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I find myself intrigued by the Alien-table possibilities...

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:08 pm
by thorr-kan
Heroes Unlimited is not my go-to superheroes game. That remains the Marvel Superheroes FASERIP RPG. But I picked up a copy of the core rules for the magic, the psionics, the hardware, and some ideas for mutants in the current ruleset. But I've recently been invited to a short HU campaign online through a FB contact, and I find myself strangely intrigued by the Alien-table possibilities...

All of them have been built on the Rogue/Smuggler frame, because it just has so much potential depth!

My current character is a skeletal alien from an abrasive atmosphere world and loaded up with bionic reinforcements and sensors. Think strongman crossed with a scout/skill monkey. He's half-trained and half-augmented as a First-In Scout but forced on the run do to politics.

My backup character is basically an agile, foul-mouthed gray, toting a grenade launcher and sporting mutant psionics and Alter Metabolism. He's a stranded smuggler who's decided to do some thrill-seeking. If you think this character is informed by the more antagonistic grays from the General Protection Fault and Sluggy Freelance comics, well, I'm not responsible for your ill-founded accusations...

Finally, there's the crystaline high-gravity dweller. He's an exercise in how strong, resistant, and fast can I make a character without actually having any physical superpowers. He's got a decent AR, high strength, and enough speed to do the most basic of speedster tricks. I haven't decided if he's a do-gooder or just trying to make good.