1e Monster Attacks Per Round

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Hell Hound
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1e Monster Attacks Per Round

Unread post by Hell Hound »

I did a search but couldn't find an answer to this.

Just trying to figure out how many attacks monsters get per melee round.

Example A:
Gargoyles get - 4 claws, bite, tail, or by weapon.
So, do they get 6 attacks unless using a weapon where they get 1?

Example B:
Vampires get 3 claws, bite, by weapon, charm
How does this work per round? 4 with claw bite? Can he do 2 claw and charm in a round?

Is this just GM discretion? How do you run it?

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Re: 1e Monster Attacks Per Round

Unread post by GoliathReturns »

Example A- the gargoyle has 4 attacks, which can be bite, claw, tail, or weapon.

Example B*- vampire has 3, which can be claw, bite, charm, or weapon.

*some creatures have HtH skills, which, depending on level, may be superior to the "base" creature. In this case, I'd say you use the natural number of attacks, until the HtH surpasses it, then they get the HtH number of attacks. So, the vampire has 3 attacks, until his HtH skill gives him 4, then he has 4.

If you're looking for exceptionally dangerous creatures, then you could stack them, but be warned, that makes REALLY powerful enemies. My personal recommendation would be to cap it at half of the natural attacks plus HtH, but that's still powerful.
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Hell Hound
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Re: 1e Monster Attacks Per Round

Unread post by Hell Hound »

Great answer. Thanks!
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