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Warrior Monk Stick Fighting

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:56 pm
by Veknironth
Well, my buddy noticed this loophole and RAW I can't see where he's wrong. The "Stick" power Strike does an extra d6 and if it hits it the target loses initiative, one attack, and has a 50% to drop whatever he is holding. You need a modified 18 to strike, but if you miss it's just a regular strike, so really there is no negative to trying it. There is nothing in there about what happens if someone is wearing a helmet. And there is nothing in the armor sections that talk about what armors have a helmet, so maybe it stops the temple strike?

Does this also work with paired weapons twin strike? For example, the short spear or short staff is only one handed. So could you do a double attack and have two chances to make them drop the weapon? Would they lose 2 attacks on a successful strike?

"Monking around with the rules."

Re: Warrior Monk Stick Fighting

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:28 pm
by kiralon
I thought that was a power attack and power attacks cost 2 actions, but i might be mixing it with the demon strike or whatever the one that uses ppe is.

It does say that it is a power attack, but not that it uses 2 attacks.
I'd play it that it does.

Re: Warrior Monk Stick Fighting

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:42 am
by Soldier of Od
You only roll one die on a paired weapons attack, so even if it did work, you wouldn't increase your chances of a success.

We have always played it as it reads. But if the player doesn't declare they are attempting a power strike then it won't land. One of our players had the words "Say power strike" scrawled in massive block capitals at the top of their character sheet to remind them to declare it every attack! They still forgot.