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Questions about "See Aura"

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 9:53 am
by darthauthor
Can See Aura tell other things about a person, even if they back is to the viewer?


1. If they are authentically asleep?

2. What mood they are in?

3. If they are genuinely drunk?

4. If they are a drug addict?

5. If they are dead or alive?

6. Since all things have an Aura. Can it tell real gems and gold from fakes?

7. IF a personal possession is their and not a forgery (replacement)?

8. Does using it allow one to see what someone is feeling? Like Synesthesia using "See Aura" with seeing the feelings of someone while seeing their Aura?

9. Could you tell if a playing card was "marked" or replaced by seeing its Aura?

10. Will "Seeing the Aura" of food and drink let the viewer see if it is drugged or poisoned? (Maybe with the Brewing skill?).

Re: Questions about "See Aura"

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 12:09 pm
by ShadowLogan
1. Asleep? No, though it likely will indicate if they are in a coma ("unusual human aberration IMHO)

2. Mood? No, atleast as its worded and assuming it isn't the result of magic/psychic/possessing influence. There is the power of Empathy, which is cheaper and delivers more bang for the ISP, that is designed for this.

3. Drunk? Possibly, would "unusual human aberration" count as drunk?

4. Drug Addict? Yes, it can detect "insanity" (addiction is an option on the Random Insanity Tables so...)

5. Dead or Alive? Yes, there are a lot of known factors you can "look for" that would allow a psychic to tell if someone is dead or alive (aberrations, illness, level, PPE, etc)

6. Real from Fake Gold/Gem?. If its enchanted, yes (presence of magic can be seen), if non-enchanted I'm going to say generally no, but there are factors that it would be yes (like you are familiar with Auras for known authentic materials, especially if you are familiar with the item in question: ex. if you know what the Hope Diamond's aura looks like, you'd likely notice a fake Hope Diamond, but if you've never seen the Hope Diamond's Aura the best you might be able to do is confirm if its a diamond or not and that still assumes you know what the aura of a diamond looks like).

7. See #7, basically a different scenario

8. See #2, this is just rephrased IMHO.

9. Its complicated. It likely won't show a card as "marked", unless it involves magic/psychic "marking" the card. If the "card" has been swapped out, that's going to be like #6 IMHO

10. Food/Drink drugged? Possibly, while the aura description primarily considers using on living subjects while ignoring non-living in its wording, it will depend if the GM thinks the drugged nature qualifies as an unusual human aberration and even then factoring in #6 about familiarity might not be a bad idea.