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My Palladium Solo Adventure

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:08 pm
by bullet1289
I've been a huge fan of palladium games for a while now from RIFTS to Dead reign and of course Palladium Fantasy. About a week and a half ago I was digging through my book boxes and found my pile of solo rpg guides and DMG's I was reading when I first started running rpgs to try and figure out how to be a good GM. I thought it might be fun to try and make a Palladium adventure so I created a game just for myself on roll20 and got to work rolling on some tables!
So for starters here's a list of books and sites I'm been using, it's by no means complete and even with my sources that I use I'll often times mix and match to try and get the most interesting of outcomes.
Modiphius Solo Game Master's Guide
Mythmere Games Tome of Adventure Design
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide
The Game Master's Book of Traps, Puzzles and Dungeons
The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide
Dungeon Masters Guide 1st edition

Websites: a great site of random charts alright for NPC gen even though I don't use the stats another good site for npc generation ... i7AqPBuL2E an awesome site for figuring out rough travel times random tables and bits and ends gallore almost any weird category for names for stuff ... you-wanna/ I'll occasionally use table links from here as well
Any further charts that I can't find through all of this I just search for X on google until I find a chart that is a rough fit

with a big help from fan sites for palladium games:

Palladium Fantasy books I have (in no particular order and as both physical and PDF:
Adventure on the high seas
Old ones
Monsters and animals
Library Of Bletherad
Island at the edge of the world
Dragons and Gods
The Baalgor Wastelands
The Western Empire
Mysteries of Magic
Mount Nimro
Eastern Territory
Land of the Damned 1
I also have a few copies of the RIFTER (and a ton of RIFTS books) but I won't be listing all those as I'd be here all day.

Onto the main event!
I rolled how many characters I get to start with on a D4 and got 2. After rolling their stats I decided to build a Wizard and what at first was going to be an elf knight I realized I had good enough rolls to turn them into a paladin instead.
The wizard I rolled as a young woman from a large city on Phi and a religious or magical origin of her family. She is also the 6th illegitimate daughter of the family. I chose to believe she is a child of a high ranking celibate priest of Lista who lives on Phi. She is Scrupulous (Good) with a Gung-ho, guts and glory type who sees himself as a hero; likes combat and challenges disposition and hostilities towards Ghouls and Bogie men.
The elf Paladin meanwhile is the second son of a wealthy merchant family. Their family is from a medium city in the Western empire. He is Principled (Good) with a Worry wart, nervous and cautious. disposition and has a hostility to dragons (maybe one has been plaguing his family for generations?)

To start things off I rolled for their adventure, a simple task. Deliver a message to a high ranking official of some kind who lives isolated in the middle of nowhere (later I determined it was a powerful ice wizard). The mission was given to the the duo by an organization of some kind (since I rolled basically the minimum ages for both of them I decided that they were part of an adventure guild and this was their first real job that was entrusted to them). I then rolled for the location they were headed to (a swamp), how far away it was (5 days travel), what locations were between here and there (2 coach houses and a small town) and as they went along what the weather was like each day. With their starting gear and horses the two were off on their adventure.
I won't do a full write up of their first 2 days of travel since nothing exciting happened besides it was a torrential downpour and they had a slow time due to flooding and trying to convince their horses to keep moving forward. But on the second night I rolled to see what type of even they would encounter in the coach house and it was friendly travellers who had useful information that could potentially speed up their mission. I decided it was 5 merchants who claimed to have an older map of the region that had a disused road on it that was a shorter if more treacherous route. There was a 50/50 shot of things going smoothly or there was some kind of complication. I unfortunately rolled above 50 and on the subsequent table I rolled an ambush of 1d4(3) dire wolves. Instead of dire wolves I used the Monsters and animals book and picked Dragon wolves as an alternative. Hunting the merchants from a distance until they were isolated so they could steal away with a specific piece of their cargo.
The first dragon wolf glided in from on high with top of the initiative.... nat 20 on merchant with crossbow who was the immediate danger, eating through all his SDC and HP bringing him down to 1 hp.
The second dives in front and uses it's ice breath on my PCs
The paladin's turn is up and he turns away from the frost breath wolf and charges with his lance into the first wolf to save the merchant. I critted again and the wolf took 78 damage because mounted charge attacks do X3 damage. seriously hurting it but it was still alive.
The wizard uses cloud of sleep on the wolf in front of her and with a lucky dice roll it falls unconscious.
Then the rest of the merchants turn their attention to the one the paladin is fighting doing some further damage.
Wolf 3 swoops in to do a breath attack on the paladin and merchants to help the first wolf get away.
Back to the top of the order, wolf 1 runs from combat and rushes into the sleep spell to pull wolf 2 away and make and escape (he passes his save and succeeds pulling them away)
Wolf 2 also retreats
The paladin charges after the wolves but misses with a natural 2
The wizard puts an energy shield over the group and wagon while the merchants do first aid.

It was a close call for everyone involve but both sides survived and were able to retreat. My duo and the merchants slowly limp into the town at the end of day 3.
And that was the first leg of their adventure!

I hope everyone who took the time to read this enjoyed the first part of the story, I've had a blast with what I've been able to play so far and I can't wait to keep going.
Sorry if this is difficult to follow in any way I'm still trying to figure out the best way to write up this whole adventure. As both the GM and the players is can be difficult to distinguish the different roles and explain what is happening or the decision making process

Re: My Palladium Solo Adventure

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:59 pm
by kiralon
If you are looking for dungeons there are decks of playing cards that randomly create the dungeon as you go and give you what you are encountering. They are usually for a different system however they are usually easy enough to convert.
Also Warhammer Quest if you can find it can work for solo play for layout of the dungeon as well.

Re: My Palladium Solo Adventure

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:43 pm
by bullet1289
I've actually been using the dungeon generator in the first ed D&D GM guide. It's a total mess and I'm going to expand how I do it in the future but its neat to generate a dungeon as I go through room by room.... at least in dungeon shape design. The random traps, monsters in a room for no reason and other weirdness of it, not so much.