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Potential spiked hammer upgrade?
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:11 am
by abe
Spiked hammer upgrade idea:drill spikes:when these strike any metallic item the drills activate and drill into the item/robot causing 1d12 mdc & bypasses nanopluage (possibly)
Perquisite:hammer spikes (they become the drills)
Ppe cost:55?
What do you fine people think?
Re: Potential spiked hammer upgrade?
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:16 pm
by taalismn
Because you don't define how long the drills continue drilling or how they're supposed to be replaced. I'd just go with slapping a dispenser of bore grubs(which are already Splicer canon...they do 1d10 the first melee but do that for 1d4 melees. It's far easier than trying to fix this.
And '1d12'? Abe, Palladium uses d4s and d6s for the 1-12 point range, NOT 'd12s'. so it's either '2d6 ' or '3d4'.
You still haven't gotten the Splicers rule book, have you? I suggest you do, and familiarize yourself with the game system, the terms, and the setting before you post anything else.