Rethinking the Conjuror?
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:27 pm
So, I've been rolling up a lot of premade characters for any impromptu Rifts games I might get into.
One of which is the conjuror.
First of all, in our game we house ruled that conjurors can create permanent MDC items at greatly reduced cost compared to those stated in the book. No more 100 PPE (70+30) tax for every conjuring. All the other wizards do everything as MDC, so it is only fare. Everything magical in this world is MDC the majority of the time.
Once I got to filling out his skills and possessions, I noticed that their mechanical and military skills are all available. So are piloting skills all the way up to jets and robots.
So, while a conjuror could not create an entire power armor suit wholesale, what is stopping one from conjuring individual parts and assembling them into a working finished product given his higher than regular skill set? He could not generate an original or custom design, but He could make perfectly stock copies of smaller and lighter suits or armor and weapons and even power armor. A bit like the Johnny Cash song where he built a Cadillac out of smuggled parts over the course of time.
Even simpler is that I don't see any reason a conjuror could not copy Bandito Arms' Big Bore series of weapons and shells or Wilk's CTF line of weapons and chem-laser "bullets".
I'm even considering adding to the class by letting them create an item at greatly reduced cost if they have an existing working example to use as a focus. For instance, a borg might have a ruined limb but the conjuror could create all the needed spare parts to replace to restore it to working order as long as they are not completely destroyed or missing.
And we let Conjurors who are major psychics take telemechanics and total recall as their only psi powers. Someone like that could examine a partial piece of an item, see the schematic in their mind and then generate the parts to finish it.
And I've been watching a new anime called "The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World" where the main character is more or less a conjuror in practice. It's been fun seeing it work out in a game world.
And based on what went down in that show, what about this. Large things can be conjured, but not "completely permanent" by that I mean, when not in use, they disappear into a Time Hole/D-pocket/Astral Realm waiting to be re-conjured at a discount later, since it already exists. Basically, the conjuror has the world's best "ace up his sleeve" on steroids so to speak. As time goes on the conjuror build up a warehouse of useful items that can be brought forth in a time of need and stored away for later rather than being created whole cloth every time. This would have the effect of turning the conjuror into the Rifts equivalent of the Green Lantern and their force field constructs. Or even store items that were never conjured in the first place but just a stockpile of regular manufactured goods that can then be conjured into use when needed.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
One of which is the conjuror.
First of all, in our game we house ruled that conjurors can create permanent MDC items at greatly reduced cost compared to those stated in the book. No more 100 PPE (70+30) tax for every conjuring. All the other wizards do everything as MDC, so it is only fare. Everything magical in this world is MDC the majority of the time.
Once I got to filling out his skills and possessions, I noticed that their mechanical and military skills are all available. So are piloting skills all the way up to jets and robots.
So, while a conjuror could not create an entire power armor suit wholesale, what is stopping one from conjuring individual parts and assembling them into a working finished product given his higher than regular skill set? He could not generate an original or custom design, but He could make perfectly stock copies of smaller and lighter suits or armor and weapons and even power armor. A bit like the Johnny Cash song where he built a Cadillac out of smuggled parts over the course of time.
Even simpler is that I don't see any reason a conjuror could not copy Bandito Arms' Big Bore series of weapons and shells or Wilk's CTF line of weapons and chem-laser "bullets".
I'm even considering adding to the class by letting them create an item at greatly reduced cost if they have an existing working example to use as a focus. For instance, a borg might have a ruined limb but the conjuror could create all the needed spare parts to replace to restore it to working order as long as they are not completely destroyed or missing.
And we let Conjurors who are major psychics take telemechanics and total recall as their only psi powers. Someone like that could examine a partial piece of an item, see the schematic in their mind and then generate the parts to finish it.
And I've been watching a new anime called "The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World" where the main character is more or less a conjuror in practice. It's been fun seeing it work out in a game world.
And based on what went down in that show, what about this. Large things can be conjured, but not "completely permanent" by that I mean, when not in use, they disappear into a Time Hole/D-pocket/Astral Realm waiting to be re-conjured at a discount later, since it already exists. Basically, the conjuror has the world's best "ace up his sleeve" on steroids so to speak. As time goes on the conjuror build up a warehouse of useful items that can be brought forth in a time of need and stored away for later rather than being created whole cloth every time. This would have the effect of turning the conjuror into the Rifts equivalent of the Green Lantern and their force field constructs. Or even store items that were never conjured in the first place but just a stockpile of regular manufactured goods that can then be conjured into use when needed.
Any thoughts or suggestions?