Supernatural creature vs. Creature of magic vs. D-Bee

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Supernatural creature vs. Creature of magic vs. D-Bee

Unread post by Rifter11 »

"Thus horrific bio-wizard conversions are routinely performed on slaves every day. Humans and human-like d-bees are the most commonly used, but any non-supernatural beings can also fall victim to these experiments." Page 154 of WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market. I read this as a qualifier for becoming a Bio-Borg. But what constitutes a Supernatural being?

Supernatural strength can't be the qualifier because dragons and some fae have Supernatural strength and those are repeatedly described as creatures of magic. Speaking of which, since they aren't strictly Supernatural do dragons and fae qualify? Not in my games they wouldn't but would that be a house rule?

What about giants in CB1? Larmac? The Altess? Space Minotaurs? Is it ever expressly spelled out in any of the books?
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Re: Supernatural creature vs. Creature of magic vs. D-Bee

Unread post by mobuttu »

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Re: Supernatural creature vs. Creature of magic vs. D-Bee

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

The difference between SN and CoM is their lifespan, a SN creature is immortal where a CoM has finite lifespan.
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Re: Supernatural creature vs. Creature of magic vs. D-Bee

Unread post by Rifter11 »

Thanks for the replies! So does this mean a Rahu-Human (who has a finite life span of 1000 years and no special powers) is a creature of magic and eligible for Bio-Borg?
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