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Power combinations

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:09 am
by AlanGunhouse
2 Questions at the moment.

1) in the book on page 74, it mentions combining Mimic with Shapeechanging. A friend and I were debating the interpretation. He is insisting that it permanently allows the character to copy powers like Wings, Extra Limbs, and Tentacles at will. I am stating that it only allows using such in combination with mimic, allowing an exception to the normal mimic rules that they can Shapechange while mimicking other powers with physical manifestations. I would like to know which is correct.

2) I remember from somewhere that powers that multiply the Speed attribute, such as Blur, do not work to multiply speed powers such as Sonic Speed. Am I remembering correctly, and if so where is it stated?

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:27 am
by TJ_1976
AlanGunhouse wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:09 am 2 Questions at the moment.

1) in the book on page 74, it mentions combining Mimic with Shapeechanging. A friend and I were debating the interpretation. He is insisting that it permanently allows the character to copy powers like Wings, Extra Limbs, and Tentacles at will. I am stating that it only allows using such in combination with mimic, allowing an exception to the normal mimic rules that they can Shapechange while mimicking other powers with physical manifestations. I would like to know which is correct.

2) I remember from somewhere that powers that multiply the Speed attribute, such as Blur, do not work to multiply speed powers such as Sonic Speed. Am I remembering correctly, and if so where is it stated?
We both know that's not what I said, I said it allows them to Keep hold of the power (powerset), without the time limit due to under shapechanger says the changes perm under its description. Choosing another power or set of them would release the previous, that's what the argument was. Don't pick and choose there guy, give the full debate.

In Comics this is similar to Rogue taking Captain Marvels powers and keeping them for a long time, without the stealing aspect.

"It is wise to use different abilities in tandem to beneficial effect, whenever possible." ~Kevin Siembieda

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:42 am
by AlanGunhouse
In either case, I am trying to find out how the combo is actually intended to you get to keep the change until you change to something else...can you change at will...or does it go away once you can no longer mimic...or something else?

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:03 pm
by Daniel Stoker
I think you could change the wings etc with shapechanger, but as soon as the Mimic duration runs out you're not going to have nearly enough lift to fly with them anymore. Though based on the Shapechanger description in the HU2 book you shouldn't be able to keep the wings at all without the Mimic power.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:32 am
by fbdaury
Claws, fur, fangs, other minor adjustments to the body are possible (as mentioned in the power description) even without Mimic but any physical adjustments not possible for the Shapechanger power (like wings and extra limbs) only last as long as the mimicked powers are held, which would be the normal 2d4 minutes after leaving the 60ft. radius of the power (since 100ft. is mentioned once and 60ft. multiple times, I presume that is the correct radius of effect for the power).

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:33 pm
by The Artist Formerly
I'd let the player keep them indefinitely. It adds to play which is the goal and rewards creativity. This isn't a instant kill attack combo nor is it an infinite damage loop so a broad interpretation is warrented.

The Bill Coffin books are full of characters who power combos are spelled out as illegal and they don't break the game. This isn't a problem.

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 5:37 pm
by Mr.Oz
In my games I’m fairly liberal with what I allow players to do with powers and combos. I usually follow the rule of if it’s thematic and no real benefit I’ll allow it. In this case of copying the wings, I’d say sure you can have a pair of wings, but since you don’t have access to the power no you can’t fly with them. But I’d also say if they mimic a new villain or character that doesn’t have wings, they would loose the shape changed wings and adopt similar features to the new mimicked target.

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 12:08 am
by The Artist Formerly
Mimic+the total recall psi-power?

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:14 am
by dethbegins
I would rule that they would be able to recall the information to produce the abilities effects but reduce their overall effectiveness by half and cut its duration by half. Mimic is reliant on replicating the power when nearby, not simply from the top of one's head, but it can be useful to scrap together something you would need at that time, it just wouldn't be as effective as having the same individual you borrowed from nearby.

Re: Power combinations

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 6:47 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Based on how the power says under range "If the character being copied should go beyond the the superbeing's radius of influence, the imitated power will fade away." I'd say they could remember how the powers worked etc but that it wouldn't have any effect on granting the character the power again as Mimic seems to work by needing the person it's mimicing to be there.

Daniel Stoker