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Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:11 pm
by PalladiumBrony
I'm looking through the Rifter #40, and it has some really awesome "Barbaric" character classes; the Berserker, Native Tribesman, Savage Warrior, and Wild Man (Also Amazons are mentioned, but they're mainly a way to add fun flavour to other OCCs like the Longbow (Wo)man). But I cannot find anywhere an Experience point table for any of these classes, nor mention of what table to use, does anyone have a solution they've found works? Even if it's "use the same exp. table as [other class]".

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 6:02 pm
by Curbludgeon
Experience tables, in general, have been one of the more egregious buttpulls Palladium inflicts so as to fill up page space. They are in no way formulaic, particularly with respect to run of the mill humanocentric classes. Using one of the previously printed tables, such as that for Mercenary Fighter, is fine, but switching to another standard such as event or storyline-based advancement also works.

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 8:40 am
by Library Ogre
Tend to agree with Curbludgeon... Palladium Experience tables are very wonky, and sometimes even thematic (was it just in 1st edition that the Witch table always ended a level at 666?)

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 12:31 pm
by The Dark Elf
Curbludgeon wrote:Experience tables, in general, have been one of the more egregious buttpulls Palladium inflicts so as to fill up page space. They are in no way formulaic, particularly with respect to run of the mill humanocentric classes. Using one of the previously printed tables, such as that for Mercenary Fighter, is fine, but switching to another standard such as event or storyline-based advancement also works.

I use milestone levelling for my D&D games but I dont for Palladium as I think the XP system is so good. It rewards the exact game play I want at my table.

I would suggest playing around with the numbers and coming up with you own XP table that you can use for your players. Post it!

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 3:25 pm
by Veknironth
Well, I'd just go with the Barbarian EXP table on page 179 of the Northern Hinterlands book.

"Seems obvious."

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 1:45 pm
by The Dark Elf
Veknironth wrote:Well, I'd just go with the Barbarian EXP table on page 179 of the Northern Hinterlands book.
Made me laugh - it' so yoi.

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 3:42 pm
by Veknironth
Well, it is the correct answer is it not? Brony was looking for the Experience tables for Barbarian subclasses. Makes sense to me to just use the main class EXP table.

"I just beat Prysus to it."

Re: Rifter 40: Where are the Barbarian Experience Tables?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 1:42 pm
by The Dark Elf
Veknironth wrote:Well, it is the correct answer is it not? Brony was looking for the Experience tables for Barbarian subclasses. Makes sense to me to just use the main class EXP table.

"I just beat Prysus to it."
