2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

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2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

No change - setting still set in early 2000s
Same as today, different names, horror reduced to undercurrent
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Same as today, different names, horror normalized
Society stalled circa early 2000s, horror normalized
Society stalled circa early 2000s, horror in your face
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Society regressed, oppressed masses, horror in your face
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Society fractured in survival mode
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Society gone, only survival mode (Dead Reign-esque)
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Things are bad, total Nightlord domination
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Things are good, but still total Nightlord domination
Other - comment to share
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2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

Unread post by Grazzik »

Looking to see how others have shaped the setting (or not) as the years have passed.

Any ideas on how things shaped up outside US also welcome - did things take a different path for the Nightlords elsewhere?

How have real life events worked their way into your take on the setting - wars, pandemics, political shifts like Brexit, natural disasters, economic booms and busts, etc.?

Any major safe zones for Nightbane ('spawn ;) ) emerge?
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Re: 2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I just leave the setting as presented in the books. I have playd it under other GMs where the Nightlords dominate though.
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Re: 2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

Unread post by eliakon »

Given that the invasion would have been 30 years in the past.
And given the overwhelming force, numbers, advantages etc...
I would imagine that the world is basically dead.
Its like a bleaker Nightlands. Empty cities prowled by a few feral Dopplegangers and the ocasional human or nightbane survivor all trying to hide from the increasingly desperate Night Princes and their forces seeking a meal.
I imagine the Nightlords would have released biological weapons and resorted to chemical attacks, both via nation states and terrorists.
Sort of Dead Reign meets Fallout meets Darksouls.
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Re: 2023 - what's the Nightbane world like?

Unread post by Grazzik »

eliakon wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:40 am Given that the invasion would have been 30 years in the past.
And given the overwhelming force, numbers, advantages etc...
I would imagine that the world is basically dead.
Its like a bleaker Nightlands. Empty cities prowled by a few feral Dopplegangers and the ocasional human or nightbane survivor all trying to hide from the increasingly desperate Night Princes and their forces seeking a meal.
I imagine the Nightlords would have released biological weapons and resorted to chemical attacks, both via nation states and terrorists.
Sort of Dead Reign meets Fallout meets Darksouls.
As you say, very bleak. Somewhere between the heavy inevitability of Dead Reign and the supernatural chaos of Chaos Earth. The books say it should take a long long time to get to this nightmare state, but I agree that it could be achievable in thirty years with how the basic premise of the setting was set up. Problem is the action is relegated to survival as the world is too far gone, even if there are still safe zones, and survival games are long term near unwinnable. The most likely viable win scenarios for PCs is finding a way to another world/dimension, either by magic or astral travel, or time travel to try change the past. Either way, those can be pretty hefty campaigns.
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