A few questions about super abilities functioning in space

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A few questions about super abilities functioning in space

Unread post by jtjr26 »

Hey all, I am planning an adventure in space for an upcoming project and I have some questions about how powers function in space.

- Assuming the character has the means to get into space safely will wingless or sonic flight function there, if the character was protected in a space suit of some sort?
- Does Flight: Space allow a character to escape a planet's gravity well?
- Do abilities like APS (metal, stone, mercury, etc) and invulnerability protect a character from the vacuum of space or decompression? Are there others that could do that as well?
- Will abilities like energy or matter expulsion powers have extended range in the vacuum of space now that they are freed from gravity and a planetary atmosphere?

The plan is for most of the action to be on planets, ships, and space stations but I am trying to plan out some random encounters.

Any thoughts you might have could be helpful.

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Daniel Stoker
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Re: A few questions about super abilities functioning in spa

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

1. I can't see why both flight powers wouldn't work there but wingless flight is going to be very slow in getting much of anywhere unless you increase the rate once they're in a vacuum.

2. Based on the way the power reads and as since you can only glide on an Earth gravity planet, I don't see how it would allow him to escape a gravity well.

3. I can't see how the APS powers or Invulnerability would as you still need to breath with them.

4. I tend to say yes to the extended range, but I'll have to dig up my mutants in orbit book and see how they deal with range in a vacuum.

Daniel Stoker
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Re: A few questions about super abilities functioning in spa

Unread post by jtjr26 »

Daniel Stoker wrote:1. I can't see why both flight powers wouldn't work there but wingless flight is going to be very slow in getting much of anywhere unless you increase the rate once they're in a vacuum.

2. Based on the way the power reads and as since you can only glide on an Earth gravity planet, I don't see how it would allow him to escape a gravity well.

3. I can't see how the APS powers or Invulnerability would as you still need to breath with them.

4. I tend to say yes to the extended range, but I'll have to dig up my mutants in orbit book and see how they deal with range in a vacuum.

Daniel Stoker

1. I do agree that the wingless flight powers would be a very slow means of getting around. I was thinking of it not so much as a means of getting anywhere but using it EVA when necessary.

2. I saw that too, but is there any ability that would allow someone to escape a planet's gravity well by themselves?

3. I get that you would not be able to breath with an APS or invulnerability in the vacuum of space but assuming they had some kind of mask or helmet would the power itself protect their body from the vacuum?

4. I was thinking of a 2 to 3 times increase in range. Again not that useful in space given the massive distances involved. I will check Mutants in orbit.

Thanks for your reply
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Daniel Stoker
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Re: A few questions about super abilities functioning in spa

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Glad to help

1. It would work and definitely be better then nothing.

2. I'd think Flight Wingless and Sonic Flight would allow you to as neither mentions an altitude ceiling.

3. I mean it'd depend? APS Fire would be SOL in a vacuum, Ice would be fine unless you got into the sun where it would start to boil, Stone should be ok but I'd be worried about them getting in the sun too. Mercury would be frozen solid (and while they wouldn't boil in the sun I don't imagine the heat would do the player any good). APS Water would just be dead as would Mist, Slime, Blood, or any of those that are mostly water. I think invulnerability would really be the only one that would be ok.

Daniel Stoker
Judaism - More Old School than either Christianity or Islam.
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