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Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:09 pm
by jaymz
So with other threads bringing up Timelines of events, I thought we could share our own versions of such. Please post yours if you have one.

This is my General Robotech Timeline with a wrap up to the shadow chronicles. This is my own interpretation of when things occur using the official timeline, material from the 1st and 2nd ed RPGs by Palladium, and Dave Deitrich's Third Invid War.

In "sentinels" space

1900 - Robotech masters discover and develop protoculture after contact with the Invid
1920 - Robotech masters create their zentraedi armada along with their own defense forces and begin to dominate and conquer many worlds including Garuda, peryton, praxis, Haydon iv, sperian, and Kabarra
1950 - Robotech masters attempt to defoliate and bombard optera, home of the invid and protoculture flowers leaving themselves the sole possessor of protoculture
1960 - invid reemerge as a warrior faction with their own mecha that evolve and get better with each battle they have against the zentraedi or the masters despite their lower numbers
1975 - Robotech Master Zor finally rebels after the events after optera. A faction of zentraedi and tyrolians rebel with him.
- Zor has developed an alternative power source to protoculture and uses it to power the ships and mecha of what has become the disciples of zor.
1985 - Robotech masters zor feels responsible for optera and goes on a mission, on board his flagship the sdf-1, to spread the seeds of the protoculture flowers across Tyrolean space as a sort attempt at redemption.
1989 - zor is killed in a battle between his disciples, the zentraedi, and the invid but sends his flagship, loaded with what is considered to be the last large cache of protoculture flower seeds, to an unknown world zor had seen in a protoculture induced vision
1995 - the masters and invid slowly become more and more desperate to find the ship as both need the seeds to make more protoculture because unknown to zor at the time of his death, his attempts to plant the protoculture flowers failed due to some x factor seemingly unique to optera.
1996 - the masters task the zentraedi with finding the ship while their own forces hold off the invid and eventually defeat the remaining disciples of zor


1999 - sdf-1 crashes on to earth
2000 - ueg formed.
-reconstruction of the SDF-1 is announced
2001 - first missions too mars to construct mars base sera launched.
-Moon bases Luna and Copernicus construction also begins.
-Destroid Project Excalibur begins. SDF-1 reconstruction begins in ernest.
2002 - global civil war begins between ueg and anti-ueg league after reconstruction of the sdf-1 has started
2002 - new orbital shipyard constructed and begins building oberth class destroyers and armd carriers the following year.
-Variable fighter Project valkyrie begins.
-Earth command center in Alaska begins construction. This facility also houses the first a several "Grand Cannons".
2004 - Oberth destroyers enter service and begin patrolling the sol system
2005 - Moonbase Luna goes operational
2006 - Moonbase Copernicus and Mars Base Sera go operational.
-First armd carriers enters service.
-Destroids begin production and enter service
2007 - moon base sera is effectively rendered "inoperable" by a anti-ueg terrorist attack after they stole an oberth class destroyer.
-Vf-1 valkyrie begins production and enters service.
2008 - global civil war comes to an end
2009 - sdf-1 launches amidst the first attack by the zentraedi, who have tracked zors flagship to earth, starting the 1st Robotech war
2011 - end of the first Robotech war
- Moon Base Aluce construction begins. i t goes operational the following year
2012 - zentraedi rebellions begin amidst overall reconstruction across the planet
2012 - construction of the sdf-2 begins in Earth Orbit
2013 - rise of the ueg friendly armies of the southern cross in south america, the independent Merchant Republic in Africa, and the ebsis in eastern Europe/Western Asia occurs.
- a combined force of zentraedi and earth units capture a factory satellite, the first multiple.
- Development of many new variable, Destroid, and battloid mecha, as well as power armour, for both the ueg forces as well as it's allied armies of the southern cross begins.
2014 - plans for a large expeditionary fleet to go to masters space are begun. Included are plans to look for and possibly colonize habitable worlds along the way.
- Battle of new macross by zentraedi rebels lead by khyron who orchestrated a concurrent orbital attack to happen at the same time. In the end the sdf-1 and khyrons cruiser are destroyed in new macross and the sdf-2 is destroyed in orbit.
- Zentraedi rebellions continue.
2015 - construction of the sdf-3 based on data from the captured factory satellites along with several other classes of ship are begun on said factory satellites along with the refitting of many zentraedi ships.
2016 - the first of multiple scouting missions are sent out ahead of the expeditionary fleets departure.
2017 - Space Station Liberty is established well beyond the solar system as a relay station for the expeditionary fleet to communicate with earth
2018 - the last of the zentraedi rebellions are ended with the creation of the zentraedi protectorate zone in south east north america.
2022 - expeditionary fleet folds from earth orbit leaving the armies of the southern cross as the defacto earth defense force under the leadership of the ueg along with what few ueg forces remain. Relative peace ensues with only minor skirmishes between the asc/ueg and other factions on earth.
- Several colonies are established during the expeditionary fleets journey.
2025 - expeditionary fleet finally arrive at Tyrol to find it occupied by the invid with no masters forces to be found starting what would become known as the sentinels war.
- After securing Tyrol the expeditionary fleet command sets out on a campaign to free the core worlds of the former Tyrolean empire now occupied the invid across the sector
2026 - karabarra is liberated
- Garuda is liberated
- a taskforce is sent back to earth under the command of major carpenter to inform thee ueg if what's going on
2027 - Haydon IV is liberated
- praxis is lost to its self destruction
- spheris is liberated
- general Edwards failed coup attempt of the expeditionary fleet and subsequent fleeing to optera using an invid brain to the invid regent forces there starting the short lived expeditionary civil war
- a taskforce lead by colonel Wolfe leaves for earth (2028
2028 - peryton is liberated
- effective end of the sentinel war
2029 - masters arrive at earth starting the 2nd Robotech war
- Edwards forces are defeated over optera ending the expeditionary civil war
- Contact is lost with Space Station Liberty but is later reestablished
- arrival of major carpenters task force from the expeditionary fleet. All ships are lost though several personnel including major carpenter make it earth telling the ueg not to expect reinforcements any time soon and informing them of the events happening in sentinels space
2030 - end of the 2nd Robotech war leaving the earth once again devastated and the ueg along with other major earth factions effectively destroyed and most areas revert to forms of feudalism going forward to survive.
Early 2031 - all remaining invid disappear from sentinels space
Mid 2031 - colonel Wolfes takes a taskforce from the expeditionary fleet but arrives too late so instead tries to prepare what remains of earths defenders for the likely coming of the invid
- commander Dana sterling steals a ship from colonel Wolfes taskforce along with earth forces loyal to her in order to evacuate surviving tyrolians, heading to their Homeworld
Late 2031 - invid arrive and utterly decimate the remaining earth forces, essentially conquering the planet within days of their arrival.
- numerous invid hives are built in order to harvest the flower of life as it seems to grow here as well as it did on Optera
-Rebel cells spring up all over the planet making the third Robotech war an ongoing guerrilla war
- expeditionary forces stockpile mecha, weapons, and ships, in sentinel space to retake earth after getting sporadic messages of the massive invid invasion and occupation of the planet.
2038 - arrival of the 10th mars division. Their assault is a dismal failure. Guerrilla warfare continues.
2042 - arrival of 21st mars division. Like the earlier attempt, their assault fails badly. Guerrilla warfare continues.
2044 - final assault to reclaim earth is successful but costly
- sdf-3 missing
- haydonite betrayal is revealed after the battle and ongoing haydonite attacks taking place sporadically going forward
- a mission to find the sdf-3 is sent out.
2045 - invid return to earth starting the third invid war (aka fourth Robotech war)
- things are not going well for the earth reclamation forces between dwindling protoculture supplies, war with the returning invid, and ongoing attacks from the haydonites
2046 - new fighters are developed to use protoculture more efficiently.
- A field of wreckage is discovered by the sdf-3 search party and reported back to earth. An excursion is sent out to heck it out hoping to find protoculture supplies only to discover these re disciples of zor wreckages. Several power supplies from ships and mecha are salvaged and brought back for study.
2047 - doctors lang and Nichols long with the zor clone rem are able to reverse engineer the technology.
- Ships and mecha are immediately refitted with and new mecha designed to use the new power source, turning the tide against the invid.
2048 - a truce is formed between invid and earth forces who then turn their attention to fighting the haydonites who are now a mutual enemy (fourth Robotech war ongoing)
2049 - the invid help the earth forces to fix the haydonite trojan horse enabling synchro tech to be operable again though permanently losing the shadow tech capabilities
2050 - the combined forces of the invid and earth, along with what forces could be sent by the sentinels worlds, bring the fourth Robotech war to an end at Haydon iv resulting in its destruction and the effective of all haydonites except those no longer connected to the awareness there.
2051 - the invid leave for parts unknown while earth begins rebuilding anew
- earth colonies were left relatively unscathed during the 4th Robotech war but also effectively left to fend for themselves by and large.

Re: Timelines

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:35 am
by ShadowLogan
During 1E RPG campaigns I largely worked within the framework of the 1E RPG timeline (I ignored the part about the Invid return), with input from the Novels (resource easily accessible at the time and did not know about the differences with the show proper at the time as it was well post-TV broadcast but pre-DVD release and the Toonami run wasn't coinvent in scheduling). There would also be resets for each new campaign (events in one do not influence others), but I never dived to deeply into a fleshed-out timeline.

I forgot to mention that I do have a partial 2E Palladium RPG timeline constructed based on various mecha entries, it's incomplete (it did not factor in Marines or IMUs).