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Crazy Damage Tracking idea

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 4:49 pm
by Veknironth
Well, I was thinking about this and I feel like it will be universally panned but maybe somoene has tried it. What do you guys think of not telling PCs how much HP or SDC they lose when they are damaged by something? It would be a lot of bookkeeping for the GM, I know, but it would add something to the playing experience. You would just tell the players symptons like being light headed, or having pain, or bleeind profusely. They wouldn't know with certainty how much they have left just like a real person doesn't have a number floating above their heads.

The downsides would be the bookkeeping and angry players.

"Flame away"

Re: Crazy Damage Tracking idea

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:01 pm
by kiralon
I have tried it, it works but is too much bookwork to be fun and having to constantly tell them how they feel. I can recommend it for tense scenes, like when the party is doing a hold the line scenario, but was too much extra work.