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The Dog Boy Mercenary Company

Their situation and identity evolving the Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers who worked for the CS in the city of Nemus are now on their own. Cut off from their CS chain of command and supply lines they have made their way from the high tech city of Nemus to the nearest town they could find with a messenger service. 

Along the way they have survived, fought against monsters, supernatural predators, and took it upon themselves to help villages out when they came across them. They have had to hunt and gather except when the villages rewarded them with the crumbs they had left over.

Occasionally, the Dog Boys would bring in monster meat and the village cook would have the challenge of preparing it. As a gift the more artful villagers reward the Dog Boys with bits and pieces of the hides of the slain monsters to cover or replace the damage to their armor.The pack is rather proud that they are all Dog Boys (and a dozen psi-stalkers)

Cerberus (In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a multi-headed dog who guards the gates of the Underworld). Cerberus is not described as evil. He is a working dog who is tasked with keeping mortals out of the Underworld (keep them from being killed). So it is with this small mercenary army that the Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers they make their way helping people and fighting those battles they believe are just.

Size and Orientation:
Minor Company: 95 points, +10 points Equipment, +10 Vehicles

Dog Boys and a few Psi-Stalkers are banded together.

Leadership: Lady Widow and Sir Wyatt (Disguised Cyber- Knights representing themselves as A CS Psi-Stalker and Dog Boy).
When possible the disguised cyber-knights attempt to practice the Code of the Cyber-Knights in ways that overlap with the CS methods and values. Humanities Sword and Shield against evils both human and supernatural.

Sponsorship: 1. Independent. +10 points

A. Outfits: None. They all have the used CS armor on their backs.

B. Equipment: Medical Equipment (10 points; Paramedic skills of Lady Widow & Sir Wyatt; use their money to buy medical supplies)

C. Vehicles: Basic Transportation becoming Fleet Vehicles: 10 points

D. Weapons: Basic Equipment. Cost 5 points.

E. Communications: Secured Service. Personnel have short-range radio with scramblers, almost every Dog Boy has a portable language translator, two mini-radar systems, one pocket computer, video camera and player. Cost: 10 

F. Internal Security: Tight. 10 pts Dog Boys have the drill down. 

G. Permanent Base: None. 

H. Intelligence Resources: Scout Detachment (Psi-Stalker & Dog Boys) 5 points. All Dog Boys have the “Intelligence” as one of the O.C.C. skills and their OCC Related skills allow the pick of any espionage. They would NOT be trained by the CS to do forgery (illiterate), impersonation (there Dog Boys), pickpocket, etc. 

I. Special Budget: None

J. General Alignment: Unprincipled and Scrupulous. Cost 7 points.

K. Criminal Activity: None.

L. Reputation: Famous (Locally, they came to the aid of many small villages. Returned stolen goods and people taken as conscripts, servants or slaves). Cost 50 points.

M. Salary: None. They are so far from CS territories and "civilization" that currency isn't worth as much as goods and services.

*Special: Friendship: Local People. Cerberus has won the hearts and minds of hundreds of people who sympathize and support them in little way, like warning them of trouble and providing the latest rumors as quick as they can.

(Cerberus) Dog Boy: 4th Level

Special Abilities: Sense psychic and magic energy (55%; 550 feet), Sense supernatural beings (70%), track by Smell (91%), identify by smell (62%), and keen hearing.

Psionics: Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), Empathy (4),
Telepathy (4), and one additional Sensitive psionic (default See Invisible; 4)

Alignment: Any: Most Scrupulous or Unprincipled

Attributes: I.Q.: 14, M.E.: 13, M.A.: 13, P.S.: 26, P.P.: 19, P.E.: 26, P.B.: 13, Spd: 45

Hit Points: 38, S.D.C.: 74 P.P.E.: 10 I.S.P.: 78

Ave Height: Five feet, 10 inches (1.78 m). Weight: 180 pounds.

Breed (Any but Default Boxer): Boxer +4% to all track by smell, +1 on Perception Rollsleap 15 feet (4.6 m) high or long after a short running start. 

Typical Disposition: Brave, dependability, and loyalty. Enjoy work that puts them in harm's way, the place where they can best serve and protect their humans. Having gone through the wilderness they are more animalistic and savage, even feral, enjoying the hunt, trapping and slaughter of the enemy more than they should.

O.C.C. Skills
American: 88%
Spanish 60%

Climbing 65/55%
Intelligence 50%
Land Navigation 58%,
Wilderness Survival 55%,
Pilot: Hovercraft 75%
Radio: Basic 70%, Read Sensory Equipment 55%
W.P. Energy Pistol:
W.P. Energy Rifle:
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert - 4th level

O.C.C. Related Skills (5):
Detect Ambush 50%
Detect Concealment 45%,
Forced March
Lore: Demons & Monsters: 45%
Prowl 42%

3rd Level: Trap & Mine Detection 35% (+10% to "sniff out" explosives)

Secondary Skills (6):
Body Building, First Aid 60%, Housekeeping 50% (clean barracks),
Lore: Magic 40%, Optic Systems: 45%, Swimming 65%

2nd Level: Photography 45%, Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 35%, 

4th Level: Hunting & Track & Trap Animals: 40%/50% (To eat in the wilderness)

Attacks Per Melee: 5
+2 to initiative,
+3 strike hand to hand
+2 to strike Energy weapons
+4 to strike Knife, +8 to parry knife 
+6 to parry and dodge,
+5 on Perception
+4 to disarm
+2 to save vs disease, 
+2 to save vs possession, illusions
+6 to save vs magic
+1 to save vs psionic attack and all forms of mind control
10 to save vs psionic attack.

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle: Mega-Damage: 2D6 per single blast or 6D6 per triple blast. Range: 2,000 feet (610 m). Payload: 30 shots per long E-Clip.

C-18 Laser Pistol: Mega-Damage: 2D4, Range: 800 feet (244 m). Payload: 10 shots per standard E-Clip.

PDD pocket audio recorder, pocket laser distancer, flashlight, pocket mirror, cigarette lighter, 100 feet (30.5 m) of lightweight rope, small hammer, four spikes, 1d6 animal snares, infrared distancing binoculars, portable language translator, survival knife, a pair of Vibro-Knives or Vibro-Claws (many also have a Vibro-Saber or Neuro-Mace), C- 18 laser pistol, a choice of a C- 10 or C-12 laser assault rifle, both with telescopic sight and nightvision scope, four additional E-Clips for the weapon, plus knapsack, backpack, utility belt, air filter, gas mask, and canteen. 
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Village elders request an audience with Cerberus.

They are fearful of the coming autumn equinox.
11 hours of night will bring with it 11 chances of something coming through the ley lines. The oral history of the people recounts how every year "something" came through. It was not always bad but it always was. Whoever is coming through this year will be here. They may or may not know how they got here. Regardless, they will be here.

Without the means to return they will look around trying to make sense of things. Unless they have been here before or came here on purpose they will try to take control of their situation.

Cerberus, we would like you to be the gatekeepers of the nearest ley line. Stand watch and defend the line when the equinox arrives. IF anyone hostile comes through, show them the way back or make them so they are not "hostile" anymore.

When the dawn comes, the rifts won't come again until the winter solstice.

Job Description: Hold the Line (Defense)
Duration: 11 hours
Ley Line: Every hour of the night there is a 20% chance that a
Rift will appear. Roll on the Random Rift Table for type and duration.

IF increased difficulty is desired a nexus has a 30% chance and the bonuses of a nexus.

Regardless, chances are at least one Rift will open.
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by EltonRobb »

I may have to take this as an inspiration point. Thanks for posting this.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Company leadership talks about it with the troops.

• They ought to make a map of the ley line.

• Examine how defensable the terrain is.

• Plan for food and water for the trip to the ley line and back.

• They need to recharge their E-Clips so they need a charger or use of one.

• They know their senses will be overcome near the ley line.

• They don't know what will come through a Rift IF one forms. So they don't know what the best weapons will be to fight it, if they have to fight.

• They could try setting up traps along the ley line but it alll depends on how long it is and how much time they have.

• Hidden positions for snipers are recommended as the best tactic.

• Some ask what the chances are of a ley line storm and how they can prepare for it, IF it happens.

• Some ask if the company is going to get paid

• Numbers are guessed at for how much food and water they will need. They ask the elders "What, if any, food and water is along the way to gather for their safe to and from the ley line?"
They say, "If they take the mission they would ask for a guide to the ley line who knows the route and where to find food and water."

• The village elders know of a woman who can aid them. They can arrange an introduction if the pack will take the job. E-clips will be recharged after they get to the ley line and again after in the morning after the autumnal equinox.
The elders will be their guide to the ley line and make the arrangments for the recharging of E-clips. They will fill up canteens here and eat along the way.
After the ley line Rift they can prepare the invader for dinner.

• The leaders of Cerberus agree to the mission and prepare to leave.

Note: The autumnal equinox is the first day of fall and occurs when the sun appears directly over the Earth's equator. It's the halfway point between the longest and shortest days of the year.
Last edited by darthauthor on Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Cerberus agrees to help the villages of the area.

With regard to food an old lady cook comes along. The Dog Boys agree to carry her equipment and materials. One of the Dog Boys with a look for food and cooking takes to liking her and she is fond of the attention and curiosity. She begins to teach him how she cooks for a whole village.

• The Dog Boys few vehicles they took from gangs who plundered don't have the gasoline to make it. They have to walk and/or use horses. Roads are not really established so foot, horse, and hovercraft are really the only way to go.

The march is long. Days go by and the elders lead the Dog Boys in a meandering path about the countryside. This chafes with the Dog Boys patience. The assumption is that this winding course is the only way they know how to get to the ley line. They have no maps.On the way they frequently stop to make markers and gather food and collect water. 
Everytime some dangerous animal or monster turns its head in the platoons of Dog Boys direction it gets out of sight. This leads Psi-Stalkers to hunt and kill. Then the Dog Boys cut up and carry back the meat.
Good practice for the aspiring Dog Boy Chef to practice on under the watchful eye of the village cook; she's experienced in preparing monster meat.

Finally, the Dog Boys can sense the ley lines against their ability to sense psionics and magic. It irritates the Dog Boys but they carry on. After some signalling with the radio under the heavy interference of the ley line the old men recognize the beeps and direction to go.

Soon the Dog Boy company meets a mousy woman with a half dozen 42 gallon steel barrels around. Each with an armed Headhunter standing behind them doing their best to look intimidating.
After some pleasantries and the usual social graces the woman is introduced to Lady Widow and Sir Wyatt.
She wears a western style duster with the number 3116 (Thirty-One-Sixteen) on it and a cowboy hat. The villagers call her "Athena."

The Dog Boys discuss the circumstances amongst each other. With their senses blind they can't tell if she is a supernatural being or uses magic. Many use their psionic power of "See the Invisible" and see no astral beings or invisible entities. "Sense Evil" reveals no Evil from Athena. However, with the PPE energy flooding the area "Sense Magic" Sort of senses it everywhere. What they know for she is that she is not actively casting a spell.
While "See Aura" does show hers as being psychic and human (PPE of 2 or so).

Athena's importance is made out as she "supplies" a great deal of trade in the region. She recharges E-clips, batteries, fixes broken stuff (machine parts), gasoline, heating oil, motor oil, tar, and even is able to provide some bionic and cybernetic limbs.

It is understood that no one is to ask "HOW" she comes by these things only "How Much?"
She has a reputation for being reliable in her delivery and no one has complained about her product only her prices. People claim she must be psychic and meets at ley lines for the power supply and boost as well as to mask herself with the shower of PPE.

Trade is discussed between Athena and the village elders. When they appear to have come to terms the Elders tell Lady Widow and Sir Wyatt to leave their empty E-clips with Athena's men. They will be here and and fully charged in 4 hours with her men guarding them. She won't be here.

The Dog Boys are uneasy. They know that E-clips have value, even empty. How do they know this stranger won't just take them and run off. We have seen and E-clip charger before, we know how it works.
The Elders explain that Athena also knows that her recharger is valuable and there are those who would steal it from her if they could or destroy it to shut her down. She has nothing to gain by revealing the location of her recharger. As far as trust goes the Dog Boys and Athena don't know each other. If they don't want to do business "this" way they can take their business elsewhere. As far as she is concerned she is the "Only game in town."
Attempts to read her mind or emotions meet with mind block.
The Headhunters are anarchist and think of getting paid, defending themselves and their employer. Stray thoughts reveal their fear about the number of Dog Boys present. Also, the hovervehices (ground) they have camofluaged in the woods. Flashs of memories of Athena repairing their cybernetic. THEY don't know where she hides her E-clip recharger but believe it is camoflauged to look like something it is not. One of them believes it is one of the identical looking 42 gallon steel barrels.

A compromise is discussed in which they swap empty E-clips for full ones, one for one.
It would leave her Headhunters with emtpy E-clips until she changed their empty ones.

An errant though in one of the Headhunters is that the Dog Boys have no ammo left to fight. IF they give them charged E-clips they will turn on them and it will be a fight. The Headhunter voices his opinion.

Athena declines the offer.

Lady Widow orders Sir Wyatt to lead the Dog Boys platoons out of the area and wait for her.

After they are gone, Lady Widow explains that she is going to create a "Psi-Shield." Then she creates a psi-shield. She asks if Athena knows what this means. After staring at her for several moments.
Athena orders her Headhunters to fall back and wait for her to summon them.

The two ladies speak privately for several minutes.

When next the Dog Boy platoon hears from Lady Widow they are ordered to leave their empty E-clips with Athena.

It is a nervous 4 hours later after which they pick up their fully charged E-clips. Their nerves are soothed and smiles soon replace the scowls on their faces.


Athena was the name the village elders spoke of her. Somewhere they someone remember something about myth and the name Athena stuck.

She used to have more friends with whom she gave and received feedback, gifts, and spells.
She lost those. Now she finds herself in the middle of nowhere and is making her own way the best she can.
Tapping into the local Ley Line grants her viturally limitless PPE and a boost to her magic. With it recharges E-clips and repairs armor, technology, vehicles, and weapons.
She is in need of a place to go and the means to finance her new beginning. In the wild, where she is, not much is worth universal credits anywhere else. So she made contacts instead. Amongst the people that owe her are a band of Headhunters who were hurting for repairs and recharged E-clips. Keeping them dependent on her she has has a loose agreement to keep them going while they serve as her security and henchmen. Who knows, maybe if things work out she might take them with her to a city. In her mind, she needs more than transportation, she needs seed money. The Headhunters might abondon her or worse try to make her their prisoner or slave after they don't need her anymore.

Techno-Wizard O.C.C. Psionic Powers
Machine Ghost (12), Mind Block (4), Object Read (6),
Speed Reading (2), Telemechanics (10), and Total Recall (2).

Techno-Wizard Magic Powers. PPE 111
Armor of Ithan (10), Blinding Flash (1), Breathe Without Air (5), Call Lightning (15),
Charge E-Clip (25), Cloak of Darkness (6), Create Parts (50), Deflect (10),
Electric Arc (8), Energy Bolt (5), Energy Field (10), Fire Ball (10), Fire Bolt (7),
Fuel Flame (5), Fly (15), Forcebonds (25), Globe of Daylight (2), Ignite Fire (6),
Impervious to Energy (20), Impervious to Fire (5), Magic Net (7), Magic Shield (6),
Mend Machines (50+), Mend the Broken (10+), See the Invisible (4), Sense Magic (4),
Shadow Meld (10), Superhuman Strength (10) and Telekinesis (8).

Credit too: The Rifter #59
Techno-Wizardry Throughout the Megaverse By Anthony Lovato

Charge E-Clip
Range: Touch.
Duration: Until charge is used up.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 25

Create Parts
Range: Touch.
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 50

Mend Machines
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant/permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 50 plus the cost of repairs.

Ley Line Piloting:
Techno-Wizard Base Piloting Skill: Applies to all ley line guided vehicles: 84%
Wing Boards (anybody can fly one with a little practice): 94%

Alignment: Anarchist

I.Q.: 18
M.E.: 12
M.A.: 13
P.S.: 8
P.P.: 11
P.E.: 15
P.B.: 12
Spd: 13

S.D.C.: 20
Hit Points: 32
P.P.E.: 111
I.S.P.: 37

O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy in Spanish
Language: Spanish at 98% & American, Dragonese
Radio: Basic 64%, Sensory Equipment 59%
Computer Operation 64%, Computer Programming 54%, Computer Repair 59%
Basic Electronics 64%, Mechanical Engineer 64%
Techno-Wizardry Construction (Special): Base Skill: 92%
Math: Basic 84%
Land Navigation 57%
Pilot: Hovercraft (ground) 74%, Hovercycle 87%
W.P. Knife +2 to strike, parry, and throw
W.P. Energy Pistol

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Aircraft Mechanics 54%, Bioware Mechanics 59%
Electrical Engineer 64%, Lore: Magic 54%,
Robot Electronics 59%, Vehicle Armourer 59%, Weapons Engineer 54%,

3rd Level (2): Find Contraband 30%, Gemology 44%

Secondary Skills (5):
Automotive Mechanics 54%, Appraise Good (twice) 64%,
Lore: Psychics & Psionics 44%, Math: Adv 64%

Level 4: Hand to Hand: Basic 1st level: 4 attacks

Possessions/Equipment of NOTE:

Light M.D.C. body armor (35 M.D.C. main body) with Invisibility and Impervious to Energy.

Amulet of "See the Invisible"
Clothes that give off false aura (psychic but not a magic user and low PPE)
Silver plated survival knife
Swiss Army pocket knife
One energy pistol 1d6 MD
Magic energy converted energy pistol plus 4 conventional E-Clips.
One Wing Board
One magic energy converted ground vehicle of choice with one additional magic feature.

TW Barrel of Oil

This steel barrel is a prototype and the only one Athena knows is in existence.
She does not know, personally, who the techno-wizard or team of wizards who created the barrel nor does she have the blueprint to make more. She believes the steel oil drum came from one of the cities in Japan that Rifted into the future.
The inside is lined with black-gold (there is a process that changes the color of gold) plating inside and black diamond ore on the inside. When activated, the 42 gallon barrel fills with a petroleum product of the user's choice.
Athena only uses it at a ley line or nexus due to the high cost of PPE and added bonus of the ley lines booster.
The TW drum can be used to make:
40 gallons of crude oil or
20 gallons of automobile gasoline or
10 gallons of diesel fuel or
4 gallons of jet fuel or
1 gallon of tar or
1 quart of motor oil
In short, the barrel is an oil well and refinery in one.
The exact creation process is NOT known to Athena.
Any smart techno-wizard who would attempt to recreate it or one from scratch would guess to start with a Fire Warlock's “Create Coal” as well as “Rock to Mud,” and “Water to Wine.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Lady Widow explained to her apprentice Sir Wyatt the situation with Athena.

I had to reveal myself as a Cyber-Knight. The Manhunters saw me create a Psi-Shield. They work for her and aren't likely to talk if it's bad for business.
She knows the score when it comes to the reputation of the Cyber-Knights.
Told her about the job, running defense during the autumnal equinox.

She and I have an understanding to keep each other's secrets.

She's a Techno-Wizard. Knows a magic spell that allows her to recharge E-clips without damaging them. Ley Lines are the only place in the world where she can recharge more than a handful a day. She doesn't want it to get around. People might try to kill her, ransom, or make her work for them. IF they think it's a technology recharger then they will be looking for the recharger and not at her.
Also, some people around think all magic is evil and so are those who practice it. Might stop buying if they know she uses magic to repair tech and make materials. Wherever she is from she has people looking for her. A bounty under her old identity. So she is laying low. No names. No past.
Wears a hat to give her a mind block.
Clothes from the Federation of Magic that camouflage her Aura.

She wants a side deal on any tech that might be on the D-Bee when whatever comes through.

Shared that something is going on at another ley line. Some small group is camped out there, called the ley lines theirs. Told her to find herself another. Crew of 12 from her count. Three of which are Dog Boys.

Athena: "I know they have at least one mage in their party; young man.
Also, four Man-at-Arms types, real tough guys. Looked like mercs. Armed with energy weapons. No cybernetics. Offered my services to recharge their E-clips and they laughed in my face. They must have a charger or they are TW weapons and I would recognize TW items when I see them. They weren't. There was no techno-wizard among them.
They must have an E-clip recharger of some kind.
I don't like being run off.
I don't like competition or being laughed at.
If you need your own E-clip charger, they have one. I'm just saying . . .
Regardless, they are up to something at that ley line. Been there for over month now. This is a map from here to there. Maybe you find out what they are up to. Maybe it is some bad guy stuff and you can do your cyber-knight thing. Just saying . . .
Also, I heard they steal from the farmers nearest that ley line. They harass anyone who comes near their camp. They are being secretive; trying to hide what they are up to in their camp.
You out number them; by a lot. Could easily surround them from all sides. And your Cyber-Knight powers are great near the ley line. Just saying . . .
Take a couple of days to think about it. Maybe sneak over there and have a look. Maybe introduce yourselves and just have a talk with them. Ask them to stop harassing people.
Let me put it like this, if they were to let people come and go as they please or moved on themselves. Well, then everything would be okay. And if they are up to something evil then it would be good for everyone if you stopped them now before their evil plan works out.
I'll even charge your E-clips again for free after you check it out and have that talk with them. IF it comes to a fight, then I'll recharge your clips after. Maybe I can patch up the weapons and gear that might get damaged, BOTH yours and theirs; spoils of war and all.
Just saying . . .
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Somethings, even though they are obviously trouble, are still irresistible.

Lady Black (the Widow) decides to have a look at the people "Athena" was talking about. A few days on the march and they find the ley line from Athena's map.

Sir Wyatt insists on sniffing around the area to talk to the farmers from whom the tough guys stole from.
The squad he leads does find some homesteaders. Getting over the fear factor and calming them down enough to have a civil discussion takes a while. When they do they find out the outsiders "stole" stones underneath and surrounding the farmland.
Whether the stones have value or not… most stones found in fields are worthless, or worse than that, trouble for the farmer. There are always stories of someone finding a rare gemstone or fossil in a plowed field… and it happens, but rarely. Even rarer, is a pre-Rifts artifact or some archealogy site.
The Dog Boys sniff around the field and begin an organized search pattern looking for anything out of the ordinary. They find nothing.

Radio Message from Wyatt to Widow.
"Maybe the stones were just stones. Or maybe their was something inside of them. Earth Warlocks have spells that can cover them in stone or encase objects. Maybe it could have even been a stone golem. All they can say is the farm land is no worse off for the tough guys taken some stones and their is nothing of the supernatural or magical on this land."

Lady Black (the Widow), at the ley line where the trouble makers are supposed to be. She decided to begin at one end of the line and walk its course. The map does not have a scale but this ley line is easily over 10 miles long. The strangers camp is easily found but so are the Dog Boys.

At 2 in the afternoon, the camp is quite the sight to behold. Sixth Sense is pinging danger and the ley line interference is too much for the radio to ask for backup.
Besides, the 10 of the 12 man party are in fox holes and behind stone cover.

Behind them is the unfinished makings of a stone pyramid.

Lady Black (the Widow) motioned the Dog Boys and fellow psi-stalkers to stand down.
Then spoke in a form of ancient Greek she learend from her Atlantean master, "We mean you no harm. We only came to talk."

Using her psionic power of telepathy and the limitless power of the ley line Lady Black messaged her Dog Boys, "Do not fire unless fired upon. Use your psionic power of see the invisible. Withdrawl to the tree line and outflank them. I will stay to speak with them alone."

Everyone can feel the tension in the air. The Dog Boys a little less so when the slowly move back and make for the tree line.

Using her own psionic power Widow began to see the invisible two tough guys flanking a tall handsome young man walk forward to her calmly. The tattoos of a flamming sword and heart with a stake in it on his wrist are an obvious mark of his atlantean heritage. His escort move with soft steps conceal the sound of their foot falls.
The atlanteans eyes fall and rise over the Lady Black's CS mega damage armor.

"You wear the armor of the fear mongers yet you know how to speak 'this' language. Care to explain." the atlantean asked (in the ancient Greek of Atlantean).
The Widow kicked herself thinking she should have taken the armor off and approached in animal skins.
"My master is an atlantean. He taught me the way of the Cyber-Knight."
Widow's eyes turned as the two invisible men moved to get behind her.
In american, "I can see your invisible protectors," before moving past them to the atlanteans right side in an almost dance spinning move.
The atlantean raises his hand in signal to the invisible men and says, "Let her talk."
They are clearly frustrated and ready to strike with their swords.
One casts a spell and Armor of Ithan appears over the atlantean.

Two restless Dog Boys appear out of the tree line to make their presense known and energy rifles seen.
The atlantean turns his head to notice the Dog Boys.
Widow, "We can talk over the radio." Handingn her radio to the Atlantean. I have to calm the boys. We both need to calm our people down." And walks toward the exposed Dog Boys.

When Lady Black is back on the Dog Boys side in the tree line the invisibility stops for the two tough guys guarding the atlantean.
In a reflex almost panic response, a Dog Boy fires on the newly visible man. The Dog Boy hits.
Before Lady Black can order a cease fire, the others join in.
The two men assume a body guard position between the Dog Boys shots and the atlantean.
The Dog Boys shots do no damage to the men who are not wearing armor and whose clothes are now destroyed. The men are fearless and unharmed.
The atlantean is rushed into a fox hole.

The Dog Boys move out to surround their perceived magic using enemy (an enemy because they use magic).

Lady Black shouts, "Cease Fire and Withdrawl!" Those are the words spoken but the inertia of the crowd and CS training is too much for some.

Then they saw the Dog Boys that are NOT CS (CS Dog Boys are trained to think of Free Born Dog Boys as evil).

When the two groups of Dog Boys saw each other they pause. Then the CS Dog Boys start shooting at them. It's too late. They have already been made immune to the blasts of energy rifles.
Their limited knowledge of magic and the failure of their shot to do any damage past their opponents MD armor is enough to realize they can't hurt them with energy weapons. They
draw their blades. But the CS Dog Boys are not immune to energy blasts.
A lot of CS Dog Boys armor is damaged
Two CS Dog Boys are maimed before they all retreat. Lady Black keeps them alive.
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Re: Cerberus

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Over the radio:

"You fired first! We defended our camp and each other. We came here to build a stone pyramid that would stop Rifts and ley line storms from occurring on this line. We know all about Dog Boys! Ours told me about "Feral" Dog Boys or "Free Boras," freethinkers who can grow up to be anything thanks to their loving parents. To the CS, a dangerous animal to be shot on sight."  

Widow, "This was a mistake. The Dog Boys were on edge. They are still learning to think past their CS training. Like the parents of the Free Born Dog Boys but when they saw magic at work some instinctively attacked. Ask your Dog Boys about how their parents and how they felt. Now the Dog Boys who attacked are maimed and close to dying. Go on, ask your Dog Boy."

5 minutes later,

The Atlantean Stone Mage, "Why did you come here?"
Cyber-Knight Widow, "There are rumors that your party laid claim to this ley line and harassed and intimidated everyone who came here. And some farmers too."
"We DO claim this ley line. No one was here when we got here. There are no neighboring kingdoms or towns that made any claim or left a marker.
As for harassing anyone, we don't like being spied on. Every now and again someone comes around trying to con us or claims we have to pay them rent or tribute. Some outright attack us.
The cyber-knight, "What about the farmer? The one you stole stone form."
"Stole? I did that farmer a favor. Taking that stone out of his way opened up his land so now he can make better use of it. He should be thanking me. It's not like silver. Look, whatever that farmer told you he must have been scared. If what happened here happened while you were talking to the farmer he was probably afraid of you. So he talked like he felt, agitated and scared.
Did you ask him if he wanted us to put back the stone where we found it on his farm land?
I didn't hear any complaints after we killed or ran off the local monsters around his farm and this ley line. Maybe you should run off and ask him before you start calling me a thief. Or maybe I should call you a thief for taking my time."
CK, "What about my injured Dog Boys?"
"We were both there. Your men shot first. We defended ourselves."
"Your men could not be hurt by our guns and they knew it."
"We didn't know what ammo you were going to shoot at us. We were prepared and lucky. Besides, that spell doesn't protect against blades or grenades. We would not even be having this discussion if you were not speaking to me in my language. IF you had an atlantean master then you know that my side is the side of honor. I don't need your help. I don't want your interference. If you honor the atlantean ways, you will leave the area without any more trouble.
CK, "I can't move the injured Dog Boys. They will die. I call upon your atlantean honor to render aid or allow us to stay until they are strong enough to be moved."
Atlantean, "You will have my response in 5 minutes."

5 minutes later.

Atlantean, "You stay with the wounded. The rest of your pack withdraws from the area. After that, I will consider what means of healing are available to me and their use."

A long argument ensues. Fellow Dog Boys do not feel good about leaving a Boy behind. Lady Widow orders them to fall back. She will stay with the wounded.

About 10 minutes or so later. A party of Free Born Dog Boys searches the area. The Stone mage follows.
He begins by using Psi-Diagnosis, then Deaden Pain, Induce Sleep, and Psi-Surgery. His operation is as good as that of a doctor performing the surgery at a hospital. He follows up with "Healing Touch" to seal all cuts and open wounds leaving no scars (ISP from ley line + boost).

CK Lady Widow, "You honor you me and your clan. Aerihman. Ask something of me, that I might honor you and the clan Aerihman."
What discussion follows involves the medical condition of the maimed Dog Boys. They need limb replacement. The atlantean speaks of it in taboo fashion but with a matter of fact tone as a doctor would.
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Re: Cerberus

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The discussion between the Atlantean and the cyber-knight goes on for a while. They exchange a lot of information answering a lot of each other's questions.
The Dog Boy company is too nerve racked to run defense for magic users that just wounded to of their own. It is NOT an honor the cyber-knight can muster. While the atlantean's party aren't too thrilled with the idea either.
The atlantean suggests seeing "Athena" about replacing the missing limbs. The company she keeps (Headhunters) can mentor the newest conversions to their new way of life assisted by cybernetics. He hates that it is happening to anyone but the atlantean sees no better alternative. IF he were not an engineer and healer he might not speak of such things but he cannot ignore the reality that replacement parts are needed. He has no means of dimensional travel or rapid transit to get any bio-systems from his atlantean brothers and sisters. Regardless, the Dog Boy's limbs are destroyed. Bio-systems are the recommended technology but they will have to take what they can get and replace it later if it is not.
As for honoring him, the atlantean, he is divided. A part of him deeply wants to kill a Sunja (for revenge) and a vampire (because they are vampires). Such killings as these would bring honor to him, his family and the Aerihman clan. Another part of him wants to build things and live in harmony with nature. He has always been expected to put his clan first and that made him feel guilty about not actively doing something to make his clan more powerful. This sojourn of his is so his restless spirit will get some experience and fighting under his belt. Also, a way of experimenting with pyramid design and construction. Such experience should find a place in the large plans of clan Aerihman.

Although this atlantean stone mage does not know it, stone pyramids will serve the Aerihman agenda if they are to retake Rifts Earth as a larger part of establishing staging grounds for retaking the continent of Atlantis. Such a military campaign will take all the Aerihman clan has. They knew they need more of everything and that includes making contacts with mutual enemies of the Splugorth on Earth as their 5th column. Big picture, after the successful taking back of Atlantis, the rest of Rifts Earth should follow to have complete Aerihman Clan control of Rifts Earth. Controlling the ley lines and nexus points will protect the new Aerihman empire from the chances of both a Splugorth counter attack and those of the otherworldly who might invade. 
In the process, Aerihman atlanteans are to recruit the strong (such as the cyber-knights, dragons, mystic knights, etc) to their cause and gain intelligence about threats to their future plans such as the Xiticix.
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Re: Cerberus

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Adopt a Dog Boy

Lady Widow and Sir Wyatt talking

"We came to the ley line to patrol the area. IF there were a demon or monster we would kill them. Instead, we came across some people with magical powers. They are powerful in ways that make our energy weapons useless against them. Those Dog Boys who defied my orders to withdraw are maimed now. I have come to an agreement with the people in exchange for their medical aid in keeping the wounded alive and to make them as whole and without pain as possible."
Seeing the faces of the Dog Boys uncomfortable with what she has spoken she pauses before continuing.
"We are allowed to speak with enemies. Talking lets us collect intelligence. Make it possible for who we are against to surrender. Doing so saves lives, our lives and resources. Those of you who remember CS tactics recommend avoiding combat near ley lines unless it is unavoidable. This fight is avoidable.
"Are agreement with them includes more than just their help in psionic healing. In exchange for letting them go; for now. They will build a stone building that will stop bad things from coming from the ley line. Storms and Rifts, that sort of thing. This is good for the CS. This is what the CS wants.
"Just like the CS wants others to kill the Xiticix. So too we can allow these people to fight a battle that helps the CS just like fighting the Xiticix would help the CS. So we are going to let them do the fighting for us. Some of you might think of it as fighting fire with fire."
There is a bit of uneasy acceptance that passes over the troops. At the very least no Dog Boy wants to openly be critical of Lady Widow in front of the others.
"After they are finished we can take control of the stone building they will have finished. For now, we will take our wounded to Athena, the operator, to demand payment by recharging our E-clips and equipping our wounded with cybernetics so that they will continue to serve with us after they have recovered and are ready."
Feelings are mixed and they all find it a bit weird.
"Many mutant animals out of Lone Star come with cybernetics. The Ursa bear. The Kill Hound. These are just a few of many who serve with cybernetics. As they serve, so will our wounded. "
A Dog Boy interrupts, "But the way it has always been, if one can't fight . . . "
CK Widow shouts, "We will NOT put them down. I forbid it! We are carrying them back to Athena. We still have a mission to complete in defending the villages in the area from the monsters that will come out on the autumn equinox."

Lady Widow still speaks in front of everyone, "First Sergeant Wyatt, you and two others will stay behind to keep an eye on these people. Two of their Dog Boys scouts will come with us to be our guides. They will stay with me constantly. Anyone who attacks or even provokes them will be disciplined by me."
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Re: Cerberus

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Sir Wyatt got a good look at the atlantean's camp.

They were effectively doing the security job of the Free Born Dog Boys they replaced.
The leader of the camp is a Mystic Knight with three more of his kind. One of them always had an eye on Sir Wyatt and his Dog Boy privates.

The Atlantean had made a miniature version of the stone pyramid. Now he is working on the life size version. He carries stones like they are pillows. Wyatt understands how the ley line could power the mage forever so this magic he could perform until he got tired. Most of the atlantean's time he spent carrying the stones that are nearest to the construction site during daylight.
They mostly have used some spells to dig up the site and re-pack it with stone. The atlantean could put it all together until they had a single block of stone without cracks or seams. It is really impressive. He is really into his work too.

The rest of the camp has a makeshift stone sundial, some military fortifications with fox holes, a bunker and camouflage. The mystic knights wear camo fatigues. Are not really happy with the situation in terms of being known as mystic knights and that an atlantean stone mage is here working on a pyramid. Intelligence, however, suggests their restlessness has to do with security and is not personal. Besides, Wyatt doesn't trust them either, so the feeling is mutual. At night they stayed in underground Sheltering Force tents while at least one mystic knight and Dog Boy were on security duty.
They also have a suit of NG Power Armor, six skycycles (four armed), and two hovertrucks (they allowed Lady widow to use one to rush the two wounded Dog Boys to "Athena").

Wyatt tries to start a conversation with the Mystic Knights to find out what is in this venture for them.
Rather than talk they prefer sparring practice. First with swords. Endowing them with magic, Sir Wyatt obliges them with some dueling practice. They aren't bad but lack his experience and strength. They all wanted to test him and test themselves against him.
Wyatt can tell they want a real fight but have to play nice in front of the Atlantean.

Why they are doing this clearly has to do with him. Wyatt makes a note to ask the atlantean where he first met them and how they came to be on this project together.
What Wyatt can remember about the Atlantean Aerihman clan is that they are super loyal to their clan, and somewhat competitive and aggressive in fighting threats.
While a stone mage is rare, every clan needs their. This one wants a story to tell (honor and glory). He's young, 50 maybe. That's young for an atlantean.

To give each other some breathing room, Wyatt wants to check on the farm he talked to outside the range of the ley line. So he invites one of the mystic knights and another Dog Boy to come along. The Mystic Knight clearly shows their priorities are the atlantean and his construction work.
Their purpose here is to protect him and his work.
Sometimes they do what they can to assist with carrying stones. It is exercise and a substitute for working out. But at least one is always the watchful eye and bodyguard to the atlantean. Other times they use their powers to recharge their E-clips when they test their weapons everyday and practice their marksmanship.
The Dog Boys make a trip everyday outside the ley line area of influence to take a break and clear their senses. Some hunt game and reassure themselves they can still feel the psychic and supernatural.

One of the knights (they all refuse to give their names, instead they refer to each other as numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4) informs Sir Wyatt that they foresee an attack coming in their clairvoyant visions.

Meanwhile back at Athena's camp.
Lady Widow gets the company's E-clips recharged.
Then negotiates arrangements for bionic/cybernetics for the Dog Boys. Athena says she can make or acquire them but not install them. Says Lady Widow will have to make a side arrangement with one of her Headhunters who has contacts.

As for the matter of the ley line The Widow spills the beans about the atlantean and the crew he is running with. The Mystic Knights obviously recharge their own E-clips but are not interested in cutting into her business. They have their own job bodyguarding the atlantean and his work. Tells the tale of the atlanteans deal is he has honor of a sort. They speak the same language. He is building a stone pyramid for experience and practice and to lock down the ley line from ley line storms and unwanted Rifts. He sees himself as doing something good. Nothing that will hurt anyone.
Besides that, his bodyguards are capable fighters and immune to energy weapons. When some of the Dog Boys got restless and opened fire it didn't turn out well for them.
Lady Black "The Widow" explains that virtually every atlantean she meets she must respect and honor as her master would wish it (regardless of clan). Besides that most atlanteans are good and aid others. This atlantean is the only reason the mystic knights didn't go kill mode on her Dog Boys. Lent the hover-truck to her to rush the Dog Boys to Athena. Whatever their arrangement with the Atlantean is, they want him to see the mystic knights as not evil.

Lady Black and the rest of the Dog Boy company won't do anything to harm him or impede his work. IF everything goes the way the atlantean wants his pyramid won't harm anyone. Lady Black expects that he will leave not long after it is up and running, either back from where he came from or to the next thing.
IF Lady Black could she would help him but believes it is too much for the Dog Boys to watch over any magic user who is not their prisoner. And carrying stone might finish the job in days but Lady Black Widow is convinced they would see it as aiding an enemy.

Athena is a bit unsure of what will happen next and what her place will be in the valley if there are stone pyramids on every ley line. Although she, as a techno-wizard, wants to examine the pyramid her real concern is if she will be able to continue to use the ley lines to make profit.What if they put her out of business? She will be if she can't get the PPE. Wonders if the pyramids can be controlled or destroyed afterwards.
Lady Widow claims she can arrange an audience with the Atlantean IF she will come alone and unarmed under the protection of the Dog Boys.

As for the side deal with the Headhunters to make an appointment with a trusted traveling Cyber-Doc. They can get to them with the hover-truck.
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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The battle was bad, for the bandits who tried to bushwack Lady Black "The Widow" and her Dog Boys.

She had to give them credit for their advanced planning in the ambush. They must not have been counting on her Sixth Sense and skills of detection. After pulling over for the nice ambushers and feeling out their numbers and positions she had her plan in place. Telepathically informing the Dog Boys of what she was going to do and for them to do she quickly dispatched the band of criminals. The only downside was that she revealed herself to have the power to summon a psi-sword to the two Dog Boys riding shotgun (but not the maimed). It took everyone by surprise, as did her speed and number of attacks. In under a minute all that were left had fled or surrendered. After securing them and tending to their injuries we tied them up and tossed them into the back of the truck.

Next stop the rendezvous point where they wait on the cyber-doc. In the small town was the best a cyber-doc was going to do to find customers. Everyone loses at least a digit or every ten years or so out in the wild or on harsh farmers. This mining town had its share of smashed hands. What were they going to do find another line of work that doesn't require hands?

The MASH style tent set up was as good as was going to get as far as working conditions.
The Doc was a little put off by the Dog Boys. He was not racist so much as he had never installed bionics on a Dog Boy before. He was also a little intimidated by the whole Coalition armor thing. First thoughts (telepathy) were that it was a bust and we were here to arrest him. Second, we were running a con artist scam that went wrong or to shake him down for credits or free services. Third, we were deserters.
After serving up the dead bandits for spare parts his next thoughts were that we were cyber-snatchers.

After he had a look at the prisoners.

After the order that he perform the bionic operation on the Dog Boys, he didn't know what to make of us. No questions. Just wanted to get paid. Gems and precious metals are preferred but deals have to be arranged. We are putting up the "parts" so it is really about his skills and tools; painkillers and recovery too.
Telling her Dog Boys she was going to change for some undercover work in the town they are supposed to keep an eye on the Doc and stand watch over their brothers.

Finding what passes for the law in the town. The Lady Black Widow explained the capture of the bandits. Provided testimony and weapons as evidence. Demonstrated that she is a cyber-knight reciting the code and creating a psi-sword.
The trial only considered reduced time if they gave up the location of their fellow bandits and stole goods or at least their fence. Given there was more than one survivor between the law man, Lady Black and their defense (sort of lawyer) the first one to give it up would go free. They turned on each other so fast it was hard to say who did it first.
Privately they discussed releasing just one with a die roll. Then following them to who they associate with. IF that didn't reveal anything they could release another one. Regardless, no one believed it would be long before they tipped their hand and either led them to the rest of their gang or committed another crime. The rest would do hard labor in the mine.

Turning down the bounties Lady Black instead wanted to see that justice was done.
Although she does ask for work to earn some credits or at least goods she can use to pay the Cyber-Doc. She will be coming back and forth to this town to check on her Dog Boys while they are adjusting to their medical procedure of bionics. With the vehicle she has now she can haul cargo. With her connections she offers to facilitate the shipping and handling of a few things like E-clip recharging, perhaps some gasoline, or repair of broken parts. People's opinion of cyber-knights is such that they are willing to take a chance on her. Payment on delivery ensures they don't lose.

Meanwhile back at the atlantean's camp.

The party prepares itself for war.
They use the "Sustain" spell to keep themselves from getting tired.
Someone is always on guard and looking in four directions with optic systems and/or sees the invisible.

After dark the dead marched upon them.
Sixth Sense goes off a minute before.
At the speed of 10 (about 7 mile per hour) they came out of the tree line without tactics.

Fearless but slow, these 24 zombies get two attacks per melee round; S.D.C. 150.
Half armed with Vibro-Swords (2D6 M.D.).
Damage Resistant: M.D. energy weapons (lasers, ion blasts, particle beams) inflict M.D. as half damage as S.D.C. point for point. For example: An M.D. energy rifle that does 2D6 M.D. and the dice roll of 7 points of damage reduce the damage by half to inflict 3 S.D.C. points of damage to the zombie; always round down.
SAME with animated dead.
24 Animated Dead. Dressed in skins and outdoor clothes. Wear Boots.
80 S.D.C. each
They are armed with vibro knives. 1d6 MD.
Blunt and smashing attacks do full damage, fire does double normal damage.

That's 48 villain opponents total. They have no body heat.

It will take the zombies 2 full rounds before they can engage in melee combat.

The lead mystic knights are constantly shadowing the atlantean stone mage.
The other three stay focused on their firing sectors. With a Dog Boy by their side.
One such "side" faces the oncoming dead.
They open fire using NG-L5 Northern Gun Laser Rifle (3d6 MD)
That leaves Sir Wyatt, his two Dog Boys
The low level atlantean stone mage is treated a bit like a tourist with a gun who is playing at being a Man at Arms and is encouraged to shoot in the right direction.
Ready the remaining hover vehicle for a quick exit of the atlantean. They guard the truck and are constantly looking around them and the vehicle. One is ready with a NG Particle Beam weapon.
Their damage is insufficient and the guy with the particle beams misses a lot.
That leaves Sir Wyatt, his two Dog Boys, open fire without order.

The atlantean destroys two of the animated dead with perfect shots.
Sir Wyatt also makes a perfect shot destroying one and damaging a few.

Their position overrun the battle quickly becomes a melee combat.
The leader tosses the atlantean in the hover vehicle and orders the driver to fall back to the rally point. Then defends the particle rifleman while he dresses in NG power armor.

The mystic knights quickly turn invisible while this happens. Also, cast invisibility on their Dog Boys.
“They are leaving us to die!” Shouts Eli, Dog Boy on Wyatt’s right.

This leaves Sir Wyatt and his Dog Boys in plain sight.
The zombies and animated dead have only two attacks and no initiative.
Positioning themselves so they can’t be flanked or attacked from the rear they hack away at the dead before them.
A Psi-Sword appears out of each hand and the dead fall before him one by one. His enemies blades are easy to parry and he goes unstruck.
His brothers are not as lucky and their armor is damaged.
In the distance, Wyatt can see the invisible and notices the mystic knights slaying the easy prey of the animated dead (6 are destroyed).
Another zombie falls to Wyatt’s psi-blade as his brothers struggle to strike with they vibro-weapons.
Eight (8) zombies fall.
As the zombies begin to swarm Wyatt and his men. The zombies are engulfed in a magic net that comes out from the invisible mystic knights.
12 zombies are pinned down and block others zombies from Wyatt crew.
Wyatt shouts, “Shoot them. Shoot them like fish in a barrel.”
From Wyatts position he defends the Dog Boys from any attacks from the undead. But he is not so distracted that he can’t notice the necromancer sneaking up on one of the invisible mystic knights from behind.
Eight (8) more undead are fall.
The NG power armor starts stomping animated dead destroying 5 all by himself.
“Look out behind you!” is too late to tell who Wyatt was speaking to as the mystic knight is struck from behind as he kills another undead.
Eight (8) more undead fall as the invisible necromancer turns tail and runs.
Everyone looks around them before the mystic knights.
Checking on his Dog Boys Wyatt breathes a sigh of relief to find only their armor damaged.

They finish off the undead who are trapped while Wyatt scans the direction the necromancer ran. Wyatt can’t see past the trees. His Dog Boys senses can’t detect him. He quickly remembers to use his psionic power of Sense Magic but feels it all around him between the mystic knights and their Dog Boys being invisible. That and the ley line bathes everything in PPE. He is probably out of range.

The smell of the animated dead and zombies also masks the air around them. Running in the direction the necromancer went Wyatt realizes how dark it is. He can’t see the mages tracks in the dark of night in a forest. He mentally kicks himself for not learning the skill of Optic System to use his night vision goggles. He knows he could order the others Dog Boys to use theirs but he knows they are rattled and if the mage might have friends or traps in the woods. Wyatt is sure he will survive. He’s not sure his Dog Boys would.
He doesn’t want another Dog Boy maimed if he can wait until sun up to hunt them.
The mystic knight becomes visible along with their Dog Boy support.
“Keep your guard up. They could be back,” says one of the MK. “Who’s wounded?”
Fortunately only the one mystic knight but he doesn’t make a sound. Does his best to hide it.

IF Wyatt had not partially seen it he would not have a clue he could even be injured.
It bothered him that the mystic knights were not wearing their signature armor or any armor at all for that matter. Just camouflage combat fatigues. They must be trying to make a certain impression with the atlantean. Wyatt had to admit though, outwardly the mystic knights had not really done anything evil. They even cast those “Magic Net” spells that probably kept his men from getting injured. More camouflage Wyatt imagined to hide their true nature.
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Radio signals won't work this close to the ley line so Wyatt can't radio anyone.

The Mystic Knights aren't talking when it comes to what the necromancer did to one of them. He is just sort of in the time out box.

Everyone else is kind of repeatedly stabbing the remains of the undead just to be certain. Turns out many of the zombies were down but not "out." They had their legs broken or cut but needed the finishing blow. Then they collected the weapons the dead had on them.

It is clear to Wyatt only the MK's and their Dog Boys know where the rally point is but they aren't talking about it. No advantage for them to let Wyatt know.
Since the radio can't contact them they must use either magic or have to go there directly. Wyatt can't imagine they would return to the construction site without knowing if the crew is still alive and the place is safe. They must be putting off the recall signal until they know the area is safe.

Wyatt does an after action review with his Dog Boys.
It is the first time they have been on a ley line battle.

First time facing zombies like these before and animated dead.

From their point of view the magic using mercs left them behind to die. What was strange was the magic net that came out of nowhere to tangle up the zombies. Also, the undead appear to come apart like someone who was not there was hacking and slashing them from behind. Wyatt explains that the merc went invisible and if the Dog Boys could see the invisible they would have seen they were still fighting zombies are not great fighters and even average living men have a hard time fighting an invisible opponent. They backstabbed the dead and took down more than anyone else.

Questions are asked about how often do "these" attacks happen?
Who did this attack and why?
How will they prepare for the next attack?
Why aren't we hunting the evil spell caster who did this?
Wyatt brings them up to speed about necromancers and what he saw. The Dog Boys have nightvision goggles and are ready to hunt now that they have had a chance to answer the call of nature, drink some water, and catch their breath.

They look over and see the mercs (mystic knights) double checking themselves, their gear and each other. Night vision appears to be one of their things. They have no fear of the dark or undead. Watching them, Wyatt guesses they think if they kill the necromancer it will end the curse or whatever he did to him.
Without the atlantean around they might get bloody.
A quick peek at the surface thoughts of the MK's are mind blocked. They thought to block their thoughts. The minds of their Dog Boys were not shielded. The best sniffer Dog Boy will go with the two of the knights. One knight will stay with his brother knight and the other two Dog Boys.

They are going hunting. Nothing was mentioned about Wyatt or his boys.
Safest gamble is to stay here, stay alert, until they get back.
Wyatt knows he's hungry for a hunt. His men Boys can see it too.
"Let's follow them," says Eli as he puts on his night vision goggles.
"We don't trust the mercs or have earned their trust," replied Wyatt.
"You said they saved us."
"I said they didn't desert. They stayed and fought the undead. That's NOT the same as saving or defending us."
"By the way, what kind of vibro-sword was that you drew?"
Jag, the other Dog Boy interrupts, "Standard issue."
Eli, "No, I meant Sgt Wyatt, what was the blade you drew."
Jag, "All I saw were the one vibro-knives the undead had. Sgt Wyatt, you grabbed one of their swords right? Use their own weapon against them. Fight fire with fire."
Eli looks at Dog Boy Jag, then back at Wyatt, then at the still sheathed vibro blade on Wyatts belt. Say, "You are faster than anyone I've seen."
Jag, "I turned in all the weapons I took off the dead to those mercs. Swords must be with them. We never talked about if we get to keep anything. Probably magic anyway. Something the evil mage gave to his zombies to kill us. I know what you're thinking, Eli, what if it's a magic sword. Best to destroy it to be sure. But, this is their camp. We are sort of outnumbered. IF we waited until the mercs have gone hunting that would leave only the Dog traitors and two magic using mercs."
Wyatt interrupts, "You're forgetting the NG power armor pilot and his suit. And he's not taking that off or dropping his guard. Besides, it would not be honorable to attack them like this. We stay to the plan. They will leave after they finish the stone building.
"Later is a maybe. Now is certain," Jag throws in.
Wyatt looks at the Dog Boys again. Their blood is stirred up from the attack. They want to fight. They want to kill.
"We are going hunting. For the necromancer."
Eli mentions, "We are not exactly invited to join their hunt."
"We will go our own way," replied Wyatt.
"But what if they try something fun, some not so friendly fire."
"I can see the invisible. I'll keep an eye out for them." (it's not a lie but what Wyatt didn't say was that he can't see in the dark. It is really about keeping the restless Dog Boys busy and out of trouble).

The hunt begins.
"Wager I'll get him first," Wyatt said to the mystic knight.
He smiled. First time Wyatt had seen him lightened up.
Handing Wyatt a map of the local area the knight replied, "Let's make it a fair hunt."
"Loser has to wash the other's clothes."
As he laughs. And then waves his hand over Wyatt. He feels like he's fresh from the shower and clothes are fresh from the drier. He had no idea how dirty he was and forgot how good it feels to be clean. The zombie stink was off of him.

Meanwhile, Lady Black tore through the mine shaft with her psi-pickaxe hauling hundreds of pounds she carried that wait. It was good to get a few hours or so to work out. No need for explosives.
Splashing some water on herself she stretched out her muscles and really felt them.
The other miners grumble their opinions:
"Slow down. Are you trying to make us look bad?"
"Thought cyber-knight thought they were too good for this kind of work."
"A psi-stalker, mining?"

Foreman, "You know you could have gone hunting or something."
Lady Black, "Had to know what it is like. What life is like for you. The honest work of a miner. I will rest on the way back to my camp for the supply run. My Boys have the containers in the hover vehicle and I have the order list."
Foreman, "That's another thing. A psi-stalker who knows how to read? What are you? What are you doing here?"
"Picking up your machine parts for repair, just like the damaged cybernetic and bionics in the back of my ride. Be seeing you in a day or two. You can give my pay to the Cyber-Doc as my down payment. "

With that she left for the hover vehicle and left with her Dog Boys.

"Why are we doing this?" Asked one of the Boys.
"Got to pay for our brother's surgery in some way."
"Somethings different. They way they looked at you. They weren't intimidated. They sort of looked up to you.
"Soon they will come to you as well. You just have to get to know each other."
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Re: Cerberus

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Supporting NPCs

Name: Mal

An outdoorsman this wilderness scout free born Dog Boy loves the great outdoors.
Growing enormously large this malamute took to scouting the wild.
Got an offere to join a start up merc company. A chance to gain some experience and make some credits. Scout and map a ley line and the land surrounding it. Collect information on any threats around and near the ley line. Must be able to work with magic users and endure daily exposure to a ley line. Position comes with free E-Clip recharges. Will repair and maintain equipment and gear.
Double as security and bodyguard position. Must be able to defend oneself. Will provide NG energy weapon.
Cooking skills a plus
Need a Big Man for a Big Job.

Mal; Free Born Dog Boy
TrailBlazing: 35%
Cross-Country Pacing: 50%
Cartography: 55%

Standard Dog Boy Abilities and Psionics at 4th level
Psionic Powers:
Empathy (4), Intuitive Combat (10), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3),
and Sixth Sense (2)

Alignment: Principled

I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 12, M.A.: 10, P.S.: 24, P.P.: 11, P.E.: 26, P.B.: 18, Spd: 36

Breed: Malamute.
Height: Unusually large. 7 feet, 3 inches tall (2.2 meters)
Weight: 400 lbs (180 kg)

S.D.C.: 103 Hit Points: 41 P.P.E.: 6 I.S.P.: 42

+3 on initiative + 1 to strike, +3 parry and dodge, Bite damage 2d6.
+2 to disarm
+4 on Perception Rolls,
+8 to save vs poison and disease,
32% to save vs Coma & Death,
+2 to save vs Horror Factor

Language : American 94%, Dragonese & Spanish 80%

Athletics (General), Climbing 80/70%, Prowl 62%
Cooking 65% (75% hunted game), Fishing 70%,
Horsemanship: General 75/55%, Hovercycle 79%
Hunting, Identify Fruits and Plants 65%, Land Navigation 68%,
Track Animals 60/70%, Wilderness Survival 70%,
Radio: Basic 70%

W.P. Archery: 4 Attacks, +3 to strike
W.P. Axe: +1 to strike, +2 to parry
W.P. Knife: +2 to strike, +4 parry
W.P. Energy Rifle +2 to strike
Hand to Hand: Basic 4th level
Hand to Hand:
5 Attacks per melee; +2 Dodge/Parry

O.C.C. Related Skills (6):
Select (2) Physical skills: Gymnastics & Outdoorsmanship
One Wilderness skill: Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 70%
Biology 45%, Dowsing 60%, Detect Ambush 55%,
Detect Concealment 50%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 55%, Preserve Food 65%
Level 2: Intelligence 50%

Secondary Skills (4):
Bicycling 56%, Literacy 55%, Math: Basic 65%, Optic Systems: 45%
Levels 3: Running

Standard Equipment:
Suit of light M.D.C. body armor,
Bow and quiver (12 arrows)
NG Energy Rifle; 4 E-Clips,
survival knife
Wilderness clothing (camouflage fatigues)
Extra pair of boots, hat, sunglasses, air filter, first-aid kit, backpack, utility belt, a couple sacks, several short pieces of cord for tying things, 100 feet (30 m) of lightweight rope, 6 iron spikes, 6 wooden spikes (as much for vampires as anything else), wooden cross, hand axe, utility knife, animal skinning knife, fishing line and hooks, animal snares, two 'canteens,
six flares, infrared binoculars with digital distancing readout, a pair
of passive nightvision goggles, and a telescopic sight for a gun.
Northern Gun Survival kit. Heavy Duty Cast Iron Camping Cooking Set,
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Re: Cerberus

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Lady Black returns.

She meets with “Athena” and they have a discussion.

Cyber-knight Lady Black, “My boys are in the care of a doctor. The matter that remains is one of his payments. I have brought back a collection of things in need of repair. The return of them will provide for your payment and the doctor's bill.”

Athena, “I decide what my work is worth and who I do business with.”

CK Lady Black, “It will help a lot of people and get you more customers.”

Athena, “It will get me more attention and demands made of me.”

“Of me,” corrected Lady Black, “No one knows it is you. I’m a cyber-knight. Helping people is what I do. Fixing things is what you do. Payment will be in gems from your customers and good will from me. Besides, it is not exactly like business is booming. I'm just saying . . ."

Lady Black returns to the Dog Boy Camp.

After reporting and discussing things they get to the meat and potatoes.

"We have twelve days before the equinox. The job we agreed to do we need to be ready for. This nearby ley line needs to be mapped out. Our plan of defense needs to be mapped out. Military Fortifications made. A guard house for prisoners. A medical tent for the wounded. Graves for the dead. A bunker for explosions and storms. List have to be made of essentials for attack, defense, detection, and recovery. We must think of the needs of our troops. Locate drinkable water sources and purification for them. Food sources for the next two weeks. All I have acquired are some refurbished NG tents, 88 gallons of water (thanks to "Athena" and the advantages of a ley line), and 600 pounds of cow meat, for now. Get cooking before it gets any older. Then get to work, on the double!

The Dog Boys are restless waiting as the meat is cooked but morale improves as the first begin to eat.
An inspection begins afterwards and Dog Boys talk about their needs. Sargents inspect the weapons and equipment for damages.
Overall they have taken care of what they have as well as could be expected. Still, most electric items need to be recharged. The item or its batteries are stored for Lady Black to take care of it. Anyone who sees the look on her face is deterred from asking her how she will accomplish this feat.
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Re: Cerberus

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Sir Wyatt was taken back by the stench of the clouds in the woods.
The necromancer(s) must have cast some spells to fowl the air.
We won't be tracking them by scent.

While the ground was littered with footprints from the walking dead (zombies and animated dead).
Spreading out to look and listen while practicing light and noise discipline we saw and heard nothing but the sounds of insects. They aren't here or they are well hidden.
This is not good tactically.

Wyatt taps the shoulders of his men to return to the pyramid site.

Later that not the Dog Boys could hear some commotion.
Not long after the mystic knights returned.
They were carrying a humanoid with several wooden stakes through his body.
Taking the body to a fox hole they began shoveling dirt on the corpse.

"What are you doing?" asked Wyatt. "IF there is any chance its a vampire we have to burn it."

"We've got this," spoke the lead knight.

Always under guard by at least 3 of the atlantean's party the corpse was ever watched by a warrior prepared to impale it with wood and water.
They have carefully prepared a wooden coffin with silver crosses on all sides and a sort of water bed and motor pump.
By dawn's light the atlantean returned.

In the shadow of the fox hole the atlantean, under guard, saw the corpse and smiled.

Breaking bread for breakfast the atlantean explained.
"This is my dream come true. I will slay a vampire. The first in my family. But not too soon. I want to talk with it. Study it. Learn from it. Perhaps it will lead us to its master. Regardless I will myself kill the undead fiend and bring honor and glory to myself, my family, and my clan. Wyatt, I have a feeling, you have brought me this luck. I mentioned to your Master this was one of the things I wanted. Now it has come to pass. I am VERY happy and wish to reward you ALL. Speak it, and if it is agreeable and within my power I shall make it happen."
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Re: Cerberus

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The pressure is on.

Better to ask for what you want now before things got cool and people forget how happy they were when they said things.

The CS Dog Boys stayed silent and watched and listened to everyone else.

The knights you could tell wanted money but there was something reserved about them that was a sure tell they were thinking.

The Free Born Dog Boys want a ranch they can settle down on when they retire and raise some pups.
This brings a smile to the atlanteans face. Everyone around feels his agreeability with the wish.
The pervasive feeling is asking for money would be improper to ask for as the atlantean doesn't have it on him and maybe doesn't have it at all. No. The sentiment is that whatever is asked for should be something he has on him or can do in the next couple of days.

"It would be a great honor, if I could get one of your people's special tattoos, like one of the kind you have," mentions one of the knight's.
The atlantean replies, "Indeed, it is a high honor. Alas, it is not an honor I have the ability to bestow. Only one of our revered artists can grant such a request. And even then it is not granted lightly. The clan tattoo smith needs the permission of the clan elders to grant such an honor to someone outside of our clan. Something not done in haste, often after years are spent amongst our people. The rare exceptions being those we adopted, marry, or a sort of martyr for the clan; someone's whose reputation or heroics are in service to the clan or our cause. Even after I kill this vampire and complete this pyramid I am unlikely to receive such an honor and I am Atlantean and was born into my clan. The average Atlantean doesn't get more than these two marks of our heritage. One protects us from vampires (pointing at the tattoo of a heart with a stake in it) the other to fight them with (pointing to a tattoo of a flaming sword). Really it is a question of why do I need more than this. I am an artist and builder. What need do I have for more than I have?"

The lead knight (one), "You don't need to be here. . . And yet here you are. You don't need to slay the vampire. Others could. And yet you will. You are doing more than anyone expected you would and succeeding."
The Atlantean's smile became a little bit of a smug expression.
"You took down at least two zombies. Soon a vampire. You look like a warrior against the undead to me."
The Atlantean's smile grows wider.
"A man of your ambition and intellect. You can relate to others who want to do more, be more than only what their authorities say to them, this is what you can be and no more."
"Well, spoken, One. And I just now remember. There are others who make the tattoos who are not Atlantean. The Splugorth. They are evil. They have taken my peoples homeland of Atlantis from us and must be destroyed or exiled. You may have heard of their slaves and servants taking people from your lands as slaves to serve them for their labor, to be sold for their profit, or to die in their arenas for their amusement. They are known to mark their slaves they pick out for fighting with my peoples tattoos. It is a crime against my people and yours. They have corrupted the marks of my people's heritage into a symbol of their oppression of slaves. I would destroy the Splugorth, if I could. End their empire of slavery. Free the people they took for slaves."
One, "Perhaps something could be arranged. One or perhaps two slaves could be freed."
"Oh, no that's, well dangerous is putting it mildly. I'm just a stone mage. I couldn't possibly go to Atlantis. Rescue a slave. That's for my people's heroes and warriors."
"I hear tales of the Sunja can be found there also."
The Atlantean's jaw drops as he gawks at the knight.
"Slow down." Turning his head in a sort of effort not to think but change the subject, "You," pointing at Sir Wyatt, "What do you want?"

Sir Wyatt, "To fight injustice."
The Atlantean, "Good but I don't know how to help you with that."
Wyatt, looking to the left and right of him at his Dog Boys, replies, "We have needs like everyone else. More than that, we need the tools to suit our purpose."
"Go on," says the Atlantean.
"This pyramid, who will defend it after you leave? What is to stop someone from demolishing it?"
"Part of my reason for building this is to see if I can. IF it will work. For me it is a challenge and test. After I build it, after I see that it works. It will have achieved what I set out to do."
Wyatt, "So will you take it apart after you have finished?"
"IF it is successful, it will stabilize the ley line to prevent storms from occurring and Rifts from opening. So I will leave it as it is, protecting the people."
"And what is to stop a man from tearing what you built down?"
"It is solid stone. No man can tear it down."
"He can with one of these, (pointing to his energy rifle)."
"Because he can."
"He'd have to know its here."
"Why wouldn't he?"
"Once it is finished the sight and feel of the ley line will no longer be seen or felt. The pyramid makes it so it is like it is not here anymore."
The CS Dog Boys look relieved.
"The line might not be invisible but the pyramid won't be. What if someone comes looking around? Sees the pyramid and tries to smash it with a giant robot or a rocket?"
"Why bother? Besides there are plenty of other things he can shoot. Why waste the ammo; it's expensive on Earth; especially out here."
"Like I said before, because they can."
The Atlantean stares off into space for a moment. Silently swears. Then turns his head to Wyatt. "I didn't think about that."
Wyatt replies, "I offer the services of noble soldiers to defend the Earth from those who wish to destroy or steal your work. A pyramid, your pyramid, that will keep D-Bees from getting lost here and supernatural monsters from coming through. We can also defend it from the likes of that necromancer and their army of the undead. After you are gone, they or others like them, will try to control your pyramid, if they can, or destroy it if they cannot."
The Atlantean, "Contract . . . ?"
"An agreement to supply us with what we need to defend your creation. Food, E-clip recharging, that sort of thing."
The mystic knight (one), "We have an agreement but it covers your defense not of this pyramid. We don't have the men or the resources, yet . . ."
The Atlantean, "The pyramid will provide electrical power. Power enough to recharge your E-clips and any other electronic devices you have. I would have to show you how to use it."
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Re: Cerberus

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The Stone Master
A little under 50 the “Young” atlantean is bored and feels like he is missing out on life. He wants to be bold. Of the Aerihman clan this stone mage is not a warrior but comes from a culture that attributes pride to martial abilities against the undead and monsters. So he did not feel respectable or respected in the eyes of his clan. Even as a stone mage at best he felt mediocre.
So he went out on his own to do some fighting with a start-up merc company. His atlantean clan networked and pointed him in the direction of some mercs who would value him, let him do some fighting, and make sure he got back alive. Little did he know that the four “mercs” were low level wandering mystic knights who had teamed up to get some experience and money far outside the magic zone. The other members of the team of 12 are Free Born Dog Boys working as wilderness scouts and security.

Together their mission is to build an atlantean stone pyramid on a ley line. It will be a challenge for the stone mage and an opportunity to test their ideas. While they construct the pyramid they expect there to be difficulty in those who see their presence as disrupting the status quo. They will have to transport as much stone as necessary to the construction site. Defend themselves and the pyramid while it is being built as well as after it is finished.

Sense Ley Lines: 35 mile range.
Mold Stone: 60%
Carry 18,000 lbs of stone
Stone Telekineses: 1,500 lbs
Sense Underground Water: 3 miles distance; 600 feet underground.
Gem Cutting/Shaping: 34%

Atlantean Stone Master
Name: Ictinus of the Aerihman clan
Alignment: Aberrant
I.Q. 15, M.E. 20, M.A. 15, P.S. 18, P.P. 11, P.E. 16, P.B. 17, Spd. 20
Physical Strength: Augmented
Awe Factor: 12.
Hit Points: 26
S.D.C.: 50
I.S.P.: 54
PPE: 176

Disposition: Typically of his Atlantean people, a headstrong and bold but kind, merciful, noble, honest and brave.

4th Level Stone Master
Height: 6 feet (young) Weight: 172 lbs.

O.C.C. Skills:
Astronomy & Navigation 75%
Language & Literacy: American, Dragonese/Elf, and Greek 98%
Language: (2): Faerie Speak & Spanish 80%
Mathematics: Basic 98% & Adv: 80%
Gemology: 50%, Masonry: 70%, Whittling and Sculpting: 75%
Lore: Demons & Monsters: 55%,
Swimming: 70%
W.P. Sword +2 to strike (flaming sword 2d6 MD), +2 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol +2 (Crystal Laser Pistol 2d6; 20 PPE to energize)

Hand to Hand: Basic 4th level
5 attacks per melee; +2 to dodge & parry

O.C.C. Related Skills (5):
Architecture (Technical skill) 55%, Civil Engineering (Science skill): 55%, Electrical Engineering: 50%, Electricity Generation: 65%, Mechanical Engineering: 45%
3rd Level: Anthropology 45%, Military Fortification: 45%

Secondary (4):
Art 60%, Carpentry 40%, Lore: Magic 45%, Lore: Psychics & Psionics 45%,
2nd Level: Lore: D-Bees: 35%

Major Psychic Healer (8 powers from the healing psionic category):
Bio-Regeneration (Self) (6), Deaden Pain (4), Exorcism (10), Healing Touch (6), Meditation (Automatic; 0), Psychic Diagnosis (4), Psychic Purification (8), Psychic Surgery (14), Stop Bleeding (4)
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Re: Cerberus

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Not much work got done with the excitement of the staked vampire.
Talk about it was ongoing. It was a wild one. Not too bright. Slim.

Someone asks, "Did anyone bring a squirt gun?"

Everyone carries at least two liters of water on them. Wears a cross and garlic on their breath.

Plans upon plans are debated.

"So here's the plan, we put a tracking device on the vampire as an ankle bracelet. After the sun goes down we take the stake out of his heart. He can't go anywhere but up to escape. Knights will be armed with bows and wooden arrows.
First I want to talk with him. He will either fight, fly, freeze in place, or talk to me.
"What if he transforms into a wolf?"
Shoot him till he stops moving.
"And then?"
"We begin again."
"What if he transforms into a bat?"
"Strike him with your wooden stakes or shoot him with wooden arrows."
"And then?"
"We begin again."
"What if he turns into mist?"
"Throw water on him."
"Please don't tell me we start again."
"We start again."
"What if he gets away?"
"We have a tracking device on him. It goes with him even if he transforms."
"Do you want him to get away?"
"Only if it leads us to more to kill."
"Wild ones, like him, typically travel in packs. His pack brother and sisters are out there somewhere waiting for night."
"More for me to kill."
"IF things go wrong, this vampire will injure or kill one or more of us and get away. What is worth that risk? What do you want to talk to him about anyway?"
"That's between him and me. What are you guys? Chicken? We go to dangerous places to take risks and challenge ourselves. If you want to play it safe, stay at home."

The sun sets.

The Atlantean pulls the wooden stake from the wild vampire's chest. Everyone watches as the body slowly begins to move. Bows are drawn. Stakes are ready.
The Atlanteans stands with his flaming sword in one hand pointing at the vampire and the wooden stake in the other ready to re-insert it.
The Atlantean says, "I want to talk."
The wild vampire flares his fangs and snarls. The rest of his body still has wooden stakes in it and he is itching to pull them out. Slowly the vampire becomes a purplish mist and begins to float up. Water, in the form of canteens, spilling rain down on the cloud, wetting the Atlantean as he thrusts his flaming sword through the cloud.
The wild vampire is once more solid on the ground outside the foxhole.
One of the Dog Boys thrust their wood stake into the vampire's chest. The other into its eye.

Pulling the wooden stakes out of its head and heart the wild vampire begins to move again. Its arms are quickly cut off by the Atlantean. It screams. He presses the wooden stake just above the vampire's heart. "Now you are going to talk to me or else!"

A little while longer.
Take 7. "I can do this all night."
"#$%* You!"
"You will talk or you will scream!"
"What do you want from me?"
"I'll never give you anything!"

A little later.
"What do you want to know?"
The lead mystic knight casts "Words of Truth" (The mystic knight does not no the spell does not work on vampires. Just because the spell doesn't work does not mean he cannot cast it nor does he know whether it works or not).
Through interrogation, spells, and torture the Atlantean satisfies his curiousity.

They come to hear:
This vampire was summoned by a necromancer. They believe the one who attacked them. He was once a vagabond woodsman who has forgotten more than he remembers about his first life before he was turned. He actually enjoys his life as a vampire running through the woods as a wild man. He has never felt more alive. He has killed more people than he can remember. He knows where his vampire intelligence is but does not have the words for coordinates or how to express the ideas. He can only run in a compass direction (South) and recognize landmarks and such. It is far away. There are two others that were summoned with him that are still out there somewhere. IF they knew how dangerous and prepared you are they would not come for him (the wild vampire). There is no way to turn vampires back into the people they were and even IF they could they would not want to. Believes vampires will one day rule the world but doesn't really care as long as he can keep doing what he enjoys most. The rest of his information is testing what the Atlantean already believes.

Then through telepathy the characters talk about killing him versus following him to the necromancer or his vampire buddies. 
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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They telepathically debate releasing the vampire to hunt the other 2 vampires who came.
The safest choice is to kill the vampire and be done with it.
IF they let this one go it could attack someone or turn around and come back for them. What IF it is smart enough to avoid his vampire buddies or they are able to telepathically communicate with them. They might all retreat and run away or make an attack against the group.
They are going to kill this vampire anyway. Keeping it alive and allowing it to go free only works in their favor IF it leads them to the others. That only helps them find them so they can attack the camp with vampires. At best it saves them time.
They can hunt the vampires without letting this one go. They might flee and we will never see them. Or they could try to attack us out of revenge for killing their pack member.
They have no certainty the vampire they have will take them to the party to the two other vampires presumably with the necromancer who summoned them only that he will flee. IF that happens all they would get out of it is the hunt for the vampire they already have now.
The Atlantean, telepathically asks, "If we keep this one as a prisoner, will the other vampires come for him? So keeping him 'alive' makes him beat for a vampire trap?"

Nobody knows.

Vampires are evil. Most imagine they would abandon this one.

The Atlantean asks, "What do we have to lose by keeping this one as bait?"

The trouble of guarding him at night. The chance he might escape somehow and hurt us in the attempt.

The Atlantean thrusts a wooden stake into the vampire's heart. Then says aloud, "How much trouble is that? Anyone see any chance of it escaping or injuring any of us?"

Everybody kind of looks at each other a little dumbfounded.
One, the lead mystic knight asks aloud, "Who thought that thought about having to guard the vampire and they might escape?"
Everyone looks at everybody else.
No one raises their hand or admits to it.
One continues, "Ah, it doesn't matter. Stake in the heart keeps him like this forever. We will decide when forever ends for him. Until then we can take turns watching him in case anything. Maybe put him in a wooden box with crosses all around him to keep out his buddies."

They stab his body with a few more wooden stakes just in case he was faking.
Then they hang him up where everyone can see him.
The party talks about making something like an iron maiden but made of wood. After a few spells to create wood they have some material to work with. The Atlantean draws up some designs in his sketchbook. He comments, "Silver would cost a fortune but it would look cool. I can make the shell out of stone no problem. A sort of stone coffin. Then I can shape the stone into plugs to hold the wooden stakes. It will be like death by two dozen wooden stakes. I can even make a second shell over the first coffin to hold water. Making the first cocoon sealed and seamless stone will be air and water tight."
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Re: Cerberus

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Better defenses are built.

Traps are made.

Plans are thought up for a vampire/necromancer/animated dead attack.

That's when Lady Black arrives in the merc company's hover vehicle. The Dog Boys race to her and whisper all that they saw going on.

Sir Wyatt verifies and adds what he has seen and believes.

"So the necromancer summoned some vampires and the knights staked and captured one. The Atlantean is overjoyed to interrogate it. Testing what he knows and asking what he has always wanted to know. Can't be certain the thing was telling the whole truth but enjoyed experimenting on him. Now he's thrilled at the idea he is going to kill the wild vampire's two other pack members. A lot of these people haven't seen a vampire before. This is everyone's first time. Now everyone is preparing for another attack. Except for the knights. One is always watching the vampire, standing guard over it so no one but the Atlantean will kill it when he has decided it is time."

Lady Black likes the idea of hunting. Wants to hunt the other vampires. She came to pick up Wyatt. Change the Dog Boys out. Show the knights their Dog Boy scouts are alright. Have a talk with the Atlantean.

The Atlantean is a ball of excitement. He feels Lady Black is too dominant and will spoil the fight by taking charge or killing the vampires herself. This is his party and she is not invited. She thinks he is not being mature about the matter. Believes he is too bold and confident and it will get him and others hurt or killed. The Atlantean suggests she is jealous and wants the kill all for herself. This is his moment and no one is going to take it away from him. He asks her to leave.

The Mystic Knight, referred to as number one, escorts her back to the hover vehicle. Lady Black understands it as come over here so we can talk.
"The hover vehicle is mine. We allowed you to borrow it. Good manners cost me nothing so I thank you for returning it. I notice now you have left me something in the back."
Lady Black, "Those are mine."
"And yet they are in the back of my vehicle." Pausing. "You're right. I have no need of or right to these things. Feel free to carry them away. Or you can leave them for me to borrow like you did my hover truck. And who knows. Maybe we will transport them to you and your little Dog Boy army out there fully charged and repaired. One thing you should know for certain. We aren't going to do you any favors IF you get in our way AND if it comes to it, you will have to fight; me, my brothers, even the Atlantean."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why are you?"
Lady Black pauses and stares at the knight in combat fatigues.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"IF you were REALLY Coalition you would have fought us by now or fled for reinforcements. Then there's that Dog Boy sergeant of yours that can summon a psi-sword. We know he's a Psi-Knight or at least that's what the Atlantean believes. Just like he believes you are one. I believe there are all kinds of things and exceptions to every rule. So don't trouble yourself over what the Atlantean and I are doing. And if you must think of it, then think of it as just another exception to the rule; like you and Wyatt."
"Nobody tells me what to do!"
"Are you going to bore me to death?" The Armor of Ithan comes over the mystic knight followed by his fist glowing.
The rest of the camp stops what they are doing and stares at the two as they posture.
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Re: Cerberus

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Lady Black thinks about the Cyber-Knight's code. She looks around her and notices the Dog Boys have drawn their vibro-blades.

She motions her hand for the Dog Boys to stay in their position.

"The vehicle is yours. IF the vehicle stays here. It could be damaged. Besides, what need do you have for a hover truck in your trap? And if you let us borrow it, again, we will get out of your way faster. We will even come when you . . , IF you call us . . . also make searching for the necromancer faster . . . just saying . . . "

The next thing Lady Black knew she was riding back to her Dog Boy camp with her boys gears mended and fully charged. The Dog Boy scouts were back with the Atlantean's camp and the Dog Boys with him are returning with me. Wyatt stayed, both for room sake and because he wanted to be certain the vampire died. Besides, the Atlantean liked Dog Boys and there being a cyber-knight being around. Now that the Dog Boys are back Wyatt doesn't have to hold back on using his psi-sword.
I still owed the mystic knight a fist fight but I have other things to tend to and patience, in what matters, is a virtue.

Returning to camp the Dog Boys welcomed back their brothers. I ordered them to withhold the details of what they saw for reasons of "intelligence" and "security." No need to get the boys riled up over some vampire being held captive as the bait for a vampire trap. Still they were happy to be back. Unloading the gear and passing it around they were like kids. Flashlights with fully charged batteries. Same with nightvision googles, watches and radios. No one questions how. They know but they don't know. In their minds I might have gotten it done in the mining town.

Mission status:
Dog Boys have patrolled the length of the ley line on both sides. The Dog Boys scouts we borrowed made us a simple map of it. Rustled some fur when a handful of the boys saw the Free Borns could read and write. They know the CS absolutely forbids Dog Boys from learning how to read and write. Yet there the Free Borns are, not hurting a fly. Made a map for them. It's a good thing. Where's the harm and evil in it? Those ideas are dangerous, just like the ones that might be in books.

Next trip planned to the mining town will take two Dog Boys who have not gone before to spend time with their recovering brothers. They will take back a load of things for trade. They have to guard them from bushwhackers.

Eight more days and the equinox will be upon us.
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Re: Cerberus

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The zombies rose.

Sir Wyatt was curious about when the knights would remember that zombies put themselves back together again.

In the group's excitement they had forgotten about them. Sir Wyatt had to admit to himself he forgot too when they brought back the vampire.They had no weapons but their bare hands. They made good practice, target practice. Sir Wyatt schooled the group on cutting their heads off and burying them separately. All but one. One of the knight's, Three, Wyatt believes, suggested putting a tracking device on the zombie. That way they can follow the zombie to its necromancer master. They would have to go as slow as the zombie.

There was an argument about whether or not to kill the vampire. No one will leave the vampire and no one is going to take it with them. What need do they have of the vampire as long as they have the zombie to follow. IF vampires truly know one of their line is dead they won't bother coming to rescue him. Although, they might come for revenge. IF we are not at the construction site there will be no one to attack. 

The Atlantean caves to the group pressure and unearths the vampire. With a video camera ready and lighting prepared. A silver chain binding the wild one keeps him from turning to mist. He's quite mad. Wyatt joins the circle of knights surrounding the vampire. The circle they stood in is encircled with crosses and freshly poured water. Psi-sword released with the knights brandishing their own swords with magical energy. The show was almost sad. The vampire is all instinct and strength. The Atlantean proudly wields his clans flaming sword.

Their first go around they are both kind of pathetic swinging and missing. The Atlantean got a few lucky blows in. The vampire got a few cuts in and licked his hands for the blood. The Atlantean paid him back with fire and steel. It was ugly. It was slow. And finally, it was over with. The Atlantean kept stabbing the dead vampire until he put a stake in his heart. Then chopped his head off. Tossing the head into the fire pit outside the circle it slowly burned.

He shouted like a madman. Sliding his flaming sword over the decapitated body until it caught fire people waited. 

Impatient, the knights tossed the Atlantean their canteens. He just chopped the body and put the piece in the fire pit.

Watching the piece burn the words escaped. 
“We’ll be smelling that all night.”  
“We can't leave the fire burning. It’s a fire hazard.”
“It will take hours to burn."
Wyatt chips in, “We’ve got time.”

After an hour of Wyatt’s and the Atlantean exchanging vampire stories one of the knight’s interrupts him to show him the video editing.Wyatt uses his psi-sword to break up the bones into smaller pieces. While One fires energy blasts from his eyes turning the bones to ash.

One of the knights drenches the fire with gallons of water.

It’s time to go hunting. Using the Cleanse spell everyone felt cleaner.
Another knight empowered everyone with Supernatural Endurance. 
We RAN without exhaustion. Number Three led the way to the zombie. 
Before we were on top of them the knights become invisible.
Then Armor of Ithan appeared around the Dog Boys.

We took them by surprise. A knight shot the vampire with the spell Lifeblast.The Necromancer and those around him were covered in a Magic Net.A knight opened fire at the air and put a hole through an invisible man.Wooden arrows and stakes flew through the air into the bodies of the two vampires. Wyatt sliced and diced one of the vampires with his two psi-swords. Gallons of water fall out of the air over the remains turning it into a puddle. It was all over pretty fast.
We took the necromancers prisoner, only because they surrendered.
Even then the surrender was accepted reluctantly.
They weren't vampires or undead.  

We gagged them, tied up, looked at them with See Aura, used the Cleanse spell on them to keep our hands clean and stripped searched the two surviving mages. After putting bags over their heads to block their sight, the lead knight, One, threatened them with a painful torture until death if they hurt anyone in an escape attempt. 
“IF we wanted you dead, we would have already killed you.”
Carrying them back to camp, the knights used "Sustain" on them so they won't have to feed them or give them water.

We were still wound up and wanted a fight. So we took turns sparring with each other. A little tussle every now and again helps to relax.

It was a beautiful sunrise that broke the dawn.
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Re: Cerberus

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The Dog Boys are taking a break a couple miles outside of the ley line area of influence.
Enjoying a little fishing, foraging, and hunting the day was pretty relaxing. The wilderness scouts could cook!

Sir Wyatt enjoyed pleasantries speaking with them. He related to them being born free himself. They traded stories about growing up free and their families.

They asked him how and why he became a cyber-knight. No one had ever heard of a Dog Boy becoming a cyber-knight where they came from. Wyatt said he was lucky. A cyber-knight accepted him as an apprentice but it is not an easy or always enjoyable way of life. When Wyatt asked about what they were doing with the mystic knights and the Alantean they said they didn't know what an Alantean or mystic knight was.

So Wyatt schooled them.

"The Atlanteans used to be on Earth a long time ago. They left when Atlantis sank into the ocean. When the Rifts came to Earth, it must have caused something that made the continent of Atlantis rise up out of the Atlantic ocean. Only with no Atlanteans around to defend it some D-Bee or alien slavers moved in and took over. They call themselves the Splugorth or something like that. Never seen one but I'm told they have a million servants and formidable soldiers.
While millions of Atlanteans now live on other worlds like Earth and other dimensions. Some want to return to Earth. Others have let go and just want to live their lives wherever they are. With rare exception, the Atlantean people are good and strong and the enemy of vampires everywhere.
While the Mystic Knights are a mercenary army organized like Dukes and Earls and what not with what they called Houses. Usually they work for money in the Magic Zone. They have a reputation for being effective and ruthless soldiers. Their leaders are rich. They would be quite a force to be reckoned with but they are not interested in conquering and ruling over territory. But they appear to be about money and not much else. Also, they won't expand their ranks faster than they can be certain of their people's loyalty. It has kept their organization going."

The Free Borns share some tales of how the knights have treated them:
They expect to be respected and honored as their employer. The full payment for six months of this job was provided in advance to their families. It was a big reason they signed up with the outfit. They also made some threats around their neighboring towns and villages that anyone who cheated, hurt or robbed the Dog Boys' families while they were gone would wish they had not after they had returned.

Flexed their muscles a bit with some magic and left some weapons with the families.

Number Three, healed some. Took some pictures. Number One said, that they can track them down and find them wherever they go. In case they are kidnapped or whatever. Said they was send a magic bird, one way, to let their families know they were alive.

In their subtle way, they also implied that if the Dog Boys ran away they would find their families to take their wages back. If they turned against the knights they and their families would pay the price. Never betray.

Aside from it all the knights have been professional. Although they do think they are better than everyone else, they don't put the Dog Boys down or disrespect them.

Back at the Atlantean Camp:

The mystic knights interrogate the two necromancers separately.
The Atlantean has no fondness for necromancers and their death magic. Still, they are human and he forbids their torture as pleasure, punishment or revenge. Information, however, is needed or these no reason not to imprison or kill them.

Number One is quick to point out the necromancers started the fight with those zombies and animated dead. "They are guilty of summoning vampires to their aid them. If they let them go they might be back with greater numbers. The only reason we didn't kill them is they surrendered and you wanted prisoners."
The Atlantean, "I want to kill vampires."
Number One, "Then perhaps they can summon more for you to kill . . ."
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Interrogation of the prisoners leads to some discoveries.

It seems they have had some success in secretly cursing the Atlantean with a "Death Wish" spell or something like that.

With all curses being relieved things are settling down.

The prisoners are rewarded with separate exercise sessions, water, and cleanse spell bathing. They are tasked with certain things to test their skills. Under guard and watchful eye the mystic knights study their prisoners. The mystic knights powers allow them to steal ley line energy they necromancer mages might use to attack or escape. That and the fact they strapped localized explosives to their chest, guns to their head, rope tying their feet to a post in the ground a lot of spell casting demonstrations occur.

The Atlantean, and even the mystic knights wanted to see what the necromancers could do.

It occurs to someone that they should ask about and search the Necromancers camp or what is left of it. Do a count to check on their numbers. Secure whatever possessions, transportation and weapons they might have.

The Atlantean interrupts and brings in one of the necromancers into the discussion.
"We are not thieves. We attacked to defend ourselves not to take your lives or possessions. For me, you started this when you attacked us. You aren't the first but you are the worst. I am an Atlantean. My people value life. You are human but you are also a necromancer. By reputation, your school of magic is about death and dying. You were never luckier than you were when we took you prisoner. Since my people value life and honor I had to accept your surrender. That is what heroes do. Besides, Atlanteans, like me, are tolerant of other cultures and beliefs. In Mexico, there are stories of necromancers who fight vampires and defend the people from them. They are heroes in that land. Not ALL your ilk are evil. I also feel pretty good about killing that vampire you summoned. Vampires are evil and must be destroyed.
So here is how it works, for now, you will summon more vampires. We will kill them. The more vampires we kill the less bad feelings there are going to be. IF you refuse, we can have a duel to the death. You can have an honorable death, fighting. We kill a 100 or so vampires and you will have done a great service for our cause. The vampire intelligence behind them will probably come to see you as an enemy. We will come to see you as having a common enemy that wants us both dead. The enemy of my enemy. Take a couple of days to think about it. Talk about it with the other one. My people don't believe in slavery. Quite the opposite. We can't force you but we can force you to choose and give you my word of honor what the consequences will be. And that IF you accept my offer AND we succeed in killing 100 vampires, I will let you go free."
The necromancer replies, "Fifty."
"Each, is 100," the Atlantean quickly throws back. "IF your partner does want in, they can die fighting. Of course, you can beg or make an argument about whether we have the authority to make this deal. If we take you to the nearest kingdom or whatever, there is a company of CS Dog Boys nearby, well, they will most likely kill you. At the very least, I imagine they will cut your tongue out to keep you from casting spells; maybe your hands too, just to be certain. Still, the choice is yours."

They repeat the speech with the other necromancer.
It occurs to someone to ask if they can both summon vampires or if only one of them knows how. IF they are going to do this, they only need one of them . . .

Justice is an eye for an eye. Since the necromancer didn't kill or harm any of the mystic knights or their employees they have no debt of blood or pain. The attack was an attack but it did no real damage.
The zombies can be dug up and used for labor. Helping to carry stone and building up the camp. Practice too, fighting against the undead. Waste not want not. I remember a story about Mexico. They have an undead army that fights the vampires. Zombies who can't be frightened or turned. We are running behind schedule on the stone pyramid construction. We can also cut off their heads and bury them again.
As knights, they want compensation for their time, from the necromancer. Working them seems the fairest exchange of their time for the knight's time. Even if that time is being a foreman to their zombie labor. Just saying . . .
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Re: Cerberus

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The Atlantean swung and hacked away at his zombie opponent.
A quick parry blocked the zombies sword attack. The Atlantean countered and the duel continued.

Watching, the knights didn’t think much of the zombies' fighting skills. They were only impressive in that they are fearless, painless, obedient, tireless and able to take a beating before being defeated. They are cheaper than bots too.

After the fight the Atlantean relaxed with some cool water. When his exercise was over the camp resumed work on the stone pyramid. The zombies are good for unskilled labor of carrying things. Stones came from everywhere around the camp but the nearest concentrated deposit are miles away.

The Atlantean does work on the pyramid sealing stone together while the mystic knights keep security. Number Four takes turns transporting stone to the camp via Teleport: Lesser and Featherlight to teleport four huge rocks.

The Dog Boys are sent to search where they found the necromancers for anything.

Later that night the necromancers cast their ritual spell (with guns to their head from multiple directions) to summon vampires.

A half dozen hours later, three vampire bats fly to the bound and gagged necromancers.

Transformig into humaniods the vampires came within ten feet of the necromancers who summoned them.
Note: These wild vampires have NO Sixth Sense psionic power and cannot see the invisible.

The trap is sprung:
From behind camouflage the mystic knights, becoming invisible, and prowl close to the vampires.
Telepathically signalling the Dog Boys the arrows fly.
Knight One cast lifeblasts almost destroying one wild vampire.
Knight Two cast his version of magic flame across all three of them.
Knight Three video records the battle.
Knight Four casts a magic net that covers ALL three of them.
Sir Wyatt runs up to the vampires under the magic net with his psi-swords active.
The rest of the Dog Boys follow.
And the Atlantean, being the slowest, comes in last flaming sword and wooden stake in hand.

Stabbing with the melee weapons of wooden stakes the group knocks the vampires all the way down.
As ordered, no one stakes the heart or if they do they withdrawl the stake after.
Number Three moves in for a close up of the Atlantean. He slowly and carefully stabs each vampire in the heart. Then proceeds to use his flaming sword to behead the vampires. Ramming each head through the flaming sword the three skulls burn on its flame.
After dispelling the magic net the group watches Sir Wyatt use his psi-sword to cut the bodies into pieces.
They pile them into a pyre and number Three sets them on fire with magic.
They take video around the fire and pose.
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Re: Cerberus

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In the first light of day the Atlantean is staring at what remains of the bits and pieces of the vampire's corpses.
"I'm so happy. I think I'll reward you, Akuj (the name the necromancer gave). I'll count the first three that were killed. That brings the total to six. Ninety-four more to go. As a bonus, I'll even let you make breakfast for yourself. After your workout with us and cleanse spell refresher. I'm in a giving mood."

The mood around camp is festive. Sir Wyatt is somewhat enjoying himself. He had a lot of doubts about this but now vampires are dying.
He thinks he has to keep Lady Black informed.
The Dog Boys are enjoying themselves. Talk is about how long they can keep this up. If they are playing with fire.

Sir Wyatt wants to ask about the relationship between the Atlantean and the knights. Is he the boss? The customer? What is he to them?

After breakfast half of them take a nap.

Meanwhile, Lady Black is in the hover-truck returning to the mining town.
She makes the deliveries. Collects payment. Pays the cyber-doctor. Visit with the Dog Boys and leave two boys by their bedside. Their spirits rise with the company and excitement about the E-clip recharges and equipment being restored.
They are told they will make a full recovery and they can return when they are ready.
They still have a place in the platoon, if they want it.
IF they want to try something different Lady Black can arrange a place to stay in town and a job for them. The choice is theirs.

Word around town is that Lady Black is reliable. No one tries to hijack her hover truck.
The people are happier now that many of their broken things are whole again.
Securing another truck full of goods Lady Black leaves to transport them to "Athena" with her share of the profits.
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Re: Cerberus

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Lady Black returns to "Athena" and gives her her share of the profits. Unloads the goods to be repaired and repowered.

She tells Athena that she believes there is a market for her oil and gasoline and such at the mining town.

Returns to her Dog Boy camp.
"Four more Days," she tells herself. The Equinox is coming. It should be as big a problem for the mystic knights and Athean as it will be here.
Athena has her Headhunters.
The Atlantean has his mystic knights.
And I have my Dog Boys.

The Atlantean Camp:

"I'm bored with this," said the Atlantean.
After seven hours of moving and molding stone to form what was so far of the stone pyramid.
"I want to kill again."
MK One, "We will be up all night. You should get some sleep."
"i can't sleep."
"It's not good to stay awake too long using the Sustain spell. A man goes crazy being awake for days and days.
"Where I come from I was nothing, but average. I'm even average for a stone mage. My aunt is a stone mage. Parents pushed me into it. Most of the pyramids to the places we already go are built. I and a lot of below average mages maintain our stone buildings and pyramids and operate them for others. Best I hoped for was this little journey. Then back to the community and an arranged marriage. Never in my life did anybody really believe I would kill a vampire. Everybody thinks I'm weak. Too weak. It's part of the reason I left to do this. Deep down inside, I was scared too. Scared I wouldn't be strong enough. I'd make a mistake. Come back with my tail between my legs."
The Dog Boys, in the distance, turn their head to the Atlantean.
"No. See. What I meant by that was. I was afraid I would fail so badly I would humiliate myself. There are many beings with tails. They look down on those without tails. I don't know what I am saying anymore. Ignore me. Clearly I've lost my calm and wits. It's just that I am doing things. Things my parents would be proud of. Things my teachers taught us were deeds of heroes of our clan. I was never going to be a hero. At best an architect. I feel important. I feel if people who knew me could see me now, they would look up to me and envy me. I don't want this feeling to end . . ."

Four Wild Vampires come at night.
One dies right away.
Another is damaged very badly
Two are caught up in a magic net.
Sir Wyatt Decapitates the badly wounded one.
The Dog Boys stake away at the two caught in the net.
The Atlantean comes forward and stabs each with his sword. Then carefully takes his time to stake each in the heart. Follows up by cutting their heads off.

Deciding to test some things, the Atlantean ties the corpses up to see what happens when they are exposed to the sun's first light.
He starts to get more curious and hammers out the wild vampire's fangs.
MK Two, says, "Those are worth a few credits bounty in some kingdoms."
They collect all the fangs they can salvage.

The Atlantean asks the necromancers about vampire body parts. "How come you guys don't wear this guys fangs or something?
One of them replies that they never tried. No one they know has ever had a vampire's body part to even attempt such a thing.
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Re: Cerberus

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Eating the brain of the staked wild vampire with the spell "Consume Power and Knowledge" the necromancer gains limited access to some of the vampire's memories.
"He was part of a pack of 15 wild vampires. Three already left were summoned by me the first time. Three more two nights ago. Then four last night. Only five remain from their pack. None we killed were the pack leader. The secondary vampires who made them were not amongst them."

With the coming dawn, one by one the Atlantean pulled the stakes out of the hearts of vampires one at a time. The first headless corpse died by the light of the sun. One by one each died as the first, by sunlight.

"So there are at least five more for us to kill," said the Atlantean. "We are on a roll!"

It is not as exciting as it was before but there is a little over confidence. The zombie labor does most of the work. The group goes over their after action review. The vampires always go straight to the necromancers. They don't see or sense any trap and they are arrogant so their guard is down. They see the necromancers who summoned thema and their zombie servants. The debate is, should they change their tactics or their trap. The belief is that vampires couldn't know about their traps because there are no survivors. What we know so far is that wild vampires have no sixth sense and can't see the invisible. They either don't have or can't attack by magic or psionics. They are not much for using weapons like swords or guns or even tactics. Although to be fair, we didn't give them much time once they are in our 'kill box.'
Wyatt points out that the Equinox is coming soon. He will have to be with his Dog Boys at the other ley line for the entire day. They can expect an incursion from something that day. They should either finish the vampires off before that or after. Regardless they should prepare for whatever or clear out of the ley line and hide until it is over.
"What happens to us after the five vampires are dead?"
"There are always more vampires," the Atlantean remarks.
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Re: Cerberus

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As night fell the necromancers began their summoning ritual.
In the middle of it the five wild vampires attacked.

The mystic knights and the Dog Boys are not taken by surprise thanks to their Sixth Sense kick in and giving them bonuses.
The knights went invisible and cast Armor of Ithan over their Dog Boys and the Atlantean.
The scene was the six Dog Boys, an Atlantean, and two humans versus five wild vampires.
Rushing right in they had no patience for a plan. Only one of the fangs found the Dog Boys magical armor.
The mystic knights attack invisibly, doing tremendous damage with the magical energy beams and One's Lifeblast spell. The rest of the group defends themselves with wooden stakes,
The wild vampires begin their metamorphosis to flee.
The Dog Boys continue to hack away at them.
Sir Wyatt strikes one off his feet with his psi-sword.
A mystic knight misses with his energy blast but it only damages a Dog Boys Armor of Ithan.

Four of the wild vampires are on the ground as the corpses they are.
The remaining vampire is able to successfully transform into mist.
Stabbing at it with wooden stakes does not good. Not even Wyatt's Psi-sword does any damage.
The mystic knight energy beams fly through it leaving it unharmed.
The small cloud of mist begins to get away at the speed of 7.5 mph/12 km.
The Dog Boys stab the vampire corpses with their wooden stakes.
Sir Wyatt, in haste and excitement, cut their heads off instead of waiting for the Atlantean.
Chasing the mist cloud around they notice it can't go higher than 10 feet and no faster than a speed of 7.5 mph/12 km. They are easily able to keep up with it but do it no harm. While it appears they are chasing it and as it changes directions. Arrows pass through it doing no good.

"How can we kill it?" a Dog Boy shouts.
Wyatt runs back and brings mystic knight number Four with him. Catching up Wyatt has his cast create water inside the space of the mist. Falling through the mist is enough to do partial damage to it. Collapsing to the ground the gaggle of Dog Boys stab away at the wild vampire lying on the ground. and Wyatt cuts his head off.

After Action Review.
After the necromancer eats some brains.
They find out that the remainder of the wild vampire pack knew their members were flying off in our direction but didn't know our exact location. After back to back nights of this the remaining pack members narrowed it down. The idea, from their secondary vampire who made them, was to attack at first dark in force before the summoning ritual would be finished and kill us all.

The group believes (Intelligence skill) that the secondary vampire who made them must know their wild vampires are destroyed. They don't know who did it in terms of what the group looks like or their names. Still, they should have a basic idea of the region where their vampires died. Odds are 50-50 that they will run or seek the group out for revenge.

"We had better get started then," says the Atlantean. "Necromancers, you never finished your ritual. Begin again. I want the rest of the vampires that may or may not be around." 

The ritual spell is cast although the necromancers cannot say if there are any vampires within range to be summoned by its call. They do say, if they are too far away, the spell will wear off on the way and they will no longer make their way here. They will only travel at night and when it is safe so rain or other forces could delay them until the spell is over. Also, they will continue to stop and hunt to feed.

Everyone has oatmeal for breakfast and comments how they got lucky. They got arrogant and never thought the vampires will follow their own kind to where they had been summoned. They got away with it this time because they have Sixth Sense and are prepared to fight vampires. They have killed 15 so far. At this rate the necromancers will have met their quota in about five weeks. Most of the groups doubts that their are that many vampires in the region. They would have to go to Texas or Mexico to find that many. Then comment, that their actions are getting noticed by the vampire management. Wild vampires are the weakest and stupidest. The loss of one or two the group supposes the master vampire would expect. We have killed over a dozen. Wouldn't you investigate before you lose anymore? Somone else comments if what they are doing makes any difference.
"Won't the vampires just make more (vampires)?"

The group doesn't feel like celebrating.
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Re: Cerberus

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Having posted and read the replies of others, the use of the necromancer spell "Consume Power and Knowledge" can't or won't work on the corpse of a vampire who has been staked and beheaded.

When I wrote it, it was with the belief that it could.
I wrote from the point of view of the necromancer that they didn't know themselves and were trying it for the very first time.

In keeping with the "rules" any and everything they supposedly learned from eating a vampire's brain they did not. So forget it.

Now I have to look up if some weird effect happens to the Necromancer for eating a vampire brain under the mega damage chef rules. Nothing in the description says the one cannot eat a piece of a vampire but that does not mean there are no consequences to eating.


Nausea and Vomiting: Not only is the food bad, but it can't be kept down. The human body immediately rejects the disruptive undead brains. The necromancer is unable to act for the next 6 minutes as they empty the contents of their stomachs and dry heave.
They are nauseated (-4 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, -5% to all skills) for the next 5 hours.

What comes out of the necromancer's stomach is destroyed by sunlight.
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Re: Cerberus

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Feeling a little bad, the Atlantean coerced the necromancer into eating vampire brains. He decides to knock off one vampire tally for every hour he was sick. And since it didn't work the first time he never tried it the second.

So the new number of vampires he has to help kill is 80.

The rest of the day, except for the sick necromancer, all the others are working on the stone pyramid. The idea is that if they can finish it, the pyramid will stop any Rifts from forming. The Atlantean sizes it up and doesn't believe it will be finished in time but that doesn't mean they are not rushing it a bit. Between the tireless zombie labor and Number Three's use of the spell Superhuman Endurance (12) they are actually making good time.

Wyatt says goodbye and leaves the camp to return to his Dog Boy camp. He wants to be there early and practice drills for the Equinox event.
He is warmly greeted by his fellow Dog Boys.
He is asked a few questions about where he has been and what he has been up to.
Wyatt replies that he was on a security mission under orders from Lt. Black.
He needs to be debriefed by their officer in charge before he can share anything. Then says he wants to inspect the troops, the equipment, and their military fortifications.

Sergeant Wyatt is satisfied that under the conditions and time that they have had they did the best they could with what they had.

He takes them through some simulated drills standing in for the D-Bee or whatever that will appear, if one appears. Then has the Dog Boys rotate in and out of the D-Bess position. Part of Wyatt's intent is to get the Dog Boys to see things from the D-Bees point of view.

He then has them practice the exercises in squads on their own while he gives a lecture on D-Bees one squad at a time.

"Many came and will come into this world without knowledge of it or intending to come here at all. There is a danger for us as well. Rifts often go both ways and one or more of us might be swallowed up by one or more of the Rifts that might open. Imagine, if you got sucked into a Rift and suddenly you were standing on a world that is entirely new to you. You don't know where you are. You don't know how you got there. You don't know how to return and you might want to go home again.."
Some of the Dog Boys break down a little.
Speaking privately with Sergeant Wyatt they share the feeling that what he described feels a lot like what they are going through now. A month or two ago they were the proud soldiers of the Coalition States. Look where they are now. If anyone had told them they would be here they would say they were crazy and that they would never betray or desert the CS.
Wyatt comforts them. He tells them they are defending the Earth and humanity. They are not the deserter but the ones whom were deserted by their humans. IF the CS really valued them they would have sent a recovery team by now. Most likely the CS assumes that they are dead or not worth the trouble.
"We have a purpose. A mission. Humans have asked us for our help. We have answered their call. As for these D-Bees who may or may NOT appear out of a Rift. IF they are hostile we will send them back to where they came from or subdue and or destroy them. We Dog Boys can sense Evil. We trust our noses. And if they are not. The CS has many D-Bees in their territory. They do not kill them just for being D-Bees. They are labor for the mines and farms. They come to the CS or stay for its protection from the bad guys who live outside of it. WE are the good guys. And good guys don't murder innocent people. That includes innocent D-Bees. We won't hurt them unless it is in self defense. We will tell them to go back. Throw them through the Rift if we have but if the Rift closes before we can or they can't understand our words or intentions we won't hurt them for being different or not from around here. They will be detained until we have had a talk with them. Once we know they are not dangerous we will show them around so they can get a lay of the land. Take them to a village or town or farm for work. IF we have to, we will take them with us. Give them food and water until we can find someone to take them in or a way back or to where they want to go. They may have to start over, like us."
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Re: Cerberus

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SGT Wyatt's inspection discovers:
Three of the Dog Boys are sick from some sort of disease or parasite.

They should recover but they should not be pushed to work. Wyatt orders them to rest and recover under the care of one Dog Boy nurse. Wyatt laments a little about it. The Dog really wanted to hold the line with the rest of the Boys. Having no psychic medic, A quick psychic purification is impossible.

One Dog Boy's health is incredible. Living in the wild has brought out his best health and mood. And his mood has become infectious.

The dogs are overdue for a bath. They need some soap and some time by a lake or a river. Wyatt was spoiled a little by the mystic knights' use of the Cleanse spell kept him and his clothes clean. He sees and remembers now the importance of hygiene in the field.
Wyatt puts Dog in charge of supplies and has a discussion about what they need as Dog Boys outside of being a fighter. Puts a Dog Boy in charge of laundry collection.
They have also basically exhausted the local supply of hunting game and edible plants. They need more food. They would have monster meat but their presence and numbers have sort of frightened them away.

They operate out of two camps.
The first at the ley line.
The second just outside the ley lines area of influence.to give their senses a break.

Lt Black arrives and she and Sgt Wyatt catch up on current events.
The Atlantean has gone crazy about killing vampires. He doesn’t act like the leader but the knights pretty much do what he wants.
Knight One is the leader of the knights and Dog Boys
Two does the EOD, Grunt, and Point Man work. Flamethrower man.
Three is the medic, comms, and maintenance tech.
Four support logistics and laundry.
They regularly use invisibility. Can see the invisible themselves.
Have a preference for Dog Boys. I mean a lot. They have five; two scouts and three security. Paid them in advance before leaving. They love Dog Boys. I believe it is why they are so trusting of me. And I’m a cyber-knight.
IF the Atlantean is not the leader he is the most important person in another way. They care for his opinion too much. They must want something they hope to get from him. An Atlantean tattoo.
The Atlantean told them things like that only happen with the approval of their clan elders. That or the Splugorth of Atlantis.
The stone pyramid construction is behind but they are catching up. We captured two necromancers who were harassing them. They use them to summon vampires into their kill box and kill. The rest of the time they have the necromancers use the zombies as unskilled labor carrying stone and such. But they won’t be ready by the time of the equinox. They will have their own Rifts situation to deal with.

The Atlantean Camp (Mystic Knights & Dog Boys)
On the Event of the Equinox
The mystic knights have slept, in shifts, before and cast the sustain spell on everyone in the camp to stay awake for the 24 hours of the equinox.

12 to 1 AM roll 41
1 AM 41
2 AM 94
3 AM 67
4 AM 34
5 AM 80
6 AM 77
7 AM 42
8 AM 62
9 AM 50
10 AM 59
11 AM 62
12 noon 71
1 PM 84
2 PM 99
3 PM 74
4 PM 97
5 PM 52
6 PM 50
7 PM 92
8 PM 85
9 PM 08 ****** Rift
10 PM 94
11 PM 41

*****Backdoor to the Enemy. The Rift opens to some unprotected part of the home world of one of the characters' most difficult class of enemies.

The sound of the most beautiful musical singing voices pours out of the Rift. It is captivating like the sea sirens lure. Stepping forward to see what's on the other side of the Rift they see and are seen by a Vampire Intelligence. The sight of it terrifies all but a few of the mystic knights. The glimpse reveals the fresh humanoid sacrifice to it by the Master Vampire standing over it and the 17 foot tall Demonic Vampire Familiar standing next to him.

Vampire Bats swarm to the Rift and despite the mystic knights best attempts at casting spells (Create Water, Globe of Daylight, Lifeblast, Magic Net , and Fire Gout) 10 make it through before it closes.

IF they had not had such practice and preparation at fighting vampires it would not have gone so well.
6 are destroyed.
4 got away as bats. In the pitch black of night flying as fast as a bat in four different directions out of the range of the Atlanteans ability to sense them they lose them.

After casting Armor of Ithan and Superhuman Endurance on everyone. They were about to pursue them when the Rift opened again.

Time seemed to stand still as everyone saw the vampire hord again.

For about a minute it was the battle of Thermopylae the vampires were the persians and the mystic knights, Dog Boys, power armor pilot and the Atlantean held them back. Thanks to the limitless PPE reserves of the ley line, on the Atlantean's side, they are able to hold the line.
The seven who made it through as mist were melted with water.

After the fight is over. Number three tends to the wounded with magical healing.

The group has to stand guard at the sight until midnight.
Then talking over the After Action Review an idea occurs to the necromancers and the Atlantean. The Necromancers begin their Summon Vampire Ritual.

Two vampires fly to the necromancers and are destroyed by the group.
They comment that they can't be sure those were the ones who came through the Rift but they had to be close by regardless.

Then at dawn they begin a methodical search using the site of the Rift as the origin of their search pattern.
In groups of two (one Dog Boy with each group to sense supernatural Evil) they comb through the surrounding area for miles hoping they would get that feeling they get from vampires.

At home base, where they ran the comms, some tried doing some math to guess how far they could have gotten but know they must have gone to ground before the sun came up.

Going over the video the count is 6 confirmed kills the 1st time the Rift opened.
Seven (7) kills the second.
And 2 from the summons.

Many other vampires were "killed" on the other side but not believed to be killed in such a fashion they cannot regenerate from it.

Number three has a video of it.
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Re: Cerberus

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The Equinox

0 AM 01 *1
1 AM 26
2 AM 16 **2
3 AM 77
4 AM 23
5 AM 81
6 AM 24
7 AM 95
8 AM 69
9 AM 83
10 AM 71
11 AM 16 ***3
12 PM 70
1 PM 51
2 PM 54
3 PM 12 ****4
4 PM 75
5 PM 33
6 PM 31
7 PM 76
8 PM 97
9 PM 50
10 PM 85
11 PM 49

As the day became the Equinox a Rift opened right away. Nervous, the Dog Boys prepared to open fire.
1st *Shrunken Rift is slightly taller than most humans. Duration: 2 minutes.

As if blown by a violent wind a young man in a uniform tumbled out of the Rift.
He got up and started dusting himself off and looked around.
"Hold your fire!" Shouted Lt Black (Lady Black the Cyber-Knight.
Looking in her direction. The young man slowly raised his hands in a motion of surrender.
SGT Wyatt and two Dog Boy ran up to him and looked him over.
Searching him they found an energy pistol, a manual, a notebook, a watch, dog tags, and some assorted personal items (wallet, etc).
His uniform looks like an old CS design although Wyatt didn't recognize any of his patches (V). He's a lieutenant.
The Rift closed behind him.

Interrogated by Lady Black the lieutenant gives his name, rank and serial number. Through the use of telepathy it is soon discovered the young lieutenant is part of a CS magic squad, Project Vanguard, in the war against the Federation of Magic. He thinks he's been captured by some D-Bees and is maybe in another dimension. After he got sucked in by a Rift he believed their were a dozen guns trained on him. He is a volunteer for Chi-Town's Project Vanguard. As part of the Chi-Town's military he is under the command of General Joseph Prosek. A Chi-Town trained spell caster who got sucked into a Rift in the Magic Zone during the Bloody Campaign of 12 PA, almost a hundred years ago. His notebook has his orders, a photo of him and Joseph Prosek shaking hands, another pic of his parents, siblings, and his dog, notes on his mission objectives, tactics, and plans in the magic zone.
Sir Wyatt has a memory of stories from people he met in Lazlo and Texas about these things and begins to attempt to catch the young Lt up with history.
"When you got sucked through the Rift. It brought you to a different place and time. The war you were fighting is over. The CS won. Then the CS made the use of magic, even by their own service members illegal. The CS magic division was disbanded. It's members were exiled from the CS for life."
Lt, "How can I believe any of this. I'm in another dimension or this is a trick. You're a talk dog. Obviously a D-Bee. One of those Wolfen from the land of pointed eared fairies or another planet or something You are trying to fool me into cooperating with you. I will not aid con artists or enemies. I will not abandon my duty or the CS. The Federation attacked us. I will not forgive or forget that. I will use every weapon at my disposal to dispose of enemies to the CS."
Handing the lieutenant back his things.
"You can go now. Go your own way. Find out what's what for yourself."
He takes his things and runs off.
The rest of the Dog Boys look at each other. Wyatt looks at them, “We all felt it. He was telling the truth. In the past, the CS employed humans who could cast magic spells against the Federation of Magic. It was a long time ago and when they didn’t need it anymore they let them go. Just like us.”

A few minutes later . . .

**2. Consuming Rift. Most turbulent Rift that makes a high-pitched shrieking noise that gets continuously higher and louder until it extinguishes itself. Duration: 1 minute.
4 beings emerge: Dinosaur, Fire Elemental, Shadow Beast, and a flying Xiticix.
The Shadow Beast gets sucked right back in.

Bewildered about where they are and how they got there the beings look around.
Without hesitation, Lady Black opens fire on the Xiticix. The hail of energy weapons fire follows behind their officers shots showing the flying insect.
It jumps into the air. Its body is nicked by energy fire but it at least takes flight. A few lucky shots clip the winged creature. Lady Black orders a psi-stalker to kill and feed off of it and take three Dog Boys. Bring back the corpse and anything it was carrying.
The dinosaur runs off into the woods. While the Fire elemental, looking like a flaming man with fiery eyes just stands there looking around.
“After the big lizard. Shoot it. Move! I’ll put out the fire.”
Sir Wyatt right next to her:
“I don’t know a lot about this . . . but it's not moving. Reminds me of a confused dog. “
“It will start a forest fire and we have no tongue spell to talk to it.”
“Empathy? Telepathy?” Wyatt suggests.
“Why not?”
Lady Black and Sir Wyatt experience bizarre images of fire. A sort of feeling of food all around them. A longing for home. Confusion. The feeling of not wanting to be here.
One of the Dog Boys gets scared and opens fire.
The rest join in. The Fire elemental was not that powerful and dies the tragedy of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What little fires there are left Wyatt and the remaining Dog Boys put out by digging away the plants that could burn and kicking dirt on what’s left.
After the fires out, Lt Black orders SGT Wyatt to find the Dog Boy who shot first.
The Dog Boy is relieved of his weapon and orders him to take the place of the Dog Boy nurse maiding the ones who are sick.

After ten minutes Lady Black orders Sir Wyatt to check on the dinosaur hunt. She radios the three she sent on the Xiticix hunt.
“WE killed it,” replies a dog boy private.

Thirty minutes later she was staring at its Xiticix weapons. They are worth something. So is the meat. That Dog who likes to cook. Get him to start carving. Lady Black takes time to explain the innards of the Bug Man.

A half an hour later Sir Wyatt reports dinosaur down.
Special orders. Three Dog Boys. Cut the meat. Carry it over in pieces. Save the bones. Don’t cut or break them. I want them intacted. They are worth a fortune in trade and I know just who to trade them with . . .”

The morning is long and anxious. Hours have gone by and no Rifts have formed.
They are hungry too. The dinosaur meat needs time and tenderizing.

***3 Pulsating Rift, it pulses with energy every few seconds (much like a human heartbeat). Duration: 7 minutes.
After the 1st minute roll 01 shifts to a different world
A seven foot tall female Wolfen gets sucked into Rifts Earth.
Then a minute later a 12 year old human girl with blond hair and blue eyes in the tattered clothes of a homeless person. The wolfen offers her comfort almost immediately. Some kind of non magical translation converts her words as she speaks. The sound of the voice is pleasant but the way her lips move compared to what she is saying is distracting.
The Dog Boys are not about to shoot a beautiful female wonderful smelling wolfen. What little window of time there was to explain or throw her back threw the Rift was lost when it changed to a different world tens of seconds later. The little girl is scared but takes hold of the female wolfen like a scared little girl holding her mommy.
Lady Black and Sir Wyatt walk towards them, hands open scanning them with Empathy, Sense Evil, telepathy and such. The wolfen is from a technologically advanced society on another planet. The little girl’s name is Maria. She lost her family in a disaster that destroyed her world. Something about Blue Zones and demons appear around them. She was running away from them and hiding when a storm appeared out of nowhere and then she was here. She is scared by everyone looking so big and scary but she had a dog. She trusts dogs. If they send her back the demons and/or monsters could get her. She could die a hundred different ways. She’s starving as it is.
The Rift closes.

A few hours later.

The Rift appears and it is obvious that 'she's gonna blow! The massive energy of the Rift seems to be completely out of control, snaking and writhing in all directions, with chunks of landscape, objects and creatures being exchanged with their counterparts in other worlds continuously.

Lady Black orders an evacuation.

The Rift explosively expands outward, at a Spd. of 30, overtaking and swallowing anyone in the way. Duration: 16 seconds. World Links: 2 worlds are linked.
IF it had lasted longer it would have overtaken someone and swallowed them up into the Rift. It does level a lot of their fortifications however.

The rest of the night is pretty nerve wracking waiting in anticipation for some disaster or big bad to come walking through. Not a peep.

The night closes with peace and silence.
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Re: Cerberus

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The ley line camp is kind of destroyed but the night is over.
Marching back to the main camp they regroup. Most go to sleep while eight guards along with Lady Black and Sir Wyatt stay up talking with their new visitors.
The little girl drank some water, scarfed down some food and went to sleep.

The wolfen woman is another story. She is wide awake and full of questions. Eager to learn emotionally adjusts to the idea that she cannot return to her people.
She is alone and her pups are grown and left the home.
An explorer and bit of a scientist, she is a little excited about being on Rifts Earth. She chooses a positive emotional and mental outlook of her situation and is confident she will find a way to return to her career. Her belief is that there must be some cities with Rifts technology that will allow her to travel to worlds from which she can return to her home and people. Her challenge, as she sees it, is getting the resources and connections to pay her way to the stars. Along the way, this once in a lifetime opportunity to explore is right in front of her. She wants to take it and have something to tell and artifacts to share with her scientific community when she returns. Until then she wants to know what they expect of her and what she can expect from them.

The discussion is interrupted when Sir Wyatt is greeted by a magic Pigeon.

Its message requests an audience due to things that happened during the Equinox. At the very least they are going to need their hover truck back.
Sir Wyatt suggests that he return to the Atlantean camp alone and right away.
"Atlantean! The wolfen's ears point up. I would kill to meet an Atlantean in person. Please, take me!"
"We have only just met."
"But I have heard Atlanteans know things. Like the secrets to Rifts travel and their locations throughout the galaxies and even other dimensions. I have always wanted to explore other dimensions!"
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Re: Cerberus

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It is the next day. The sun is out. 

Wyatt arrived with the wolfen.

“If I were just an architect I would continue building the stone pyramid. Hunting for stone. It is only a matter of time finding stone and moving it. Then merging it with the pyramid. At night I want vampires summoned to me, so I can kill them. My fearful thoughts are that a vampire intelligence knows where I am. It is going to send more vampires to feed off me until the day I die. The knights believe I should leave, so the vampires won’t know where I am. Practice security by being in places vampires can’t or won’t go, like Lazlo or the Atlantean clan home world. I don’t want to run. I don’t want to hide. I am Aerhiman first and we never run from a fight. The old me was just an architect who would run home and hide. Show the video to my clan. Strength and safety in numbers. 
That’s not me anymore. I’m not running from the vampires. I want them to come to my trap. I don’t know where they are or will be but I believe they will come here. When they do, I will kill them all, until they stop coming here. Then I will come for them . . .”

The mystic knights allow the Dog Boys a choice. They signed up for six months. But they didn’t sign up for this war against vampires. If they want, they take the hover truck and leave. IF they stay they can’t leave until it’s over. Then they go back as scheduled regardless. We gave our word.

Turning to Wyatt, “It’s about numbers. Ordinarily vampires are hard to find. These ones will be coming here. We can fight them. We can kill them. We can’t survive an attack from every direction ALL night long. Besides that, we have some vampires that got passed us from last night’s Equinox Rift. Your platoon of Dog Boys can cover more ground than the five we have. The plan is to search the countryside with the senses of a Dog Boy for the supernatural presence and evil of a vampire. They have to hide from the sunlight so that’s when we search for them. We search until we run out of daylight or vampires to kill. Then we have the necromancers cast a spell to summon some vampires. While we stay up all night in hiding for them to arrive. When they do, we kill them. Then catch up on sleep during the day. We keep it up for a week or two unless the vampires keep coming. Then a week or two after that, if they stop coming, then we go our separate ways.”
“The days are our,” replies Wyatt.
Looking around the camp at the necromancers and zombies.
“The Dog Boys won’t work with zombies or those who use them.”
MK One replies, “I’ll take Dog Boys over zombies any day. But, the necromancers are the only ones who can summon the vampires. They are a means to an end we can’t do without.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Transporting the Dog Boys is time consuming.
But the hunt for vampires bears fruit. Two vampires are located and destroyed by daylight.

Despite the misgivings and feelings of SGT Wyatt's Dog Boys witnessing the Necromancers conduct the ritual of vampire summoning. The quick destruction of the two vampires that followed not long after really makes a connection. They cannot deny the destruction of vampires as a good thing and that using the prisoner necromancers to do this is an easier and far FAR quicker means to an end.

Their new camp is set up outside of the range of the ley line.

While in the inbetween time the wolfen and Atlantean are chatting up a storm. She knows how to talk. Getting him to show her his videos of vampire slaying and to show her his work on the stone pyramid. Appealing to his pride seems to work best.
When she is not doing that she carries the little girl around telling her stories and singing to her. It has done wonders for her.

Some of the mystic knights and their Dog Boys share their opinion that this is no place for children.
To which, the wolfen quickly counters that she has nowhere else to go, then motions her arms about the Dog Boys around her and asks, "What is safer than this?"
Then she expresses her thoughtful face then with both arms cradling the child motions to hand her over to the mystic knight in combat fatigues. "I understand. You are human. She is human. You want to take care of her."
Closing the personal space between them with the little girl pressed against the knight's chest he moves to back away but the girl is practically tossed into his arms unless he would look to have dropped her on purpose.
Wolfen, "You are the greatest of men. Defending and taking responsibility for your species children. Praise be to these men of honor and armed combat. We should all look to them and say here is a hero. He is a brave and kind man that provides and protects children.

"Wait! No! I meant. We are fighting vampires! Combat is no place for children. Look, you need to take her to a town where she can grow up with kids her own age."
"I know you're up to the task" the wolfen replies. "You've got this. No challenge is too great. No child is too much for you to parent."
"Woo. I didn't . . . I'm needed here to defend against and destroy the vampires."
The Atlantean smiles a laughing smile and in the words of his elders and teachers explains:
"Amongst the Atlantean people they know they can rely upon each other to look after their young. It is the duty and honor of all Atlanteans to nurture and protect their youth. The wolfen is correct. The girl is human and you are the only other humans here to take care of her."
Knight One stares at the Atlantean, then turns his head back to the wolfen, then back again to the Atlantean.
"The little girl has already bonded with the woman. Besides, she does not trust or even know me. She would rather be with the dogs."
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The discussion quickly escalated into a game of compliment session.
Between the mystic knight one versus the wolfen and Sir Wyatt. Each expounding on how the other is greater and would be the better parent.
It started to get a little confusing when the mystic knight pointed out that he might be better since he uses magic and being around him, children being such curious animals, would likely pick up a thing or two from him. Then quickly looked over at the CS Dog Boys.
"Besides, I'd never assume to take away such an opportunity to have such an apprentice noble Sir, I mean sargeant, Wyatt. The little girl has so much personal energy."
Ultimately, the Atlantean decides that it should be the girl herself who has a say and be the tie breaker.
Indescribably the girl manages to grab hold of ALL three of them (the Cyber-knight, the mystic knight, and the wolfen).
"Looks like she's not going anywhere," says the Atlantean.

After scarfing down a bowl of chicken soup and having the "Cleanse" spell cast upon her she is dressed in Mal got for his daughter (after they get cut down a bit for size). Number Three has a look at her as a medic. Uses the spell See Aura as a health scan. Cure Illness is used followed by Fortify Against Disease with Energize Spell on it and Heal Wounds to erase the bumps and bruises. Who then reports telepathically to MK One and Wyatt that she is incredibly lucky she was brought to him. Ask that the Atlantean use Psychic Purification on her and Psychic Diagnosis just to be certain he didn't miss anything. Also, she has both psychic and magic potential and an unusually high PPE.

Wyatt has the Dog Boys take turns going behind the stone pyramid construction to form five gallon buckets of water. Fortunately, the Atlantean had brought six months worth of plant based holistic atlantean made soap not knowing about the mystic knights cleanse spell and personally enjoying water and soap bathing.

While they do this Wyatt has Number Three "Cleanse" spell their clothes while they are not looking. He does it for health and the smell around the camp.

Of course, many are suspicious but can't deny that they feel better after a bath and clean clothes.
After which, they sit down to a stone table and bench to enjoy a cooked meal by the labor of one of their Dog Boys and one from the Atlantean camp's. The dinosaur meat tastes a little like chicken but It tastes good! The Atlantean is crying at how no one from home can see him. Number three starts video recording him and asks him to describe the taste of dinosaur. The wolfen is beyond excited to try dinosaur. She keeps expecting to wake up from a dream; she doesn't want it to end.

Later Number Three, Sir Wyatt and the Atlantean have a talk about inspecting the troops. Given their disposition toward magic they would all be more comfortable and accepting of medical treatment if the Atlantean used his powers as a psychic healer (who has treated two Dog Boys before) to diagnose if any are sick or injured.

Under orders from Lt Black and SGT Wyatt, one by one, being two feet from them the Dog Boys allow the human look Atlantean to perform a psychic diagnosis of them that averages a minute to a minute and a half each. They are treated according to the extent of their need for medical treatment. Mostly they are psychologically uncertain and crave the clarity and simplicity of action and combat.
Associating with the Free Born Dog Boys is disconcerting.
They feel good about slaying the Xiticix and the Dinosaur.
Saving the little girl made them feel good too.
The wolfen is distracting. She can read. Has knowledge of science. Has advanced technology (non-magical) devices on her person outlawed by the CS. And is very attractive.
Now they are associating with magic users. Note: The necromancers now wear the 2nd set of combat fatigues the mystic knights brought - (disguise). The Dog Boys can sense they have high PPE and sense they can cast spells. Plus they are necromancers so they have a necromancer-ness about them that they can't hide for long periods of time in their body language and social mannerisms.

Lt Black sort of has a "gift" for them under the supervision of knight One and the Atlantean.
Some dinosaur bones and Xiticix remains. From Lady Black's point of view, she knows of a necromancer group operating in the hive lands that kills Xiticix. Some Psi-Stalkers joined them and they fought as one of the psi-stalker tribes. She knows that necromancers can bond with the body parts and bones of the dead because she has seen the necromancer attach Xiticix limbs and fight with them against Xiticix. Also, she innately trusts the Atlantean and the Aerhiman clan as her master was both. So as long as the necromancer are trusted by the Atlantean and are going to use the bones to fight vampires she wants to put them to good use and wants the Atlantean to feel friendship with her.

From the CS Dog Boys point of view, the only good that has come of this is they are killing vampires. EVERY Dog Boy agrees that is a good thing.

IF it were not for the STRONG leadership of Lt Black and SGT Wyatt things would not be the way they are.

The Dog Boys are kept busy running combat drills to fight vampires using wooden stakes and water filled canteens.

The summoning brings no vampires tonight.
Last edited by darthauthor on Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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The Atlantean Camp:

The Mystic Knights

Each knight comes from a different House of the Order. Each with their own strengths
They began as wandering knights who banded together to form their own start up merc company.
The Order of the Mystic Knights loaned them the seed money to get started but officially they are independent.

Code Name: One (Leader).

Disenchanted with promotion prospects at the House he was a part of after being passed over by his brother and sister knights, Knight One decides to set out on his own to make his own leadership position by starting his own merc company. Who knows. Maybe some day he will even have his own House in the Order.

Sponsorship: Secret. Mystic Knight
Leader: One. Mystic Knight of House Brigedan (Military leadership).

A. Outfits: Utility Outfits. Uniforms. Cost: 5 Points

B. Transportation: Well-maintained for 12 (1 lt, 2 sergeants, 1 junior knight).
4 Norther Gun hovercycles (armed; for the mystic knights)
2 Northern Gun hovercycles (unarmed) as transportation.
2 hover trucks (1 pilot, 1 shotgun; rest ride in back)
500,000 credits for special travel needs (fuel, repairs, etc). Cost: 10 Points.
C. Equipment: Cheap Gear. Cost 2.
D. Basic Weaponry. Northern Gun energy rifle and energy pistol
One merc has a NG-E12 Heavy Plasma Ejector 1d6x10 MD
One Northern Gun power armor. Cost: 10 Points.
E. Communications. Secured Service.
Two long-range radios
All 12 people have short-range radios with scramblers,
6 language translators,
2 mini-radar systems,
1 PC-3000 pocket computer
1 Portable video camera and player. Cost: 10 Points
G. Security: Tight.
Alert guards 24 hours a day (3 Dog Boys 8 hour shifts).
3 of the crew are "on duty" at all times.
Security familiar with common supernatural and magic occurrences. Cost: 10 Points.
H. Headquarters. None.
I. Intelligence Resources:
Scout Detachment. Free Dog Boy Wilderness Scouts (2). Cost 5 points.
Special Military Operatives. Power Armor Pilot (2). Cost: 10 points
J. Special Budget: Small Potatoes: 15 Points.
K. General alignment: Unprincipled and Scrupulous. Cost: 7 Points.
L. Criminal Activity: None.
M. Reputation: Known. Cost: 10 points
N. Salary: Pittance Salary; 5 points

Weapons and Equipment
• NG-L5 Laser Rifle: Range: 1,600. Damage: 3d6 MD
• Night vision Goggles
• NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack

7th Level Mystic Knight

Knight One

Alignment: Aberrant

IQ12, M.E.11, M.A.16*(40% trust), P.S.25, P.P.10, P.E.15, P.B.11, Spd.30

Hit Points: 41
S.D.C.: 36
ISP: 61
PPE: 107

W.P. Sword +3 to strike, +8 parry
W.P. Knife
W.P. Shield +3 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol & Rifle +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 7th level
7 attack per melee round, +5 on initiative, +2 to strike
+5 to disarm, +4 to entangle,
+5 to parry and dodge
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18+
W.P. Paired Weapons, Can perform Holds

Skills: Language: (Native) American 98% & Spanish 83%
Literate: American 75%,
Horsemanship: Exotic & Knight

Boxing, ID undercover agent 64%, Intelligence 66%, Interrogation 70%, Land Navigation 70%, Leadership*, Lore: Magic 65%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 75%,
Military Etiquette 90%, Military Fortification 70%,
Prowl 65%, Running, Undercover Ops 72%

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6): Disguise 62%, Gymnastics, Impersonation 76/62%, Law (general) 80%, Lore: Psychics and Psionics 70%, Public Speaking 65%
3rd level: (1): Cybernetics: Basic 65%
6th level: (1): Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 35%
Secondary Skills: (3): Hover Craft: Ground 80%, Radio: Basic 70%, Research 70%
3rd level: (2): Lore: D-Bees 50%, Performance 57%
7th level: (2): History: Post Apoc. 40/35%, Wardrobe & Grooming 50%

*Leadership: A character with good leadership skills can motivate subordinates to do the impossible with nothing while smiling all the way. Bonuses: +2 to the M.A. and +10% to Impress/Charm
Additionally, +10% to Trust/Intimidate vs members of the Order of the Mystic Knights and +10% to Military Etiquette with them also.
Note: This skill originally appeared in Brandon K. Aten’s fantastic Triax™ Update that appeared in The Rifter® #55. not a Secondary Skill

Armor of Ithan (10), Aura of Death (12), Aura of Power (4), Charismatic Aura (10), Charm (12), Compulsion (20), Energize Spell (12+), Fists of Fury (10 or 50), Invisibility to Sensors (20), Invisibility: Simple (6), Lifeblast (15), Magic Pigeon (20), Magic Shield (6), Meteor (75), Power Weapon (35), Sheltering Force (20), Superhuman Endurance (12), Sustain (12), Tongues (12), Words of Truth (15)

Alter Aura (2), Ectoplasmic Disguise (12; 70 minutes; 84%), Empathy (4), Empathic Transmission (6; uses to build trust or intimidate), Meditation (0)*, Mind Block (4), Nightvision (4), Resist Fatigue (4), See Aura (6), See the invisible (4), Sense Evil (4), Sixth sense (2), Speed Reading (2), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2)

Equipment of Note:
NG Energy Rifle, Combat Fatigues and boots, NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack, Watch.
Radio headset, Silver plated survival knife, Normal Steal Sword, Writing journal, Books on law and history
Wooden cross. Wooden stakes (12). Hygiene kit.
Bow and Quiver 24 wooden arrows

Code Name: Two

Role: Demolitions Expert/Grunt/Point Man

6th Level Mystic Knight formally of the House Hiredmann

I.Q.10, M.E.11, M.A. 12, P.S.23, P.P.19, P.E.24, P.B.9, Spd.30

Hit Points: 50
S.D.C.: 56
I.S.P.: 72
P.P.E.: 110

Disposition: Like a professional field soldier. Not much for social graces. Little patience for non-sense. Relies on training and equipment. He enjoys life in the field challenging himself. The action and the company he keeps means more to him the money. We wants to be the greatest man at arms.

W.P. Sword +7 to strike + 9 to parry
W.P. Archery +8 to strike; 6 Attacks
W.P. Shield +9
W.P. Energy Rifle +2
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 6th level
+5 initiative
7 attack per melee round,
+4 to strike
+7 to Dodge, +7 to parry
Critical Strike on 18+
+3 to disarm, +2 to entangle,

Language: (Native) American 98% & Spanish 95%
Literate: American 80%,
Horsemanship: Knight & Exotic

Boxing, Camouflage 70%, Detect Ambush 67%, Detect Concealment 67%, Forced March, Intelligence 67%, Land Navigation 71%, Lore: Magic 75%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 85%, Prowl 75%, Running, Safecracking 31%, Trap & Mine Detection 72%,

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6): *Basic Mechanics 55%, Demolitions 92%, Demolitions Disposal 92%, *Field Armorer 75%, Recognise Weapon Quality 65%, Radio: Basic: 80%, Sensory Equipment 60%
3rd level: (1): Gymnastics
6th level: (1): Sniper
Secondary Skills: (3)
Climb 65%/60%, First Aid 75%, Optic Systems 55%
3rd level: (2): Basic Electronics 45%, Hover Craft: Ground 65%

Spells: Armor of Ithan (10), Aura of Death (12), Barrage (15), Deflect (10), Energize Spell (12+), Energy Field (10), FireBall (10; 5d6), Fire Gout (20), Fists of Fury (10), Implosion Neutralizer (12), Invisibility: Simple (6), Magic Net (7), Magic Shield (6), Mental Blast (15), Multiple Image (7), Power Weapon (35), Superhuman Speed (10), Superhuman Strength (10), Swim as a Fish (Superior) (12), Tongues (12)

Electrokinesis (varies), Intuitive Combat (10), Impervious to Cold (2), Meditation (0)*, Mind Block (4), Prescence Sense (4), Resist Fatigue (4), Sense Time (2), Sense Evil (4), See the invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), Telekinesis (varies), Telekinetic Leap (8), Telepathy (4)

Equipment of Note:
NG Energy Rifle, Combat Fatigues and boots, Digital Watch.
Radio headset, Silver plated survival knife, Steel Sword, Writing journal,
Demolitions kit. Demo disposal kit.
Sensory Equipment. Optics systems. Safecracking kit. Mine Detection eqiupment. Camo kit. First Aid kit. Field Armorer kit. Spare Radio. Explosives and detenators. Wooden cross. Wooden stakes (12). Hygiene kit.
12 E-clips

Code Name: Three (Comms/Medic). Field medic and technician, repairing battle damage to both man and machine.

Disposition: The most technical minded. Three likes studying things. As a child he would take things apart and put them back together. His powers developed along the lines of his facinations. If he had not chosen the Order he might have been a Techno-Wizard and a Medical Doctor. He finds he has little patience for his patients and resorts to magic to remedy what ail them. Considers magic to be a far superior method of medical treatment and reserves his medical skills when he is out of PPE.

I.Q.16, M.E.14, M.A.9, P.S.18, P.P.11, P.E.15, P.B.12, Spd.30

Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 40 I.S.P.: 61 P.P.E.: 100

W.P. Sword
W.P. Knife
W.P. Shield
W.P. Handgun
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert 6th level:
7 attack per melee round, +5 on initiative, +2 to strike
+3 to disarm, +4 to entangle,
+5 to parry and dodge

Armor of Ithan (10), Aura of Death (12), Breathe Without Air (5; 15 min), Cleanse (6), Cure Minor Disorder (10), Cure Illness (15), Energize Spell (12+), Fortify Against Disease (15), Heal Wounds (10), Invisibility: Simple (6), Magic Shield (6), Manipulate Objects (2+), Mend the Broken (10+), Negate Poison (5), Power Weapon (35), Reduce Self (20; 15 minutes, uses to study and work on electronics up close and personal), See Aura (6), Wall of Defense (55), Watchguard (10)

Clairvoyance (4), Imperivous to Poison (4; id poison 50%), Machine Ghost (10), Meditation (0)*, Mind Block (4), Object Reading (6), Remote Viewing (10), Resist Fatigue (4), See the Invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), Speed Reading (2), Telemechanics (10), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2)

O.C.C. Skills:
Language: (Native) American 98% & Spanish 82%
Literate: American 77%
Horsemanship: Knight & Exotic

Basic Mechanics* 57%, Boxing, Demolitions: 85%, Field Armourer & Munitions* 82%, Find Contraband 54%, Forery 57%, General Repair & Maintenance 67%, Land Navigation 72%, Lore: Magic 72%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 82%, Military Fortification 67%, Paramedic 62%, Pick Locks 57%, Prowl 72%, Running

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
Electronic Countermeasures (jamming, listening in & locating): 57%, Jury-Rig 67%, Radio: Basic: 77%, Sensory Equipment: 62%, Surveillance 57% (62% at tailing), TV / Video: 67%
3rd level: (1): Cybernetics: Basic: 50%
6th level: (1): Jet Packs: 44%
Secondary Skills: (3): Basic: Electronics 57%, Computer Operation 82%, Recognize Weapon Quality: 50%
3rd level: (2): Pilot: Hover Vehicles: 67%, Optic Systems 47%

Equipment of Note:
NG Energy Rifle, Combat Fatigues and boots, Digital Watch. Wilk's Jet Pack (Electric)
Radio headset, Silver plated survival knife, Normal Steel Sword, Writing journal, Demolitions kit. Electronic Countermeasures Kit. Sensory Equipment. Optics systems. Paramedic kit. Field Armorer kit. Spare Radio.
Explosives and detonators. Digital Video Recording camera & spares (3).
Computer with digital editing software and extra memory storage.
Surveillance kit with tracking devices (12). Navigation kit. Tool kit. Spare parts kit. Wooden cross. Wooden stakes. 12 E-clips. PDD pocket audio recorder, portable microscope, pocket laser distancer, pocket flashlight, pen flashlight, sketch pad, gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles , set of carving and cutting/X-Acto knives, 1D4 scalpels, one laser scalpel, heat gun, various glues and waxes, fine jeweler's tools, a handgun and energy rifle, knapsack, backpack, canteen and a carrying case or satchel with paints, pencils, pens, and other art supplies, and some personal items.
Forgeries: 10 different photo identity cards (all with aliases for ALL 4 of the knights), fake birth certificates, and fake citizen I.D. to each of the Coalition States, Free Quebe, Kingsdale, Lazlo, New Lazlo, the Kingdom of Ishpeming, and Tolkeen.

Code Name: Four (Logistics).
Newly leveled up 6th level Mystic Knight

I.Q.17, M.E.16, M.A.9, P.S.23, P.P.17, P.E.19, P.B.9, Spd.30

Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 68 I.S.P.: 67 P.P.E.: 112

W.P. Sword
W.P. Archery
W.P. Shield
W.P. Handgun
W.P. Energy Rifle +2
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 6th level:
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20
7 attack per melee round
+3 on initiative
+2 to strike
+3 to disarm, +4 to entangle
+6 to parry and dodge
+3 perception

Armor of Ithan (10), Aura of Death (12), Complusion (20), **Create Water (15), Energize Spell (12+), Escape (8), Featherlight (10; 1200 lbs/454 kilos), Invisibility: Simple (6), Magic Pigeon (20), Magic Net (7), Magic Shield (6), Power Weapon (35), **Sheltering Force (20), **Sustain (12), Teleport: Lesser (15; 30 miles; 93%), Tongues (12). **Subs for Wilderness Survival skill.

Alter Aura (2), Bio-Manipulation (10), Clairvoyance (4), Meditation (0)*, Mind Block (4), Object Reading (6), Remote Viewing (10), Resist Fatigue (4), See Aura (6), Sense Evil (4), Sixth sense (2), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2)

O.C.C. Skills:
Language: (Native) American 98%, Dragonese & Spanish 85%
Literate: American 80%,
Horsemanship: Knight & Exotic

Boxing, Forced March, Land Navigation 69%, Lore: Magic 63%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 63%, Impersonation 68/54%, Paramedic 73%, Running, Swimming 88%, Undercover Ops 83%

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
Detect Concealment 55%, Gymnastics, Intelligence 60%, Prowl 58%, Surveillance Systems 63%, Tracking 58%
3rd level: (1): Navigation: 58%
6th level: (1):
Secondary Skills: (3): Camouflage 53%, Optic Systems 58%, Radio: Basic: 73%,
3rd level: (2): Performance 58%, Pilot: Hover Vehicles: 78%
*Taught by Rogue Scholar: Electronics: Basic 58%, Math: Basic 73%, Sensory Equipment: 58%

Equipment & Weapons
NG Energy Rifle, Combat Fatigues and boots, NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack, Watch.
Camo kit. Radio headset, Silver plated survival knife, Normal Steel Sword, Writing journal. Sensory Equipment. Optics systems. Paramedic kit. Spare Radio. Surveillance kit with tracking devices (12). Wooden cross. Wooden stakes. 12 E-clips
Bow and Arrows 24 wooden
Handgun with six silver bullets
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Re: Cerberus

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The night could have been worse.

The morning the Dog Boys were tired.
A nice serving of Dinosaur meat was served before catching up on sleep.
The mystic knights decide to ease some tension by loaning their NG-S2 Basic Survival Packs (their own and the spares; 18 total- each tent can serve 2 people).

It brings up questions:

Why are we (Dog Boys) doing this?
Lt Black and Sgt Wyatt: "Killing Vampires is a good thing for the human race and the CS. The CS would be pleased by what we are doing. We are protecting the innocent."

What is in it for us?
The Atlantean camp is providing:
1. Water (Create Water: every 12 hours the 3 of the five gallon igloos are filled.
2. Recharging their E-clips and electronic devices.
3. Cleaning and Mending by Number Three (only because he is on a ley line as a PPE source and boost) of their armor, clothes, electronics, equipment, and weapons.

They use magic. Aren't we working with the enemy?
Shouldn't we kill them or at least arrest them?

This is when it gets complicated.
Lt Black and Sgt Wyatt speak to the Dog Boy squad leaders then the Dog Boys of each squad individually.
Officially the humans who are using magic have "surrendered." The terms and conditions of their surrender are being negotiated. IF you know CS law the military is allowed to accept the surrender of humans, even those who use magic. Having been trained in military intelligence you know you can speak with prisoners to collect information. Those who are prisoners are allowed to work for the benefit of the military. The regs never specify how they may work. Often it is assumed to be carrying things and such but the regs never say how they can be worked. It is left to the discretion of the officer in charge or the highest ranking NCO. Those who have surrendered may assist with the defense of CS personal and property. We are NOT accepting aid from the enemy. We are working the prisoners.

What about how they are not bound or gagged and walk about freely with weapons?
The regulations are open as to how prisoners may be "secured." In all this time they have never harmed one of us or threatened to; nor fleed.

I don't like them or trust them. Why should we?
We don't trust them but we don't have to trust them to accomplish our mission.
Our mission, here and now, is to eradicate vampires.
Duration: a week or two. Depending upon how many vampires there are to kill and if they keep coming, we'll see.

Are we going to kill them after they are of no use to us?
1. We don't kill prisoners after they have surrendered.
2. There are special regulations about those who slay vampires. Unless they have damaged CS property or harmed CS people, and you know they have been doing the opposite of that, we have a sort of catch and release program. Outside of CS territory. As long as they keep killing vampires the CS wants them out there doing that over and over again. The enemy of our enemy is a weapon against our enemy. And we want all the weapons we can get.

After a nice long sleep, during the day, the Dog Boys wake to restored armor and weapons.
They are ordered to inspect them and to line up for inspection. Tests and checks are made and things are almost as good as they were when first issued.

The most uncomfortable with the circumstances of magic using company are invited to participate in combat practice.
One of the knights strips down to their swimwear.
Sgt Wyatt has the malcontent ready, aim and fire on the ready mystic knight.
Their E-clips run empty on shots that do nothing to the knight.
Sgt Wyatt has them draw their vibro blades while the knight has a force field surrounding them.
Ordering the Dog Boys to attack their strikes does not break the magical armor.
Ordered to stop, Sgt Wyatt escorts them to a fight circle and has them spar one on one. Dog Boy sees that the knight can give as good as he gets and is faster and stronger.
Another demonstration shows the knights blasting with their magical powers. It becomes clearn in the eyes of the Dog Boys, they can destroy the Dog Boys armor first and then the Dog Boys inside them but can't be killed by their energy rifles.
The Dog Boys don't see them as prisoners anymore.
They would be afraid but Sgt Wyatt is NOT afraid. His fearlessness makes them not feel afraid.

A point comes across. You can't kill the magic using knights but they can kill you.
What stops them?
Honor, Lt Black, and Sgt Wyatt. Also, they need the Dog Boys to hunt and fight vampires.
So now it feels less like the Dog Boys are going to let the magic using humans go and more like they are going to let the Dog Boys go when they don't need them anymore.

Those who are still uncomfortable are grouped into a squad and sent out to patrol the area during the day.

Having a good hand to hand tussle with each other and the knight relieves some stress and fosters some mutual respect. Things are more relaxed.
A couple of hours of carrying stone later , everyone takes a nap and catches dinner.
Bathe for the night and put some clean clothes on.

The night passess without vampires or any other event.
With the coming dawn, the Dog Boys go to their new NG tent camp outside the ley line zone and get some sleep. Four Dog Boys stand guard.

The Atlantean has grown impatient. He is anxious to kill vampires and feels like none are coming. If it was not for the sparring practice with the Dog Boys he would be in a worse mood. Building the pyramid is boring but he slowly drags his feet about putting the stone together for a few hours a day. At least he has a new audience with the wolfen watching him work and asking him questions.
Her daughter of sorts follows her around everywhere when she is not with the knights. She isn't much for talking so she hasn't given her name yet. Some suggest we name her but no one can decide or agree and nobody knows if naming her would be a good or bad thing. Wyatt has started calling her Fives to tease the knights and set them up to adopt her.
In Spite of their uncomfortability about the matter the knights have treated her with kindness and made time to spend with her.

Lady Black:
"I have to feed soon. If the vampire doesn't come I'm taking the other psi-stalkers and going out to hunt. You will be in charge SGT Wyatt.
Also, I need to keep making deliveries with the mining town and check on our Boy with the Cyber-Doc. How is everyone else holding up?"
Sir Wyatt:
"The Boys need to be busy. The mystic knights are more mature than I expected. Although something has changed about them. Whatever it was that they saw during the Equinox shocked them. Whatever it was, it must have scared them. The necromancers are very happy you tossed them a bone. I never saw those two smile until you came along with that gift. While the knights are calming down since there have not been any vampires arriving at night. Number One must be a father they way they are managing with the girl. She sort of became a shadow with them. I must confess, I like her myself and when she follows me around. She opens up most to the wolfen. Must be a mom. The Boys have too much going on to get too critical of ALL of this. The tents beat sleeping out in the open. Clean laundry helps too. Dino meat doesn't taste bad either. We are going to need more to eat before we are done. They will drink the water the knights provide but I don't see them taking to spells being cast upon them, like "Sustain." So we need to hunt or at least make a food run. Let's make a grocery list when you go to town . . ."
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Lady Black arrives at the mining town . . .

With two hover trucks (the two owned by the mystic knights) park.
The wolfen gets out and marvels at the town.
The Dog Boys start unloading the goods. The people flock and start looking the items over.
Lady Black announces, "I have brought some dinosaur meat for those who wish to buy it to try it. Also, some fuel and oil."
Waiting for the town merchants Lady Black requested the payment to be ready for her when she leaves. Also, the damaged good and items to be recharged loaded onboard.

Escorting the two necromancers out of the truck mystic knight Number Three stands to the left of them as Lady Black is on their right. The looks between them show it all. Cast a spell we don't like and you will regret it. Run and we will run you down. This is your change of scene, don't abuse it.
"We won't be here long. This is a quick turn around. We will have a bite to eat. Check on the Boys. Buy some clothes for you and FIves. And be on our way."
Dog Boys behind them collectively walk.

The Cyber-Doc's clinic.
The Dog Boys are happy to see Lt Black and their Dog Boy brothers. After some catching up and sharing some dinosaur BBQ Lady Black asks the Dog Boys she brought to go back to check on the hover truck.
She then shows the Cyber-Doc a note to inject the Dog Boys so that they will fall harmlessly asleep.
After a few minutes the Boys fall asleep.
Turning to the mystic knight going by the name Three she says, "Work your magic."
He thinks about it. Then begins to cast spells to heal their wounds. After burning up a lot of P.P.E. he Dog Boys look a lot better.
"You ask a lot for your merc company's costs. The Atlantean wouldn't leave the site. We wouldn't leave him, with this one exception. We didn't trust you alone with the Necromancers. While you know I can heal people. And you need them asleep so they won't know I used magic to heal them. You can lie to them and say it was psionic healing."
The necromancers smile.
#3, "Smart. I like smart. Not honest but smart. It appears we are more alike than I knew."
Lady Black, "Our reason for being here is over."
#3 examines them and the sensory instruments report on their vital signs. "I don't have much experience with Dog Boy patients but if they were human they are in good health."
Lady Black observes him looking around the clinic.
"What is it?"
"It is none of our business. As you said, our reason for being 'here' is over."
"Perhaps, OUR reason is but not mine. When they wake up. I need to be here for them."
"Doc said it would be a couple of hours. Chance to get a bite to eat and do some shopping."
The necromancer interjects, "Speaking of shopping. Cybernetics are not the only parts they have around here."
Lady Black tries to contain her disdain. "That is not the shopping we are here for.".
Necro, "It is not like the original owner has any more use for them. Besides a lot of this is waste he is going to throw out. Why let it go to waste?"
#3, "One man's garbage is another man's gold. What harm could it do?"
Lady Black, "Give me your word of honor you will tell me what you notice here and I won't argue with you about it."
#3 moving up close to whisper in Lady Black's ear, "Some of the cybernetic parts around here are previously owned. I suspect the Doc's supplier is a cyber-snatcher."
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Re: Cerberus

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Lady Black talks with Sir Wyatt:

Wyatt, "No vampires bit last night."
Black, "We lost one ourselves. One of our Dog Boys decided to stay. But we brought one back. #3 believes the cyber-doc gets his parts from a cyber-snatcher."
Wyatt, "Looks like the town could use some of the law's protection and justice for the innocent.
Black, "You'll have to go next time."
Wyatt, "How were the necromancers?"
Black, "In a good mood. They have been getting things they like. The dino bones for one and now some body parts the doc was going to throw out from his shop. They don't talk much but even they smiled at some good food and new clothes. When they gave people a fright, from the way they moved, I told them they are in the funeral business. Made them laugh."
Wyatt, "Could use a few of those around here. Boys are bored. Most of the monsters or such fled the area with us hunting them. We even put on the map where the Atlantean can find some stones. #4 can move them like nobody I have ever seen before. The Atlantean said the thing is at least two-thirds done. IF no vampires show up he might actually finish this thing."
Black, "And then."
Wyatt, "We sort of have an understanding. We get to recharge at the stone pyramid in exchange for defending it. While the Atlantean and his cadre of mystic knights move on to their next thing. Not sure if that is vampire hunting or building another pyramind or going back to where they came from. And us?"
Black, "We started this to give the Boys a choice and a chance at some other life than being a slave army for the CS. Do some good while we are at it."
Wyatt, "Maybe we should ask them what they want?"
Black, "They perfer action to sitting and thinking."
Wyatt, "What about you?"
Black, "Me. I prefer hunting . . ."
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Re: Cerberus

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The Wolfen

Octavia, the wolfen from the Consortium of Civilized Worlds.
6th level Rogue Scholar

Alignment: Principled. Beautiful (by wolfen standards). Charming. Friendly. Maternal. Outgoing. Given her training in Anthropology she understands that wherever she is, another dimension or planet, the peoples customs and laws come first. She sees herself as a bit of a scientific ambassador and as such is not to be held accountable to the laws of the world she is on while she is also not supposed to change the culture.

I.Q.: 15, M.E.: 11, M.A.: 16 (40% trust), P.S.: 14, P.E.: 10, P.B.: 23 (65%), Spd: 15

Hit Points: 40
S.D.C.: 37
Height: 7 feet
Weight: 350 lbs

Literacy: Native Wolfen 98%, Other: Galactic Trade Languages 98%
Language: Speaks Native Language at 98%, Space Languages 98%
Appraise Goods: 75%
Basic Math: 98%,
Computer Operation: 85%,
Computer Programming: 85%,
Creative Writing: 80%,
Find Contraband: 57% (77% art, artifacts, books, & film),
History: Wolfen 90%,
History: Galactic 90%,
Public Speaking 80%,
Research 90%,
Hover Vehicle 85%
W.P. Knife
W.P. Energy Pistol

O.C.C. Related Skills: (11):
Anthropology: 65%
Archaeology: 65%/55%
Art: 85%
Artificial Intelligence: 52%
Chemistry: 65%
Lore: D-Bee: 65%
Lore: Galactic/Alien: 70%
Performane: 65%
Philosophy 70%
3rd level:
Barter 52%
T.V-Video 55%

Secondary Skills:
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 55%/45%
Math: Adv.: 70%
Photography: 70%
2nd level:
Wilderness Survival: 50%
5th level:
Optic Systems: 35%

Set of high tech environmental adjusting traveling clothes and boots Provides Resistance to fire, heat, and cold. Floats. MD 1 (AR 17)
Forearm Smartphone computer linked with goggles and drones.
Optical Headpiece portable computer with audio Ai translator with built in digital camera (10,000 still photos, 30k minutes of video and holographic projector) and optic systems (binoculars, infrared, microscope, and spectrometer).
Electronic Clipboard (linked to Optical Ai Headpiece): For Art, Chemistry, Math & Writing
Utility Belt: With a variety of items:
Collection of assorted currencies & small tradable items
Metal detector for finding things underground.
Radiation detector
Short range mini drones (7)- Small teapot sized hover balls that work together to survey/map land and make 3D images of objects. Using
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) creates a map and measures objects and structures that remain hidden. The instrument works by directing hundreds of thousands of pulses of lights toward the ground. Archaeologists use these tools to detect and plot archaeological evidence in the open landscape, such as floodplains and agricultural landscapes. LiDAR allows archaeologists and mapping professionals to examine artificial and natural environments with precision, flexibility and accuracy. Double as lighting.
Bubble Helmet for wolfen size head (Suitable for underwater diving).
Naruni Enterprises Basic Survival Pack
Multi-Purpose Laser Wand (Energy Pistol); Adjustable S.D.C. or M.D. 1d4. A lot of options: Can be used for precision: surgery, welding, etc.
Ultra High Tech Medical Kit
Sample collection kit (backpack)
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Octavia (The wolfen from outer space):

Having visited the mining town Octavia needs to spend more time with the people to learn the language and customs. Everyone in town thinks she is a tall wolf Dog Girl.

The town:
First impressions
Economy relies on over half its business in trade of goods and services. They would progress faster with a bank with a stable currency that made loans.
Over half the people are D-Bees.
They have no formal schools. Everything appears to be taught in the home or on the job.
They are not free of crime or prejudice but they have a social contract and the Lt's presence creates a kind of stability.
People find her predictable delivery to be something they can build their livelihoods upon. It will be rough for them if she leaves and has no successor to do what she does.

The trade Lt Black does with the town is making it flourish. She under charges. No hijackers attempt or succeed at robbing her. The people are getting things made whole again when they would not have gotten the parts or replacements for years; if ever.

The Atlantean:
At last, I meet a flesh and blood Atlantean in person. He is a Stone Mage who can shape stone and know the secrets to building Atlantean Stone Pyramids.
He is proud of his having slain vampires and desires to do so again.
He is enthusiastic about supporting his clan's reputation and advancing his place in it.
He is confirming a lot of what I have already read and heard about Atlanteans.
Although he doesn't seem content to be a builder. He wants to be an undead slayer as well.
He has been practicing on the other side of the ley line fighting the necromancers zombies. In a couple of days they are restored and the Atlantean can fight them all over again like the fabled vikings afterlife Valhalla.
His fighting skills have improved though. His Atlantean tattoo can create a flaming sword that is quite impressive.
His true talent is shaping stone. His passion is fighting the undead. Fighting that he believes will advance his status in his Atlantean clan.

The necromancers:
As humans go, the way they move and behave estranges them from the others. Once people get over their appearance and behavior, they are still only human. They have all the human needs to eat, sleep, and even socialize. I guess that their religious and philosophical system of beliefs with regard to life and death are perhaps "Egyptian" in origin or coincidence.
They are enthusiastic about bones and body parts that must make them significant to their beliefs. I have met doctors and morticians of various cultures who have a similar demeanor. In this they are little different from a funeral mortician.
This group of people also seem to have a cultural or religious ceremony whereby they dance and chant every night but everyone seems disappointed in the morning. I don't understand it but I respect that it is their system of beliefs.  
The necromancers have a magic that reminds me of the Warlocks. As Warlocks can make stone walk and fight. Golems or something. Well, the necromancers can do the same with the bodies of the dead. They are another sort of golem. Only the social sentiment is that people don't like the body parts of the dead being used as material for golems. They will however, recycle cybernetic parts for people and machines.

The Dog Boys:
Are soldiers.
They slave dinosaurs and alien beings they have a prejudice against. A people called the Xiticix. It appears they have little regard for the preservation of certain species and treat them as food.
They have a strong social bond with each other and look to Wyatt and Black for guidance.
They have a strong dislike of the knights and an even stronger one of the necromancers they almost never see.

The knights:
Appear to be mercenaries but different. Their military fatigues are more than clothes, more than camouflage, they try to disguise their powers and appear as ordinary mercenaries. In reality, they somehow possess a strange immunity to energy weapons. They can cast magic like a warlock. Speak little. Are more protective of the Atlantean than necessary. I have not yet deciphered their larger goal if they have one or motivation for what they are doing here. They could be paid to do this as mercenaries are. They may want the challenge or experience. Regardless they seem to have accepted the blonde girl whom they call Five's.

The girl is still a mystery but at least she's not afraid or hungry anymore.
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Re: Cerberus

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The attack came at night.
The party was witnessing the necromancers summoning ritual when everyone's “Sixth Sense” kicked in and we prepared for the vampires we expected.

The knights became invisible.
The Atlantean produced his flaming sword.
Even the necromancers coated themselves in magical armor.
The Dog Boys readied the wooden arrows in their bows.
The CS Dog Boys stood by with water pouches and wooden stakes.
A fog rolled in which everyone believed was magical in creation.
Then suddenly everyone could see the mystic knights.
The magical armor over the necromancers was gone.
The Atlantean’s flaming sword went out.

That is when the vampires come out of the mist.

Knight One radioed, “Somethings wrong. My magic isn’t working. At all.”

The vampires attack,
All the knights are able to defend themselves.
The Atlantean, Ictinus of the Aerihman clan, is bitten.
The little girl is grabbed.

Sgt Wyatt is struck and his armor damaged.

The Dog Boys are unable to see in the dark of night and fog of war. Those who are wisely wearing their goggles cannot see the vampires by body heat and night vision is impeded by the fog. Many position themselves in the military fortifications such as fox holes and such to defend.

The knights will eventually remember to guard the Atlantean. So they will grab him and retreat. Someone will notice Fives is gone.
The Dog Boys are unaffected by the anti-magic cloud.
The fog is bad for business.
They were expecting a kill box. Now they are the ones getting boxed in.

The problem is they have no ranged weapons that will work against vampires and can’t see them in the fog.

On the outside, the mystic knights regroup forming a circle around the Atlantean. They radio to Wyatt to get the girl, Fives, and the necromancers and withdraw.
The NG power armor pilot is fully functional and fights vampires with wooden stakes.
Lady Black stays with her Boys and openly swings her psi-sword paired with her psi-shield.

Wyatt can’t see Fives or the necromancers and is distracted by vampires vanishing in and out. He attacks and they retreat. He feels they are trying to lure him into a trap.

Then everything stops. Wyatt and Lady Black can feel the scopes of rifles around them. They start taking energy weapon sniper fire.
What follows is a bit of a nightmare of confusion.

Number three flies up into the air with his jet pack and looks down on the battle ground from above with his goggles allowing for night vision and infra-red. Then radios in firing positions.

Using his electronic countermeasures, Number Three is able to report that the enemy has radioed in a retreat. The wilderness is too dense to see them at night, even with night vision and thermo. Three suspects the enemy have camouflaged their heat signature with body suits.
It has been an hour.
The group has regrouped at the Dog Boy camp.

Headcount shows:
No casualties.
Three MIA (missing in action): The two necromancers and the little girl Fives.
The Atlantean has been bitten and has a scar he wants to keep.
Dog Boys have some damaged armor but that’s all.
Vehicles are shot up.
Power armor too but it is still 22 percent intact.
They are in a defensive position to fend off vampires.
Those with senses that can feel them feel them on the edges of their senses moving around the camp. Those with skills in Detect Ambush believe this to be a trap intended to lure them out of their camp. Second to that is to scare them into staying in camp. Without the limitless supply of energy from the ley line the knights don’t want to venture out and use up their powers
Those few Dog Boys with wooden stakes and Bows and arrows using night vision goggles chase the vampires in circles or until they see a trap situation with their sixth sense going off. So they Dog Boys withdraw.

When first light is upon the camp:

After Action Review.
The attack employed something that stopped magic from working for the mystic knights, necromancers, and the Atlantean.
The mission objective may have been to take the necromancers; which they did.
They took the little girl for reasons unknown. Hey, they are vampires.
Whoever attacked them some of them were mortals with energy rifles, some were vampires (secondary if not a master), and they could use magic.

It never occurred to the leader of the mystic knight's to move the necromancers outside of the range of the ley line after they cast the spell. Besides, the mystic knights would not be able to draw upon the energy of the ley lines.

Now a Master Vampire appears to have magical resources at his disposal.

In the light of day:

Location: The ley line camp. Stone pyramid base.

The scene is not that bad.

Making a search of the surrounding area footprints and residue of MD armor are found.
Number three prints out pictures of the two necromancers and the little girl Fives. Says they can try to get some information on them. Wyatt and some of the other Dog Boys have her sent from her old clothes. Those of the necromancers as well.
Talk about the distance some of the vampires the Dog Boys chased last night means that they could not have had more than two hours of time to fly away as bats and go to ground. Depending on their advanced planning they could have split up or keep up looking in one area when the girl Fives is in another.

The necromancers can summon the wild vampires. This is their value. Of course, it is a 50, 50 chance they are already dead. IF not then the vampires are torturing them because they want to make it hurt. And that is the best case. There is a small chance they could turn them into vampires.
Same with the girl.

Trying Remote Viewing:
They are alive, for now. Being held separately from each other. They are bound and under human guard and a camo tent.
Based on the glimpses, there is at least a 50% chance this is a trap to lure us to them. Number Two chimes in that they could have them wired to explosives with the plan of blowing up the girl’s rescuers.
Mystic Knight One, “We still don’t know where they are on the map. But IF I were them I would make it far from the ley line.”

The Dog Boy platoon sentiment is that they don’t have a problem with the necromancers dying or being tortured to death. Them being vampires is just two more to have to kill. We are all alive. Except for a few scrapes we are doing ok. We agreed to kill vampires who came to us, and came into our kill box. This is their kill box. IF we knew for certain where they are now we could storm their camp during daylight. Wipe out their human slaves. Dig them up and finish them off. When night falls we have no ranged weapons against them; except for arrows. Chances are good they got what they came for and won’t be back; except to kill us.

MK One, “Basics of combat, know where your enemy is and keep them from knowing where you are. Staying at the ley line camp is backwards to that. We reposition and they won’t know where we are. Otherwise, what is to keep them from doing tonight what they did last night? The way to victory is taking the fight to them. They are hiding because it is daylight.
Number Three, “I just remembered guys. I put tracking devices on the necros in case they made a run for it. One on Fives too because well she’s a little girl and I expected her to get lost. Besides, I never get to use these trackers. I just have to put my electronic gear I left behind back together and I’ll find out if the tracking device is still on.

A while later . . .

I am not getting anything from the trackers I put on the necros but I am getting Fives.

One, “The target must have been the necromancers. So they searched them for anything and everything. One of the vampires probably got cruel or greedy or hungry and nabbed the girl because.”
Four, “It could be a hostage situation. Come after them and they kill her.”
Three, “I have their radio digits. I can radio them a message if they have not changed it. Regardless I can listen in, if they radio to each other we will be able to overhear it.”
One, “If they are smart they will stay radio silent. If they are really smart they will be listening in for us.”
Four, “Counter Intelligence? What do we want them to hear? What do they want to hear?”
One, “They want to know where we are and where we are going. They want to hear that we ran away.”
Three, “We can’t know where they are unless they use the radio. Listening to us won’t give away their position. We have Fives tracking location, for now, we should act on that .”
One, “We have the location of her tracker. It doesn’t necessarily mean that is where Five’s is. It could be a trap too.”
Wyatt and Black stand there uncomfortably listening to the knight exchange.
Black, “You are going to give me a way to find her. Now!”
All but number four look to One.
Number Four says, “I’ll show you the way. Three, print me a map.”
Three looks at Four then turns his head to One.
One, “WE are a team. IF one of us goes, we ALL go. Exceptions are made for special circumstances. We have to think this through though. Plan. Anticipate it being a trap. Having a plan IF it is.”
Black, “What’s to plan?”
Turning his head to Lt Black then to Three. “Print her out a map so she will be out of our hair. Then get to work on our hover truck. It is the fast way to transport us all there and back.”
Three, “I can use my jetpack but it's only me. You are also the only one who can repair the vehicles. We lose you, we have to walk from here.”
Four, “You don’t need me to fix the truck. Besides, you know we can run all the way there.”
One looks all around him at the Dog Boys wearing CS armor.
“I’d have to cast a spell on whoever runs, to do that. Who would want me to do that to them?”
Wyatt and Black look at each other and then the CS Dog Boys.
The Atlantean, “I would. To save a little girl. Sure. Kill some vampires too, if I’m lucky.”
The other knights raise their hands.
The Dog Boys of the Atlantean camp raise their paws.
The power armor pilots raise their hands.
Lt Black raises her hand.
Sgt Wyatt raises his.
The CS Dog Boys look at each other before Wyatt tells them, “If any man can’t do this, have a magic spell cast on you, you can return to camp and wait there for us. You will not be punished. You’ll just stay behind on this one.”
The Dog Boy with bionics steps forward, “I’ll go first.”

One by one each step forward and received a sort of blessing from the mystic knight known as Number One. Superhuman Endurance (12) boosted by the ley line providing them with the ability to run three hours non-stop (2 normally but the ley line gives a 50% longer duration).

One says, “Three, WE need you to stay behind and get the vehicles running again. You and the pilot can pick us up after we have the girl or the spell runs out.”

One turns to face Lt Black.
Lt Black says, “Number 4 runs point reading the map. WE follow. Move out!”
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Re: Cerberus

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Number Three said to himself, “We do everything as a team . . . yeah right.”

Turning on his telemechanics psionic power to understand the hover truck. After a moment he could picture it all in his head. What was in need of repair, what was not and everything in between. He could see a way to make it run again. Still, some pieces were gone. He would have to cannibalize the parts from the other hover truck even then he would have to jury rig some things to make it run again. Thanks to the ley line he would have all the energy he needed. It would just be a lot of patient labor taking so many things apart to mend them individually. Methodical, organized, slow but thorough. This is his battlefield now.

Note: Practitioners of magic can absorb up to three times their normal limit in P.P.E. from a ley line but only hold it for P.E, attribute number in minutes.
In this manner, absorbing P.P.E. from the ley line he is on Number Three holds the energy until he has enough to use the mend spell on the items he can restore. Also, since he is on a ley line the spell’s effect is boosted 50%. Of course he takes mental breaks to stretch, drink water and that sort of thing.
P.P.E. absorption rate I consider to be 10 P.P.E. per melee round but I do not consider it to replenish his personal battery of P.P.E. So after he leaves the area of effect of the ley line he will only have the P.P.E. from his personal supply he did not already spend.
In theory, he can have a P.P.E. of 100, supercharge himself to 300 P.P.E. and spend 200 and not have touched his personal supply.

Ley lines are great for spell casters!

Taking things out, mending them and putting them back together again takes some time. He does have two people with aircraft mechanics who help him with taking apart and putting back together. It’s not pretty but it will fly and the work is done after 2 hours.
Hover truck with a large bed for hauling.
S.D.C. by Location:
Hover Jets (5, main)- 100 each
Maneuvering Jets ( 6) - 25 each
Windshields (2)- 100 each
Door Windows (2)- 20 each
Doors (2) - 80 each
Main Body- 3,200 (equal to 32 M.D.C.)
Speed: 130 mph (208 km) maximum.
Range: Six batteries for 180 mile/288 km range before needing to recharge). Note: Carries spare 6 charged batteries to replace
26 feet (5.5 to 7.9 m) long
12 feet (2.1 to 3.6 m) tall
8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 m) wide.
Weighs 3 tons.
Crew: One driver and one passenger is standard, with space for a third to slide in under cramped conditions.
Cargo Space: The rear 80% of the truck is cargo space with tie-straps for securing cargo. Can carry loads as heavy as 12 tons.
Special Features: Clock, gyro-compass, and radio.

Three takes it for a test drive then radios knight One.

Around 2 hours after they started the Lt/Lady Black and the Atlantean can feel the presence of vampires and it is still daylight.
The plan is to spread the Dog Boys out to form a line with each in sight of the other and march forward real slow looking for traps and vampire burial sites. The mystic knight One tells Lt Black they will use their psionic powers to Sense Evil, turn invisible with magic, and skillful prowl with Three walking point up to the tracking device location for Fives. The Dog Boys will sweep up behind them backing them up and picking off anyone who tries to flee or a vampire who is buried.
The knights turn invisible and take off.
Lady Black ignores what they told her and runs behind them.
Wyatt follows after his master Lady Black.
The Dog Boys follow.

The mystic knights stop and Three snipes a lookout.
They rush forward
Camouflaged tents are coated in magic nets.
The enemy camp's warriors begin to fire wild.
Three guards in MD body armor come forward swinging Vibro Swords.
Lt/Lady Black makes short work of one. Destroying the armor he turns out to be a mummy.
Sgt/Sir Wyatt destroys another who turns out to be a zombie.
The knights unload on the third whose armor gives way to reveal a man sized golem.
Black and Wyatt begin dodging the shots of guards.
Suddenly some of the guards stop and collapse looking bewildered.
Some Dog Boys report they came across vampire sites and they killed them.
Suddenly an Energy Field surrounds a tent. A spell cast by one of the knights.

A magic net appears over the human guards.
Black and Wyatt gang up on the golem to finish it off.
The Dog Boys report the permanent deaths of 4 more vampires.

It doesn’t take much more work to secure the camp.

The Atlantean, all the Dog Boys, and Lady Black begin searching the surrounding area and find all the vampires they can within a few thousand feet (7 secondary vampires die).

The necromancers are found tied up with bite marks on their necks and signs of having been tortured.

Fives is found with bite marks on her neck.

Knight One gets a message from knight Three. The truck is ready. On my way.

Knight One gathers the people around
The Dog Boys are still hyper.
Killing vampires has got their blood going. Also, they are tireless as the allowed themselve to be spell cast upon for the first time, this one time, only to rescue the little human girl and kill some vampires. Which they did. They are still sniffing the area for vampires and such.

Lt/Lady Black with Sgt/Sir Wyatt finished off a golem, a mummy, and a zombie (all dressed in armor). The henchmen of a spell caster. No one has identified the spell caster, yet.

The knights can't sense any Evil in the camp. Taking prisoners from the tents.

The attack killed four in the enemy camp
5 humans are taken prisoners. They appear to be broken emotionally and mentally.

When the vampire is slain (or staked), their mind slave is immediately freed from their control, but will never be the same. Roll once on the Random Insanity Table and once on the Phobia Table.

Random Insanity: Affective Disorder: Autonomic Reaction. Hands shake when the character is under stress, has to do something important, feels threatened or feels angry. Penalties: -3 to strike with a gun or other ranged weapon, -15% on any skill that requires a steady hand and precision hand-eye coordination (Forgery, Palming, surgery, most repair skills, etc.).

Phobia: Being mind-controlled or possessed.
Furthermore, having experienced true evil, there is a 75 % chance the victim 's alignment changes to a Principled or Scrupulous one even if they were once evil.
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Re: Cerberus

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The vampire camp:

"This isn't working," said One. "I went in invisible to do recon. If Lt. Black had searched for vampires we could have taken out all their slaves in camp. Now two men and two women are dead because they could not disobey their vampire masters and surrender."
Wyatt, "She's used to giving orders, not following them."
"Was the plan unwise?
"She is a woman of action."
"But not one of subtlety or the power to become invisible."
"Why didn't you walk slowly and psychically feel for the vampires?"
"YOU know nobody does that better than Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers. Besides you wanted me to be responsible for Fives. I wanted to be where I could see her. I would have given word via radio about her and the number of enemy forces. Come back with a map of the camp. I may have even been able to disable them with magic nets. I could have taken them all alive, IF that means anything to you Cyber-Knight, Sir Wyatt . . ."

After some interrogation of the prisoners the Master bit the girl (Fives) and necromancers. They had some agony spells cast upon them. The Master vampire is still out there in hiding with his slaves. The mystic knights are going to fall back to their back up site. No one outside the squad knows where it is. They advise the Dog Boys to relocate so the Master Vampire won't know where they are tonight.

Number Three arrives with a hover truck.
The people are stored in the back along with some Dog Boys and shuttled back and forth to the Dog Boys camp. Sgt Wyatt gave orders to take down the tents and stow them on the hover truck along with anything else of value to the Dog Boys. Spoils of war against vampires plus the dead won't need them.

All the mystic knights stare at Sir Wyatt. The look between them is one of feeling of being cut out.

Sir Wyatt, "You can keep the prisoners."
The knights scoff.
One spouts, "They were mind controlled slaves. Now they all have PTSD. Same with the necromancers. You're taking a ton of equipment and guns."
Wyatt, "You don't need these things."
One, "We need a contract in writing. You can't just keep changing what you're charging when you see something you want. You've been hogging our hover truck forever! We do your laundry! We repaired and maintained your stuff, recharged your batteries. We need credits and we can resell these things for them."

Spoils of War:

(9) NG-P7 Particle Beam Rifles
(9) NG-35 Heavy Laser Pistol
(9) NG-L5 Laser Rifle
(3) NG-T12 Tranquilizer Rifle
(30) fragmentation hand grenades
(30) smoke grenades
(9) Vibro-Saber (2D4 M.D.),
(9) Vibro-Knife (1D6 M.D.)
(60) Flares
(80) E-Clips
(60) M.R.E. (Meals Ready to Eat)
(6) NG Basic Survival Kits
(6) Tent: Combat & Survival Shelter 8 M.D.C.
(1) Tent: Command and Control Shelter: 8 M.D.C.

9 of each: Binoculars, *IRMSS medical kit, language translator, utility belt, backpack, tinted goggles, gas mask, canteen, handcuffs, compass, disposable cigarette lighter, bedroll, flashlight, hand radio, digital watches
*IRMSS Internal Robot Medical Surgeon System: Nanobots repair torn/ruptured veins, internal bleeding, and minor damage to internal organs. Equal to a medical doctor’s surgical skill of 75%. When the nanobots are done, they simply turn off and are naturally flushed from the body (average life is one hour).
Good for four uses.

Stopping at the ley line sight to pick up more things:

Number Three uses his healing spells to heal the vampire bite marks on the necromancers and Fives. The wounds on the outside are gone but not on the inside. The necromancers, however, had their tongues cut out to prevent them from spell casting.
The knight pump each other up with spells.
They relocate to a back up site.
Create some "Sheltering Force" tents for the prisoner/victims.
One knight is always with Fives watching over her, even when she sleeps. Crosses line outside her tent. No one will allow Fives to be bitten two nights in a row.

The five "prisoners" have had the cleanse spell cast on them. The knights don't know if one or more of them willingly cooperated or were mind controlled. They all appear handsome and lacking in cybernetics. They wear combat fatigues. Are provided with a five gallon water supply. Have a mystic knight watch them and watch over them. They are unarmed. Have crosses around their necks. However, they cannot sleep.
They each have a story about how they were bitten by a vampire until they became their slave. They were ordered on a mission to kill or capture a pair of necromancers and subdue or eliminate those they associate with. A large part of their job was to guard over them during daylight. Their mission had a spell caster whose job was to knock out the magic users abilities while they shot the camp up and provided cover for the secondary vampires. The Master has more vampires in their covern but the young secondary and wild ones were locked up with silver chains to keep them from taking off because they were being summoned. They followed one of their vampires to be sure of the location. It took a couple of days to work out the transportation of their human slaves.
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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That night at the Dog Boy camp:

Just in case Sgt Wyatt uses the hover truck to move Dog Boys to another location. They spend the rest of the day setting up the camp and camouflage.

Lt. Black stays at the old site with a squad of Dog Boys to stay up all night as an ambush.
She feels "something" a few hundred feet away in the dark of night but it comes and goes. Lady Black assumes the vampire is just observing as a mist form before it flies away as a bat.

The rest of the Dog Boys are feeling proud about the day. Slaying vampires and collecting some nice "toys." There is a tent for every two and one for a few (squad leaders). They have no cuts so there's no smell of blood.
They have pretty much forgotten about allowing a spell to be cast upon them (Superhuman Endurance).
The inventory is full and there is talk about trading the goods in the mining town. Should they ask for something other than food? Some talk about the "prisoners" and wonder what they would do if they had them.
Is there a territorial prison?
How do they do it out here?
Is being mind controlled by a vampire a crime?
Is what you do while you are being controlled by them your fault?
Should we plan to arrest those ley line mercs who use magic?
They are weaker while they are away from the line. You could tell their energy level was lower at the vampire camp. Without their powers they can be held down and arrested. The arrangement has worked out for the Dog Boys pretty well. They are doing their laundry and that makes the Dog Boys laugh and smile at them.

The next morning:

Sgt Wyatt radios the mystic knights and finds out they are okay.
The Dog Boys get some sleep in the tents that are new to them.
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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In the light of day,

The Atlantean and his associates return to the ley line camp site.

They assess the conditions.The construction appears as though it was not attacked. They can resume the project.

The girl, Fives, has gone the night without a vampire bite. She is safe from their control. Emotionally she needs time if not therapy.The knights want revenge upon the master vampire.

The Atlantean wants to know if the necromancers can summon vampires tonight.

Knight One informs the party that, the necromancers, without tongues they can’t cast spells. There is a spell that allows for the restoration of a body part if they had the necromancer's tongue which they don’t and even if they did no one here knows the spell. The knight speculates that the necromancers will still be able to do some of the things they used to like, animate the dead and perhaps make things with bones but beyond that not much. At least, until some bio-system cybernetic tongue can be used to replace the tongues they lost.
Beyond that the necromancers are in no mental state to participate. The good news is, being necromancers they are immune to a vampire's mind control.
“The mistake the vampire master made was not to kill them when they had the chance. Probably wanted to make their deaths slow and painful for killing their coven's wild vampires.”

What the group is undecided about is what to do with their “prisoners.” It appears everything they did for the vampires and against the group they were made to do by mind control. Knight One knows that from a legal standpoint these people are off the hook. They are also stuck here and have no place to go.
They remind MK One of Octavia the wolfen from outer space. She has been looking after Fives since she came back.

The group wants to know if they will continue the hunt for vampires. MK One informs them that they can’t do what they did three days ago. Even if the necromancers could cast spells again after a biosystem tongue the vampires, if there are any within hundreds of miles of where they are, will have adapted. Assuming their secondary vampires who made them are around they will tie them up with silver or exert their mind control over them to keep them from doing anything but hunting for blood. Of course, this assumes that they are communicating with each other, the secondary vampires who made the wild ones are around, and that sort of thing.

The lead knight thinks they should be grateful the tactic worked for as long as it did. Then speculates that it might work again someday if the secondary vampires take their eye off their kids. Regardless, as a long term strategy the vampires will arrange a counter attack even if it is by using human mercs to do their dirty work for them.
IF they try it again it should be here the vampire doesn't expect it and after a month or two so they might drop their guard. That assumes the necromancers can, after cybernetic surgery, and are willing to after what happened to them.

For now the mystic knight believes the best course of actions is to let those mercenary CS Dog Boys go. They can start and finish their hunt for the master vampire.

Knight One doesn’t believe the vampire will hang around. Once the necromancers have not cast another summoning for a night or two the vampire won’t be back. IF they do it will most likely be a secondary vampire or another human merc to snipe the necromancers from a distance. Done and over with. All the more reason to move on or at least relocate the necromancers. Same with Fives so she can be away from here she was taken.

The only reason to stay at this ley line would be to finish the stone pyramid construction.
The mystic knight asks the Atlantean, “Do you want to continue to build the pyramid?”

The Atlantean looks back and forth at the pyramid a few times. He stares at it for a while.
“We are three-fourths or so done. But we need to move a lot of stones here. First we should take the wounded to some place where they can get what they need. After that we regroup and reevaluate the situation.”

Number Three spends the rest of the day mending and restoring what he can with what remains of their vehicles. The Atlantean uses the time to push stone. The group calls the Dog Boys on the radio and asks for their hover truck back.

They are met with the reply that they are busy using it and they will get it back when they are finished with it.

Note: The Atlantean - Mystic Knight party does not know the extent of “Athena’s” abilities or her inventory. Also, they do not have her radio numbers. So even if they knew they do not have an easy way of contacting her. "Athena," being a techno-wizard, can make things. She has the skill to make bio-systems and through her magic can make parts for both the damaged hover vehicles and cybernetics.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

The Dog Boys spend the rest of the day's light searching the vampire's camp. Their search pattern expands out and attempts to avoid overlap. Some boot prints are found. Tracking the trail it turns back around and comes within a secluded grassy opening that ends at a large circle. Lt Black believes it to be a circle of travel.
It explains why there were no vehicle tracks.

The debate is whether to guard the circle or erase it. Whomever made the circle of travel wanted the benefit of the ley line when they cast the spell.

Some mention the idea of setting explosives to blow up anyone who comes out of it. Others want to set up a blind and snipe. The annoyance is how long a guard would have to wait watching.
Dog Boys don’t like waiting and neither does Lt Black. Still, they don’t really have anything better to do.
They take turns searching the surrounding area but find nothing out of the ordinary.

Walking the ley line Lt/Lady Black comes upon the Atlantean camp.
“Running away,” she says.
“Taking the wounded to safety,” replies One.
“And then what?”
“Then, whatever I want,” the mystic knight said smoothly. “Now, where’s my hover truck?”
“As long as it's over, I’ll take it as my final payment.”
The mystic knight’s stance changed as he postured in relation to her like a gunfighter. The Dog Boys behind and beside her drew their vibro-blades.
“The moment I saw you I knew it would come to this.”
The other three knights cast Armor of Ithan on themselves.
Knight One raises his fist in a body language to stand fast.
Lt Black did the same and began removing her armor from the waist up.
The three other knights began to draw a circle.
Knight One stepped into it and motioned his hand inviting Lt Black into it.
The Atlantean says, “A gentleman doesn’t hit a lady.”
Lt Black, “He’s NO gentleman.”
Knight One, “She’s NO lady.”

Lt Black is distracted and slips when she tries to punch him.
She parries his punch then punches him.
He punches and she parries.
She swings and misses. He swings and she blocks.
They continue to punch and parry each other's blows.
The Atlantean creates his flaming sword and brings it between them.
Lt Black, “This is between him and me.”
The Atlantean, “What’s this all about?”
Knight One, “She’s hungry, hungry for a fight. Hungry for something to eat. The only way this would be more fun for her is if she were hunting me. But I can’t oblige her. It’s not like me to run from a fight. Besides, I've never been feasted upon by a psi-stalker. The other stalkers got their fill off the vampires but not Black. IF she had to she could feed off this ley line but she wants a fight. It’s too bad for her, I’m not as fast or strong as she is. No, it will take at least two of us to give her a challenge.”
Lt Black smiles and creates her psi-sword. Salutes the Atlantean and motions for him to attack her.
He swings and she parries his every attack. It is no contest.
She withdraws her psi-sword and motions to slap him but misses.
The Atlantean punches her.
She smiles.
He punches and she parries all his blows.
She punches him, pulling her punches. Then puts him in a hold and cuts him. A smile crosses her lips.
“My turn,” says Number Two.
Releasing the Atlantean the mystic knight known as two steps into the circle with Lt Black. He salutes her and assumes a defensive position. He takes the initiative and they trade punches back and forth. She gives more punishment that he delivers but everyone there can tell he has her respect. Her last punch cuts his lip and gets some blood on her hands.
Lt Black tastes it and smiles and says, “Yours is the best.”
Three steps in saying, “Leave some for me.”
They trade a couple of punches but his last one misses so bad he falls down. Lt Black moves to get him in a hold but he escapes the circle before she can get a hold on him.
Everyone looks to Four. “Had enough yet?”
“Bring it!”
She knocks him out and outside the circle.
One says, “We’ve never had that happen before.” Looking at Lt Black then back at Four then back at Black again. “I’ll take his place.”
“You can’t just give it. I have to take it from you, after a fight.”
“A fight you must have. A fight you will get.”
He gets the first punch but it doesn’t last 10 seconds before he bleeds.
Knight One bows his head. Then says, “The hover truck won’t last long. It is in need of parts and the batteries have to be repeatedly charged.”
With that stares with intensity at her refuse to turn his back.
Lt Black salutes him. He returns the salutes. The two continue to stare at one another.
“Lady’s first,” One says.
Lt Black backs away without taking her eyes off him until she and her Dog Boys disappear behind the tree line.

The knights and the Atlantean pick themselves up and dust themselves off. Knight Three administers medical attention to their injuries. Then says, “It’s been a long time since I had to fight like that or been hit that hard.”
They all laugh.
“Still, that hover truck we lost won’t last long without parts. I hid a tracker on it in case it got lost . . . or something.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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