More Levitation Questions
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:39 am
Well, I figure eventually I will either exhaust all of my thoughts about this spell or my mind will just stop wondering about it. But not yet. So, on we press.
There are two schools of thought regarding levitation. The first is you are levitated and you remain fixed on that Z axis. You cannot pull yourself forward, push yourself back, or have some outside force to that for you. It's like you're in the grasp of an invisible fist holding you in that place. The other is as if you are being lifted on a platform, and you can move around forward or back or even spin. So, I'll be taking both of these into account with my questions.
1. What sort of surface is necessary to levitate? Can you levitate above water? Could you levitate out of water? I think we had agreed that the surface from which you're levitating needs to be able to hold you standing on it. So, there is some opposite if not equal force being pushed down. Of course, this is magic so Newtonian physics need not apply. But you could levitate from the deck of a ship, right?
2. Do you levitate perpendicular to the surface, or just in the opposite direction of the gravitational pull of the ground/planet?
3. If you levitate from the surface of moving object, like the ship in #1, do you remain anchored to the deck of the ship, and thus maintain the linear movement of the ship as it travels? So you wouldn't stay in the air as the ship moves under you and then fall when it passed from underneath you. If you're in that fixed position relative to the boat, that does raise another question. If you can be moved laterally, would wind push you around like a balloon with an invisible string? Could you levitate from the crowsnest instead of the deck, in order to gain a higher vantage? How large of a surface would you need to leviate from? Would you bob and bounce in your position in the air as the fixed position below you does the same? What about something smaller like a flat wagon, or even horse back?
4. For further complications what if you're on the back of a large flying creature or someone's magic carpet or fly spell? Would your altitude change as the flying surface does? Are you whipped along with them, just x feet above them? If you're locked into place does that drag you create slow down the flyer? Or would it blow you flat like the balloon? What if the flying thing rolls? Do you remaing perpendiclar to the gravitational pull, or the flying surface?
5. Finally, the stupidest question. If you are levitating from the nearest stable surface, could you climb giant steps? Say each step was 30ft high. Could you levitate to one step, then climb onto it, walk to the next riser, and levitate again? Or would it require a second use of the power and thus more PPE or ISP?
6. Wait, an even stupider one. Let's assume you have a person who can levitate and who has telekinesis (maybe Super TK), and you have two table tops. Could you levitate to your max height, and use the TK to bring the table tops with you. Then, you hold the table top in mid-air and use that as the new suface for levitation. Then you repply levitation, and use the 2nd table top as your platform. You then bring the first table top up and raise it above your head. Then you levitate up to that, daisy chaining your way up until you run out of oxygen or PPE/ISP. This might require multiple people.
"I really want someone to say #6 is viable."
There are two schools of thought regarding levitation. The first is you are levitated and you remain fixed on that Z axis. You cannot pull yourself forward, push yourself back, or have some outside force to that for you. It's like you're in the grasp of an invisible fist holding you in that place. The other is as if you are being lifted on a platform, and you can move around forward or back or even spin. So, I'll be taking both of these into account with my questions.
1. What sort of surface is necessary to levitate? Can you levitate above water? Could you levitate out of water? I think we had agreed that the surface from which you're levitating needs to be able to hold you standing on it. So, there is some opposite if not equal force being pushed down. Of course, this is magic so Newtonian physics need not apply. But you could levitate from the deck of a ship, right?
2. Do you levitate perpendicular to the surface, or just in the opposite direction of the gravitational pull of the ground/planet?
3. If you levitate from the surface of moving object, like the ship in #1, do you remain anchored to the deck of the ship, and thus maintain the linear movement of the ship as it travels? So you wouldn't stay in the air as the ship moves under you and then fall when it passed from underneath you. If you're in that fixed position relative to the boat, that does raise another question. If you can be moved laterally, would wind push you around like a balloon with an invisible string? Could you levitate from the crowsnest instead of the deck, in order to gain a higher vantage? How large of a surface would you need to leviate from? Would you bob and bounce in your position in the air as the fixed position below you does the same? What about something smaller like a flat wagon, or even horse back?
4. For further complications what if you're on the back of a large flying creature or someone's magic carpet or fly spell? Would your altitude change as the flying surface does? Are you whipped along with them, just x feet above them? If you're locked into place does that drag you create slow down the flyer? Or would it blow you flat like the balloon? What if the flying thing rolls? Do you remaing perpendiclar to the gravitational pull, or the flying surface?
5. Finally, the stupidest question. If you are levitating from the nearest stable surface, could you climb giant steps? Say each step was 30ft high. Could you levitate to one step, then climb onto it, walk to the next riser, and levitate again? Or would it require a second use of the power and thus more PPE or ISP?
6. Wait, an even stupider one. Let's assume you have a person who can levitate and who has telekinesis (maybe Super TK), and you have two table tops. Could you levitate to your max height, and use the TK to bring the table tops with you. Then, you hold the table top in mid-air and use that as the new suface for levitation. Then you repply levitation, and use the 2nd table top as your platform. You then bring the first table top up and raise it above your head. Then you levitate up to that, daisy chaining your way up until you run out of oxygen or PPE/ISP. This might require multiple people.
"I really want someone to say #6 is viable."