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Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:36 am
by Rifter11
On pages 158 and 159 of WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market it says to pick an orientation then lists them. Then, immediately after, under the title "Determination of Bio-Wizard Augmentation for True Bio-Borgs" it provides a table to roll on for the number of augmentation you receive.

When I had read this before, I assumed you were supposed to either pick an orientation OR roll/pick from the chart and they just omitted that bit. However, I was reading it just now and thought maybe I shouldn't be making that assumption. My question boils down to this: Are True Bio-Borgs supposed to receive BOTH the augmentations under orientation AND what's on the chart?

Re: Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:19 am
by slade2501
You use the Orientation options, and the "Determining" table is for a possible (GM's OK) addition of 1-3 random extra mutations/symbiotes with the limit being 12 TOTAL for each starting character between the orientation and the "Extras" random rolls. The Extras table helps make a variety of Bio-Borgs so they look like random creations of a flawed process.

Re: Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:42 am
by Rifter11
Follow up question....what type of character class do they fall under? R.C.C.? Scholar & Adventurer? Man at Arms? I tried looking them up in the Game Masters Guide but it isn't listed under any of the options (the guide probably predates WB21).

Re: Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:05 pm
by slade2501
they are an RCC, but the orientation is just like a MOS for the Coalition soldier class. But also, form follows function, so the bio enhancements should help with their Orientation style, not unlike the different body styles of cyborg *shown in the cybernetics book or in the Triax 1 book, etc).

Re: Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:54 pm
by Rifter11
Thanks! I was trying to determine if they were eligible for the Sharpshooting skill.

Re: Help with Bio-Borgs

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:09 pm
by slade2501
I always say that a character can take almost ANY skill if they find a teacher, take the time (1d4-1d6 weeks) and pay for it (1d4x1000 credits). Some places (like Merctown) have dedicated schools or informal teaching associations that can spread the skills of almost any trade.