings described as having the casting of both a necromancer and mystic, for instance?

I'd like to limit this thread, at least at first, to finding examples of NPCs.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

Unread post by Shark_Force »

as I recall, necromancy spells can be learned by anyone who can learn regular invocations (at double the PPE cost) and vice versa. they actually aren't very incompatible at all.
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Comment: They/Them

Re: Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

That does lead to some interesting interactions. For instance, any invocations learned by the Godling Necromancer outside their specific list would seem to have their PPE cost doubled until their level as a Mystic equals or exceeds that invocation's spell level, at which time it goes down to regular cost.

Rifts Underseas has a couple of good examples. The spellcasting of cetaceans isn't, as far as I remember, explicitly stated as intuitive/mystical, although the text would suggest as much. Take an Obsidian Spell Thief who pilfered knowledge of Dolphin Magic. By teaching it to another the spell becomes in that instance one which arguably crossed over from intuitive-only. Whale spellsongs are another, in that while Whale Singers are described as being able to learn invocations at any time whether or not applies to all spell knowledge is left vague.
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Re: Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

Unread post by eltonwisk »

Rules as written, they'd release PPE any time they died, just like anybody else.

It could be interesting to rule another way, though. Like if the PCs are up against a Multiple Lives villain, they could potentially determine when he/she was truly dead by the PPE release.
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Comment: They/Them

Re: Jungle Elf Ley Line Walkers

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

Welcome to the forum, eltonwisk! I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier.

I wonder if perhaps you were responding to a different thread. I was talking above about the fairly common house rule* of a godling having access to a magical tradition outside those listed in Pantheons of the Megaverse, and what that might mean for PPE costs. There are a couple of specialist casters for which this interaction might be weird, including Necromancy, Shadow, and Life Force Magic.

*Maybe it's a FAQ entry. I don't know offhand, but have seen it mentioned often enough.
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