Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

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Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by darthauthor »

So an Atlantean from the Skellian Clan want a new monster shaping tattoo.

They already got one for the Xiticix. Used it to sneak into a hive and rescue some people.

They want to get another tattoo for Vampires.

So the question is can the Atlantean Monster Hunter OCC have their monster shaping tattoo be a vampire?
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Re: Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

It would have to be a vampire of an initial species larger than the Atlantean, and it would probably just be a SDC/HP shape, which wouldn't grant any vampire abilities. Their tattoos also stay visible.
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Re: Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by darthauthor »

I thought about it more.

The size has to be the same or bigger.

1. IF it is a humaniod race that is bigger the Atlantean as a vampire than yes. They would look like a vampire to others. To another vampire, even if they appear as a vampire they would be seen as a vampire from a different vampire intelligence.

2. They would only get the P.S., P.P. and P.E.
Fangs too, so they could do a bite attack, 2d6 MD
They would get the MD of the vampire

IF it worked, it might fool a Dog Boy or others into believing the character was a real vampire.
Basically, I see it as a distraction. Blame the attack on vampires. Scare others into thinking you are a vampire.
It is more about the disguise.

It is NOT great for combat. There are better options.
Monster shaped vampire form would not have any of the invulnerabilities, senses, regeneration, or shape shifting forms (mist, bat, etc.).
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Re: Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

darthauthor wrote:So the question is can the Atlantean Monster Hunter OCC have their monster shaping tattoo be a vampire?

While nothing specifically in WB6/BoM says you cannot do this per say IMHO the implied answer though is: No, they cannot duplicate the undead Vampire as described in WB1o/r as there are a few issues:
1. The Vampire is a possessed corpse animated by an essence fragment from a Vampire Intelligence (at least Masters are IIRC, not sure about the Secondary and Wild off hand) usually (there is the necro ritual of course that skips the essence fragment somehow).
2. How do you depict a vampire? Since there is no "standard" form given the variety of races that can be turned and you can't impersonate someone. How would that be depicted to create the shell.
3. You can't duplicate all of the Vampires powers and abilities via Tats, which could give you away or raise questions in the aftermath (examples: resistances if they appear to take damage from attacks they are immune to, or they don't turn into Mist to escape after being cornered).
4. There are limits on what can be done via the MS Tat, and an undead Vampire might be outside of that range. You can't use MS Tats to "Turn to Mist" or appear as a Bone Fiend (PF's LotD2) due to their nature and how the MS Tats work (which is to create a "shell" around the TA).

Now there are monster races that could be a stand-in like Giant Vampire Bat (WB6pg41-2, I want to say there is also something in WB1), but if you want to impersonate an undead vampire as a TA there are probably easier ways than getting a Magic MS Tat for the fangs.
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Re: Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by Library Ogre »

I'd lean towards "cannot do vampire"; Monster Shaping isn't "Change your shape" (since TAs can't), it's "Make magic power armor that looks like something else".
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Re: Atlantean Monster Shaping Tattoo

Unread post by The Beast »

Going off of the info in WB6 I'd say you'd look like a vampire, but you'd only get the powers the tattoo gives you. So while you look like a vampire you're still vulnerable to normal MD attacks and what have you.
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