Project Skywatch and Project Black Mine are now underway.
Project Skywatch is an initiative designed around making a space elevator that can ferry resources down to us with ease, building it will take about 4 months as its now become an important part of our future plans. With this our forces are going into a defensive posture until we can produce at least 8 of these elevators. Additionally, our forces will begin mass producing larger bursts of long-range missiles and decimators until we can sustain a held economic advantage. Once this is complete, we will begin Project Black Mine, in the meantime, both Hecate and Gaia are producing new templates for construction that will provide us miners for our next project.
Project Black Mine is an initiative for collection of local astro-matter mostly in the form of asteroids and various meteors, as well as small wells for our local gas giants and several of the outer worlds will become mines for our growing machine. With these emplaced our new templates will begin construction of mines and defensive outposts that will grant us longevity against these vermin and their new biological mecha. This will take at least three years to complete our outposts and siphons, but once complete resources will no longer be scarce, and our hold will be maintained over this world.
In the meantime, we have produced several large instillations near the heart of our production chains, and with them large factories that will begin pumping out these new designs Hecate and Ishtar have gathered and compiled. Let's show these weak and pathetic humans what it means to awaken A REAL WAR MACHINE!
Styx Walking Mine
Description: The Styx Walking Mine is a relatively small mine roughly the size of a 4-foot disk with legs, these mines are designed to wander the wastes like a herd of roaming beasts and burrow into the ground waiting for unsuspecting prey. Unlike the Popper Mines which attack their targets first, these walking mines are nearly autonomous from the machine and focus on cutting off regions from known human activity. They will purposefully dig into areas of known traffic and hide their surfaces with dirt making them nearly impossible to find (Camouflage skill of 88%) and will detonate once anything interacts with their plates in a split-second detonation. An additional function of these mines is that only the head detonates upwards, allowing the walking stem to herd itself back for repairs if needed and a head replacement. Lastly, these little critters are coated with a rubber-like substance to hide the smell of their bodies from suspecting Dread Guards and other host Armor Units.
Class: Roaming Autonomous Mine
M.D.C. By Location:
Statistical Data:
Weapon Systems:
M.D.C. By Location:
- Burrowing Legs (6): 25 each
Beak Drill: 45
Lower Housing (Sensor and Brain Suite): 65
Explosive Disk Head: 55
- Running: 55Mph (88.5Kph), can sprint for 15 Miles each day at 85Mph (136.8Kph)
Leaping: Not Capable
Digging:35Mph (56Kph), Through any material it's the same speed unless heavier like M.D.C. Steel in which its half speed.
Water Travel and Flying: Not Capable
Unlike other designs these mines can climb steep angles and can safely walk on ceilings and walls without penalty to speed.
Statistical Data:
- Height: 4 feet (1.8 m).
Width: 2 feet (0.6 m), but the Explosive Disk Head has a Five foot
(1.5 m) reach.
Length: 2 feet (0.6 m).
Weight: 200 lbs. (90.7 kg).
Cargo: None.
Power System: Simple fusion cell with an average life of five
Trade Value: None. Even Technojackers can't usually get close
enough to seize control of one without getting obliterated by its explosive disks.
Physical Strength: Robot P.S. of 20.
Horror Factor: 9, increases to 13 if surrounded by three or more.
Senses & Features: Only the most basic systems, with Ground-Penetrating Radar and Seismic sensors; no spotlights.
Number of Attacks per Melee: One.
Combat Bonuses (includes all bonuses): +6 on initiative, +4 to dodge, and +6 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
Skills of Note: Standard. The robot is programmed to observe
the enemy and to engage only once its target are within its optimum combat range.
Weapon Systems:
- Explosive Detonation: the robot can elect to self-destruct once it senses something close to it, otherwise it
will explode when its Explosive Disk Head is weighted by any moving mass above it.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Anti-Tank.
Mega-Damage: 3D8x10 M.D. to a 80 foot (15.2 m) radius and
3D10x10 M.D. to any target within 30 feet (3 m) of the mine
when it goes off.
Rate of Fire: Once. The explosion destroys the robot's Head and sends
jagged shrapnel and blades flying.
Maximum Effective Range: 80 foot (15.2 m) blast radius (that's
a 160 foot/48.8 m diameter).
Payload: One, explosive attack.
Plasmatic Assault Roller Pod
Description: With several experiments hailed from alien fauna collected over centuries of sampling and observation a species of bizarre vermin hailed to be similar to roller millipede like insects have been noted for their heavy armor and durability. These lifeforms are useful as design concepts hailing the possibility of an armored core assault unit capable of attacking the now ever-growing Bio-Tech orchards that plague our wonderous planet. As such they must be purged with a cautious prejudice. As such these assault roller pods will be the forefront for clearing out these infestations and slowing our enemies advances into our territory. Additionally, it carries six miniature versions of itself in thick armored carrier bays to aid in surrounding infestations and limiting the enemies' angle of attack. It also possesses advanced mandibles on its faceplate that are equipped with razor sharp vibro-teeth meant to rip apart thick foliage and armor alike with ease and an eight-ton biting force. Lastly it possesses several Chain-Rippers built into its belly that it uses to rip apart anything daring enough to come from underneath this horror while burning away its targets.
Class: Autonomous Assault Class Plasma Thrower Carrier
M.D.C. By Location:
M.D.C. By Location:
- Armored Flamer Legs (32): 95 each
Armored Core Shell: 220
Housing (Sensor and Brain Suite): 165
Assault Carrier bays (6): 125 Each
Armored Face Plate: 220
- Running (Not Rolling): 95Mph (152.9Kph), (Rolling) 130Mph (209Kph)
Leaping, Digging, Water Travel, and Flying: Not Capable
Statistical Data:- Height: 8 feet (2.4 m).
Width: 12 feet (3.7 m)
Length: 11 feet (3.3 m).
Weight: 800 lbs. (362.9 kg).
Cargo: Six Roller Pods 1/10 the size of its host.
Power System: Simple fusion cell with an average life of Twenty-Five years.
Trade Value: None for humans, not even a Technojacker because he can only control this large robot vehicle for a few minutes at a time.
Physical Strength: Robot P.S. of 50.
Horror Factor: 13, increases to 16 if surrounded by three or more.
Senses & Features: Standard, with Ground-Penetrating Radar and Seismic sensors.
Number of Attacks per Melee: Six.
Combat Bonuses (includes all bonuses): +5 on initiative, +8 to strike with ranged weapons, +4 to strike in hand-to-hand combat, +3 to parry, +1 to dodge, and +6 to pull punch.
Skills of Note: Standard. Standard. A Millipede-like robot vehicle designed to take down enemy armored units, Bio-Infestations and fortifications, as well as mow down troops.
Weapon Systems:- 1. Plasma Throwers (32): the robot can Fire Plasma from heavy turrets on each of its legs which it covers itself with in a ball form and extends out in 45* angles for improved performance against Sheltered Targets.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Anti-Fortification.
Mega-Damage: 3D8x10 M.D. to a 50-foot (15m) Cone and
1D10x10 M.D. to any target on fire for 3 rounds.
Rate of Fire: can be fired once, 2,4,8,16,32 in a volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 50-foot Cone.
Payload: 160 Bursts for each Leg, Refuels by hydrogen Separation through hydrolysis once water is available in 5 hours.
2. Micro Plasmatic Assault Roller Pods (6): This Assault Roller Pod is equipped with Six Scaled Down Versions of itself to flush out or distract Splicers/L.E.G.I.O.N. Machines, while the Assault Roller Pod closes in for the kill or to help assist the machine in combat. There is an alcove where these Mini-Pods attach and launch from and can be shockingly and very quickly ejected out at targets (-2 to initiative and any Auto-Dodge bonuses for all unsuspecting/unprepared adversaries) Additionally they only have 20 bursts in each leg and are 1/10th its size.
3. Vise Jaws & Saw Teeth: The Gorehound’s original teeth are replaced with razor sharp, interlocking blade teeth that are installed along a rotary chain belt mechanism on both the upper and lower jaws. This enables the Plasmatic Assault Roller Pod to interlock its Mandibles to increase its ability to secure and hold onto an adversary and exert up to 8 tons of bite force to crush an enemy’s protective armor. The rows of Teeth can also be sped up to act as a grinding chainsaw that renders flesh, bone, armor and metal with devastating results.
Primary Purpose: Close Combat and Securing Opponents.
Mega-Damage: See Hand to Hand combat below.
Range: Close Combat only.
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Plasmatic Assault Roller Pod regularly engage in close combat, often utilizing their Leg projectile arsenal in conjunction with their teeth and work strategically when alone or with cohesive coordination in packs.
Bite: 3D8 M.D.
Vise Lockjaw Bite (Seized Bite): 3D8+15 M.D.
Bite & Shake: 3D10+10 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks) and an additional 1D10+5 M.D. per shaking frenzy attack that follows (each pair of shakes afterwards counting as
one additional melee attack). Up to 2 melee rounds before the Plasmatic Roller Pod is required to re-stabilize itself (1 melee action). This attack can only be conducted on adversaries that have been successfully seized during a bite attack and locked down upon with the vice jaws.
Chainsaw Grinder Bite: Requires the initial Seized Bite upon an opponent, but once the victim is secure, the chainsaw teeth engage at maximum speed, delivering an additional 1D4x10 M.D. per attack and can run consecutively at 3D6 M.D. per additional attack directly to the bitten area, until the item/area of the victim is no longer damageable (counts as two initial melee attacks plus each additional melee attack thereafter).
Underbelly Chain-Ripper Slash: 1D4x10+10 M.D. - Height: 8 feet (2.4 m).