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Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 10:13 pm
by slade the sniper
So, building the boardgame, and digging through the worldbooks and the Coalition War series, I keep reading bits about Magestock. I got the info for Tolkeen and Freehold, I am either missing or skipping the info on Magestock, the third part of the tri-city area that gets rekt by the CS.

Where is the info on this place?

As for progress on the game, thanks for asking...
Strategic map is done, waiting for the physical copy to arrive in the mail.
Counters are in progress, should be done in the next few days.
The branching structure of the game is done. Building the narrative to go with that structure is next, should be done by the end of the month?
The operational/tactical maps are going to be a pain because Palladium maps all suck and I have to create something that looks decent enough to playtest on a 24" x 24" map sheet. Not looking forward to that at all.
The good news is that once the digital stuff is done, I can transport them to TTS in a day or two while also printing off the physical components.