At the risk of sounding like a jack hole, the game has been dead for a long time. At least as far as official Palladium support. Its the fans that kept it alive as long as it has, and sadly, that's a dwindling number.
In all honesty, the game never really had much Palladium support. There's a variety of reasons behind it, but it all boils down to that one bottom line. Even after initial publishing, almost everything that came afterwards was fan based and written. Even the Legion source book, which ultimately saw the light of day finally, was a project written completely by fans for fans.
For years, Splicers had a pretty dedicated fan base and they were some of the most creative and supportive people. We flooded the boards, our material was constantly in the Rifter, and ultimately a lot of the material was placed in the new special hardcover. But officially, never got a whole lot of support from Palladium.
I can only speak for my experience, but for a couple of years there was a cadre of about a dozen or so ultra dedicated fans who wanted to see the universe grow and thrive. Legion was completed, the Technojacker source book had been completed and turned in, and a couple of us had mapped out and started working on a few other books we thought would be great to round out the universe as a whole.
We got a few victories, but largely met with resistance and apathy from the powers that be at Palladium. For a number of reasons, some justifiable, others I disagree with, Palladium had little interest in expanding the universe.
After literal years of no forward motion whatsoever, I pretty much abandoned Splicers. You can only but your head against an artillery shell so many times before you finally decide there are better battles to fight.. Taking a look at the Technojacker book for example, that was completed and submitted for publication almost 10 years ago at this point.
Some of us have stayed in gaming, other still dabble in it a little bit. One of our cadre launched his own gaming company and has had at least two successful Kickstarters that I know of, maybe more. I've been working on something with one of the other folks from the group that we hope to launch end of this year, early next if the universe will finally cut us a break. But ultimately, most of us have reluctantly left Splicers behind.
And to me, that's the real shame of it. That was by far my favorite PB game universe. It wasn't without its flaws and there were definite areas of improvement, but the setting itself was phenomenal. And you could literally play it as anything you wanted, it could be action, sci-fi, horror, even post apocalypse in a way. It just depended on you, your imagination, and what direction you wanted to take the game. I have, and will always believe that Palladium missed the boat with Splicers.
I hope this didn't sound too depressive, and I am glad that people are still interested in the game. I may not contribute anymore, but I do pop by the boards every couple of months just to see what's floating around.
For anyone interested in our Splicerverse plan, here's a rough outline of what we had wanted to do:
1. Legion
2. Splicers: Blood and Iron (Technojackers!)
3. Splicers: Underworlds (one I was really excited about, a source book or two detailing the underground environments, habits and structures, the joys of cave and tunnel warfare, and the ongoing battles beneath the surface of ground and oceans)
4. Splicers: The Shadow War (this was Espionage and spy craft in the world of splicers. The Intrigue between the great houses and other resistance groups, and was going to introduce the concept of a whole secret war in the shadows being waged between Scarecrows and Skinjobs.)
5. Splicers: The Hard Roads (Road Warrior antics, Splicers style!)
You can also see some of the art done by the always amazing Premier at his Deviant Art Page: