PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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PSIONICS- requesting official answers

Unread post by psiandco »

I love Palladium games. As a Psionics player, I get a kick out of the systems palladium has devised.
I have a few questions though;
1. If I have sixth sense on my psionic character, is it negated by someone else activating a "Group mind block"? what if I face danger while in the area of the group mind block?
2. I have sixth sense, I get the initial warning tingle. I take 15 seconds to activate Intuitive combat... when the first round of the danger hits; does the sixth sense power continue to function or does intuitive combat bar it from activating.
3. I have intuitive combat activated on my psionicist, somebody else drops a "Group mind block", what happens? intuitive combat won't allow other psionic powers to be used -INCLUDING MIND BLOCK. while "Group mind block" seems intended to be similar to how "anti-magic" denies mages- "mind block" denies psions.
4. I am a Normal human, and I use intuitive combat, Hand to Hand: expert, and all ability scores are 15. what are my total bonuses?
5. Does the Delphi juicer, Super-agent, Psynetic crazy, etc... do their bonuses stack with Sixth sense, or Intuitive combat?
6. why doesn't the sixth sense psionic power continue to operate if you are in life threatening danger? (after the first round)

by the way...
Roblox is releasing a "heroes unlimited" game. can we all ask them "NOT" to use that title?
Seriously, if they don't want to change, we should ask them to make a new product... "ROBLOX D&D 5e" no one could ever be tread on by that... 8-)
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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if the burster is a Specialized pyrokinetic, is there a Specialist Telekinetic?
if each basic discipline of psionics (Healer, physical, sensitive) have special potentials; why not "specialists" for each discipline?

Could healers have Attribute boosting powers? could there be a Spiritual specialist, how about an exorcism specialist, or a precognitive specialist, or a "psychic detective" specialist?
You could really expand the number of psionic powers and specialists, why not? could Apport become a discipline? should spiritualism +ectoplasm be it's own discipline? could healing do more with life energy and morphing, and be called the "Anima" discipline?

what do you all think: can psionics be much more than it currently is?
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Official communications on this message board are limited to announcements of product, sales, and special events. You can expect fans and even possibly some independent book and article co-authors to provide their interpretations for you, but you won't receive any "official" answers from a company representative.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Here's my unofficial take on your questions:
1. Yes, group mind block will negate the sixth sense. A mind blocked character cannot sense anything nor use psionic powers.
2. I don’t see any reason why the sixth sense power wouldn’t continue to function. The bonuses kick in for one melee round when the danger happens, which must be within the next 60 seconds (4 melees). Intuitive combat takes one melee to prepare and lasts for two melees, so it is possible that the two powers could occur at the same time and stack. Or the danger could occur in the fourth melee once the intuitive combat has run out. Or… the danger could occur in the first melee while the character is meditating in preparation for the intuitive combat, which (though it doesn’t specifically say that) I would personally rule would break the meditation, due to the heightened state of awareness making it impossible to continue meditating.
3. If somebody else drops a group mind block you could say the intuitive combat power could start working again if it was still within the two melee round duration? I guess you could also argue that activating a group mind block ends any active psionic powers, and they would have to be reactivated even after the group mind block is dropped? While a group mind block is active it would block the intuitive combat sense and stop the power from working.
4. That depends on the character’s experience level. At level one, they would have +2 to pull punch and +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact from Hand-to-Hand Expert.
5. Sorry, not familiar enough with these O.C.C.s to comment.
6. Sixth sense is a warning of surprise danger, so you are on high alert waiting for the danger to reveal itself, but once it arrives the surprise is ended, so the power has done its job. It is not an intuitive combat sense, it is a warning.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Note that I'm using the HU2 core book as my reference source (cause it was the core book next to the comp and the OP didn't specify which Game he was asking about.) And had to pull RUE off the shelf because IC is not in the HU2 game.

#1 It can be argued both ways Because it is a precog. power.

#2 Do you have both sets of bonuses? the strict answer would be No, the munchkin answer is yes.

#3 IC is described as a sort of telepathy, so the answer is no.

#4 A normal human would not have psi powers. So I'm going to presume the char you are referencing is a minor Psychic. Since attribute numbers 15 and under don't add any bonuses, is going to omit.
....It is the IC bonuses added to the H2H bonuses.

#5 The 6th seance power and IC power stack on top of whatever the char's normal stats are.

#6 (duhh) Because you are in one, not about to encounter one.

Maybe they have licensing deal with PB.....this is better brought up with AlexM through a PM.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

Unread post by psiandco »

Glistam wrote:Official communications on this message board are limited to announcements of product, sales, and special events. You can expect fans and even possibly some independent book and article co-authors to provide their interpretations for you, but you won't receive any "official" answers from a company representative.

I understand the reasons why, but I wish that declarative statements and stated "absolutes" had some sort of "Priority".
a "What Tops what?" kind of rule, if you will. that kind of clarity wouldn't hurt you know...
in the first edition, I had a number of similar concerns with Dim Mak (death touch) as the only hope you had was "Healing factor", but nothing else.
If I played or GM'd N&SS, I had to ban the "Absolutely will kill" power with no cure...
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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psiandco wrote:1. If I have sixth sense on my psionic character, is it negated by someone else activating a "Group mind block"? what if I face anger while in the area of the group mind block?

By the official rules, yes. Mind Block and its variants blocks all psychic abilities, even those that aren't psionic powers. If playing blindly with the rules as written, Group Mind Block is a stupidly easy and effective way to shut down any psychic within reach of the power. (Which, as I note later, is probably not what was intended, but it does happen courtesy of the badly worded description of Mind Block.)

2. I have sixth sense, I get the initial warning tingle. I take 15 seconds to activate Intuitive combat... when the first round of the danger hits; does the sixth sense power continue to function or does intuitive combat bar it from activating.

By the official rules, and unlike Mind Block and its variants, Intuitive Combat only blocks psionic powers (rather than all psychic abilities). So no, you would not benefit from from Sixth Sense while Intuitive Combat is active unless it was something like a unique variant of the power that was a psychic ability (I can't think of any classes that grant something like that off the top of my head) instead of the psionic power it is.

3. I have intuitive combat activated on my psionicist, somebody else drops a "Group mind block", what happens? intuitive combat won't allow other psionic powers to be used -INCLUDING MIND BLOCK. while "Group mind block" seems intended to be similar to how "anti-magic" denies mages- "mind block" denies psions.

Intuitive Combat, if activated first, would ignore Group Mind Block on your character as it specifically blocks Mind Block. One could argue that it only blocks Mind Block and not its variants, but that's a really weak argument as both of the variants specifically state that they're still Mind Block just with rider effects. If the other character had initiated Group Mind Block first, you wouldn't be able to activate Intuitive Combat because, while the latter doesn't allow you to use Mind Block while it's active, it's already active and trumps your ability to start initiating Intuitive Combat, which is most certainly a psychic ability.

4. I am a Normal human, and I use intuitive combat, Hand to Hand: expert, and all ability scores are 15. what are my total bonuses?
5. Does the Delphi juicer, Super-agent, Psynetic crazy, etc... do their bonuses stack with Sixth sense, or Intuitive combat?
6. why doesn't the sixth sense psionic power continue to operate if you are in life threatening danger? (after the first round)

I'm not qualified to answer those questions.

All of that said, the way Mind Block and its variants are written make them more of a curse than a boon. You'll need to ask your individual GM how they wish to play it, and whatever house rules they come up with will trump anything written here or in the books. A lot of people have already offered better interpretations on how it should--and maybe even how it was intended--to work, but the wording of the powers has Mind Block blocking all psychic abilities and Intuitive Combat preventing you from using all psionic powers. That includes psionic powers, R.C.C./O.C.C. abilities that are psychic in nature (such as a Psi-Stalker's ability to sense supernatural creatures), and so on and so forth.
Last edited by Crimson Dynamo on Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:answers.

Thank you.

I would like less "arbitrary" rulings against an entire power category that may include 1/4th of all possible characters in ALL PALLADIUM games.
Saying, "well, your GM gets to decide" can also translate to "Your GM gets to F--- with you because He *HATES* psionics"...
which is about as fair and okay with me as legalized (insert the crime you hate most here).
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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In that case, Drew Kitty is completely and utterly wrong and the rules as written "f---s with you because" that's just the way they're written. As mentioned above: "...the character can not sense anything, can not use psychic abilities, nor be influenced by others." Emphasis mine. Though he does keep talking about weird necromantic powers that I've never heard of, so maybe he has access to some books I don't. Who knows? Doubt it's a typo though as he spellchecks everything and is never wrong in that regard.

Regardless, Mind Block completely prevents you from using any psychic abilities as written. There's nothing to debate there, it's in black and white. It requires a GM to interpret/house rule it differently.

I mean, if you really want to get nitpicky, it technically even blinds and deafens you, too, even your normal senses. Nor can anyone influence you for good or ill even with skills like Bargain or Seduction. But obviously that's not what was intended. Thankfully GMs have living, breathing minds and can look past the horribly, horribly written rules and make a better judgement call on the subject.

So if you expect a GM to only go with what's written in the books, that's on you. You need the GM to house rule a whole heap of things in these games in order for them to be even remotely functional.

Personally, if you don't trust your GM to do things like that, that says a heck of a lot more about you and your relationship with them than it does the rules, though. I couldn't imagine playing with people who go into a game with a "me vs. them" mentality, or expect a GM to screw you over for the sake of screwing you over.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

Unread post by psiandco »

Crimson Dynamo wrote:
psiandco wrote: so on and so forth.

IF your answers result in rulings different from any of the above can all of you see my need for an official FAQ +clarification?

If I have a delphi juicer with all these bonuses "Y"
and I can STACK on these powers to EXCEED "Z" (Cosmo-knights, Godlings, Great Ancient Dragons)

well then damn. the only thing game breakers are going to play is... Delphi juicers.

I begin to see a real need for "game balance", despite the reality that a human could never compete with a Forklift.
There comes a point in game design where you start making too many forklift classes, powers, items, etc.
or could completely wreck the game with an unbeatable "X".
I begin to see a potential solution via the classic "Marvel superheroes" "FASERIP" rules...
Can we do some kind of Yardstick for "Power" based on powers of 2? where a 2^0 = 1 pound of effect, and go all the way out to say "2^of "can pick up and move the moon"?
because being forced to play a halfling rogue, to everyone else's 1st ed ELF WIZARD, gets old real quick.

I love that RIFTS can throw EVERYTHING into the sandbox for play, but I have to wonder if the character that I would like to play let's say a 12 year old hacker from 1984 who cracked all of the Letter-soup agencies...
is just going to be pointless, in the face of a "mind melter" who can "TK toss Tanks" *AND* as a tertiary power (not really part of the character's purpose/point, absentmindedly happens to have but doesn't care about) Telemechanics.

can anyone see what I am trying to communicate here. because I am trying.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Crimson Dynamo wrote: Personally, if you don't trust your GM to do things like that, that says a heck of a lot more about you and your relationship with them than it does the rules, though. I couldn't imagine playing with people who go into a game with a "me vs. them" mentality, or expect a GM to screw you over for the sake of screwing you over.

if I move to a new town, or go to a new school, or meet a new gaming group...

it isn't the clairity of the books, or the attitudes of the GMs I could meet
...You are saying... It's my fault for trying?

NO. absolutely NO.

You should know where I want you to put that opinion, straight up y a
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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before I started posting on this website here and looking for games to join on the discord...
I was on "Meet-up" dot blah. For the umpteenth time in my area, "A new gaming group" starts

I ask them, "have you tried RIFTS?"

and then I am PERMABANNED from that group, after the next, and the next, for even mentioning it...
yeah, this game has a future.

oh, absolutely.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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It seams IC was poorly written with the 1st sentence and the rest of the text (including the name) not talking about the same idea. As a result the answers to #2 & #3 are "No" you can't use IC while inside a GMB range because it is a form of telepathy, not just taking the thinking mind (frontal cortex) out of the way of the body's doing things.
Crimson Dynamo wrote:.... Drew Kitty .....

By the way red screen name is 'drewkitty ~..~'. With the 1st part one word 'drewkitty', and the 2nd part '~..~'.
Intuitive Combat, While it does prevents the char from using any other psi power, as in it take the psychic's FULL concentration.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Re: Mind Block

"...the character can not sense anything, can not use psychic abilities, nor be influenced by others."
--Mind Block, Palladium Fantasy Second Edition, p. 166
--Mind Block, Rifts Ultimate Edition, p. 174
--Mind Block, Heroes Unlimited Second Edition, p. 302
--Mind Block, Nightbane, p. 75
--Mind Block, Beyond the Supernatural Second Edition, p. 101

It's pretty much identical in every book I own in which the power is mentioned. The follow-up text only confirms that sentence; yes, the phrase "psychic abilities" definitely includes powers like Empathy, Telepathy, and Hypnotic Suggestion. But it also includes Psi-Sword, Sixth Sense (I'm still looking for 6th Seance though, maybe it has a special exception), Ectoplasm, and Telekinesis, too. Not to mention psychic abilities like Recognize Psychic Scent and Closed to the Supernatural from R.C.C.s/O.C.C.s like Dog Boys and Nega-Psychics. Though there's an argument to be made for the latter of those two.

Some rules, like the one in RUE, do thankfully clean things up a bit with a clarification that limits the extent of that ability to attacks that affect the psychic's mind or emotional state, so in those cases it won't completely blind and deafen you--or worse, put you into an effective coma where you're oblivious to everything due to a complete and total lack of sensory input--or have any effect on skills like Bargain or Seduction. Nor will it affect things like Telekinesis or Psi-Sword. But in other games without that clause it would. If you're keeping to a strict reading of the rules.

And again, I'm not saying that's how it should be ruled, or even that it was intended to be that way. But it is how it's written, and if you insist on being a stickler about it--as psiandco states in this post--then it most definitely includes all psionic powers, psychic abilities, and even mundane senses and attempts to influence the so-called 'protected' mind.

I'm not sure what's hard to process there. As written it and its two derivatives are a completely broken and unfeasible mess of badly-written rules. But, also again, that's where having a GM with a brain comes in and fixes that. But how they fix it or even just interpret it is up to them and will vary from game to game. As demonstrated repeatedly in this thread alone, even by people who seem to believe their house rules are official rules handed down by God himself.

Re: psiandco

I'm not going to lie, your responses are a confusing mess. In one post you seem to really hate the idea of a GM coming up with house rules or otherwise fixing broken rules. But then a few moments later in this post you seem to be upset about the exact opposite.

You also both praise and then hate on the fact that Rifts has a huge mish-mash of balance issues between character concepts. That's literally a feature of the game, not a bug, and has been both confirmed and addressed by its original creator on several occasions.

Perhaps you'd be happier playing the Savage Worlds variant? While I'm not a fan of that rule system, it's my understanding that it's a far more balanced one. Or at least the difference between a 'low power' concept and a 'high power' one isn't as drastic as it is with the Palladium rules.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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psiandco wrote: IF your answers result in rulings different from any of the above can all of you see my need for an official FAQ +clarification?
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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They have addressed it a few times in various FAQs to one degree or another. But the answers are generally far less accurate to the written rules, and sometimes straight-up contrary. For example, one of their answers is: "The only protection against Mentally Possess Others that Mind Block gives is a +1 to save." Despite that being one of the handful of powers I would think is definitely covered by Mind Block's protection regardless of one's house rules for the power.

Nevermind that FAQs are literally just someone's arbitrary decision/house rule. Which, again, you seem to be adamantly against.

But that said, if you don't want honest answers to your questions, why ask them?
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Crimson Dynamo wrote: their house rules are official rules handed down by God himself.Re: psiandco
I'm not going to lie, your responses are a confusing mess. Perhaps you'd be happier playing the Savage Worlds variant?

1. I am not from this earth. clearly. I struggle to communicate my thoughts, I suck at scrabble, but when I understand how to express myself - I have no limits...
(*this is coming from a guy who gets weekly awards (vocabulary and word choice) from the "Grammarly" addon program no less.
2. let's not troll. hmm, okay? thanks.
3. I don't mind if there is an "Incredible hulk"... I don't mind if there is a bruce banner...
I do mind if the HULK has to write flawless poetry/calligraphy and he has absolutely no problem with that challenge.
I have a problem when the hulk is a better rational thinker than Dr. Banner. That isn't the HULK's job. that's Banner's!

I lose my mind when "baby is put in a corner" (Ref. dirty dancing). in 1st ed D&D I have always shuffled the "halfling rogue" (who had 3 ability scores less than 8), who was always ONE BAD DICE ROLL from suicide (climb walls 65% chance anyone?) Yet, the glamourous, glorious, elf players were both Fighters and Wizards! if you subtracted their ability scores from 120 you would never have more than 20 remaining. These elf wizards could cast spells like spider climb and they didn't have to roll anything- they just "did"- they just climbed a wall. They could cast Knock and locks opened, stuck doors became unstuck, etc. They didn't spend a lifetime learning to pick locks like my character supposedly did. Yet, They just DID. They opened locked doors on a whim.

i think i have it now; "what I hate is a lack of defined rules, forcing arbitrary judgment calls that invalidate my choices".

the psionic powers listed here have "legalese" in them that need to be officially redacted/removed/or revised, badly.
Hence my request for OFFICIAL FAQ on these topics.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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Crimson Dynamo wrote:They have addressed it a few times in various FAQs to one degree or another. But the answers are generally far less accurate to the written rules, and sometimes straight-up contrary.

well, that needs fixing, don't it?
I know rectal craniotomys aren't cheap, but please. THAT is not a HAT!
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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psiandco wrote:i think i have it now; "what I hate is a lack of defined rules, forcing arbitrary judgment calls that invalidate my choices".

the psionic powers listed here have "legalese" in them that need to be officially redacted/removed/or revised, badly.
Hence my request for OFFICIAL FAQ on these topics.

As I mentioned earlier, your only real solution here is using a different ruleset like the Savage Worlds version of Rifts.

For over 40 years now, Palladium Books has proven that they have no interest in doing anything like that themselves. Their few attempts (such as their Ultimate and Second Editions) have had some slight improvements here and there, but overall all of their games are tragic catastrophes written by people who have seemingly never heard of the terms "technical writing" or "good editing."

In short, if having to house rule or being able to see past the badly written rules isn't your forte or interest, these are unfortunately the wrong games for you. :(

Which is particularly sad because all this time they've been sitting on a proverbial gold mine with Rifts alone. Brilliant setting with some fantastic ideas, but utterly decimated by their unwillingness to hire competent people to write their rules, organize their ideas, and produce their works. It was understandable in 1981. But significantly less so in the decades that followed, especially today.

It's almost like a "What If?" in which George Lucas was allowed to put out his version of "The Star Wars" as he envisioned it, as opposed to hiring more competent people willing to say "no, that's an awful idea" and giving us what we got instead. :)
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

Unread post by psiandco »

SAVAGE WORLDS is such bad game design... I can't even.
want to break a magic game? learn the DOES EVERYTHING spell "Boost/lower trait" which literally invalidates any challenge you could ever face.
Wanna break a "street" power level game? take the teleportation power 2 points, with the limitation; must physically cross the space -1. Ta-dah LIGHTSPEED super speed for 1 point.
A sci-fi game; How about their "make a race" chart?
-3 ability: one ability score can never exceed d6. Let's take "Spirit"
-3 ability: one ability score requires two advances to raise. Let's take "Spirit"
-3 ability: you can't spend attribute points to improve one attribute (spirit) during character creation.
-2 ability: major disadvantage- Outsider (as a "Vat born" genetically engineered super soldier, nobody feels safe around you)
-2 ability: major disadvantage- distinctive features. (You are 7ft tall at the minimum and 500 lbs of superdense muscle and bone!)
-2 ability: major disadvantage- Marked (you have RFID chips in your bones and visible and Infra-red barcode tattoos printed on your body in twenty different locations)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Vatborn (like the "Young" hindrance you have reduced skill points at the start. you have no benefits from the young hindrance.)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Vatborn (you don't have a lifetime of experience to lean back on. You can't spend advances to remove the "Clueless" disadvantage until you raise the spirit attribute to d6.)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Unlucky (you have one fewer Bennie)
-2 ability: major disadvantage- Soulless (You can't get cybernetics. cyberware is made for and designed for Normal people, not Genetically engineered superhumans)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Reputation (you are a VATBORN monster. only people with specific personal motives will associate with you)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Rivalry (a competing bio-tech firm wants the military contract. Their "Vatborn" are all "Programed" to HATE you and others made by your creators)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Watched/restricted (You are considered a "WEAPON" and just like modern day firearms, you are not allowed entry to many buildings, denied services, and denied access to some public spaces.
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- Wanted (law enforcement *ALWAYS* expect VATBORN like you to be trouble. if you aren't "leashed" to an owner, they will arrest-capture you, using *EVERY* resource at their disposal to do so)
-2 ability: major disadvantage- Addiction (your creators control access to an addictive substance to keep you in line)
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- You have a mild phobia of deep water and a -2 penalty on all swimming.
-2 ability: Major disadvantage- weak spirit (your wild die is reduced to a d4)
that's 35 some odd in disadvantages. now...
Buy advantages...
+3 X4: your Agility, Smarts, Strength, and Vigor Start at d8 each, and you have 7 starting points to apply to your ability scores. You cannot spend points on SPIRIT. You can start with ability scores of d12+2.
and this is just for starters...
Make a TITAN who can smash cars with his fists and starts with d12+3 fighting be my guest.
want some hindrances to add 2 more attribute points, 2 edges, or 4 skills?
major- Runaway: You are up S-creek. You fled your "owner" and are running out of your "Medicine". you have no money. you have no friends.
Major- Hunted: Genetically engineered Vatborn super soldiers have no rights as living beings. You are regarded as a HIGHLY DANGEROUS military-grade weapon by law enforcement and the military. it is their job to... recover you, dead or not so alive.

point being. Savage Worlds is a failed game system that can be broken in so many ways.
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

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psiandco wrote:
Crimson Dynamo wrote:They have addressed it a few times in various FAQs to one degree or another. But the answers are generally far less accurate to the written rules, and sometimes straight-up contrary.

well, that needs fixing, don't it?
I know rectal craniotomys aren't cheap, but please. THAT is not a HAT!

Here is the thing about Palladium as far as the game system goes. It is more of a framework with a lot of optional material that has been written over time, that the person running the game is supposed to deal with as they see fit. A lot of "official" answers boil down to "do what makes sense and works for you and your group". This is the game company that released a fantasy game back in '83, where the "playtest" group was playing a bunch of characters that included ones that looked like they came from Rifts that hadn't even been written yet!

If you are looking for a game with a rule for everything that is absolutely consistent, you should look elsewhere. If you are looking for a game that gives you a decent framework that you can tweak for your own satisfaction, then you are more likely to be satisfied with this system. And I mean that for any of the settings (Fantasy, Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb, etc.). Do not expect a rule for everything, or for everything to be completely clear. I expect KS would feel like he was suffocating if they actually had a rule set that was that tight. This is a system that will require you to put your brain to use, and tweak things as make sense to you for your games.

The primary rule that I work by when making changes in my own games is this: assuming that the change I make will apply to npcs and pcs alike, how likely is it that the change I am making will cause problems in encounters (by encounters I don't mean only combat, just to be clear). If you think what you are building will work fine in your game(s), then run with it. It doesn't matter what is official according to Palladium Books or any of us here. It only matters if it is official in your game. And, of course, that it works out without causing issues in your game(s).
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: PSIONICS- requesting official answers

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Savage Worlds

While I don't like that game system, it is an Okay system. That your luck variables come from a deck of cards is just strange, not bad. I'd rather be playing SW system, than the WW system.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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