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Dethbegins Civilian Bio-Gear

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:57 am
by dethbegins
After several days' worth of work, here is what I've produced so far. Enjoy and I hope any of you adding this to your games enjoy their proactive use. 

A Cryo-Grid is a self-cooling grid that relies on passive circulation through an organic thin mesh to chain react several compounds produced by the mesh, this allows anything wrapped or bound by the mesh to cool to freezing temperatures within a few minutes. Cryo-Grids are not only safe to use but are highly recommended by librarians for long term food storage solutions. Some dread guards even use them for regulated food storage in their personal abodes!
- Self-Cooling self-feeding grid utilized to drop food temperatures down to 0*f within 1d4 minutes.
Bio-E Cost: 2
Credit Cost: 200 Credits

Helvers Sack:
A large sack capable of carrying over 265lb worth of cargo, with a storage capacity of 65L, with 2 separate liquid storages capable of storing 15L each. Notably made of bio-infused carapace, this MDC bag is a one stop shop for all your carrying needs! Capable of withstanding a whopping 45 M.D.C. worth of damage, as well as having self-healing capabilities at 2 M.D.C. a minute, this bag is all you need for wasteland travel! – Random bag sales guy.
- A large bag with 30L of liquid capacity, and 65L of solid storage, capable of healing at 2 M.D.C. per minute, and health pool of 45 M.D.C.
Bio-E Cost: 3
Credit Cost: 350 Credits

Union Pouch:
After several attempts to produce a simpler design for unifying workers during group projects, the union pouch was produced. The Union pouch is a small pouch containing several components that make a Pseudo-Biological communications device. It allows all individuals utilizing their pouch to combine their knowledge, skills, and most importantly what they’re specifically doing and shares this information with those on the same link.
- A complex device utilized for sharing information between co-workers, allows all bonuses to be shared between connected users, as well as any additional bonuses, and splits the time by ¼ per person connected this way.
Bio-E Cost: 5
Credit Cost: 565 Credits

Compound Grader:
Utilizing geneticists’ more complex knowledge a simplified compound grader was produced within several months of testing. This grader allows anyone with materials to break down and grade the percentages of molecules utilized within the compound, and how they produce the corresponding structure.
- Compound graders are used to extract information from a material, +35% to all skills required to identify a compound.
Bio-E Cost: 2
Credit Cost: 235 Credits

Complex Breakdown Refinery:
After 5 years of research a more complex Pseudo-Stomach was identified, produced, and refined into a more advanced refinery organ. When raw materials are broken down inside the Breakdown Refinery it breaks the materials down to a less complex molecule ready for reprocessing. The new materials are stable, easy to use, and often come in liquid, powder, or solids, depending on the original mix produced. These tools are also equipped with a complex internal system to link with Bio-Comms and produce from the materials input the desired materials, all byproducts can be specified for form, amount, and can be reutilized for the Stomach-like organ for restoration. The Complex breakdown refinery requires 2 pounds of organic matter per week to sustain itself and will require an input for its regular feeding cycle.
- Breaks down materials into a semi-refined compound to be used for industrial needs. Produces 85% of the compounds inside the materials used, the rest either being absorbed by the organ, or destroyed during the breakdown process. Can be used to produce complex compounds with a Bio-Comm.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Credit Cost: 1575 Credits

A simplified version of the “Planters Membrane” produces food products and gestates them along a fleshy weave, utilizing photosynthesis that works at all times of the day, and works in artificial light. This weave can be programmed to produce fruits, vegetables, flowers, gemstones, and even pearls with a few enhancements that can be bought separately.
- Growing designated crops costs 5 Bio-E for additions of flowers, gemstones, or pearls to be grown.
Bio-E Cost: 5 plus 5 per additional feature
Credit Cost: 525, Plus 500 per additional feature

As bizarre as the shrinker is, it is one of the most useful tools utilized within the civilian sector. Allowing any large object to reduce its total weight in mass down to only 1/15th its original size and maintain this size until a reversed shrinker is used to return it to its normal state. Considered for long term use on the battlefield, it was found to fail when interacting with mechanical units. Due to the failures produced fighting, it was instead utilized for logistics, allowing mass cargo transportation without risking the need for a large convoy to be sent for every exchange between settlements.
- Shrinks materials to 1/15th its size and weight. If below 1 pound, rounds to ½ a pound for its minimum size. Can be reversed with a simple twist of the shrinkers barrel.
Bio E Cost: 8
Credit Cost: 845 Credits

Fractal Crystal Caretaker:
Growing Large complex fractal structures proved to be a serious difficulty in most lab experiments. After 3 years of development a scientist named Mardok Rieth produced the first seedbed capable of producing fractal crystals. Each Seedbed can produce either 15 1-inch sized crystals, 8 5-inch crystals, or 3 5ft crystals, growth times are between 2-5 weeks.
- Grows fractal structures in the form of crystals, produces 15, 8, 3 crystals, at 1in, 5in, 5ft and takes about 2-5 weeks to grow.
Bio E Cost: 6
Credit Cost: 680 Credits

Home Pods:
Several years of development were spent attempting to produce a growable home. These growable homes are in the shape of a rooting plant, and require a empty 3ft cubed room with fertilized soil to grow. Doesn’t require light and grows deep into rock. After 5 months a full 4-bedroom home will have grown, as well as the stages below; Stage 1: 1 room 1 bathroom, Stage 2: 2 rooms 1 bathroom, Stage 3: 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, Stage 4: 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, Mature: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. After 3 additional months, the plant hardens making itself fuse to the rock and soil, making it resistant to earthquakes and other disturbances, it also adds 3 layers of sound proofing. After 2 additional months 2 rooms become a 25ft cubed room, and 1 additional room is grown. Each Room has 245 M.D.C. and each bathroom has 200 M.D.C. respectively.
- Each room starts as a 12ft cubed room, and each bathroom is a 7ft cubed room with working fixtures. The bathroom breaks down all waste and reuses it for its growth cycle. Unlike most civilian Bio-Gear the Home-Pods can become elderly, making them soundproof, earthquake resistant, as well as growing 1 additional room every 2 months, and 1 bathroom every 5 additional months.
Bio E Cost: 15
Credit cost: 1550 Credits

Energy to Mass Converter:
Several years of development after raiding N.E.X.U.S. compounds lead to the discovery of a energy to mass converter. It was discovered to be in its early development stage and was quickly abducted for the Resistances needs. Producing 5 pounds of matter for every 15 Kw worth of power, it was apparent that the device was more efficient than any N.E.X.U.S. had previously developed. After several tests finalized our production process, we were able to produce 6 pounds for every 15.5 Kw worth of power used. Currently it can only produce compost, fertilizer, salt, saltpeter, plastic, bone, and some base elements, like sodium, phosphorus, and carbon. Metals have been blacklisted due to the active threat of nanites.
- Produces 6 pounds of material, specifically non-metallic substances. Due to its need for power, it’s become a necessity to install within a haven.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Credit Cost: 20575 Credits
Notice!:: Any person utilizing this machine must first check in with the owner, as electricity is very difficult to generate!

Organic Breakdown Generator:
Several attempts to reproduce electric generators had led to the production of the “Organic Breakdown Generator” which produces per pound of biological waste 25 Kw of energy. However, the process is slow and requires 1 full day to produce the energy stated above. It has been noted that size increases to the generator allow for larger productions of electricity, however its consumption per size increase, increases by 2 pounds.
- Produces electricity for the haven, size 1 uses 1 pound of organic waste, to produce 25 Kw of energy, size 2 produces 35 Kw at 3 pounds of waste material, size 3 produces 45 Kw of power to 5 pounds of waste material, and size 4 produces 65 Kw of power at 7 pounds of waste material.
Bio-E Cost: 15, plus 10 per size increase. Or 15, 25, 35, and 45 respectively for its maximum output.
Credit Cost: 2500 Credits, plus 2000 per size increase.

Bio Battery:
15 years of development has led to the production of the first Bio-Batteries. These batteries can hold up to 15 MW days’ worth of energy and maintain and regenerate by using the energy inside. Uses 10 Kw per day to feed, if regenerating uses 45 Kw per 4d8+6 M.D.C. repaired. Since energy is expensive to produce, Bio-Batteries have become a major tool in hit and run operations, as they can store more than most facilities can produce within a haven, they also make wonderful trade items since a full or near full battery can be sold for 15000 Credits per unit. Each Bio Battery has 15 M.D.C. but can be improved for 10 Bio-E to 50 M.D.C. and must be specifically targeted.
- Trade item, energy storage tool. Holds 15 Mw/d can be sold when half full to nearly full (45%-99%).
Bio-E Cost: 45, Can be upgraded with Ultra to store an additional 25 Mw/d per upgrade.
Credit Cost: 20000 Credits

A simplified gene-lock that allows the user to lock any item they desire. Often used to assist in keeping out undesirable company within your home, or simply keeping your wares safe from prying eyes. Locks have 2 M.D.C. but can be improved for 5 Bio-E to 25 M.D.C.
- A lock that can only be opened by its designated gene-linked owner.
Bio-E Cost: 2
Credit Cost: 125 Credits

---- More to follow.

Re: Dethbegins Civilian Bio-Gear

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 5:50 am
by dethbegins
Here are a few more that are not biological in nature, figured I would separate them for easier identification.

Song Box:
Utilizing plastics, bone, wood, and other non-organic materials, these Song Boxes can produce any known melody. Often used to produce calm and relaxing atmospheres within a haven, and often have a soothing psychological effect on the surviving populous. Some state these Song boxes are one of the few elements that survived the destruction of human society. Librarians and Saints alike often use these boxes while researching, as they produce melodies that relax them as they work tirelessly for the resistance.
- A simple music box, prices vary, however, the base price for a simple Song box is 150 Credits and plays a simple tune for 1-3 minutes.
Bio-E Cost: N/A
Credit Cost: 150 Credits ~, Highest sold was for a well engraved music box that played for 5 minutes at 12000 Credits.

A small collection of data led to the rediscovery of a juicer, a simple device that breaks down and separates the juices of fruit and vegetable from its respective body and flows the juices into a storage unit separately of the organic mesh. Mostly made of plastic, wood, and a hardened bone structure for quickly crushing the organic materials utilizing a sloped press structure.
- Breaks down organic fruits and vegetables to produce their juices.
Bio-E Cost: N/A
Credit Cost: 220 Credits

After juices from a fruit and/or vegetables have been collected, they are brought to a concentrator for consolidating the juice into either a stronger liquid, for fermentation, or for producing a concentrated solid for long term storage. Often called a distiller, this version uses heat resistant plastic, grown bone for holding the structure together, and soft pad inserts for the legs to reduce sliding while in operation.
- Used to condense or ferment juices. Can produce 15 gallons in a batch.
Bio E Cost: N/A
Credit Cost: 350 Credits.

Drink Dispenser:
Found commonly in pubs and dining areas, these devices are made entirely of plastic and wood furnishings. Utilizing passive pressure, these devices will mix and blend concentrates, juices, and even alcohol! Each machine comes with 5, 8, 12, 16, 20 basins, each holding up to 2 gallons of liquid at any time. Due to the possibility of rot, each basin requires maintenance once every 2 weeks to keep sanitized.
- Mixes, blends, and dispenses drinks!
Bio-E Cost: N/A
Credit Cost: 250 Credits, +250 credits per additional basin added. Its maximum capacity that’s 4000 Credits!

Due to the need for easier transportation, resistance members have visited local Retro-Villages to recover methods for producing carts within havens. These carts are often made of wood, and are reinforced with either bone, or hardened plastic. Each cart can hold up to 250L worth of items, or up to 2250 LB. Each Cart has 250 S.D.C. unless built as an M.D.C. variant in which it has 500 M.D.C.
- Used to carry large swaths of equipment, materials, and other various goods. Holds 250L or 2250LB of items. Must be pulled by Pack beast, Host armor, or 2-4 men.
Bio-E Cost: N/A
Credit Cost: 1500 Credits. 2500 for an M.D.C. variant.

Re: Dethbegins Civilian Bio-Gear

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:15 am
by dethbegins
MDC Tools:
Various tools used for construction, fortification, or simple tasks like digging are common and heavily desired by the populations of various houses. Some of these tools are made from wood like materials while others the hardened plastics commonly used in war efforts. These tools last 15x as long as standard tools and can work with MDC materials as well as standard tools would be able to.
- Can replace the needs for any common material tool as well as letting people work MDC material without setting it or using binders instead.
Bio-E Cost: 1-5 depending on material or type, cannot evolve or improve.
Credit Cost: 200-800 credits. 200 for individual tools, or 800 per set of tools.

With many houses evolving and further improving their biotechnology, there are many whom pride themselves on their craftsmanship and desire to endlessly improve upon older designs. Even further there are some with so much Bio-E available that often they don't have the numbers to utilize it all and thus it goes to waste. In these cases, and many more houses like house Gene-coil have made developments to design and create self-evolving tools that grow with its user.
-Self evolving tools that can be designed with the augments below, as well as regeneration properties. Each tool starts with 4d10x15 M.D.C. and regenerates 2d6 MDC per day. Lastly each tool can develop enhancements like host armor, though less options are available.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Credit Cost: 600-1200 credits, depending on availability and additional features precluded.
:::::::::::: Bio-Tool Enhancements ::::::::::

Self-morphing tool head: Alters the head of the tool to any desired shape or variation, allows the user to make a chisel into a hammer and so on.
Bio-E Cost: 5
Credit Cost: 120 credits.

MDC Reinforcement: lets the tool increase its MDC by double its current value, this enhancement is limited to 4 total enhancements in value.
Bio-E Cost: 10 + 10 per enhancement to a maximum of 4 total enhancements.
Credit Costs: 240 credits per enhancement.

Self-recovery: If the tool every break, it regrows in 1d6 days.
Bio-E Cost: 5
Credit Cost: 120 credits.

Extending: Gives the tool the ability to increase its max length by up to 20ft without damaging, stretching, or breaking the tool itself, it's also rigid allowing better control.
Bio-E Cost: 5
Credit Cost: 120 credits.

Improved regeneration: replaces MDC recovery, making it 3d4x5 MDC per hour instead.
Bio-E Cost: 20
Credit Cost: 480 credits.

Re: Dethbegins Civilian Bio-Gear

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 3:27 pm
by taalismn
Definitely stealing many of these for the Cambridge Jungle biotech enclaves on my Rifts Earth.
Excellent work here.

The Extending Tool feature brings to mind the exclamation "Give me a level long enough and a fulcrum to place it on and I can move the world!"(Archimedes)