"grabbing" strike rolls?
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:11 pm
Are there any rules (or rules of thumb) suggested anywhere for grabbing objects/terrain/people, beyond the standard combat grapple ("roll a 4 or more, and as long as they don't roll better to parry, they're grappled")? I'm looking to cover the following situations and not quite sure how would be best; Each one could probably be covered with a basic strike roll, but what do you guys think should be the thresholds?
While I think of it, are there any examples of leaping (cyborgs/folks with cybernetic limbs etc) that differ significantly from those listed in the After the Bomb main book (the only real place I can recall seeing leaping distances covered)?
- Catching someone before/as they fall off a cliff or ledge: if you're within 1 action's worth of sprinting distance, you can try and dash over to grab them before they fall, and then pull them up (should this just automatically succeed as long as you're strong enough?
- Catching someone as they fall past/towards you: If you're lower down than someone falling, you can try and catch them as they fall past you, either to prevent them falling further, or just to try and cushion their landing if you're on the ground and they're falling down towards you. I feel like this ought to only be possible if the other character is significantly smaller and lighter than you? Or you're just gonna get a dislocated arm, or dead-weight tackled into the floor!
- Trying to "catch" yourself when leaping a long distance: RAW states, if I understand correctly, that a character's leaping distance is the distance they can leap and plant their feet firmly on the ground at the other end (about 4 feet laterally and 3 feet vertically, for an unaugmented human with no special skills or tools like a pole; Add 50% if they have a running start). I've decided that they can, if they wish, increase this distance by 1.5x their height/length - because arms are typically 1/3 as long as a humanoid character is tall, but the shoulder is below the top of the head so I guess with the hands raised above the head it equals out to about 1.5? But reaching for a difficult leap like that should, I guess, require some kind of stat or skill check, or a strike roll against some threshold?
- Snatching an object (by hand or, for example, with a whip) against time pressure. Think when Indie grabs his hat in Temple of Doom (I believe it was), only VERY narrowly missing having his hand and arm crushed by a stone door sliding shut on it.
While I think of it, are there any examples of leaping (cyborgs/folks with cybernetic limbs etc) that differ significantly from those listed in the After the Bomb main book (the only real place I can recall seeing leaping distances covered)?