Vehicle Modifications

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Vehicle Modifications

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Run Flat Tires: These tires come have a internal honeycomb structure that prevents them from collapsing when punctured. While a vehicle can still be driven, it's top speed is reduced. Run Flat Tires can be combined with Armored Tires (Use Armored Tires A.R., and add both S.D.C. values.). Cost: $300 per tire, A.R.: 6, S.D.C.: 12. Bonuses:+5% bonus to the Control Roll when dealing with blowouts.

RF Tires..............Top
1........................1/2 (x 0.50)
2........................3/8 (x 0.325)
3........................1/4 (x 0.25)
4........................1/8 (x 0.125)

Normal Tires.......Top
1........................3/8 (x 0.325)
2........................1/4 (x 0.25)
3........................1/8 (x 0.125)
4........................1/16 (x 0.0625)

Tire Blowout Penalty (per tire)
1 - 35 mph = -5% to Control Roll
36 - 70 mph = -10% to Control Roll
71 - 105 mph = -15% to Control Roll
106 - 140 mph = -20% to Control Roll
141+ mph = -25% to Control Roll

Anti-Lock Brakes: This device prevents a car's brakes from locking up when they are used. Cost: $ Bonuses: +10% bonus to Control Rolls during Sudden Brake, and (Defender) Cut-Off maneuvers.

Vehicle Transponder: This is a small radio transceiver that is hidden somewhere on the vehicle. When the vehicle is stolen it can be activated so that those with the proper equipment, to detect the signal it transmits, can locate and recover the stolen vehicle. Cost: $1000.

Remote Starter: This is actually two devices, a small transmitter that attaches to a keychain and a small receiver that attaches to the starter motor of the vehicle. The transmitter has a range of 50 feet. Cost: $50.

Vehicle Remote: A small transmitter that attaches to a keychain. A number of vehicle functions can be controlled from the remote (door locks, trunk lock, alarm, remote starter, etc.). The remote can control 1D4 functions, and has 1D4+1 buttons. Cost: $100.

Navigation System: This is a Global Positioning System linked to a small computer. The computer has a small display and keyboard. Before a trip starts, the starting point and destination are entered into the computer. During the trip a small map is shown on the display. The route of the trip is highlighted, and the vehicle is represented by a small icon. Cost: $2000.

Heads-Up Display: A small device that projects the engine readout information (speed, engine rpm, etc.) onto the windshield, so that the driver doesn't have to look down while driving. Cost: $250. Bonuses: +5% to Control Roll.

Teflon Slick Sprayer: This device will spray a teflon slick onto the road surface when activated. It contains enough teflon for six (6) slicks. Cost: $2400. Refill Cost: $100 per slick.

Slick Penalty
Oil = -15% to Control Roll
Teflon = -30% to Control Roll

Stealth Coating: This coating absorbs radar signals so that they won't be reflected back to a detecting device. There is a 50% chance that the vehicle will not be detected by radar. Can be combined with Stealth Design for a 100% chance that the vehicle will not be detected by radar. Cost: $(5 x vehicle cost).

Stealth Design: The vehicle is designed so that it's external surfaces won't reflect radar signals back to a detecting device. There is a 50% chance that the vehicle will not be detected by radar. Can be combined with Stealth Coating for a 100% chance that the vehicle will not be detected by radar. Cost: $(10 x vehicle cost).
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Re: Vehicle Modifications

Unread post by Mantisking »

Here's a few more. They're a little rough, so feedback would be nice.

Roll Cage: A "cage" of hardened supports that fits inside the passenger compartment of vehicles. In "Crash", "Totaled", and "Roll & Burn" results on the Loss of Control Table, the occupants take reduced damage. "Crash" = 1/4 Damage, "Totaled" = 1/2 Damage, "Roll & Burn" = normal Damage. The vehicle still takes full damage. Cost: $500 (Small Auto), $750 (Large Auto / Small Truck), $1000 (Vans), $1500 (Commercial Vehicles).

Five Point Harness: An enhanced seatbelt system. Characters take 1D4 Damage for every 20 MPH in a crash. Cost: $450.

Weight Reduction (Basic): All extraneous material is removed from the vehicle (I.E. extra seats, internal panels, stereo systems, refreshment dispensers, etc.). Cost: $(1% of vehicle type cost), Bonuses: +2% to Top Speed, Note: If any of the removed material is added back in the bonus is lost.
Last edited by Mantisking on Fri May 07, 2004 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vehicle Modifications

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Don't forget:

Black Box - takes readings from several different sensors (including the vehicle's own stock equipment), and records it for post-crash review Cost:$? (Note: one of these babies recently helped convict someone of vehicular manslaughter when the data didn't jibe with the driver's description of the accident where one or more persons was killed.) (Could be useful for forensic examinations of destroyed "Company" property and to keep the players from trashing everything (ala James Bond) assigned to them..."Agent XYZ, you haff crashed three Lambourghinis in ze last six vill be docked 1.35 million Euros at a rate of E10,000 per veek, until such time as you haff paid it off. Ve vill allow you the remainder of your E12,000 per veek salary for expenses such as food, rent, and other personal items." - Kinda hard to be the dashing spy on a "pittance!" :lol:)

Ignition Interlock - A breath sample must be given prior to the vehicle being started. If the sample is not given, the interlock prevents the vehicle's starter from activating. Cost:$? (Some equipment geek can probably reset this to allow only certain registered persons (ala Gattica) to drive the car.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: Vehicle Modifications

Unread post by Mantisking »

Stealth Coating:
This coating absorbs radar signals so that they won't be reflected back to a detecting device. There is a 15% penalty to an opponent's skill (Read Sensory Equipment) in detecting the vehicle by radar. The vehicle is also is -3 to Strike for radar guided weapons. This modification can be combined with Stealth Design for a 45% penalty. Cost: $(5 x vehicle cost).

Stealth Design: The vehicle is designed so that it's external surfaces won't reflect radar signals back to a detecting device. There is a 30% penalty to an opponent's skill (Read Sensory Equipment) in detecting the vehicle by radar. The vehicle is also is -6 to Strike for radar guided weapons. This modification can be combined with Stealth Coating for a 45% penalty. Cost: $(10 x vehicle cost). Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle.
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Stealth Coating:
This coating absorbs radar signals so that they won't be reflected back to a detecting device. There is a 15% penalty to an opponent's skill (Read Sensory Equipment) in detecting the vehicle by radar. There is also a penalty of -3 to Strike for radar guided weapons systems attempting to attack this vehicle. This modification can be combined with Stealth Design for a 45% penalty. Cost: $(5 x vehicle cost).

Stealth Design: The vehicle is designed so that it's external surfaces won't reflect radar signals back to a detecting device. There is a 30% penalty to an opponent's skill (Read Sensory Equipment) in detecting the vehicle by radar. There is also a penalty of -6 to Strike for radar guided weapons systems attempting to attack this vehicle. This modification can be combined with Stealth Coating for a 45% penalty. Cost: $(10 x vehicle cost). Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle.

Vehicle Remote: A small transmitter that attaches to a keychain. A number of vehicle functions can be controlled from the remote (door locks, trunk lock, alarm, remote starter, etc.). The remote can control up to four (4) functions, and has (# of functions + 1) buttons. Cost: $100.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by Macksting.
Don't forget that stealth coatings degrade in effectiveness under exposure to moisture. Not sure to what extent that applies to ground vehicles, but you may want to research its effects on the F-117.
I was informed of this on another board. Here's the relevant text.

Originally posted by Slag on the 2200 Gallon Tank.
Quick note on the stealth: There's no such thing as 100% stealth, ever. Even the Stealth Fighter can be (and has been) detected and engaged using radar-guided munitions. A lot of factors are involved including angle, weather, radar power, wavelength/frequency, and range.

I'm not sure how picky I want to get involving the stealth mods. I think I'll leave it up to individual GMs on how the where to set the realism level.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Weight Reduction (Improved): The vehicle is constructed from advanced materials that have excellent strength to weight ratios. Cost: $(10% of vehicle type cost), Bonuses: +5% to Top Speed, Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle.
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Tuned Suspension: This modification tightens and tweaks the vehicle's suspension to improve handling and speed. Cost: $5,000. Bonuses: +5% to Control Rolls and +5 MPH to top speed. Note: This modification cannot be combined with an Active Suspension.
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High Performance Tires: These tires are designed to have better response and handling than normal tires. Cost: $500 per tire, Bonuses: +5% to Control Roll if all tires match. A.R.: 5, S.D.C.: 8.

Heavy Duty High Performance Tires: These tires are designed to have better response and handling, and withstand high speeds better than normal tires. Cost: $600 per tire, Bonuses: +4% to Control Roll if all tires match. A.R.: 5, S.D.C.: 10.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Here's something for the working class guys.

Low End Torque Package: This modification to the engine and powertrain increases the amount of power available for towing and carrying cargo at low speeds. Bonuses: +25% to Max. Load and -25% to Top Speed, Cost: $.

Armored Run Flat Tires: These tires are reinforced with kevlar and have a internal honeycomb structure that prevents them from collapsing when punctured. While a vehicle can still be driven after these tires are punctured, it's top speed is reduced. Bonuses: +5% bonus to the Control Roll when dealing with blowouts, A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 32, Cost: $1000 per tire.

Run Flat Tires:
These tires have a internal honeycomb structure that prevents them from collapsing when punctured. While a vehicle can still be driven after these tires are punctured, it's top speed is reduced. Bonuses: +5% bonus to the Control Roll when dealing with blowouts, A.R.: 6, S.D.C.: 12, Cost: $300 per tire.
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Supercharger: This modification increases engine power by pulling more air into the engine. Bonuses: +30% to Top Speed, Cost: $5000.
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Turbocharger: This modification increases engine power by using exhaust gases to drive a compresser feeding air back into the engine. Since it takes a few seconds for the compressor to get up to speed there is a slight lag in between pressing the gas an the turbo kicking in. Bonuses: +40% to Top Speed, Note: It takes one (1) Melee Round for a turbocharger to kick in. (For Example: If you started at the beginning of Melee Round A, the turbo would kick in at the start of Melee Round B.) Cost: $5,000.
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Vehicular Caltrops:
This piece of equipment is a device holding a container of heavy duty caltrops. The container can be opened by the driver, releasing the caltrops across the road surface. This "attack" is considered to have a Strike roll of 13. The container can removed so it can be refilled. Damage: 2D6, Cost: $300 for the release mechanism and container. Refill Cost: $100 per container.

Anti-Sway Bar:
This is a device attached to a car's suspension to reduce body-roll when cornering. Bonuses: +10% bonus to Control Roll when taking corners, Cost: $ .

Junk Caltrops: This modification is a device holding a container of broken glass, nails, and metal shards. The container can be opened by the driver, releasing the junk across the road surface. This "attack" is considered to have a Strike roll of 11. The container can removed so it can be refilled. Damage: 2D4, Cost: $300 for the release mechanism and container. Refill Cost: $30 per container.
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Oil Slick Sprayer:
The driver can release oil from a tank mounted on the underside of the vehicle It contains enough oil for three (3) slicks. This "attack" is considered to have a Strike roll of 11. Cost: $1,200. Refill Cost: $50 per slick.

Teflon Slick Sprayer: This device will spray a teflon slick onto the road surface when activated by the driver. It contains enough teflon for six (6) slicks. This "attack" is considered to have a Strike roll of 13. Cost: $2,400. Refill Cost: $100 per slick.

There's a table on page 138 of the Revised Edition of N&S that I just looked at the other day. The progression is a bit wonky, and some of the math is just plain wrong. So I did it over. Some of the penalties might not be as bad as the original, but I did add an extra level and it's easier to figure out the progression past the end of the table now.

Road & Speed Table
Travel.....Distance...........Control Roll Modifiers for:
Speed....../Melee....Highway...Back Road....Trail/Broken Road


Speed is in MPH, and Distance is in Miles.
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Unread post by Borast »

Hmmm...if you want anymore new SJG's Car Wars source material and core books - lots of stuff you can convert, were it "legal" to do so... :D Maybe I should say "use as inspiration on your own uniquely created ideas" ? :lol:

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Originally posted by Borast
Hmmm...if you want anymore new SJG's Car Wars source material and core books - lots of stuff you can convert, were it "legal" to do so... :D Maybe I should say "use as inspiration on your own uniquely created ideas" ? :lol:
Dude, I started playing Car Wars before I started with Palladium. I have tons of CW stuff, and I'm not looking at it because I don't want to copy anything.
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Fire Extinguisher System: An internal system for preventing fires within a vehicle. When activated, any fire will be extinguished in 1D4 Melee Rounds. Cost: $1,000.

Originally posted by me.
Dude, I started playing Car Wars before I started with Palladium. I have tons of CW stuff, and I'm not looking at it because I don't want to copy anything.

Originally posted by Macksting.
Sometimes, though, we miss the obvious, and so a good or even critical idea falls to the wayside because we wished to be original.
I'm not so sure about that. Besides, real world sources offer enough material for inspiring ideas.

Originally posted by Macksting.
My usual theory is, "don't reinvent the wheel. Just refine it."
I've already refined the wheel. Look above for several different versions. :)

Originally posted by Macksting.
Among other things to look at, if you really want to trick out your vehicle to absurd degrees, is the Transdimensional TMNT book's entries on improving your timetravel or transdimensional vehicle. Pressurized hulls, reinforced cockpits, and even how to build all this in a sailboat.
That I will look at.
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Navigation System:
This is a Global Positioning System linked to a small computer. The computer has a small display and keyboard. Before a trip starts, the starting point and destination are entered into the computer. During the trip a small map is shown on the display. The route of the trip is highlighted, and the vehicle's location is represented by a small icon. There is a 25% chance that the destination won't be in the computer's memory. Bonuses: The driver gains the Navigation skill at 98% for the duration of the trip. Cost: $2000.

Lowered Chassis:
The chassis of the car is lowered by adjusting the suspension. This lowers the vehicle's center of gravity and improves handling. Bonuses: +5% to Control Rolls. Cost: $500.
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Stealth Mode: A "white noise" generator has been installed in the vehicle. When activated it emits sound frequencies designed to mask the operating noise of the vehicle. Bonuses: 45% Prowl skill for the vehicle. Cost: $10,000
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Rear View Camera: This gadget is a small video camera mounted on the rear facing of the vehicle that is connected to a monitor next to the drivers seat. While being advertized as an aid for backing into parking spaces, it's real use is for watching out for people trying to follow your vehicle. Cost: $500 (if installed at vehicle creation), $1000 (retro-fitted).
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Streamlining (Basic): The vehicle has been modified so that air flows around it better, thus resulting in increased speed. Bonuses: +2% to Top Speed. Note: All flying vehicles automatically have this modification. Cost: $(20% of vehicle type cost).

Streamlining (Improved): Through computer modeling and wind-tunnel testing, airflow around the vehicle has been optimized. Bonuses: +5% to Top Speed. Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle. Cost: $(50% of vehicle type cost).

Hardened Frame: The frame of the vehicle has been reinforced to withstand collisions. Bonuses: +(10% of vehicle type's original) S.D.C., and the vehicle is immune to the "Frame is Seriously Dented" result on the Critical Damage Table (page 139). Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle. Cost:
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Hardened Transmission: The transmission of the vehicle has been reinforced to withstand damage from road hazards and overpowered engines. Bonuses: The vehicle is immune to the "Transmission fluid Leak or Damge" result on the Critical Damage Table (page 139). Cost: $

Tuned Transmission: The transmission of the vehicle has been modified to better transfer power from the engine to the wheels. Bonuses: +5% to Top Speed. Penalties: -5% to Control Roll (The driver has to be more precise when he shifts.). Note: Only available for a Standard Transmission. Cost: $
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Nitrous Oxide System: This modification, when activated by the driver, injects Nitrous Oxide into the engine to increase power. Bonuses: +# to Top Speed (# = the engine's Speed Class) for one (1) Melee Round. Cost: $10,000 for the system and a 10 unit tank. Refill Cost: $100 per unit. Drawbacks: Every time this modification is used roll a Saving Throw of 11 or better, or suffer an "Engine on Fire", "Frame is Seriously Dented", or " Transmission Fluid Leak or Damage" result from the Critical Damage Table (Page 139). For every time past the first use there is a cumulative -1 penalty to the saving Throw until the engine is refurbished. The cost for an engine refurb is 10% of the original cost.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

And what's with the "Frame is Seriously Dented"? it should be "Frame is Bent".
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Hardened Transmission:
The transmission of the vehicle has been reinforced to withstand damage from road hazards and overpowered engines. Bonuses: The vehicle is immune to the "Transmission Fluid Leak or Damage" result on the Critical Damage Table (page 139). Cost: $ (10% of the cost of the engine's Speed Class.).

Tuned Transmission: The transmission of the vehicle has been modified to better transfer power from the engine to the wheels. Bonuses: +5% to Top Speed. Penalties: -5% to Control Roll (The driver has to be more precise when he shifts.). Note: Only available for a Standard Transmission. Cost: $ (10% of the cost of the engine's Speed Class.).
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Unread post by Mantisking »

These are a little rough.

Drone: This is an unmanned, remotely-operated vehicle. Select a vehicle type and build it to your liking. It must have the Remote Control Option. Then modify the following categories. Size: 1/2 total. Cargo Capacity: 1/2 total. S.D.C.: 1/2 total (round down). Cost: x2.

Small Drone: This is an unmanned, remotely-operated vehicle. Select a vehicle type and build it to your liking. It must have the Remote Control Option. Then modify the following categories. Size: 1/4 total. Cargo Capacity: 1/4 total. S.D.C.: 1/4 total (round down). Cost: x4.

Mini-Drone: This is an unmanned, remotely-operated vehicle. Select a vehicle type and build it to your liking. It must have the Remote Control Option. Then modify the following categories. Size: 1/10 total. Cargo Capacity: 1/10 total. S.D.C.: 1/10 total (round down). Cost: x10.

Micro-Drone: This is an unmanned, remotely-operated vehicle. Select a vehicle type and build it to your liking. It must have the Remote Control Option. Then modify the following categories. Size: 1/100 total. Cargo Capacity: 1/100 total. S.D.C.: 1/100 total (round down). Cost: x100.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by macksting.
Is the Micro-Drone anything like the Aero Hopper RC car?
Considering it's 1/100 the size of the original vehicle, it's more like a Matchbox car or MicroMachine toy. And after thinking about it, I may just limit Micro-Drones to being built by Gizmoteers. For example, if you start with a 20' bus you end up with a 2.4" micro-drone. That's a bit on the extreme side.

Also, I'm thinking of changing the S.D.C. to round up because there may be some cases where you could end up with zero after rounding down.
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Originally posted by macksting.
Well, you did say they were a little rough. Just glad to be part of the editting process. :)
Hey, you're the only one giving constructive criticism so I don't mind.

Originally posted by macksting.
Rounding up. Not a bad idea, really.
Thank you. Another thought I had is this:
Drone Weapons
Any weapons mounted on a drone are miniaturized like all the other components. Divide the range and damage by the appropriate modifier.
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Originally posted by macksting.
Personally, I recommend just building the drones on a different kit. These are not, after all, manned vehicles; they're robots, albeit remote controlled most likely. (I'll leave that in question.)
If they were remote-controlled, they'd be Waldos. :) I'm not sure I want to drag the robot tables into the question. I think it might be easier to continue making them from the vehicle tables.

Originally posted by macksting.
By that standard, you probably need to limit the available weapons more by type than by modifier. Sure, you can build a miniature civil war cannon into a remote control Aero-Hopper, but would it really be that different from a .44 magnum revolver? Only in functionality. For that matter, the purpose of having a one-foot oil slick generator seems a little dubious. I recommend, if you really want drones, building them on a different table from cars.
Yeah, that does make a little more sense.
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Originally posted by macksting.
Oh god. I forgot that "robot" has strong associations throughout Palladium.
In particular, you'd be using the HU2 robot kit, which I don't think is made to handle this small a scale, nor this simplicity.
Nah, I'll probably avoid it all together.

Originally posted by macksting.
No, I just meant the term robot, regardless of what tables and chairs you use to construct it. *chuckles*
Darn... See, the smallest ones are just RC cars made of armor and a rifle stock or something,
Actually, it'd just be an RC car and some explosives. If you've seen the movie The Dead Pool, you'll know what I mean.

Originally posted by macksting.
but the ones in-between could have lawnmower engines or even four-bangers... Or really, anything that could fit in the passenger and engine compartments together, seeing as how it's unmanned. So the variety here is insane. Maybe those in-between should be compared, for reference, to souped-up dune buggies?
That doesn't seem right, does it.
My intent with these modifications is letting people build things like the Predator UAV, and other RPVs that are currently being used by the world's militaries.
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Taking a break from the drone thing for a minute, I was looking at some of the weapons listings. Here's a quick revision for the "missile" entry.

Radar Guided Anti-Aircraft Missile: This weapon uses a radar system to track the target. Damage: 2D4x10, Blast Radius: 40 feet (12.2 meters), Range: 3 miles (4.8 kilometers), Speed Class: 29, Weight: 250 pounds (113.5 kilograms), Bonuses: +5 to Strike, Note: The vehicle must have a Radar Targeting System if you want to use this missile. Cost: $6,000 per missile.

Heat Seeking Anti-Aircraft Missile: This weapon uses an infrared sensor system to track the target. Damage: 2D4x10, Blast Radius: 40 feet (12.2 meters), Range: 3 miles (4.8 kilometers), Speed Class: 29, Weight: 250 pounds (113.5 kilograms), Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Note: +5 to Strike if the target is a very strong heat source. Cost: $4,000 per missile.

In case anyone is wondering, it takes one Melee Round for both of these missiles to reach the edge of their range.
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Radar Guided Anti-Aircraft Missile:
This weapon uses a radar system to track the target. Damage: 2D4x100, Blast Radius: 40 feet (12.2 meters), Range: 3 miles (4.8 kilometers), Speed Class: 29, Weight: 250 pounds (113.5 kilograms), Bonuses: +5 to Strike, Note: The vehicle must have a Radar Targeting System if you want to use this missile. Cost: $6,000 per missile.

Heat Seeking Anti-Aircraft Missile: This weapon uses an infrared sensor system to track the target. Damage: 2D4x100, Blast Radius: 40 feet (12.2 meters), Range: 3 miles (4.8 kilometers), Speed Class: 29, Weight: 250 pounds (113.5 kilograms), Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Note: +5 to Strike if the target is a very strong heat source. Cost: $4,000 per missile.

The damage listed for missiles in the book is way too low. LAW rockets do more damage.
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Anti-Tempest Monitoring Shielding:
The entire vehicle is shielded from Tempest Monitoring (page 92). Cost: $25,000.

E.M.P. Hardening: All the electronics in the vehicle are protected from the effects of an Electro-Magnetic Pulse. Cost: $25,000.

Large Internal Fuel Tank: The vehicle has a larger than normal fuel tank. Bonuses: Double the normal range/flight time of the vehicle. Weight: normal Fuel Tank weight. Cost: $1,000.

Small Internal Fuel Tank: The vehicle has a smaller than normal fuel tank. Penalties: Half the normal range/flight time of the vehicle. Weight: Gain half the normal Fuel Tank weight. Cost: +$500.

Four Wheel Drive: Normally in automobiles, only the front or rear wheels are driven by the engine. With this modification all the wheels are driven by the engine. Bonuses: +10% to Control Roll when in Backroad or Trail/Broken Road conditions. Penalties: -10% to Top Speed. Cost: $5,000.

External Fuel Tank:
This is a fuel tank attached to the outside of the vehicle. It cannot be armored, but it can be easily dropped if damaged. Bonuses: Double the normal range/flight time of the vehicle. Weight: normal Fuel Tank weight. Cost: $500.
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Tempest Monitoring Suite:
All the equipment neccesary for Tempest Monitoring (page 92). This can only be installed in a Large Truck, Van, or larger vehicle. Range: 100 yards (91.46 meters). Cost: $30,000.

Anti-Tempest Monitoring Shielding:
All computers in the vehicle are shielded from Tempest Monitoring (page 92). Cost: $25,000.
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Anti-Missile System:
When triggered, it sends out a canister designed to decoy enemy anti-aircraft missiles. The canister heats up to attract heat-seeking missiles, sends out streamers of aluminum -- called chaff -- designed to fool radar-guided missiles, and gives off a fake radio signal. The system contains 10 canisters. Cost: $3,500. Refill Cost: $350 each canister. Bonuses: Attacking missiles have a -5 to Strike after a canister is launched. If this brings the Strike roll to 4 or below, the missiles automatically miss.
Last edited by Mantisking on Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Premium Paint Job:
An expensive paint job that can range from "classy" to "flashy". Bonuses: +10% to Charm/Impress those that are impressed by such things. Cost: $2,000 (Small Auto), $3,250 (Large Auto/Truck), $4,500 (Van), $7,000 (Commercial Vehicle).
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Dividing a boat's hull into two smaller hulls increases its stability in the water. Bonuses: +10% to Control Rolls. Penalties: -10% to Maximum Load. Cost: $(15% of base price). Note: This modification is for Water Vehicles only, and must be selected when the vehicle is being designed. It cannot be retro-fitted.

Tri-maran: A three hulled version of a catamaran. Bonuses: +15% to Control Rolls. Penalties: -15% to Maximum Load. Cost: $(30% of base price). Note: This modification is for Water Vehicles only, and must be selected when the vehicle is being designed. It cannot be retro-fitted.
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These aren't a vehicle modifications, but they kinda fit here anyway.

Aquatic Vehicle Control Roll Modifiers
Heavy Chop (waves from 1 to 3 feet): -5%
Common Storm (winds up to 18 mph): -5%
Tropical Depression (winds from 19 to 38 mph): -10%
Tropical Storm (winds from 39 to 74 mph): -15%
Category I Hurricane (winds from 75 to 95 mph, waves from 4 to 5 feet): -30%
Category II Hurricane (winds from 96 to 110 mph, waves from 6 to 8 feet): -35%
Category III Hurricane (winds from 111 to 130 mph, waves from 9 to 12 feet): -40%
Category IV Hurricane (winds from 131 to 155 mph, waves from 13 to 18 feet): -45%
Category V Hurricane (winds greater than 155 mph, waves higher than 18 feet): -50%

Aerial Vehicle Control Roll Modifiers
Common Storm (winds up to 18 mph): -5%
Tropical Depression (winds from 19 to 38 mph): -10%
Tropical Storm (winds from 39 to 74 mph): -15%
Category I Hurricane (winds from 75 to 95 mph): -25%
Category II Hurricane (winds from 96 to 110 mph): -30%
Category III Hurricane (winds from 111 to 130 mph): -35%
Category IV Hurricane (winds from 131 to 155 mph): -40%
Category II Hurricane (winds greater than 155 mph): -45%
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Damn Mantis, you are going to force me to rewrite my million-dollar car...

*remembers the good ol' days when he had free time...*
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Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
Damn Mantis, you are going to force me to rewrite my million-dollar car...
Of course you're going to re-write it. Don't you want to make it faster and have it handle better?

Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
*remembers the good ol' days when he had free time...*
Free time, what's that?
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Air Plow:
This strangly named device is only for Commercial Vehicles. It is a triangular attachment that goes onto the front of the vehicle. As the vehicle normally has a large envelope of air moving around it, combined with the flat front of the vehicle the Air Plow helps to push air out to the side. This increased sideways airflow will disturb the passage of other, smaller vehicles as they are passed. Effect: Other, smaller vehicles must make a Control Roll when this vehicle passes by them. Penalties: -10% to Top Speed. Note: This device only works at speeds greater than 60 mph. Cost: $500
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Heat Seeking Anti-Aircraft Missile:
This weapon uses an infrared sensor system to track the target. Damage: 2D4x100, Blast Radius: 40 feet (12.2 meters), Range: 10 miles (16 kilometers), Speed Class: 31, Length: 10 feet (3.05 meters), Weight: 250 pounds (113.5 kilograms), Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Note: +5 to Strike if the target is a very strong heat source. Cost: $4,000 per missile.

Heat Seeking Anti-Aircraft Mini-Missile: This weapon uses an infrared sensor system to track the target. Damage: 1D4x100, Blast Radius: 20 feet (6.1 meters), Range: 5 miles (8 kilometers), Speed Class: 30, Length: 5 feet (1.53 meters), Weight: 125 pounds (56.75 kilograms), Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Note: +5 to Strike if the target is a very strong heat source. Cost: $2,000 per missile.

Heat Seeking Anti-Aircraft Micro-Missile: This weapon uses an infrared sensor system to track the target. Damage: 1D4x50, Blast Radius: 10 feet (3.05 meters), Range: 2.5 miles (4 kilometers), Speed Class: 29, Length: 2.5 feet (0.76 meters), Weight: 62.5 pounds (28.38 kilograms), Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Note: +5 to Strike if the target is a very strong heat source. Cost: $1,000 per missile.

The first missile is the one from the book modified to be closer to the AIM-9M Sidewinder. The others are derived from that point. In case people are wondering, the first missile will reach it's maximum range in two (2) Melee Rounds. The others only take one (1) Melee Round.
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Mantisking wrote:New
Air Plow:
This strangly named device is only for Commercial Vehicles. It is a triangular attachment that goes onto the front of the vehicle. As the vehicle normally has a large envelope of air moving around it, combined with the flat front of the vehicle the Air Plow helps to push air out to the side. This increased sideways airflow will disturb the passage of other, smaller vehicles as they are passed. Effect: Other, smaller vehicles must make a Control Roll when this vehicle passes by them. Penalties: -10% to Top Speed. Note: This device only works at speeds greater than 60 mph. Cost: $500
How much for a retractable version?
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This modification, for jet engines only, essentially sprays pure jet fuel into the engine's exhaust to significantly increase power. Bonuses: +72 mph (115.2 kph) to Top Speed for one (1) Melee Round when activated. Penalties: -10 minutes to flight time duration for every activation. Cost: $25,000.
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This modification, for jet engines only, essentially sprays pure jet fuel into the engine's exhaust to significantly increase power. Bonuses: Increase current Speed by 10% for one (1) Melee Round when activated. Penalties: -10 minutes to your flight duration for every activation. Cost: $25,000.

There's a version of this thread over on E.W. was gracious enough to make a comment if anyone would like to look.
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Hardened Frame:
The frame of the vehicle has been reinforced to withstand collisions. Bonuses: +(10% of vehicle type's original) S.D.C., and the vehicle is immune to the "Frame is Seriously Dented" result on the Critical Damage Table (page 139). Note: This modification must be bought when the vehicle is designed and cannot be retro-fitted to any vehicle. Cost: $500 (Small Auto / Small Hovercraft), $750 (Large Auto / Small Truck / Medium Hovercraft), $1000 (Vans), $1500 (Commercial Vehicles / Large Hovercraft).

Motorized Seat:
The seat has a series of small motors attached to its adjustment levers. The seat can be precisely adjusted to the occupant's wishes. Bonuses: +1% to the Control Roll if the occupant of the seat is the pilot of the vehicle. Cost: $400

Racing Seat: This seat has been designed for racing conditions. It will cushion the occupant from any shocks due road conditions or hazards. Bonuses: +2% to the Control Roll if the occupant of the seat is the pilot of the vehicle. Cost: $300

Originally posted by acreRake.
How much for a retractable version?
How's this?

Air Plow:
This strangly named device is only for Commercial Vehicles. It is a triangular attachment that goes onto the front of the vehicle. As the vehicle normally has a large envelope of air moving around it, combined with the flat front of the vehicle the Air Plow helps to push air out to the side. This increased sideways airflow will disturb the passage of other, smaller vehicles as they are passed. The Air Plow can be retracted into the front of the vehicle when not in use. Effect: Other, smaller vehicles must make a Control Roll when this vehicle passes by them. Penalties: -10% to Top Speed. Note: This device only works at speeds greater than 60 mph. Cost: $1000
Last edited by Mantisking on Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Junk Vehicle Armor:
This type of armor is composed of scrap pieces of metal welded onto the vehicle. A.R.: 12. S.D.C.: 435. Weight: 1,200 lbs. Cost: $1,000.

Anti-Sway Bar:
This is a device attached to a car's suspension to reduce body-roll when cornering. Bonuses: +10% bonus to Control Roll when taking corners. Cost: $150.

Motorized Seat: The seat has a series of small motors attached to its adjustment levers. The seat can be precisely adjusted to the occupant's wishes. The seat also has a "memory" and can retain the settings of two different drivers. Bonuses: +1% to the Control Roll if the occupant of the seat is the pilot of the vehicle. Cost: $400
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Originally posted by Sightblinder.
Wow. Just wow. Mantisking, you are good...

Mantisking, Gunman-$Life, and Borast: I have collected everything you contributed to this thread and am making a text file out of it so I can print it and make it cannon, I just need to format it so it looks nice :)
I already have my stuff in a word file. All you had to do was ask for it :). And by the way, it's "canon".
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Anti-Missile System:
When triggered, it sends out a canister designed to decoy enemy anti-aircraft missiles. The canister heats up to attract heat-seeking missiles, sends out streamers of aluminum -- called chaff -- designed to fool radar-guided missiles, and gives off a spectrum of radio signals in case the missile is homing in on a beacon. The system contains 10 canisters. Cost: $3,500. Refill Cost: $350 each canister. Weight: 100 pounds. Refill weight: 35 pounds. Bonuses: Attacking missiles have a -5 to Strike after a canister is launched. If this brings the Strike roll to 4 or below, the missiles automatically miss.

Chaff System:
When triggered, it sends out a canister designed to decoy enemy radar-guided, anti-aircraft missiles. The canister sends out streamers of aluminum -- called chaff -- designed to fool radar-guided missiles. The system contains 15 canisters. Cost: $2,000. Refill Cost: $150 each canister. Weight: 75 pounds. Refill weight: 15 pounds per canister. Bonuses: Attacking Radar-Guided missiles have a -5 to Strike after a canister is launched. If this brings the Strike roll to 4 or below, the missiles automatically miss.

Flare System: When triggered, it sends out flares designed to decoy enemy heat-seeking, anti-aircraft missiles. The system contains 15 flares. Cost: $2,000. Refill Cost: $100 each flare. Weight: 50 pounds. Refill weight: 10 pounds per flare. Bonuses: Attacking Heat-Seeking missiles have a -5 to Strike after a canister is launched. If this brings the Strike roll to 4 or below, the missiles automatically miss.

Puncture Proof Fuel Tank: The vehicle's fuel tank is filled with a sponge-like substance that prevents fuel from leaking when it is punctured. Bonuses: This vehicle is immune to the "Leak in Gas Tank" result on the Critical Damage Table (page 139). Weight: 10 pounds. Cost: $500.
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I thought the vehicle armor types needed redoing, so here's a new table.

New Vehicle Armor Table

Very Light.....8.........300............500 lbs.........$2,500
Light............10........500..........1,200 lbs........$5,000
Moderate.....12........700..........1,900 lbs........$7,500
Medium........14.......1000.........3,000 lbs......$10,000
Heavy..........16.......1200.........4,000 lbs......$30,000
Very Heavy..18........1400.........5,000 lbs.....$50,000
Note: Aircraft cannot take greater than Moderate grade armor.
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