Robotech Vs. Macross factory satellite.

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Robotech Vs. Macross factory satellite.

Unread post by mech798 »

So a quick questoin--why did the robotech source material make the satellite so small in comparison to Macross? It seems to be a decision with little logic behind it.
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Re: Robotech Vs. Macross factory satellite.

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Which "Factory" Satellite in Robotech are you referring to, as there are 2-3x depending on how they are counted ("Space Station Liberty", the Repair Satellite in Sentinels OVA, and the Factory Satellite captured in the series Ep30)?

Also, which Robotech Source Material are you referring to? The 1E RPG I know has the RFS presented as a "range" of sizes (BK3, BK6r, RFG), and they are smaller than the OSM listing at Macross Mecha Manual (as to why PB did this I don't know), and I don't know of any other source that listed the size of the RFS off hand (I looked in Art of the Shadow Chronicles and came up dry in terms of stated size in the short SSL sub-chapter and it doesn't have a listing in the mecha database).

Dolza's Fortress IINM is similar in size between Robotech (canon, and even the 1E RPG while smaller isn't necessarily radically so) and the OSM.
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Re: Robotech Vs. Macross factory satellite.

Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

Also, which version from Macross? The original stats were gigantic at 3000km only to later be redone in Macross Chronicle to mere 500km.
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