Alternate Earth - Archie & NEMA save the day?

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Alternate Earth - Archie & NEMA save the day?

Unread post by Kaleb »

Has anyone ever seen a post or run a game where Archie and NEMA worked together in an alternate Earth to save or try to save humanity?

For example, the NEMA soldiers didn't go to sleep and were able to connect up with those in the Midwest from the Chaos Earth books?
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Kaleb the Blacksmith
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Re: Alternate Earth - Archie & NEMA save the day?

Unread post by Rifter11 »

I don't have any experience with such a game but its an interesting premise. When I read the title I thought you were going to say they join together in modern day in order to fight off the Minion War (or some other calamity) invasion and wind up saving everyone because of it. Which is also an interesting premise, IMO.
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Re: Alternate Earth - Archie & NEMA save the day?

Unread post by darthauthor »

I like the concept.

I guess what was at issue in the cannon time line was Archie's programming about what was an acceptable time to let out the men from NEMA.

One way of looking at it is to let them out when they are not needed.
Sort of Archie has become a ROGUE Servitor that is insuring humankinds survival by keeping them in stasis.

Some day, whenever that is, Archie can let them out when the Earth is tame (which may never happen until an ICE AGE in 40,000 years).
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