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NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 7:21 pm
NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats I think it was in northern gun book ?but i cant find the stats or which book.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 8:33 pm
by Orin J.
the damage states are in the statblocks of the AL-GL4 and GL-GL20 grenade launchers, pg 104-105 of rifts mercs. it also mentions smoke, illumination
and chemic rounds but they aren't given any stats.

the costs are somewhere else i'm assuming! there's an SDC 40mm grenade launcher in the RMB, but i'm assuming you mean MDC stuff. merc ops is my usual solution for ammo questions, but it came up dry too, with only a (totally different) SDC 40mm grenade. if you're in a serious pinch, you can use the costs for hand grenades on page 204 of the RMB, i doubt the players will question much there.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 8:50 pm
by Warshield73
The newer version of the 40mm grenades are in Titan Robotics SB, pg. 32-37 or so.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 9:17 pm
Warshield73 wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:50 pm The newer version of the 40mm grenades are in Titan Robotics SB, pg. 32-37 or so.
yes this is it page 32 !!TYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 9:33 am
by ShadowLogan
The Rifts setting is pretty sparse when it comes to giving sizes for weapons (unlike Robotech), the only 40mm weapon systems I am aware of in Rifts (incomplete library) would be:
1. guns for various warships in WB7 (pg136-7)
2. a net launcher in WB9 pg136 (NP-10 Plasma Net Launcher)
3. Rifts MercOps pg121 has a 40mm Grenade Launcher Rifle and Separate Add-on for SDC weapons

MercOps pg122 lists various Conventional Guns & Ammo cost with a "40mm Grenade Cartridge, 900 credits (per 100)", this leads me to think the grenades are regular grenades, but work with an add-on cartridge (9credits for an SDC grenade seems too cheap even in Rifts) to be launched.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:44 pm
ShadowLogan wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 9:33 am The Rifts setting is pretty sparse when it comes to giving sizes for weapons (unlike Robotech), the only 40mm weapon systems I am aware of in Rifts (incomplete library) would be:
1. guns for various warships in WB7 (pg136-7)
2. a net launcher in WB9 pg136 (NP-10 Plasma Net Launcher)
3. Rifts MercOps pg121 has a 40mm Grenade Launcher Rifle and Separate Add-on for SDC weapons

MercOps pg122 lists various Conventional Guns & Ammo cost with a "40mm Grenade Cartridge, 900 credits (per 100)", this leads me to think the grenades are regular grenades, but work with an add-on cartridge (9credits for an SDC grenade seems too cheap even in Rifts) to be launched.
Nice TYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:59 pm
by Orin J.
ShadowLogan wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 9:33 am MercOps pg122 lists various Conventional Guns & Ammo cost with a "40mm Grenade Cartridge, 900 credits (per 100)", this leads me to think the grenades are regular grenades, but work with an add-on cartridge (9credits for an SDC grenade seems too cheap even in Rifts) to be launched.
i think this one's explained by it being GAW, and they're effectively made out of leftover materials to fill a niche market. SDC rifle grenades are the chewing gum packs of the arms dealer world in rifts. also buying in bulk.

i'm still at a loss on if the grenades in most MDC rifles with grenade additons are 40mm or if there's a bunch of random measurements floating around. which is something i'd LIKE to know.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:55 am
by ShadowLogan
Orin J. wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:59 pm i'm still at a loss on if the grenades in most MDC rifles with grenade additons are 40mm or if there's a bunch of random measurements floating around. which is something i'd LIKE to know.
That is arguably one of several key technical details that are omitted by the writers/editors that could be of use to GMs and such even in a broad sense (not just GLs).

Atleast w/n a species I would think there would be some standardization, though various alien/D-bees might have gone with some other size for their weapons. Some weapons might also preclude going 40mm due to size, but sense we lack dimensions and such we can't be sure in the vast majority of cases.

I suppose if someone really wanted to work out the size, someone could take (side view profile) images and do measurements, and then assume a "standard" element size as universal could work out approx bore sizes and such.

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:57 am
by Orin J.
the worst thing is i spotted the WI-GL8 in mercops can load "Standard wellington grenades[...], but also shoots a large-bore shotgun catridge standard rifle grenades, and even triax TX-5 ammunition" so apparently wellington's got their own design!

Re: NEED HELP PLZ Where can I find 40MM Grenade stats

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:51 pm
by ShadowLogan
There are probably a few ways to play the GL8 thing (off hand it isn't necessarily unique in this broad regard either) like:
-different models for each type of ammunition, just branded under the GL8
-same model, but require some type of "adapter" (either at the gun chamber stage or the ammunition stage)
-the listed rounds are actually the same bore size and rough length

Ultimately I think the feature(s) likely exist to give players/GMs options instead of carting around extra weapons like a 90s FPS game with no real thought to the actual sizes (as they are missing from print).

Interestingly Mercenaries does give a bore size for the Naruni Plasma Cartridges at 2inches (works out to 50.8mm), which is larger than a 40mm (works out to 1.57 inch) grenade launcher at issue here.

I've had some time to do a bit of research here (using a Database I maintain for quick printout sheets to be marked up), there are over 3,000 various weapon systems/sub-systems described in various Rifts Books that I have access to (NOT COMPLETE LIBRARY), but we're looking at less than 200 with stated bore sizes (metric or imperial). That's less than 6%, contrast that with the Robotech lines where combined there are ~1,100 weapon/sub-systems (623 are 1E) of which there are ~157 with mm sizes listed (40 are from 1E) and 7 using imperial units (2E). While RT1E hits the same 6% mark it does so with far fewer examples, but 2E hits it with 31% (higher actually since missile sizes are standardized and might not have been cited at a given size in respective entries)