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Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:30 pm
by Enkidu80
Hi! The entry in my copy of Splynn Dimensional Market (starting on pg. 81) for the octoman states "none" under psionics. There is no explanation in the description or reason given in their stats-block for this. Yeah, I know that this happens from time to time (only so much space in a book, after all.) I only feel that this could potentially be relevant because most races that are incapable of either magic or psionics don't also reccomend OCC's that have or require magic or psionics. As they have no restrictions on magic OCC's and the book recommends the Operator OCC, the lack of psionics could be problematic in several cases. I mean, a Mystic is only about half of a spell-caster anyway, so without psionics...yikes. Again, i realize that the chances of a psionic reprive are slim, but I've been through all of the threads and this isn't addressed anywhere. I also realize that this isn't a good sign in favor of psychic cephalopods.
My inclination is that there is no error, and my dreams of a gruff, cigar-smoking, octoman cyberknight named Tako are simply to remain dreams, and, sure, there are other ways to make a "cyber-knight" out of a gruff land-octopus with a heart of gold.
Maybe someone with a recent printing can tell me if this entry is the same? Still just Psionics:None? Or point me to something I'm missing? Please, if not for me, do it for Sir Tako.
Thank you for your consideration!

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:49 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Read again, the entry explictly says that some have become Cyber-Knights on page 81. So we already know it's canonically possible.

None just means, no chance for random psionics and you don't roll. they can, apparently have psionics as part of an OCC's class ability. just no random freebie.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:15 am
by Enkidu80
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Read again, the entry explictly says that some have become Cyber-Knights on page 81. So we already know it's canonically possible.

None just means, no chance for random psionics and you don't roll. they can, apparently have psionics as part of an OCC's class ability. just no random freebie.

Thanks for the reply! Sometimes there are typos, misprints, or phantom pages in the printed books, and I try to err on the side of caution :) Sir Tako thanks you too.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:14 am
by Curbludgeon
The Psionics entry in write ups is often played a little more fast and loose than in the preceding Magic entry. It's often spelled outright if a species can't have psionics or take a class which grants them, such as seen in the D'Norr (WB30p71 and elsewhere), but it sometimes just refers to whether a species has the "standard" distribution of Minor/Major psionics as seen with humans, while other times this is left ambiguous. Sometimes a given species has conflicting entries across different books, such as the Ogre.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:57 am
by ShadowLogan
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Read again, the entry explictly says that some have become Cyber-Knights on page 81. So we already know it's canonically possible.

None just means, no chance for random psionics and you don't roll. they can, apparently have psionics as part of an OCC's class ability. just no random freebie.

I agree they can be Cyber-Knights. However, we also know that a decent percentage of Cyber-Knights are non-psionic (20%) and only get the core power(s). So, this might not be the indicator you think it is as it applies to other classes and races (Grackle Tooth DBs make up 1% of the Ck population per SoT4 pg 23, and they are also listed as None for Psionics) as they might not be eligible to roll for their psionic power level and be skipped.

I don't disagree with you per say either as it relates to the Octoman, I just point out that it is not universal given the Grackle Tooth DB population of CKs and their description (in WB30). The GT and OM are different in how they list their OCCs, the GT does callout restrictions that the OM does not, but they do use the same description for Psionics.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:46 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
ShadowLogan wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Read again, the entry explictly says that some have become Cyber-Knights on page 81. So we already know it's canonically possible.

None just means, no chance for random psionics and you don't roll. they can, apparently have psionics as part of an OCC's class ability. just no random freebie.

I agree they can be Cyber-Knights. However, we also know that a decent percentage of Cyber-Knights are non-psionic (20%) and only get the core power(s). So, this might not be the indicator you think it is as it applies to other classes and races (Grackle Tooth DBs make up 1% of the Ck population per SoT4 pg 23, and they are also listed as None for Psionics) as they might not be eligible to roll for their psionic power level and be skipped.

I don't disagree with you per say either as it relates to the Octoman, I just point out that it is not universal given the Grackle Tooth DB population of CKs and their description (in WB30). The GT and OM are different in how they list their OCCs, the GT does callout restrictions that the OM does not, but they do use the same description for Psionics.

All Cyber knights get the psi-sword at minimum, which is a psionic.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The classes available to Octomen are limited to this classes that are not Psi based, nor have psi based fundamental powers.

Those classes that have ether minor psi powers or have psi power options, those psi powers are omitted from that char's class.

The above should of been presented somewhere in the Octomen Race stats, instead of leaving it to skilled readers to relay what it says.

Re: Question about the Octoman entry

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:48 pm
by green.nova343
Not all Operators are psychics -- remember, only 15-20% of them are "Psi-Operators" -- so it doesn't break the "no psionics" rule for Octomen to prefer selecting Operator as their O.C.C. However, by the same token, I wouldn't allow them to become a Mystic; their description for magic says none unless the OCC says it, but just says none for psionics. Considering that every other RCC in the book either says there are psionics and/or magic available or says that psionics/magic is not available at all, I'm inclined to believe this is not a mistake in the Octoman description.

As for Cyber-Knights...the "non-psionic" Cyber-Knights are just the ones that didn't have psychic abilities before undergoing the Cyber-Knight training, as opposed to the ones who come with some sort of psionic ability. But I'd probably be hesitant to allow an Octoman to select the Cyber-Knight O.C.C., since it would violate the "no psionics" rule. The difference is that most R.C.C.s fall into 1 of 3 categories: they have innate psychic abilities (where everyone of their race has the same abilities); they have the same options for psionics as humans (i.e. an individual may have none, may be a generic minor or major psychic, or may pick a Psychic class); or they have no psychic abilities at all. Octomen seem to be in the last no Cyber-Knights, no Mystics, no "Psi-Operator" option, no Techno-Wizard (since they have psychic abilities), etc.

But considering that still gives them access to hundreds of canon OCCs, including access to magic & cybernetics, I don't think they'll be hurting...