New O.C.C. Upgrade: "Augmenter"
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:28 am
Augmenter O.C.C. Upgrade:
Wonderful creations from many systems of work, both from engineers, from the geneticists, and even from the librarians themselves were only intended for war. With ever-increasing need for weaponry within many houses across the now war-torn earth, and with the ever-increasing need for an augmented population to survive within these more hazardous environments, the augmenter was created. Originally a concept produced by House Gene-Coil and now widespread through most friendly houses, the concept of a mass-population evolution was obtained, produced, and placed into active practice.
Augmenter is a specialist in producing human compatible enhancements and produces through the gene-pools various mutagenic properties enhancements for the human body. With them being almost as important as the geneticists in their active duty to sustain the needs of the Houses they support they work with full intention I’m improvement and self-sacrifice, even if the sacrifice was unnecessary for their research.
Typically, Augmenters are designed to actively move between Gene-Pool and military sectors to enhance everything from the military forces keeping the resistance alive, to the civilians who desired enhancement. Some houses, however, have perverted the intent of the augmenter and allow fewer savory individuals free rein to experiment on their population, producing more undesirable horrors. The Augmenter is equipped with a gene-lab bio-enhancer which is effectively a more advanced version of the geneticists already advanced storage organs used for the storage of Bio-E. With them, the Augmenter is capable of rapidly altering the genetic strings hidden within his gene-lab to produce a new strain of augments. Each augment can turn into Bio-enhancements after some time is spent actively studying its effects. Each augment is considered an effective biotic, and each biotic varies like mutations until each effect is isolated by the augmenter for further experimentation.
The requirements to develop into a Augmenter are very concerning, however, as a Augmenter is a heavily altered geneticist. The geneticist is forced to undergo several dips within a newly produced mutagenic bath that forces symbiotes to infest their now bloated back. Each symbiote applies a set of adjustments required to make the Augmenter capable of rapid production for most stored genetic strains and are then catered of to the settlements local librarians where they will be given special permissions to hidden alterations and gene-stocks otherwise preserved and hidden by them. Each Augmenter is also forcefully mutated of the mind and the body is twisted partly to make additional uses of their new tools. Each Augmenter within Houses with fears over the use or spread of biotech are often forced to be lobotomized as these settlements fear the rapid outbreak of several series of mutations that can be brought on at any time by the Augmenter. Luckily, mostly in part from the symbiotes now swimming in their back, they regenerate this damaged tissue and suffer no mental effects after 2 months of recovering.
Augmenter O.C.C. Powers and Abilities:
Bio-Augmenter: With the addition of the Gene-lab, Augmenters can now apply any known genetic effect to a person at will. Each augment takes 3d4 weeks to take effect, within this period each participant suffers from headaches and minor pains across their body. When complete they get an ability from the table below:
Table 1:
-Resistance to Toxins and Poisons: When any toxin enters the body, it has no direct effect on the individual, however, if the toxin is M.D. in nature, it will do have damage instead.
-Resistance to Acid: When any acid touches the body it has no effect, however, if the Acid is designed to destroy organic matter, and is M.D. in nature, it deals half damage.
-Smarter: +1d4 to I.Q.
-Super Healing: Heals incredibly quickly, recovers 2 Hit-points and 4 S.D.C. every 15 minutes.
-Needs Less Food: They only need to feed once every week to meet their nutritional requirements.
-Needs Less Sleep: An increased metabolism reduces the characters need to sleep to just 2 hours a night to feel fully rested. The Character does have to eat 1 additional pound of food to fuel their more active body.
-Mental Fortitude: The character appears pleasant and calm in most stressful situations, add +1d4+1 M.E., +2d4 to save vs. Horror Factor.
-Super Senses: Each Sense is improved upon, giving the individual the same bio-Enhancements listed; Advanced Senses (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79), Night Vision Eyes (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79), Enhanced Hearing (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 80), Enhanced Senses (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 81). The Individual becomes not only aware, but more paranoid and can become insane from the sheer input of senses now bombarding them, -1d4 Save Vs. Insanity.
-Acid Blood: Same as the Bio-enhancement within Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 82.
S.D.C. To M.D.C: When a character takes on this enhancement, all H.P. and S.D.C. will get converted into M.D.C., where the hit points are added to the torso, and the S.D.C. is the standard for all parts. This augment makes the individual slower by 2 mph.
-Ambidextrous: The character can use both right and left hands with equal skills, provides + 1 attack per melee round, + 1 to entangle, automatically gets W.P. Paired Weapons skill, and +5% to the following skills: Climbing, Demolitions, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and other sleight of hand skills.
-Increased Life Expectancy: Due to the longer engagements and the increased survivability of many resistance members over the years fighting the machine, an increased demand was needed for the very experienced soldiers to maintain their prime. Everyone can live for an additional 40 years for every alteration they get from this enhancement, as well as returning to the physical age of 26.
-Improved Dexterity: When completing any task that lends to tedious repetition, that task can be completed 2d8 minutes sooner, as well as reducing chance of failure caused by poor manipulation to non-critical levels (The character can no longer critically fail when completing a repetitive task).
-Cosmetic Alterations: The character can apply various physical alterations as they desire, if they enhance themselves to appear more beautiful, add +1 P.B. per alteration.
-Strength Enhancement: Upgrades the strength of a character to Robot Strength and damage, and adds +1d4 P.S.
-Improved Speed and leap: Characters speed becomes 30 mph, and increases their leap to 25ft up or, with a running start, leap forward 35ft.
-Ever Mutating: When given this augment, a character will suffer 1 random mutation from the Geneticists random mutations table (The Rifter #50, Pg. 78-79) every 2d4 months.
Improved Bio-E Gifts: Due to the increasing need to supply various forces with enhancements the Augmenter can now actively sell Bio-E at 50+(10 per 5 points of P.B.) and produces them at 25 Bio-E per week, +10 per level of experience. Each Augmenter can store up to 3250 Bio-E at any time, however, spends 25 bio-E per augment they apply. Each Augment can only be sold for half the price of the Bio-E spent this way. They can use their stored Bio-E for experiments, self-augmentation once a month, or they can apply 1 bio-Enhancement of their choosing at double cost, as long as its compatible with the Biotic O.C.C. type, please note they can only apply 1 bio-enhancement every 6 months.
Host Armor Integration: Each Augmenter can directly modify and improve a host armor they interact with, as well as removing the genetic inheritance the host armor has with ease. This ability comes at the cost of no longer having homunculi available at any time. When the Augmenter research functions on an active Host Armor, they can apply for only half the Bio-E (Round up to the nearest whole number) it would normally.
Advanced Research: When the Augmenter’s research advances for Host Armors or Bio-Enhancements, they can produce 1 enhancement at a time, and apply it to themselves. For every 10 Bio-E spent per hour of research up to 5 hours of research, apply one of the following enhancements: +1% to related Skill of choice, +1 M.D., +5 M.D.C., Increase the range of a weapon by 5 ft, +1 to strike, +1 to entangle, or adds 5 charges/ ammo. Once the time spent researching the enhancement is over, the enhancements improvements are recorded for later use, and will recycle the original cost of the enhancement (not the research material spent) back into the Augmenters storage.
Improved Data Collection: Thanks to the endless amounts of data the Augmenter can store, they can collect any data, either from enhancements or from various biotech to improve what’s available, including synthesizing new enhancements from collected gear, or even utilizing the collected alien samples found in Gaia’s groves.
Alignment: Any, but typically scrupulous or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: Must be a Geneticist of 5th rank or higher to be eligible. I.Q. and M.E. 15 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses: +2D4 I.Q., +4 M.E., +2d6 P.S., +3 P.P. and P.E.
O.C.C. Bonuses: No longer fears biotech, strength is now supernatural in nature, +6 to save vs. insanity, +2 roll with impact.
Base M.D.C.: 25 to torso, 15 to all other limbs, 70 to their Gene-Lab.
Common Skills: Standard (+10%).
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Biotechnology (+40%, but Machine Lore is replaced with Advanced Math), Medical Coroner (+30%) or Scholar (+25% and includes one Science skill of except for Assassination, Espionage, Host Pilot and Martial Artist).
Elective Skills: Same as Geneticist (The Rifter #50 Pg.75)
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level five and one additional Secondary Skill at levels 6,8, 9,11,13 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge starting without any special O.C.C. bonuses.
Standard Equipment: Two sets of regular clothing, a nicer outfit for formal occasions, lab coat, samples case (includes ID6 test tubes, ID4 petri dishes, 12 microscope slides, portable Bio-Tech microscope, scalpel, tweezers and cleaning solution), a suit of their choice of living body armor, utility belt, survival knife, tinted goggles, Face Wrap (gas mask), one weapon for each W.P. with any needed ammunition (lD6xlO), knapsack:, water skin, emergency rations (one week supply) and some personal items.
Money: Has 2d8x1000 credits worth of trade goods, and salvaged items, plus 2d8x100 credits cash to start. Because of their close association with Gene-Pools they often receive gifts and favors of all sorts from splicers hoping for some extra Bio-E. As always, money can be spent on additional equipment or saved for later.
The Upside: Unlike the previous limitations of the geneticist, you no longer mutate randomly. You also gain the previous benefits from being a geneticist. You even get special permissions from librarians and engineers alike to possess and collect new strains they’ve collected and allow you more access to gear otherwise unavailable. You’re also one of the few capable of making a house far more Enhanced and can even solve common crisis without issues like food shortages or lack of intelligence.
The Downside: Besides similar pressures from already being able to forge and improve biotech, you’re also now expected to assist in more common issues found among leadership and are forced to complete regular augmentation requests by the House you serve. Besides this, you’re also no longer able to use Homunculi and are entirely self-reliant unless you’re able to procure some allies in their stead. Your enhancements also can cause insanity, at 1 out of every 250 will suffer from its effects.
Experience Table: Use the same Experience Table as the Technojacker found on page 183 of the Splicers Role Playing Game.
Special Notes: When people are augmented with any enhancement they will need to roll to save against insanity once per week for every week they suffer from the augment, as well as having a -2 to each save against it. Besides the unexpected problems these insanities can cause, the benefits of constantly improving a local population will lead many leaders to consider the use of augmenters a safe compromise. The Augmenters, unlike others enhanced directly with the symbiotes will never mutate or become something else without a ritual required to complete beforehand, the ritual can only be started once the Augmenter becomes level 10.
The Ritual:
Several events have been noted where Augmenters will be drawn to a local Gene-Pool or Brain-Pool they frequently visit. Once they enter, they will begin to dig out a nearby area or ask for assistance from the locals in the area. Once a 10ft x 8ft x 12 ft box is produced, the Augmenter will lay down in the middle of the room. The room is sunk down 3ft from the previous floor, with a small stone bed in the middle of the room. Once the Augmenter lays down, they enter a trance like sleep with their Gene-Lab still on their back now facing the ceiling of the room. The Lab will gently remove itself from the host and climb to the ceiling where it will branch out like vines covering all but the opening of the room. Once complete, the host will begin to liquidize into a form of green gel that continues to pool from the bed they laid down on. Once the pool fills the 3ft gap between the previous floor and the dip, the vines will sink into this fluid and carry it to its center. From there the newly made Gene-Pod will begin to produce its user within a pod on the wall. Each wall can contain 24 pods, and each pod will grow a new human with half the Augmenters genes being used to produce each one. The humans that come out of these pods are each mature and capable of taking up any occupation the House requires of them. The Augmenter will begin to regrow their Gene-Lab after several hours and can return to work as usual. It’s been noted that both children and parents feel a strong connection to these Gene-Pods, and the newly formed Reproduction Bay that made them, as well as the father feeling an immense satisfaction and completeness after the ritual is completed. Each child has a chance of becoming the listed below occupations unless the House they serve chooses for them.
- 1-12% Chance of becoming a Geneticist.
- 13-23% Chance of becoming a Biotic.
- 24-35% Chance of becoming an Archangel.
- 36-40% chance of becoming a dread guard.
- 41-50% chance of becoming an outrider.
- 51-55% chance of becoming a Saint.
- 56-65% chance of becoming a Roughneck.
- 66-72% chance of becoming a Gardener.
- 73-85% chance of becoming a Ranger.
- 86-100% chance of becoming a different form of O.C.C. of their choice.
Special Notes: Each child will follow the restrictions emplaced on them by the House, and all banned O.C.C.s will remain unavailable. The Gene-Lab turned Reproduction Bay will produce 1d12 individuals every month, each being either a fully matured male or female, and each will refuse to mate with related members from the bay they came from.
Reproduction Bay:
The Reproduction Bay is one of the most important new assets available to each House that uses Augmenters, as they allow for faster replenishment of forces without forcing extremes on their already limited populations. Each Bay requires 10 pounds of rock to sustain itself, as well as 20 pounds of plant matter being fed to it every month. The Reproduction Bay will supply 1d12 individuals per month for the first 5 years of its life, once it survives for 5 years, it begins excavating tunnels that lead to other Bays they will produce alternate humans with a different supplier’s genes. Each newly made room will have a single pedestal surrounded by the Bays vine-like growths, the pedestal has a mount for an arm, and 2 small coves that appear to fill with some form of fluid. Once someone willingly places their arm into this mount, their blood will be extracted and will fill the 2 small coves. The blood will then seep into the vines nearby and begin to produce 1d6 new humans with the donor’s half of the genes. Each new section will be willing and able to reproduce with those differing from donor genes, as well as feeling less unwilling to mate with those that formed from the same bay. After 50 years of service, the Bay has been noted to decay its oldest sections one at a time until 51 years have passed, and its last bay destroyed. Every year a new bay will be excavated, and those produced by the bay will not be able to donate their DNA to the bay’s reproduction. The Creator of this strange interaction was Elder Stalk of House Gene-Coil, who needed a larger population than what was able to be supplied by his population. According to record, he found an old data disk with a blueprint for a “Cloning Bay” which he realized was going to assist in the resistance’s population demands. With several alterations made to the design, as well as several “donations” the symbiote made to it, each human produced is 96% human, 4% the symbiote, which, is a complete success from many previous failures which now roam the Russian continent.
Notice: Due to the extreme weirdness of this O.C.C. I'm willing to take any feedback on nerfing or improving it, other than giving it back the Homunculi, as this class is intended for supporting host armors, and various bio-gear while out in the field, as well as to aid in salvaging bio-gear that would otherwise go unused.
Wonderful creations from many systems of work, both from engineers, from the geneticists, and even from the librarians themselves were only intended for war. With ever-increasing need for weaponry within many houses across the now war-torn earth, and with the ever-increasing need for an augmented population to survive within these more hazardous environments, the augmenter was created. Originally a concept produced by House Gene-Coil and now widespread through most friendly houses, the concept of a mass-population evolution was obtained, produced, and placed into active practice.
Augmenter is a specialist in producing human compatible enhancements and produces through the gene-pools various mutagenic properties enhancements for the human body. With them being almost as important as the geneticists in their active duty to sustain the needs of the Houses they support they work with full intention I’m improvement and self-sacrifice, even if the sacrifice was unnecessary for their research.
Typically, Augmenters are designed to actively move between Gene-Pool and military sectors to enhance everything from the military forces keeping the resistance alive, to the civilians who desired enhancement. Some houses, however, have perverted the intent of the augmenter and allow fewer savory individuals free rein to experiment on their population, producing more undesirable horrors. The Augmenter is equipped with a gene-lab bio-enhancer which is effectively a more advanced version of the geneticists already advanced storage organs used for the storage of Bio-E. With them, the Augmenter is capable of rapidly altering the genetic strings hidden within his gene-lab to produce a new strain of augments. Each augment can turn into Bio-enhancements after some time is spent actively studying its effects. Each augment is considered an effective biotic, and each biotic varies like mutations until each effect is isolated by the augmenter for further experimentation.
The requirements to develop into a Augmenter are very concerning, however, as a Augmenter is a heavily altered geneticist. The geneticist is forced to undergo several dips within a newly produced mutagenic bath that forces symbiotes to infest their now bloated back. Each symbiote applies a set of adjustments required to make the Augmenter capable of rapid production for most stored genetic strains and are then catered of to the settlements local librarians where they will be given special permissions to hidden alterations and gene-stocks otherwise preserved and hidden by them. Each Augmenter is also forcefully mutated of the mind and the body is twisted partly to make additional uses of their new tools. Each Augmenter within Houses with fears over the use or spread of biotech are often forced to be lobotomized as these settlements fear the rapid outbreak of several series of mutations that can be brought on at any time by the Augmenter. Luckily, mostly in part from the symbiotes now swimming in their back, they regenerate this damaged tissue and suffer no mental effects after 2 months of recovering.
Augmenter O.C.C. Powers and Abilities:
Bio-Augmenter: With the addition of the Gene-lab, Augmenters can now apply any known genetic effect to a person at will. Each augment takes 3d4 weeks to take effect, within this period each participant suffers from headaches and minor pains across their body. When complete they get an ability from the table below:
Table 1:
-Resistance to Toxins and Poisons: When any toxin enters the body, it has no direct effect on the individual, however, if the toxin is M.D. in nature, it will do have damage instead.
-Resistance to Acid: When any acid touches the body it has no effect, however, if the Acid is designed to destroy organic matter, and is M.D. in nature, it deals half damage.
-Smarter: +1d4 to I.Q.
-Super Healing: Heals incredibly quickly, recovers 2 Hit-points and 4 S.D.C. every 15 minutes.
-Needs Less Food: They only need to feed once every week to meet their nutritional requirements.
-Needs Less Sleep: An increased metabolism reduces the characters need to sleep to just 2 hours a night to feel fully rested. The Character does have to eat 1 additional pound of food to fuel their more active body.
-Mental Fortitude: The character appears pleasant and calm in most stressful situations, add +1d4+1 M.E., +2d4 to save vs. Horror Factor.
-Super Senses: Each Sense is improved upon, giving the individual the same bio-Enhancements listed; Advanced Senses (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79), Night Vision Eyes (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79), Enhanced Hearing (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 80), Enhanced Senses (Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 81). The Individual becomes not only aware, but more paranoid and can become insane from the sheer input of senses now bombarding them, -1d4 Save Vs. Insanity.
-Acid Blood: Same as the Bio-enhancement within Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 82.
S.D.C. To M.D.C: When a character takes on this enhancement, all H.P. and S.D.C. will get converted into M.D.C., where the hit points are added to the torso, and the S.D.C. is the standard for all parts. This augment makes the individual slower by 2 mph.
-Ambidextrous: The character can use both right and left hands with equal skills, provides + 1 attack per melee round, + 1 to entangle, automatically gets W.P. Paired Weapons skill, and +5% to the following skills: Climbing, Demolitions, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Palming, Concealment, and other sleight of hand skills.
-Increased Life Expectancy: Due to the longer engagements and the increased survivability of many resistance members over the years fighting the machine, an increased demand was needed for the very experienced soldiers to maintain their prime. Everyone can live for an additional 40 years for every alteration they get from this enhancement, as well as returning to the physical age of 26.
-Improved Dexterity: When completing any task that lends to tedious repetition, that task can be completed 2d8 minutes sooner, as well as reducing chance of failure caused by poor manipulation to non-critical levels (The character can no longer critically fail when completing a repetitive task).
-Cosmetic Alterations: The character can apply various physical alterations as they desire, if they enhance themselves to appear more beautiful, add +1 P.B. per alteration.
-Strength Enhancement: Upgrades the strength of a character to Robot Strength and damage, and adds +1d4 P.S.
-Improved Speed and leap: Characters speed becomes 30 mph, and increases their leap to 25ft up or, with a running start, leap forward 35ft.
-Ever Mutating: When given this augment, a character will suffer 1 random mutation from the Geneticists random mutations table (The Rifter #50, Pg. 78-79) every 2d4 months.
Improved Bio-E Gifts: Due to the increasing need to supply various forces with enhancements the Augmenter can now actively sell Bio-E at 50+(10 per 5 points of P.B.) and produces them at 25 Bio-E per week, +10 per level of experience. Each Augmenter can store up to 3250 Bio-E at any time, however, spends 25 bio-E per augment they apply. Each Augment can only be sold for half the price of the Bio-E spent this way. They can use their stored Bio-E for experiments, self-augmentation once a month, or they can apply 1 bio-Enhancement of their choosing at double cost, as long as its compatible with the Biotic O.C.C. type, please note they can only apply 1 bio-enhancement every 6 months.
Host Armor Integration: Each Augmenter can directly modify and improve a host armor they interact with, as well as removing the genetic inheritance the host armor has with ease. This ability comes at the cost of no longer having homunculi available at any time. When the Augmenter research functions on an active Host Armor, they can apply for only half the Bio-E (Round up to the nearest whole number) it would normally.
Advanced Research: When the Augmenter’s research advances for Host Armors or Bio-Enhancements, they can produce 1 enhancement at a time, and apply it to themselves. For every 10 Bio-E spent per hour of research up to 5 hours of research, apply one of the following enhancements: +1% to related Skill of choice, +1 M.D., +5 M.D.C., Increase the range of a weapon by 5 ft, +1 to strike, +1 to entangle, or adds 5 charges/ ammo. Once the time spent researching the enhancement is over, the enhancements improvements are recorded for later use, and will recycle the original cost of the enhancement (not the research material spent) back into the Augmenters storage.
Improved Data Collection: Thanks to the endless amounts of data the Augmenter can store, they can collect any data, either from enhancements or from various biotech to improve what’s available, including synthesizing new enhancements from collected gear, or even utilizing the collected alien samples found in Gaia’s groves.
Alignment: Any, but typically scrupulous or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: Must be a Geneticist of 5th rank or higher to be eligible. I.Q. and M.E. 15 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses: +2D4 I.Q., +4 M.E., +2d6 P.S., +3 P.P. and P.E.
O.C.C. Bonuses: No longer fears biotech, strength is now supernatural in nature, +6 to save vs. insanity, +2 roll with impact.
Base M.D.C.: 25 to torso, 15 to all other limbs, 70 to their Gene-Lab.
Common Skills: Standard (+10%).
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Biotechnology (+40%, but Machine Lore is replaced with Advanced Math), Medical Coroner (+30%) or Scholar (+25% and includes one Science skill of except for Assassination, Espionage, Host Pilot and Martial Artist).
Elective Skills: Same as Geneticist (The Rifter #50 Pg.75)
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level five and one additional Secondary Skill at levels 6,8, 9,11,13 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge starting without any special O.C.C. bonuses.
Standard Equipment: Two sets of regular clothing, a nicer outfit for formal occasions, lab coat, samples case (includes ID6 test tubes, ID4 petri dishes, 12 microscope slides, portable Bio-Tech microscope, scalpel, tweezers and cleaning solution), a suit of their choice of living body armor, utility belt, survival knife, tinted goggles, Face Wrap (gas mask), one weapon for each W.P. with any needed ammunition (lD6xlO), knapsack:, water skin, emergency rations (one week supply) and some personal items.
Money: Has 2d8x1000 credits worth of trade goods, and salvaged items, plus 2d8x100 credits cash to start. Because of their close association with Gene-Pools they often receive gifts and favors of all sorts from splicers hoping for some extra Bio-E. As always, money can be spent on additional equipment or saved for later.
The Upside: Unlike the previous limitations of the geneticist, you no longer mutate randomly. You also gain the previous benefits from being a geneticist. You even get special permissions from librarians and engineers alike to possess and collect new strains they’ve collected and allow you more access to gear otherwise unavailable. You’re also one of the few capable of making a house far more Enhanced and can even solve common crisis without issues like food shortages or lack of intelligence.
The Downside: Besides similar pressures from already being able to forge and improve biotech, you’re also now expected to assist in more common issues found among leadership and are forced to complete regular augmentation requests by the House you serve. Besides this, you’re also no longer able to use Homunculi and are entirely self-reliant unless you’re able to procure some allies in their stead. Your enhancements also can cause insanity, at 1 out of every 250 will suffer from its effects.
Experience Table: Use the same Experience Table as the Technojacker found on page 183 of the Splicers Role Playing Game.
Special Notes: When people are augmented with any enhancement they will need to roll to save against insanity once per week for every week they suffer from the augment, as well as having a -2 to each save against it. Besides the unexpected problems these insanities can cause, the benefits of constantly improving a local population will lead many leaders to consider the use of augmenters a safe compromise. The Augmenters, unlike others enhanced directly with the symbiotes will never mutate or become something else without a ritual required to complete beforehand, the ritual can only be started once the Augmenter becomes level 10.
The Ritual:
Several events have been noted where Augmenters will be drawn to a local Gene-Pool or Brain-Pool they frequently visit. Once they enter, they will begin to dig out a nearby area or ask for assistance from the locals in the area. Once a 10ft x 8ft x 12 ft box is produced, the Augmenter will lay down in the middle of the room. The room is sunk down 3ft from the previous floor, with a small stone bed in the middle of the room. Once the Augmenter lays down, they enter a trance like sleep with their Gene-Lab still on their back now facing the ceiling of the room. The Lab will gently remove itself from the host and climb to the ceiling where it will branch out like vines covering all but the opening of the room. Once complete, the host will begin to liquidize into a form of green gel that continues to pool from the bed they laid down on. Once the pool fills the 3ft gap between the previous floor and the dip, the vines will sink into this fluid and carry it to its center. From there the newly made Gene-Pod will begin to produce its user within a pod on the wall. Each wall can contain 24 pods, and each pod will grow a new human with half the Augmenters genes being used to produce each one. The humans that come out of these pods are each mature and capable of taking up any occupation the House requires of them. The Augmenter will begin to regrow their Gene-Lab after several hours and can return to work as usual. It’s been noted that both children and parents feel a strong connection to these Gene-Pods, and the newly formed Reproduction Bay that made them, as well as the father feeling an immense satisfaction and completeness after the ritual is completed. Each child has a chance of becoming the listed below occupations unless the House they serve chooses for them.
- 1-12% Chance of becoming a Geneticist.
- 13-23% Chance of becoming a Biotic.
- 24-35% Chance of becoming an Archangel.
- 36-40% chance of becoming a dread guard.
- 41-50% chance of becoming an outrider.
- 51-55% chance of becoming a Saint.
- 56-65% chance of becoming a Roughneck.
- 66-72% chance of becoming a Gardener.
- 73-85% chance of becoming a Ranger.
- 86-100% chance of becoming a different form of O.C.C. of their choice.
Special Notes: Each child will follow the restrictions emplaced on them by the House, and all banned O.C.C.s will remain unavailable. The Gene-Lab turned Reproduction Bay will produce 1d12 individuals every month, each being either a fully matured male or female, and each will refuse to mate with related members from the bay they came from.
Reproduction Bay:
The Reproduction Bay is one of the most important new assets available to each House that uses Augmenters, as they allow for faster replenishment of forces without forcing extremes on their already limited populations. Each Bay requires 10 pounds of rock to sustain itself, as well as 20 pounds of plant matter being fed to it every month. The Reproduction Bay will supply 1d12 individuals per month for the first 5 years of its life, once it survives for 5 years, it begins excavating tunnels that lead to other Bays they will produce alternate humans with a different supplier’s genes. Each newly made room will have a single pedestal surrounded by the Bays vine-like growths, the pedestal has a mount for an arm, and 2 small coves that appear to fill with some form of fluid. Once someone willingly places their arm into this mount, their blood will be extracted and will fill the 2 small coves. The blood will then seep into the vines nearby and begin to produce 1d6 new humans with the donor’s half of the genes. Each new section will be willing and able to reproduce with those differing from donor genes, as well as feeling less unwilling to mate with those that formed from the same bay. After 50 years of service, the Bay has been noted to decay its oldest sections one at a time until 51 years have passed, and its last bay destroyed. Every year a new bay will be excavated, and those produced by the bay will not be able to donate their DNA to the bay’s reproduction. The Creator of this strange interaction was Elder Stalk of House Gene-Coil, who needed a larger population than what was able to be supplied by his population. According to record, he found an old data disk with a blueprint for a “Cloning Bay” which he realized was going to assist in the resistance’s population demands. With several alterations made to the design, as well as several “donations” the symbiote made to it, each human produced is 96% human, 4% the symbiote, which, is a complete success from many previous failures which now roam the Russian continent.
Notice: Due to the extreme weirdness of this O.C.C. I'm willing to take any feedback on nerfing or improving it, other than giving it back the Homunculi, as this class is intended for supporting host armors, and various bio-gear while out in the field, as well as to aid in salvaging bio-gear that would otherwise go unused.