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Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:20 pm
by lbeaumanior
1. Does the option of "Must Transform into an Inhuman Form to Use Powers" means that certain Mega Powers are useless?
If "character returns to his non-super form if rendered unconscious or is slain" then the Immortal MegaPower abilities of resurrection are wasted as those wont work after death.

2. Do Mega Heros that have natural abilities (like the Godling of PU2) also must transform to use those abilities? The godling for example has "This hero never tires, is never hungry (does no need to eat or drink for nourishment) and has Supernatural P.S. The godling is also resistant to fire and cold."

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:37 pm
by The Beast
I'd allow for some powers to always be active, or certain parts of powers to always be active. You'll have to go over your PC with your GM to figure out which ones should always be active or not due to the subjective nature of this. Some GMs would be more strict than others when it comes to what abilities should require transformation.

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:21 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Yeah I'd have to go case by case for that in my game (or see what your GM says).

Going strictly by the wording you're kinda borked there... though it would be interesting to have it as a kind of Lo-Pan from Big Trouble in Little China where you continue to age when you're not transformed but just won't die, but then can transform into your hero form and be young and healthy looking with all your powers.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1 The Immortal mega hero power is not 'used'. It just 'is'. So it is not included in any powers that are limited

2 If they are listed that way... yes, otherwise... no.
To my eyes the the HU power cat's are more unfinished than the PB char classes and seam to be outlines to be modified, than Set in Admanitium rules like Character Classes.

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:26 pm
by lbeaumanior
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:1 The Immortal mega hero power is not 'used'. It just 'is'. So it is not included in any powers that are limited

2 If they are listed that way... yes, otherwise... no.
But remember that the HU power cat's are more outlines to be modified, than Set in Admanitium rules like Character Classes.

Thanks for the answer.

For your answer then a Mega-Hero that is Immortal and transforms, I get that it wont get wasted, as the mortal form will resurrect.

Regarding your answer to question #2, listed how? I asked if they were natural abilities. So for the Godling example, would those (S.N. strength, fire and cold resistance) require transformation?

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:36 pm
by NMI
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:If they are listed that way... yes, otherwise... no.
But remember that the HU power cat's are more outlines to be modified, than Set in Admanitium rules like Character Classes.
That is not very accurate much less true. Do not give false information

Re: Mega-Hero Achilles Heel: Must Transform

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Edited my post to reflect that the last line in that post is my opinion.
This does not change the fact they seam incomplete to me. This was possibly done to cover as many different pathways to create the supers as possible in one power cat.; instead of using 50 polished Character Classes.