How to handle Fuel Flame spell?

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How to handle Fuel Flame spell?

Unread post by darthauthor »

Curious about how to handle the "Fuel Flame" spell or the pyschic burner OCC/RCC.

Does the spell only increase the area of effect of an existing fire?

So damage remains the same?

How would it work if a guy lit a cigar or candle or camp fire and the spell caster cast "Fuel Flame?"

Cigar = Blinding Flash or 1 SDC burnt face?

Candle = Burnt Fingers 1 SDC ?

Campfire = Horror Factor ? I assume people are not sitting or sleeping right next to it so no one would catch fire. I assume that people stay at least one diameter's length away from the campfire.

Torch = Hair fire roll for save against magical fire.

I assume anyone who is exposed to a fire that has the spell "Fuel Flame" cast upon it save vs magic (fire) and then only if they are in the area of effect of the fire.

I see a deadly use for "Fuel Flame" IF a Fire Warlock can cast in on someone hit by a "Flame Globe" (magic napalm spell) is it just the area of effect increase or damage also?
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Re: How to handle Fuel Flame spell?

Unread post by darthauthor »


It only increase the area of effect of an existing fire.

Damage remains the same.

Cigar = Horror Factor if surprised

Candle = 1 sdc fire damage. A lit candle by itself burns a third of its way through.

Campfire = Duplicates Blinding Flash spell. No one catches fire unless they are cooking with it or something.

Torch = 1d6 fire damage to the holder of the torch catches fire if flamable.

It gets really "dangerous" when we consider various fire spells like Wall of Fire and such.

IF I were the GM of such a game I woud rule the spell "Fuel Flame" only works once on the same portion of fire or fire spell. IF it has no limits than players could set a city a blazing in gulf of fire.

It has a 100 foot range and a 20 foot radius. So only fires within the 20 foot radius can get magnified. I imagine the boosted flame stays within the 20 foot radius but something on fire could leave the radius.
Not sure if that means all fires in the radius or just one the spell caster chooses.
I believe it was intended as an area of effect booster. Without fire it is useless. So it is dependent on a circumstance the players have to create.

I wonder how it works with pyrokinesis?
I imagine the size of a wall of fire would be magnified only within the 20 foot radius to the limit of the radius. So a 6 level pyrokensis who can make an 11 foot high and long wall of flame can have a spell caster use "Fuel Flame" to make the psionic wall of flame 22 ft by 22 ft
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