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Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:38 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Has ever been written somewhere what would be the minimal starting age for the various O.C.C.s of Rifts? R.C.C.s and P.C.C.s are easy all considered, you areborn into it(even if would be interesting see how fast they learn this or that skill and how...a short story could come out of it) but regular O.C.C.s is kind of confusing at times. You can kind fo guess that for learning lot of coplex skill took time and between the cool images and what else we can always make a guess about. But I wonder if had ever been written anything anywhere in main books or rifter.

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:54 pm
by Grazzik
Assuming that we're talking about humans...

WRT magical OCCs, PFRPG MoM pg 64-66 speaks to the max age of someone learning magic.

WRT military OCCs, WB13 pg 107 shows that Gen. Loni Kashbrook graduated as a military specialist at age 20. So, it could be assumed that enlistment age may be 17-18, perhaps as young as 16.

You may want to consider having a look at Dead Reign SB7 (In the Face of Death) for Kid OCCs for younger PCs.

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:06 pm
by MyDumpStatIsMA
I always have a hard time justifying making a character in their early 20s when they also have tons of skills. Even if the proficiency isn't that high per skill, it still strains credulity. Then again, in a post-apoc world, people grow up faster (much like real people did prior to the wealth and comfort glut (at least in already well-off nations) of the post WWII era).

There's a big difference if people start picking up skills at 12 versus 18; but some common sense should still be applied to exactly what skills can be learned at 12 and what can't. I would say that hard sciences, engineering, and advanced medical skills should automatically push the minimum age up to ~25. Skills like physical, wilderness, rogue, most military, could definitely be in place by the age of 20 or a little earlier.

As for actual rules, the only thing I can think of comes from Ninjas and Superspies. It gives the starting age for a dedicated martial artist as 12, while a worldly martial artist starts at 15. Basically the worldly one has a life outside of martial arts, while the dedicated one does not. Those rules then go on to add the years it takes to master a specific martial art (Aikido, Shaolin, etc), with the more complex forms obviously taking longer.

Taking that logic and applying it to Rifts, you could easily argue that nobody (except for Doogie Howser) starts to learn medical doctor pre-reqs before the age of 15, and it takes roughly ten years to be remotely competent, mainly because experience matters more than raw intellect (to a certain extent).

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:56 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Thank for the hints, expecially about Dead Reign a game i heard some good things(only bad revivew i have ever saw of it said it has too much math...Seriously...probably people have completely forgot champions rpg...or that 2+2 is not calculus)
Perosnally I saw some good reference in CHaos Earth book 2 rise of magic expecially about young chaos mage, Soem interesting skill table and relative age for OCC package in Nightbane Survival guide(and on side note I think would work better as skill occupation table for Heroes unlimited) that can be used to extrapolate the starting age for many OCC.

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:37 am
by ShadowLogan
Starting Ages for a given OCC are likely going to vary by class/orientation with some being easier to pickup than others. With few exceptions though I think one can assume a starting age of the late-teens (17+) to early 20s as reasonable, possibly a bit younger in some cases (like City Rats) or older (Mages and overly specialized). Borgs being what they are could be any age really (and could be coming from another class). Juicer and MOM conversions might actually be ideal for older individuals rather than younger ones, though I suspect the J/Cs starting age would still tend to skewer young.

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:49 pm
by Grazzik
ShadowLogan wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:37 am...possibly a bit younger in some cases (like City Rats) or older (Mages and overly specialized
If 20yo Mage, I might bump to 2nd or 3rd level as depending on their background, their community may train young apprentices from really young ages.
ShadowLogan wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:37 am...though I suspect the J/Cs starting age would still tend to skewer young.
Juicer wannabes from WB10 could be young impressionable teens leading to full augmentation as they get older.

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:05 pm
by The Baron of chaos
I find useful tool for getting an idea of the minimal age for an O.C.C.s is to look at their real life equivalent (or as close as can be consdering the fantastic setting), you get lot of interesting tidbits(searchign fo Samurai youngest age I learned interesting fact about Genpuku).
Also grim and disturbing considerations
Copied from reply form historystockexchange
"The absolute minimum age to perform different types of combat actions is determined by the different ages at which different boys are large and strong enough to perform those different types actions reasonably well."
Can you fire a rifle? Can you run? can you throw a grenade and dig a hole? Enough qualified to be a soldier!

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:28 pm
by Fenris2020
I just go with a minimum age of 16; in Russia, I met doctors who were in their early to mid 20's. It depends on your society, not every society is as spoiled as the US and many of our contemporaries... and in a pseudo-post-apocalyptic world like Rifts Earth, that is all especially true. Daddy's an Operator? Guess what Jr.'s going to be learning to do from a young age...

Re: Starting/Minimal Ages for O.C.C.s

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:20 am
by slade2501
A small poor town has had a population boom in recent years and has suffered a recent increase of violent attacks from threats both mortal and supernatural. In response, the town has held a lottery and selected citizens (even children and teenagers) to undergo full cybernetic conversion to become town defenders. A few of the selected people are sent away as indentured soldiers (possibly even sold into outright slavery) to pay for the cyborgs who remain in town (one cyborg in town for every two sent away). These cyborgs are trained for combat and often used for heavy labor (mining, construction, etc). As a possible adventure note, a disproportionate number of young children (about age 7 to 9) have been chosen from large families......

Some of the young cyborgs are beginning to show abnormal behavior (read insanity) and serious anti-social behavior (rage, resentment, body dis-morphia, etc.).