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Atlantean simple weapon Tattoos

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 12:43 pm
by darthauthor
One of the simple tattoos is a survival knife (2d4 S.D.C.)

Does it come with the other things like a compass on the bottom?

Can one have a tattoo that is not of simple weapon but more like a tool?

For example, a screw-driver?

And no NOT the drink.

A life perserver?

I already agreed to TWO "simple-weapons"

Player got a crowbar claiming it as a falling under W.P. Blunt.
They use it as a Crowbar

The second was a chain
W.P. Chain

They use the chain as a chain.
The dang chain is indestructible (unbreakable - for the duration)
He used it to munkie wrench pursuing vehicles, entangle and tow, and tie up super-strength juicers and cyborgs.

Reward his creativity with xp.

I told him, for sure, he could have a tool "hammer" and an "axe"

Wood working tools?

Supposedly, in humanities history the most "common" tool we have used is a knife.


Anything require electrity to operate.

Anything involving chemicals.

Nothing can be broken into separate parts.

Since a chain is one of the Simple weapons allowed in the book it can sort of have moving parts but it is all a part of the same WHOLE.

Taken to one extreme a person could have an hour-glass or even wind up watch but not a battery powered one.
But all it does is tell the time not much of a table turning game changer as far as this GM is concerned.

Re: Atlantean simple weapon Tattoos

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 2:43 pm
by Library Ogre
darthauthor wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 12:43 pm ABSOLUTE NO's are:

Anything require electrity to operate.

Anything involving chemicals.

Nothing can be broken into separate parts.

Since a chain is one of the Simple weapons allowed in the book it can sort of have moving parts but it is all a part of the same WHOLE.

Taken to one extreme a person could have an hour-glass or even wind up watch but not a battery powered one.
But all it does is tell the time not much of a table turning game changer as far as this GM is concerned.
So long as you keep to "no 'energy', no chemicals", you're ok, IMO. I have "energy" in quotes there because I don't mean energy in the physics sense (kinetic, potential, etc.), but in the sci-fi weapons sense.

A screwdriver? Sure, no problem. A multitool? Sure. While they're called "simple weapons", I think saying "You can't have a saw because it is a tool" is silly. Heck, if I can make a bow with arrows, why can't a make a screwdriver with swappable heads?

Re: Atlantean simple weapon Tattoos

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 3:50 pm
by darthauthor
Thanks Library Orge (Martin Hannet),

I think some of these Atlantean O.C.C.'s

Get a lot of "Simple Weapon" tattoos.

While I have been encouraging and rewarding a lot of skill use.
One character did a bit of a "McGuyver" but they needed their tools over their hands.

Planning a escape and evasion adventure.

Allows themselves to get caught so they can jail break someone.
Preparing for the mission I am brainstorming ideas.

"uses telekinesis to to unscrew bolts?"

Swallows lock picks or something. vomits them up to use them.

Then I thought, a lot of guys in prison have tattoos. Why not one that they can use as a tool.

Part of the escape plan is to hide in the woods and to the wilderness survival thing for days and days gathering food and water while evading searches.
Forge weapons from stone and wood.

They have to use carpentry to build a boat to raft down a river rapids.

Down the river they have the next part of their escape plan.
At the bottom of a lake they have hidden air tanks/ scuba gear.
They use it to have the time and cover / stealth while they under-water searching for their get-away stash.
Their getaway go back has: civilain disguise clothes, equipment, weapons, stored food (no more foraging), clean water, maps, compass, etc. professional fishing and hunting gear.

And an inflatable boat / raft with paddles.

Then the role-players role play that they are innocent bystanders out on a fishing trip.

Law enforcement encounters them and they have to play it cool to see if they believe theif fish stories.

Would help IF they caught some fresh fish.

I call it the SKILLS you NEVER use adventure.