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Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:22 am
by slade2501
I love these things as a visual and a nifty idea, but the rules are kinda slim on them. Isn't there a backpack rig that holds canister clips to provide lots of juice to a hand held weapon or am I crazy?

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 6:31 am
by Grazzik
The descriptions of CS weapons in WB11 describe a backpack canister rig that can hold 2 e-cans. As each e-can is 4lbs, I've usually allowed custom rigs to hold up to 6 e-cans. However, this means either no backpack for gear or a prowl/camouflage/hide penalty for a larger profile due to the bigger pack. It also means that someone else on the team will need to connect the cable to some of the e-cans that may be out of reach (though an operator could set up a switch system, so the cable doesn't have to be moved). Add on a e-can pouch for each hip and you're a walking power plant. However, not all weapons (typically the older models) can use the e-cans directly nor do they reference use of the pouch or backpack option. I've generally house ruled that there are common adapters to cable connect the packs to older weapons.

You may want to also consider the NG Power Packs in Mercenaries which self-recharge a limited number of times. However NG power packs range in size and weight depending on the weapon used.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 7:41 am
by slade2501
I love the common adapter fix as well. I mean IRL we have adapters for everything to everything else, right? Now I am thinking of either a borg or light exo PA that has 6 rear mounted canisters, and some other crazy ideas.

Re-reading the CV-212 laser description, it seems that each canister is the equivalent of 2 long E-clips in power, at least according to the number of shots you can get.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:20 pm
by Grazzik
slade2501 wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 7:41 am I love the common adapter fix as well. I mean IRL we have adapters for everything to everything else, right? Now I am thinking of either a borg or light exo PA that has 6 rear mounted canisters, and some other crazy ideas.

Re-reading the CV-212 laser description, it seems that each canister is the equivalent of 2 long E-clips in power, at least according to the number of shots you can get.
Just some ideas...

If you are thinking of connectors, consider the NG Universal Energy Link (WB34 pg 65). It could be adapted for this purpose.

If using a borg, consider having a chest or upper leg compartment designed to house several e-cans and use an UEL implant to transfer power to weapons. A poor borg option to simply having a secondary power plant installed dedicated to weapons. Or have the e-cans plug directly into the borg's back/hip through e-ports and have a power regulator implant draw power as needed - the ultimate "plug and play".

If you do go with a backpack type rig for a borg that can be removed when needed, consider a small prehensile tentacle implant to swap the cable from e-can to e-can.

It doesn't say how large these e-cans are... from the art of the C12 and C27, I would presume they are about the size of a small discus or tin of Tastee cheese - round and flat-ish, guessing roughly 5in across and 3in thick - if anyone has a better idea, please let me know. So if I were the GM, I might be convinced to allow for more e-cans to be carried by FC borgs or PA 7ft+, maybe stacked 2 or 3 thick, depending on PS.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:44 pm
by slade2501
I'm thinking the canisters are about the size of a planters nuts can, give or take. Just a lot denser, weighing two pounds each. Great ideas about a borg with a UEL hookup. I was thinking about going the opposite direction, a borg rigged to charge E-clips and canisters as a dedicated support unit to infantry forces. A walking talking charging station, even capable of recharging electric vehicles. Definitely would need the secondary power source as well. Or a robot minion that could do the job. I'm gonna work on it, do a write up i think.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 11:01 pm
by Orin J.
i always liked the E-canisters, and thought there was a pretty reasonable line of thinking from the pre-rifts juicer rifle to the CS's detacible take on them. it was a shame they were largely forgotten in later stuff in favor of having them just be plugged into a cable. i hate when guns have cabling, it's just a risk to get caught on things in a conflict.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:07 am
by Blue_Lion
NG has a back pack/hip style power pack. Is that what you are thinking of?

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 9:34 am
by Orin J.
no, in CWC they just add a cable to stick onto canister e-clips and have them stick that into a port on the side of the new guns. i think the guns themselves were phoned in by breux that day and things snowballed to avoid buying new art myself.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 10:24 am
by slade2501
Here is my idea for a support unit. I have stats but I think they are too close to official stats so I am posting this short story instead. Enjoy.

Jefferson stared open mouthed at the newest recruit to their little mercenary group. He was an Operator; a good one, Jefferson could tell simply by the quality of his equipment and the obvious maintenance it had received. Further proof stood several feet away, an EXTENSIVELY modified labor drone. Once it had been a Northern Gun light labor drone, seven feet of almost inexhaustible manual labor. This.....thing was no longer a stock model, by far. It stood hunched over, its arms nearly touching the ground. All SIX of them. It's chassis had been painted a flat matte black that didn't give any bright reflections. The fingers of it's extra arms were always moving in a strange and unsettling parody of life. It's head was normal looking with the exception that one eye was larger than the other and glowed a baleful red. But the strangest thing besides the robot's humpbacked torso was that all four of it's regular limbs bore E-clip ports; one per arm, two per each leg. Even now they were all holding the miniature batteries that powered most energy weapons.

The new guy caught him staring and waved him over with a smile. He was a short, middle aged man probably just over 40 if Jefferson had to guess. He hadn't gone grey yet but the man definitely had laugh lines around the corners of his eyes and mouth. Jefferson found himself smiling as he extended his hand and introduced himself.

"I'm Jefferson, glad to meetch ya. That's a hell of a robot you got goin there." The Operator smiled broadly and gave a firm handshake.

"Names Johnny, and this is ol' Brick, he's a real workhorse and has seen me through some tough times." He patted the robot's shoulder with affection as he spoke.
"What's with all the modifications? He's just a labor drone, right?"

"Well he is that, but when your operating alone or short handed, you need all the help you can get. SO I just made some extra hands to have around. Brick here is the best support unit for small merc teams that money can't buy. I get offers from people almost daily. Kind of a pain at this point." He gestured to the robot and its large humped back. "Brick, open up." Jefferson watched silently as armored panels slid seamlessly aside to reveal a compact but complete E-clip charging station mounted to the robot's rear torso. It was an amazing piece of engineering and work. Jefferson said so, and the Operator beamed.

"Yeah, this here will charge 6 E-clips in an hour and also has room for two canister clips as well. I assume you noticed the arm and leg clip ports?" Jefferson nodded. "Those charge regular e-clips as well. long or short. Brick here can charge up to a dozen clips in just under 3 hours. With some good planning and forethought, he can keep an entire squad ready to fight in the field easily. But its like doing laundry. The more that piles up the more time you have to take out to do it. So my policy in the field is switch out any clip to Brick here just as soon as it empties so we can stay on top of supply and demand." He gazed proudly at his creation.
"The really difficult part was mounting the extra arms to his back while still leaving enough space for the charger and auxiliary power core."

"Dual power cores? Is that something we should worry about?"

"Oh no, its fine. Completely shielded and safe. Close it up Brick." The armor plates slid silently back into place and the robot assumed its former hunched over stance. Jefferson smiled with genuine happiness.

"Well I think that the both of you are going to be a big help on this next run. Glad to have you along."

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 5:35 pm
by taalismn
slade2501 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:24 am Here is my idea for a support unit. I have stats but I think they are too close to official stats so I am posting this short story instead. Enjoy."
(Big snip)
GREAT idea, but as a format nitpick I'd break up that big block of text as the second part to make it easier to read and more readily distinguish between the two speakers.
"Speaker One""Speaker Two""Speaker One""Speaker Two""Speaker One""Speaker Two"
when it should flow as:

"Speaker One"
"Speaker Two"
"Speaker One"
"Speaker Two"
"Speaker One"
"Speaker Two"

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:59 pm
by slade2501
your right, I was too in a hurry before a med treatment to get it published that's all.

Re: Canister E-Clips.....

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 10:39 pm
by taalismn
slade2501 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 8:59 pm your right, I was too in a hurry before a med treatment to get it published that's all.
S'right. You can always edit.