NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

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NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

Unread post by EliBenedict »

Does anyone have a summary of the changes from NSS 1st edition to NSS revised?

I remember the things about the Dedicated Martial artist getting 3 styles and the Worldly Martial artist getting 2. But I seem to recall most of the styles themselves got slightly nerfed in the conversion. I feel like I saw a list of the changes somewhere once, but I can't find it now.

Failing that, does anyone know where you can get a copy of NSS 1st ed?
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Re: NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

Unread post by EliBenedict »

I was able to find it here:


It auto-redirects to a phishing site, but I was able to do a quick "select all" and "copy" before the redirect. If anyone's interested, here it is:

List of Differences between the Original and Revised editions of Ninjas & Superspies

The word "Revised" is added to the front cover, first page, and third page.

A special thanks to Randi Carter is added to the second page.

The revised edition omits the compiled O.C.C. breakdown table that the original edition contained.

The order in which the O.C.C.s appear has been switched around.

In the original edition the order was; Dedicated Martial Artist, Worldly Martial Artist, Wired Agent, Gadgeteer Agent, Operative Agent, Wandering Free Agent, Professional Free Agent, Thief, Veteran Grunt, Cyborg Soldier, Academy Officer, Tinker Gizmoteer, Dreamer Gizmoteer, and Gizoid Gizmoteer.

In the revised edition the order is; Dedicated Martial Artist, Worldly Martial Artist, Cyber Agent, Wired Agent, Gadgeteer Agent, Operative Agent, Private Eye, Professional Free Agent, Wandering Free Agent, Thief, Dreamer Gizmoteer, Gizoid Gizmoteer, Tinker Gizmoteer, Academy Officer, Commando Mercenary, Cyborg Soldier, and Veteran Grunt.

The revised edition adds three new O.C.C.s: Private Eye, Commando Mercenary, and Cyber Agent.

The revised edition makes the following changes to the martial art selections of the various O.C.C.s:

Original edition O.C.C.s and martial art selections:
Dedicated Martial Artist (DMA): Choose three (3) forms, one Primary (i.e. Exclusive) and two Secondary.
Worldly Martial Artist (WMA): Choose two (2) forms, one Primary (i.e. Exclusive) and one Secondary.
Wired Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Gadgeteer Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Operative Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Wandering Free Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Professional Free Agent: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).
Thief (Free Agent): None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).
Veteran Grunt: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Cyborg Soldier: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Academy Officer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent) or Assassin, Hand to Hand Commando.
Tinker Gizmoteer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).
Dreamer Gizmoteer: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except Ninjutsu.
Gizoid Gizmoteer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).

Revised edition O.C.C.s and martial art selection:
Dedicated Martial Artist (DMA): Choose two (2) forms, one Primary and one Secondary or one "exclusive" form. NOTE: Only the dedicated martial artist can select martial arts marked "exclusive". Further NOTE: The martial arts section still lists "Exclusive" martial arts as forms that are only available as a Primary martial art. The remaining sentence changes from quote: It can't be the second or third one picked for your character. to quote: It can't be the second one picked for your dedicated martial arts character.
Worldly Martial Artist (WMA): Choose one Primary form and three physical skills.
Gadgeteer Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.
Operator Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.
Wired Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.
Professional Free Agent: Choose either Hand-to-Hand Basic (free), Expert (use one Secondary Skill), or Martial Arts Agent (use two Secondary Skills).
Wandering Free Agent: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.
Thief (Free Agent): Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent), or four secondary skills for any of the following: Jujutsu, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do Karate, or Moo Gi Gong.
Dreamer Gizmoteer: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.
Gizoid Gizmoteer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).
Tinker Gizmoteer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic (Agent) or trade one secondary skill for Expert Hand to Hand (Agent), or two secondary skills for Martial Arts Hand to Hand (Agent).
Academy Officer: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent) or Assassin, Hand to Hand Commando.
Cyborg Soldier: Choose either Hand to Hand Expert (Agent) or can spend two (2) Secondary Skills for one of the following martial art forms: Tae Kwon Do Karate, Kyokushinkai Karate, Isshin-Ryu Karate, or Jujutsu. Note: Cyborgs from Heroes Unlimited can not select a form of martial arts from Ninjas & Superspies (they are usually far more powerfully built with bionics and do not study the greater martial arts).
Veteran Grunt: Choose one (1) martial art form. Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms.

Attribute requirement changes include:
Espionage Agent I.Q.: 9
Free Agent P.E.: 8
Mercenary I.Q.: 8 and P.P.: 8
Gizmoteer I.Q.: 11

Espionage Agent
Wired Agent I.Q. 8 and P.E. 12
Gadgeteer Agent I.Q. 9 and P.P. 9
Operative Agent I.Q. 11
Free Agent
Professional Free Agent I.Q. 9 and P.E. 10
Wandering Free Agent I.Q. 9 and P.E. 8
Thief I.Q. 8 and P.P. 12
Dreamer Gizmoteer I.Q. 14
Gizoid Gizmoteer I.Q. 11
Tinker Gizmoteer I.Q. 11
Academy Officer I.Q. 10
Cyborg Soldier I.Q. 8
Veteran Grunt I.Q. 8 and P.P. 8

S.D.C. Changes include:
Dedicated Martial Artist 30+3D6 S.D.C. to 25 S.D.C.
Worldly Martial Artist 30 S.D.C. to 35 S.D.C.
Wired Agent 10 S.D.C. to 20 S.D.C.
Operative Agent 10 S.D.C. to 15 S.D.C.
Wandering Free Agent 15 S.D.C. to 20 S.D.C.
Thief 15 S.D.C. to 10 S.D.C.
Academy Officer 25 S.D.C. to 15 S.D.C.
Cyborg Soldier 25 S.D.C. to 40+ S.D.C.
Tinker Gizmoteer 10+4D6 S.D.C. to 15 S.D.C.
Dreamer Gizmoteer 10+4D6 S.D.C. to 10 S.D.C.
Gizoid Gizmoteer 10+4D6 S.D.C. to 10 S.D.C.

Other Miscellaneous Changes:

The Dedicated Martial Artist's Money is increased from $500 to $1000. Income is increased from $200/$300 to $300/$400.

The Worldly Martial Artist gets their Available Skill Programs switched from Basic Military & one General Skill Program or two General Skill Programs to Basic Military & two Basic Skill Programs and one additional from Military, Espionage, Gizmoteer, or Basic. Secondary Skills get increased from six to eight. Money is increased from $1000 to $6000. Income is increased from $150/$250 to $200/$300. Starting Age is changed from 12 to 15.

The Wired Agent's Starting Age is changed from 18 to 20. Income is reduced from $1000 to $850.

The Operative Agent's Starting Age is changed from 18 to 20.

The Professional Free Agent gets an additional $200,000 Implant/Cyber Expense Account (probably because they could only afford the cheapest cyber-disguise with the amount they had in the original edition). The Starting Age is changed from 16 to 19.

The Wandering Free Agent's Starting Age is changed from 16 to 18. Money is increased from $7500 to $9000. Income is increased from $250 to $450.

The Thief's Money is increased from $2000 to $10,000. Income is increased from $200 to $400.

The Dreamer Gizmoteer's Starting Age is changed from 18 to 17. Income is increased from $275 to $450.

The Gizoid Gizmoteer's Starting Age is changed from 18 to 19.

The Cyborg Soldier gets a pretty hefty reworking in the revised edition. Implant/Cyber Expense Account is increased from $140,000 to $450,000. A Heroes Unlimited-style "level of freedom" table is added. The starting age is increased from 16 to 20+2D4. The Education Level is changed from General & Military to Equal to about two years of college; +10% Education Bonus. Money gets increased from $5,000 to $12,000. Income is increased from $500 to $1,200.

The Academy Officer's Starting Age is changed from 16 to 18. Income is reduced from $750 to $650.

Overall the power level of characters with access to martial art forms went down from the pre-revised to revised edition (with a few exceptions, most notably Thief (Free Agent). However this down grade, while balancing in some aspects, really lessens the utility that the martial artist O.C.C.s had prior to the conversion (lets face it, even with the extra physical skills and martial art powers, the WMA sucks compared to most of the Agent O.C.C.s). The attribute changes really make little effective difference, aside from making it more difficult for a character to select a particular O.C.C. The S.D.C. changes do weaken some of the O.C.C.s (such as the Dedicated Martial Artist, Thief, Academy Officer and the Gizmoteers), but actually improves other O.C.Cs (such as the Worldly Martial Artist [Note: What idiot came up with that change?], Wired Agent, Operative Agent, Wandering Free Agent, and Cyborg Soldier). Two O.C.C.s were completely unchanged in regards to S.D.C. (the Professional Free Agent and Veteran Grunt). The starting age, income, and money changes are relatively minor, pouring more money into the O.C.C.s on the whole.

On another note, in addition to the Cyborg Soldier's change, all three of the new O.C.C.s have a HU-style education level, with appropriate bonuses...for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

The revised edition also moves the Martial Art Power descriptions from before the Martial Art Style descriptions to after them. It also makes the following changes to the martial Art Powers:

Arts of Invisibility: Art of Stealth, base percentage reduced by 10%. Art of Hiding, base percentage reduced by 17%. Art of evasion, base percentage reduced by 30%. Art of Vanishing, base percentage dropped by 10%, penalty for good light increased by 10%, penalty for clear, flat, featureless ground increased by 5%. Art of Disguise and the Art of Mystic Invisibility are unchanged.
Atemi: Neural Atemi effects reduced from 3D6 to 2D6 minutes. Open Hand Atemi strike bonus reduced from +6 to +4. All other Atemi are unchanged.
Body Hardening: Stone Ox reduced from +5 to P.E. to +2. Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko S.D.C. bonus reduced from 2D6+3 to 2D6, P.E. bonus reduced from +2 to +1. Iron Hand P.S. bonus reduced from +3 to +1. Chi Gung cost (in chi)doubled, beginning A.R. reduced from 15 to 13. Dam Sum Sing P.S. bonus reduced from +1D4 to +1, P.E. bonus reduced from +2 to +1. Wrist Hardening bonuses reduced by half. Kick Practice kick bonus reduced from +4 to +1, loss of P.S. bonus, loss of S.D.C. bonus, increase in Spd. bonus from 1D4 to 1D6, added +2 strike bonus.
Chi Mastery: Hardened Chi, offensive damage reduced from five points to two points of damage per point of chi. Soft Chi, bonus to parry and body flip/throw reduced by half. Fist Gesture, only affected by the conflicting result given in the hand to hand section for damage done on a successful Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact against a Death Blow. All other Chi Mastery Abilities are unchanged.
Martial Art Techniques: Zanshin bonus changed from automatic initiative and cannot be surprised to +6 to initiative, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge, and cannot be surprised from attacks from behind. Iai-jutsu initial bonus reduced from +5 to +1, additional bonuses changed from levels 3, 5, 8, 11, and 14 to 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Other Martial Art Techniques unchanged.
Special Katas and Zenjorike are unchanged.

A few Notes: The range of the Negative Chi Ability, Negative Chi Control (not to be confused with Control Negative Chi from Mystic China) has been given by Erick Wujcik as 40 feet (12.2 m). The Zenjoriki/Zenjorike confused spelling issue: Erick Wujcik has stated that he uses the term Zenjorike. While many of the Martial Art Powers were reduced in strength, some have changed bonuses which make up for the lack.

The conversion notes are moved from before the Martial Art Powers to the GM section of the book.

Several Martial arts are modified to reflect the lowered power levels.

Aikido loses one initial selection of Atemi/Chi Mastery abilities. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +3 to +2. The 3rd level LAB reduces the bonus to Disarm from +2 to +1. A "+" symbol is added to the 4th level LAB in front of "One."

Bok Pai's Character Bonuses get physically rearranged from a single column of four entries to a double column of two entries each. One initial selection of Body Hardening/Specialty Kata is lost. The 2nd level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 11th levle LAB changes the Death Blow natural number from 16 or better to 18 or better.

Ch'a Ch'uan Kung Fu loses one initiatial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques.

Chi Hsuan Men loses one initial selection of Atemi/Body Hardening. The 1st level LAB removes the excess KO/Stun on a natural 19 and 20 (it's listed in both editions at 4th level). The 2nd level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 3rd level LAB reduces the bonus to Disarm from +2 to +1. The 8th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 11th level LAB changes the bonus from +1 to Strike, +2 to Damage to +1 attack per melee. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee.

Ch'in-Na loses one initial selection of Atemi. The 1st level LAB reduces KO/Stun from natural 19 or 20 to natural 20. The Critical Strike or KO/Stun from behind modifier is moved from the 1st level LAB to the 2nd level LAB. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +3 to +2. The 10th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +3 to +2. The 15th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +3 to +2.

Choy-Li-Fut Kung Fu loses on initial selection of Body Hardening/Special Kata. The Critical Strike or KO/Stun from behind modifier is moved from the 1st level LAB to the 2nd level LAB. The 13th level LAB removes the +1 to Damage bonus.

Drunken Style Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Body Hardening. The 1st level LAB removes the KO/Stun from Behind modifier (though it's still listed at 6th level). The 4th level LAB reduces the bonus to Somersault/Stagger/Roll/Back Flip from +2 to +1. The 9th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus.

Fong Ngan Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques. The Critical Strike or KO/Stun from behind modifier is moved from the 1st level LAB to the 3rd level LAB. The 3rd level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 5th level LAB. The 6th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee.

Fu Chiao Pai Kung Fu loses the KO/Stun on a natural 19 or 20 and from behind for the 1st level LAB. The 2nd level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 8th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 15th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1.

Hwarang-do Karate loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata. The Critical Strike or KO/Stun from behind modifier is moved from the 1st level LAB to the 4th level LAB. The 4th level LAB loses the +1 attack per melee.

Isshin-Ryu Karate loses one initial selection of Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1.

Jujutsu loses one initial selection of Atemi/Special Kata/Martial Art Techniques. Death Blow is removed from the list of Special Attacks (though it's entry is still kept in the level advancement bonuses). The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 7th level Death Blow on a natural 20 listing is moved to the 6th level LAB. The 6th level LAB adds an additional + 1 to Disarm bonus.

Kuo-Ch'uan Dog Boxing Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Martial Art Techniques/Body Hardening. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 1st level LAB loses the Death Blow on a natural 20 bonus. The 14th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 15th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1.

Kyokushinkai Karate loses the Death Blow from the list of Special Attacks. The martial art power selection changes, increasing from two Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata to one Martial Art Technique AND two Special Kata. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 2nd level LAB bonus to Strike is moved to the 3rd level LAB. The 3rd level LAB +2 to Damage is removed. The 5th level LAB removes the +2 to Strike bonus. The 6th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 8th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 9th level LAB moves the +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact bonus to the 8th level LAB. The 12th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +3 to +1. The 14th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus.

Lee Kwan Choo loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 7th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 11th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 13th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 13th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 14th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1.

Li-Chia Short Hand Kung Fun adds +1 to Spd for the character bonuses. One initial selection of Body Hardening/Special Kata is lost. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 2nd level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 6th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 7th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 8th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 10th level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 11th level LAB. The 12th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 13th level LAB removes the Critical Strike on a natural 17 or better modifier.

Mien-Ch'uan Cotton Fist Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Chi Mastery/Special Kata. The 6th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 8th level LAB changes the +1 to Damage Bonus into +1 attack per melee. The 13th level LAB removes the +1 to Damage bonus.

Monkey Style Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Body Hardening/Monkey Kata. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1.

Moo Gi Gong, the 3rd level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike with any object from +2 to +1. *This does not take into account the vast differences in Level Advancement Bonuses between different printings of the original edition!*

Ninjitsu character bonuses reduce the bonus of P.S. from +2 to +1. One initial selection of Arts of Invisibility is lost. One initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata is lost. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 1st level LAB moves Death Blow on a natural 20 to the 8th level LAB. The 5th level LAB removes the Critical Strike or KO from Behind (triple damage) modifier. The 8th level LAB removes the +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact bonus. The 9th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 9th level LAB reduces the bonus to Backflip/Cartwheel from +2 to +1. The 12th level LAB removes the Critical Strike on a natural 17 or better modifier.

Pao Pat Mei Leopard Style Kung Fu character bonuses reduce the bonus of P.S. from +2 to +1. The character bonus increases the bonus to Spd from +5 to +8. One initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Body Hardening/Special Kata is lost. the 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 2nd level LAB reduces the bonus to Rear Attacks from +2 to +1. The 3rd level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 4th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 8th level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 9th level LAB. The 9th level LAB moves the +2 to Damage bonus to the 10th level LAB. The 10th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 12th level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 13th level LAB. The 13th level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 14th level LAB. The 14th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 15th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1.

Sankukai Karate loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 2nd level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 3rd level LAB. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 9th level LAB moves the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus to the 11th level LAB. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus. The 15th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus.

Shao-Lin Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 4th level LAB moves the +2 to Parry/Dodge to the 2nd level LAB and reduces it to a +1 bonus. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact from +2 to +1. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 10th level LAB removes the +2 to Parry/Dodge and +1 to Damage bonuses. The 11th level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 10th level LAB. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 14th level LAB the bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact from +2 to +1. The 14th level LAB changes the Critical Strike on a natural 17 or better modifier to a +1 to Strike bonus.

Snake Style Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Chi Mastery. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 5th level LAB moves the Death Blow on a natural 20 bonus to the 6th level LAB. The 6th level LAB moves the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus to the 8th level LAB. The 8th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 10th level LAB reomves the +1 to Parry/Dodge and +1 to Damage bonuses.

Sumo loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques. The 6th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 7th level LAB reduces the bonus to Maintain Balance from +3 to +1.The 7th level LAB reduces the bonus to Body Flip/Throw from +2 to +1. The 8th level LAB moves the +1 to Parry bonus to the 9th level LAB. The 9th level LAB removes the +1 to Damage bonus. The 12th level LAB reduces the bonuses to Roll wtih Punch/Fall/Impact and Parry from +2 to +1. The 14th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry and +1 to Strike bonuses.

Tae Kwon Do Karate loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 5th level LAB. The 5th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 7th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 11th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 14th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +2 to +1. The 15th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee.

Tai-Chi Ch'uan loses one initial selection of Chi Mastery/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus. The 7th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 11th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus.

Taido character bonuses increase the bonus to Spd from +3 to +5. One initial selection of Chi Mastery/Martial Art Techniques is lost. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB removes the +1 to Parry/Dodge bonus. The 4th level LAB reduces the bonus to Spin from +2 to +1.

T'ang-Su Karate loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 2nd level LAB removes the +2 to Damage bonus. The 3rd level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 11th level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 12th level LAB.

Te, the character bonuses are switched from one column of five entries to one column of three entries and one column of two entries. W.P. Tui-Fa--paired and W.P. Kama--paired are exchanged for W.P. Paired weapons in the Weapon Kata selection. W.P. Tui-Fa--Paired and W.P. Kama--paired are removed completely from the weapon skills selections. One initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata is lost. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 2nd level LAB removes the +2 to Parry/Dodge bonus. The 7th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 9th level LAB reduces the bonus to Damage from +3 to +2.

Thai Kick Boxing reduces initial number of attacks from five to three. One initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata is lost. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry from +3 to +2. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB reduces the modifier KO/Stun from natural 18, 19, or 20 to natural 19 or 20. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +3 to +1. The 7th level LAB removes the +1 to Parry bonus. The 9th level LAB removes the +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact bonus. The 10th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus and adds a +2 to Parry/Dodge bonus. The 11th level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 12th level LAB. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 to Dodge bonus.

Tien-Hsueh Touch Mastery loses one initital selection of Arts of Invisibility/Atemi/Chi Mastery. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 1st level LAB moves the Dim Mak (Death Blow) entry to the 2nd level LAB. The 4th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus.

Wui Wing Chun changes W.P. Butterfly Knives--Paired to W.P. Knives--Paired under the Weapon Kata. One initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata is lost. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 7th level LAB moves the +1 to Strike bonus to the 8th level LAB. The 11th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus. The 13th level LAB moves the +1 to Maintian Balance bonus to the 14th level LAB. The 14th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee.

Wu Shu T'sung People's Republic of China Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Arts of Invisibility/Body Hardening/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 5th level LAB reduces the bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact from +2 to +1. The 6th level LAB reduces the bonus to Leap from +2 to +1. The 12th level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry/Dodge from +2 to +1.

Xing Chiao Eagle Claw Kung Fu loses one initial selection of Martial Art Techniques/Special Kata. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +3 to +1. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Parry from +2 to +1. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 15th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus.

Yu-Sool loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Chi Mastery/Special Kata. The 12th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike bonus.

Zanji Shinjinken Ryu loses one initial selection of Body Hardening/Martial Art Techniques. The 1st level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +3 to +2. The 1st level LAB loses the KO/Stun from Behind modifier. The 3rd level LAB moves the +1 attack per melee to the 4th level LAB. The 4th level LAB reduces the bonus to Strike from +2 to +1. The 5th level LAB removes the +1 attack per melee. The 7th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike. The 10th level LAB removes the +1 to Strike. The 11th level LAB moves the +2 to Parry/Dodge bonus to the 10th level LAB.

The conversion section is updated to reflect the release of Rifts.

A new, page and a half long Q&A section is added after the conversions.

The N&S Character sheet is replaced by four pages of advertisements for other Palladium products.
NOTE: Later printings of the revised edition (particularly the 7th printing, actually do include the character sheet, changing the four pages of advertisements to three pages of advertisements.

The back cover adds a ninja picture from the book (this picture is also added to page 5 of the interior).

No other major changes are made.
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Re: NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

Unread post by Sambot »

Thanks. :) I was wondering about that too. Now to figure out what the changes were between the original HU and TMNT and their revised editions
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Re: NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

Unread post by green.nova343 »

Sambot wrote:Thanks. :) I was wondering about that too. Now to figure out what the changes were between the original HU and TMNT and their revised editions

I managed to snag Justice Machine at one point. It's not complete, but the GM section at the back includes:
  • SPD attribute gave a bonus to dodge (in addition to any PP bonus), starting at +1@16 & topping out with +4@30.
  • Carrying/lifting for PS was very different. Base was carry = PSx10/lift = PSx30, PS 15-19 increased to x20/x40, PS 20-23 increased to x30/x60, & PS 24+ increased to x50/x100.
  • Magic characters were not an option.
  • Aliens, Experiments, Mutants had 10 extra SDC. Hardware, Psionics & Special Training: Secret Operative had 10 less SDC. Special Training: Ancient Master & Hunter/Vigilante had 20 less SDC.
  • The superpower list was much shorter, & there were no Minor/Major powers, just a single list.
  • Karmic Power was specifically introduced to match the comic book abilities of a particular hero, Talisman.
  • A similar thing happened with APS: Electrical, which was invented for the villain Nightlightning.
  • Characters could only get one super power.
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Re: NSS 1st Ed to NSS revised changes?

Unread post by fbdaury »

green.nova343 wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:16 pm
Sambot wrote:Thanks. :) I was wondering about that too. Now to figure out what the changes were between the original HU and TMNT and their revised editions
I managed to snag Justice Machine at one point. It's not complete, but the GM section at the back includes:
  • SPD attribute gave a bonus to dodge (in addition to any PP bonus), starting at +1@16 & topping out with +4@30.
  • Carrying/lifting for PS was very different. Base was carry = PSx10/lift = PSx30, PS 15-19 increased to x20/x40, PS 20-23 increased to x30/x60, & PS 24+ increased to x50/x100.
  • Magic characters were not an option.
  • Aliens, Experiments, Mutants had 10 extra SDC. Hardware, Psionics & Special Training: Secret Operative had 10 less SDC. Special Training: Ancient Master & Hunter/Vigilante had 20 less SDC.
  • The superpower list was much shorter, & there were no Minor/Major powers, just a single list.
  • Karmic Power was specifically introduced to match the comic book abilities of a particular hero, Talisman.
  • A similar thing happened with APS: Electrical, which was invented for the villain Nightlightning.
  • Characters could only get one super power.
*Extraordinary Strength was actually within proper genre convention: PS x500lbs. Carry weight and PS x1,000lbs. - per the write up of The Hunk and somehow Growth only increases Carry/Lift weights to x50lbs./x100lbs., Per Monolith, who was only strong enough with his full height PS 36 to just barely be able to carry his own body weight, meaning he could only barely move around and yet had Spd 90.
*Those were just the ones I noticed on a brief look through the Justice Machine book.
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