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Tours, Tears, Tempers, & Tresspassers (Loralton game)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:08 pm
by Uncle Servo
I have been informed that I am remiss in my duties of recapping what's going on in my Loralton Academy campaign... and I'd have to agree. There has been some interesting goings-on since the last one, so allow me to have a go at rectifying that little oversight.

If you want to 'back track' and read what happend before all this, check out the 'A New Day Dawns At Loralton' thread towards the back of the thread listings. :ok:

Anyway, to start off here's a brief *snicker* breakdown of the characters involved...

GMPCs:  These are essentially our player characters.  We want to have some fun playing too.  :D

RHISSANNA APONTE (a.k.a. Quicksilver):  Rhis is petit for her 130 lbs. She keeps her waist length gold and silver hair lose or in a single braid. She has a light golden tan from living in Guam till she was 10. Rhis wears clothes of her own design. Her favorite outfit is a pair of tight low rider gold and silver pants, a black midrift with the symbol of the planet mercury on it, mercury symbol earings, and black boots. Rhis was raised by a weathy gentleman and her style shows it.  Rhis is the owner and founder of Lorlaton, using an inheritance from her guardian and funds/assistance from the Xavier school. She also is famous as a Broadway costume designer. 
POWERS:  Sonic Speed, Slow-Motion Control, Heightened Sense Of Awareness, Lighning Reflexes, and Speed Tasking.

CHANCE MARTIN (a.k.a. Draco):  Chance is a tall, muscular man with green eyes and dirty blonde hair. His most distinguishing features, however, are his large bat-like wings.  Chance prefers henley-necked shirts (specially modified so his wings can stick out), blue jeans or khakis, and his favorite pair of Timberland boots -- also specially modified to take advantage of his unique abilities.  Chance comes to Loralton from Florida (originally from Birmingham, Alabama), where he previously worked as a CSI for the Orlando PD. Ironically, he's somewhat afraid of heights (although it's not as bad as it was when he was a kid). 
POWERS:  Alter Limbs, Adapt To Environment, Alter Physical Body, Flight: Winged, and Healing Factor.

NPCs:  These are characters that also live at Loralton but will have a smaller role in events.  Most of them are there for specific reasons, which should be pretty obvious.

JAMESON KINCADE (a.k.a. Tendril):  A former diplomat to the U.N., Jameson literally is from Hell -- that is, the town of Hell on Grand Cayman Island in the British West Indies.  He serves as Loralton's PR man and legal counsel. Jameson is a rather handsome black man with short black hair and glasses. His muscular frame attests to his athletic prowess -- he jogs every morning and works out at least three days a week.  He also wears glasses while reading or teaching; he's slightly farsighted.  NOTE:  Jameson is fluent in eight different languages (besides English, his native language). 
POWERS: Tentacles, Adhesion, Bookworm, and Extraordinary Physical Prowess.

LUCAS MCGRAW (a.k.a. Uplink):  Lucas is a slim older man who has the beginnings of a pot belly, though he's taking up exercising again to get rid of it, and he speaks with a thick, slow Southern drawl.  His gray hair and glasses (slightly nearsighted) make him look about 10 years older than he really is. Lucas loves dark-colored polo shirts, especially with Scooby-Doo on them; he was 10 years old when the show first came on television and he's been a fan ever since.  He maintains and operates Loralton's various computer, communications, and defense/surveillance systems. 
POWERS:  Lucas is a Psi-Tech from Rifts with telemechanics, telemechanic mental operation, telemechanic paralysis, telemechanic possession, machine ghost, object read (psychometry), speed reading, total recall, remote viewing, sixth sense, telekinetic acceleration attack, telekinetic lift, telekinetic leap, telekinetic punch, nightvision, see the invisible, sense magic, telekinesis (super), electrokinesis, and mind block auto-defense.

FRAN MCGRAW (a.k.a. Geode): Fran is a short, blonde middle-aged woman with a friendly smile and a figure that stays slim because of outdoor activity rather than from any exercise program. As one could guess, she likes to dress in "Earth colors" (browns, greens, and blues) a lot.  The only jewelry she wears on a daily basis is her wedding band (anything else gets in the way when working).  She is Loralton's groundskeeper and resident botanist.
POWERS: Plant Control, Control Elemental Force: Earth, Alter Physical Structure: Stone, Earth Empowerment, and Super Burrowing.

ALMUNDENA "ALI" RIOS (a.k.a. Aquatica): In a nutshell, Ali resembles a handicapped Catherine Zeta Jones. Don't let the sea-colored wheelchair fool you though -- Ali is as active as she ever was, though she can't do some of her favorite activities any more, she is still very active.  Her body still holds the glow from her life in California, the tan, and the love of the surf. She still enjoys swimming and horseback riding.  Ali is working on her degree in Marine Biology at the University of South Carolina (and is the only student NPC).  Her "animal sister," a sea otter named Triteia, can always be found nearby. 
POWERS:  Underwater Abilities, Animal Brother, Sonar, and Beastmaster

BRIAN DEAN (a.k.a. Matrix):  A former member of the Israeli special forces and current head of powers training at Loralton, Brian is an incredibly attractive man in his mid 30s with short dark hair and a body that stands in testament to his intense workout regimen. In short, Brian is a chiseled slice of hottie beefcake. His teaching demeanor can best be described as a cross between the legendary coach Vince Lombardi, a Marine drill sergeant, and your average junk yard dog. The reason for this is simple: Brian feels that the war between humans and mutants Magneto speaks of is not only inevitable but is closer than anyone thinks. He feels that his destined role is to give mutants every advantage possible to defend themselves by training them to use their powers to their fullest. In fact, the only thing that kept Brian from joining the Brotherhood of Mutants is that he disagrees with Magneto's use of pre-emptive strikes on humanity. A strange turn of events, as he may or may not be the mutant terrorist's son.
POWERS:  Mimic, Magnetism, Negate Super Abilities/Powers, and Spin At High Velocity.

PCs: The real stars of the campaign. Their innate abilities have branded them as freaks and monsters by classmates, friends, and in some cases even their parents -- but do they have what it takes to rise above their own personal tragedies and forge new lives for themselves? More importantly, what happens when unforeseen dangers lurk in a world that fears and hates those whose genetic structure is different? Durn tootin' we'll find out...

ASHLEIGH WALKER (a.k.a. Animalia, played by Megan): At 6 feet 5 inches tall, Ashleigh is a WNBA talent scout's dream. She has waist length black hair, metallic silver eyes (which never change color no matter what animal form she takes), and a slender, extremely athletic, build. She suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism that affects her ability to interpret what people tell her (ex. someone is annoyed with her, and Ashleigh interprets the tone of voice as the person is angry, and she then gets angry right back). On a side note, Ash has the distinction of being the only player character in the group whose parents HAVEN'T abandoned her to some degree -- which pretty much blows the crap out of having a "Parent's Visitation Day" storyline.
POWERS: Animal Metamorphosis (Any & All Animals -- with a preference towards mythical ones), Telepathy, Sense Evil, and Sixth Sense.

KIRK WAGONNER (a.k.a. Lash, played by csyphrett): The things that stand out most about Kirk are his blue skin (pretty normal-looking otherwise) and his constant wisecracks. Yep, he's sailing dangerously close to infringing some X-copyrights here, but don't write him off as just a conversion. Lash is already proving himself to be his own character; anyone who thinks otherwise will be in for a shock when they see him in action with his energy whip.
POWERS: Teleport, Energy Whip, and Extraordinary Physical Prowess.

JOSIE PERTH (a.k.a. Atomic, played by Sara): Every group has that grumbling, anti-social loner jerkwad -- and Loralton is no exception. Josie is somewhat attractive with aburn hair and dark blue eyes, but she hides it with her choice of clothes (keeps herself covered with flannel shirts, jeans, and a ball cap pulled low). She keeps most folks at a distance due to her abrasive personality, which is a result of being emotionally abandoned by her parents (particularly her mother, who refused to even recognize Josie's existance after her younger sister was born). Josie is at Loralton not because she wants to, but rather to avoid jail time for killing someone in self-defense.
POWERS: Re-Channel & Expel Energy, Exploding Spheres, and Impervious to Fire & Heat.

KIRSTAN SCHLEINKOFER (a.k.a. Torque, played by Sammy -- with temporary takeover by Megan): Kirstan is tall, for a girl of her age, medium weight, and with her black eyes incredibly striking, though not in a fashion model sense. She has a wild taste in clothing, which matches her personality. She has dyed right red streaks into her blonde hair, has had both her left eyebrow and tongue pierced, and has a tattoo on her lower back of the anarchy symbol (a strange choice for someone of Principled alignment). Kirstan is temporarily being run by Megan so Sammy can make up some schoolwork she missed due to illness.
POWERS: Sense Evil, TK Push, TK Lift, Summon Inner Strength, Resist Fatigue, Night Vision, Levitation, Mind Block, Alter Aura, Ectoplasm.

JOHNATHAN WINSTON CHESSMORE III (a.k.a. Impetus, played by Darkwind): Soft-spoken, tall, and skinny, with black hair and brown eyes. Johnathan is living proof that being born to a wealthy family can easily be a curse more so than a blessing, as from birth he was pressured to become something he wasn't by his father who never considered his son 'good enough.' When Johnathan's power manifested as a defensive measure against a pack of bullies, his father literally wrote him off as a liability and shipped him off to Loralton. Johnathan will have to rely on his wits and clever use of his powers to give him an edge against more physically powerful opponents.
POWERS: Create Force Constructs, Energy Expulsion: Force, and Flying Force Disc. Johnathan will develop Force Aura at level 3, Power Bands at level 6, Sensory Orb at level 10, and Enhanced Leaping at level 15.

AMORPH (that's both his real name and codename, played by Kittenstomp): A 7-year-old genius permanently stuck in his APS: Putty form, meaning he is doomed forever to resemble Silly Putty in body, thought, and deed. Josie was neglected, Johnathan was disowned, but Amorph takes the 'hard luck sob story' to the summit so far by being found in a dumpster with birth fluids still on him. He was originally taken in by the Brotherhood, but left because they were as he put it, 'too mean.' Even after being abandoned and then raised by a band of mutated terrorists, Amorph's personality is incredibly... normal... for a 7-year-old, and is well on his way to becoming a much-needed source of levity in the group. After a short stint at the Xavier school he came to Loralton by way of an 11-hour car ride with the paragon of bubbly personality -- Scott Summers.
POWERS: Alter Physical Structure: Putty, Heightened Sense of Recall, Lightning Reflexes, and Alter Physical Body.

And I'd be most remiss if I didn't introduce...

HIVER CIEL (a.k.a. Kitten, played by raalynthslair): Hiver -- our newest recruit from north of the border -- is short, slender and sports a pair of cat-like ears and a tail. Streaks of natural blonde show up both in her hair and her personality, though the latter is primarily due to her having grown up in a sheltered environment. While Hiver is certainly no stranger to anti-mutant persecution, her personality remains upbeat and cheerful. Her curiosity, bubbly personality, and penchant for overstating the obvious is going to give Amorph a serious run for his money when it comes to the 'Crack Up The GMs' department.
POWERS: Supervision -- Nightvision, Heightened Sense Of Smell, Heightened Sense Of Hearing, Extraordinary Physical Prowess, and Healing Factor.


Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:34 pm
by ApocalypseZero
Hey! Where's the creme filling?? (or as you might call it, the story.)

I've been hopping around on this board waiting for your next session just to get to the new character, Hiver!? NO, give me story, or give me.....umm, story.

Hopefully, you are working on putting the story up soon. I am eager to continue the reading.

Re: Hey!!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 3:41 pm
by Uncle Servo
ApocalypseZero wrote:Hey! Where's the creme filling?? (or as you might call it, the story.)

Geez, grow some patience, willya? :lol: Here's a first taste of the creme filling...


When last we visited the Loralton crew, everyone had sat down to dinner with only two exceptions -- Chance (who still hadn't arrived) and Coach Dean (who was apparently still venting over Amorph's arrival).

Dinner passes relatively calmly and without incident. After everything is cleaned up and the dishes put away, the students go to their rooms in order to put on their training uniforms before going on the 'grand tour' with Jameson and Fran. They are taken through all the rooms in the mansion before heading down to the Underground Complex. Converted from a system of natural caverns underneath the mansion, the Underground Complex bears a sharp contrast to the sterilized sci-fi look of Xavier's sub-basement with its exposed stalagtites and utilitarian engineering (in truth it bears more resemblance to Stryker's underground base or even the Batcave). The students are given the grand tour of this level as well -- and politely yet firmly informed of the areas that are strictly off-limits to non-staffers (such as the control room, maintanence areas, and the ever-lovin' arsenal).

The tour ends in the crown jewel of the Loralton Underground Complex -- The Training Room. By far the largest single room cavern of them all, a regulation NFL football game could easily be held within its confines. A large window high along one wall allows viewing from the Training Control Room. Various modules and components line the walls and the ceiling. Also on the ceiling is an immense network of bars, platforms, hoops, and other protrusions -- essentially a giant 'jungle gym' for fliers and acrobats to fine-tune their abilities. The floor has been smoothed out and divided into 4' squares, for a reason that will make itself known later.

As the group enters the 'safe zone' (an alcove next to the entry marked in bright yellow), they find out where Coach Dean has been all this time. He is standing in the middle of the room, apparently venting his frustration by engaging in some target practice -- using his magnetism powers to hurl 12" landscaping spikes (big freakin' nails) into a wooden target mounted on a drone flying around the room. When he notices the group he uses his powers again to audibly wrench the spikes from the target and return them to special holsters on his own white-colored training uniform. He then begins to address the students on the nature and purpose of the training room and the exercises in which they are required to participate.

Dean's teaching demeanor can best be described as a cross between the legendary coach Vince Lombardi, a Marine drill sergeant, and your average junk yard dog -- and that's on a good day. Given his levels of frustration and his innate distrust of Amorph, the students didn't even get the benefit of starting off on his good side (if there is such a thing). Kirk inadvertantly throws a match onto Dean's kindling by asking if he can skip training as his powers worked perfectly. Dean, calm in a scary kind of way, replies by asking for a demonstration of Kirk's powers. Kirk tries to comply, but finds that Dean has negated his abilities as an impromptu object lesson in the folly of relying exclusively on them. Even if Kirk got Dean's point, it wounds Kirk's pride and so he storms off to sulk. Josie, already hostile at the thought of being forced into being a 'team player' quickly follows suit.

Jameson takes Kirk aside and tries to mend fences, and at length manages to convince the stubborn youth to at least sit in and watch from the safe zone. Fran tries a similar approach with Josie but is ignored as the girl brushes past her in silence.

Note: This is where Sara (Josie's player) stopped posting and eventually fell off the face of the earth due to her graduating from college. Sara has been relegated to lurker status and Josie is now being played by my co-GM Martha and myself as an NPC until a suitable departure can be written in.

Coach Dean is obviously disappointed in the fact that two students have refused to participate, but decides to press on with Ashleigh, Amorph, Johnathan, and Kirstan. The exercise is simple -- physically touch Coach Dean (in the middle, with the students roughly 50' in each direction) without being tagged themselves by the Training Room's projectile launchers (for this exercise loaded with regular paintballs); essentially it's a game of 'tag' with some added optional extras thrown in.

Dean gives a signal to Lucas up in the Training Control Room (where Scott is observing as well), and over the loudspeakers comes "Hittin' The Hey" by Rednex (a European techno-bluegrass dance band -- it's not so loud as to cause damage to your hearing, but it's loud enough to make it hard to communicate with each other), signalling the beginning of the exercise.

Coach Dean begins by dropping into a combat stance, ready to dodge any tag attempts. Amorph bellows out "It's Clobberin' Time!" as he goes to his solid phase and begins forming weapons with his hands and extending his legs to better close on Dean. Ashleigh morphs into a golden eagle and prepares to launch herself into the air. Kirstan stands still, focusing her concentration on forming an ectoplasmic tentacle. Johnathan, who is still unaware of the nature and use of his abilities, simply stands there gawking at the others. The Training Room's systems seem to be in a charitable mood as they pass over Johnathan and Kirstan, instead targeting Amorph and Ashleigh with paintball shots. Ashleigh easily dodges (with a natural 20) by taking flight away from the shot -- but Amorph isn't so lucky as the paintball strikes home despite his attempt to duck out of the way. He howls in frustration and oozes his way across the Training Room to the safe zone, where Kirk offers a few words of consolation before hurling a taunt about Coach Dean being in a gay porno.

The second set of actions start off the same as the first, with Dean continuing to scan the students in case they get close enough to try to tag. Ashleigh starts circling higher and higher, trying to build up enough altitude to attempt a diving run. Kirstan continues to focus on generating her tentacle. Johnathan is surprised by a telepathic warning from Ashleigh, but recovers and does the only thing he can think of doing: walk steadily towards Dean (a tactic that doesn't fail in gathering strange looks from student, player, and GM alike). The Training Room systems give the launchers a rest and instead attempt to blind the students with high-intensity strobe lights -- but all attempts fall short of the mark (the closest is Kirstan, who has her midsection nicely illuminated but is in no danger of being blinded).

Kirk, watching from the sidelines, can no longer contain himself and teleports into the air right above Dean's head. The tactic works, because even with Dean's reflexes he wasn't expecting Kirk to join the exercise and therfore couldn't get out of the way in time. The two fall to the ground together in a heap before they quickly scramble back to their feet. Kirstan, Johnathan, and Ashleigh continued on their courses of action even as the two 'walking tempers' untangled themselves. Kirk found himself on the receiving end of another paintball before Lucas could remove him from the targeting profile, but thanks to his incredible agility he sidestepped the shot with ease. Ashleigh and Kirstan again found themselves unmolested by the Training Room's systems. Johnathan's luck had apparently run out however, as one of the 4' squares revealed itself to be a concealed pillar; it thrust upwards, trapping Johnathan over 20' in the air...

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:20 pm
by ApocalypseZero
You enjoy teasing me don't you? You lure me here, have me read your stories, and then cut me cold turkey. Now I know how a crack addict feels (or something similiar). :lol:

I can't wait to read the rest. I am loving the story. It's got a happy-go-lucky feeling to it, where as my story seems to be more dark and moody. But, we will have to see what comes of the future. Hopefully I will have my boys acting straight by the time Wideawake hits. Of course, at that time, my world goes to hell.

Re: Tours, Tears, Tempers, & Tresspassers (Loralton game

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:40 pm
by Uncle Servo
raalynthslair wrote:
Uncle Servo wrote:HIVER CIEL (a.k.a. Kitten):
POWERS: Supervision -- Nightvision, Heightened Sense Of Smell, Heightened Sense Of Hearing, Extraordinary Physical Prowess, and Healing Factor.

you forgot that she's darn cute too! ^_~

Dude... I don't care if she DOES have a PB of 22 -- talking too much about how cute a 14-year-old is can easily get an old codger like me arrested!


Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:10 pm
by Uncle Servo
Now that we've covered the Tours and Tempers part of the recap, let's move on to Tears...

While Jameson and Fran takes the students on their tour, Rhis retires to her boudoir to look over some things and remains working there as evening gives way to night. Even above the radio, she can hear a strange sound similar to a foot scraping along the concrete rail on the garden terrace outside. Even though her nightvision is reduced thanks to clouds covering up the moon she thinks she can make out someone darting inside. She grabs a pistol and makes her way down to Chance's room, which is empty save for an open window that was supposed to be closed; through the window she can hear more of the scraping noise but it falls silent as she calls out a soft "Hello." She darts back outside to the terrace, using her super speed to get the jump on whoever (or whatever) it was making the noise. Even in the darkness she can make out one of the gargoyles on the roof silhouetted against the night sky.

Then Rhis realizes -- the Loralton mansion doesn't HAVE gargoyles.

She tightens the grip on her gun and points it directly at the gargoyle, calling out for it to identify itself. After a heartbeat's silence, the gargoyle spreads its dragon-like wings taut and identifies itself as Chance Martin, who has finally arrived at the mansion after being delayed several hours due to helping out at a severe traffic accident en route. After a short exchange, he leaves to change out of his blood-stained clothes and take a shower. He comes back a few minutes later and the two start making nervous and awkward small talk before the conversation inevitably winds its way around to thier previous relationship and where they go from here. It's a test of who can keep their composure longest, and it's Rhis who loses out as she bursts out in tears of regret over ending things the way she did. In a reunion scene worthy of the "Friends" series finale, they fall into each others' arms for an embrace both have waited several years for.

Once the initial reunion has played itself out Rhis offers to take Chance on a tour of his own (since he missed the first one). They decide to start off in the Training Room as that's where the rest of the group should be by now. They get down there just in time for Josie to brush past them as she did Fran on her way back to the elevator and to see Kirk do his 'teleporation tackle' stunt on Coach Dean. Jameson greets both of them and pulls Rhis aside to tell her about the rampaging attitudes that have been going on.

Before Rhis can respond to Jameson's news, however, lights start flashing and alarms start blaring. Lucas breaks in over the loudspeakers and announces that there is an intruder on the grounds by the front gate. Coach Dean uses his Mimic power to gain access to Kirk's teleportation power and ripples out of the Training Room to intercept. Rhis tells Fran to stay behind and keep an eye on the students, then takes off with Jameson and Chance to help Dean. Kirk, wanting his own view of the festivities, teleports away as well...

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:30 pm
by Uncle Servo
Okay, since we've covered Tears, Tours, and Tempers I betcha can't guess what THIS post is gonna deal with... :D

I apologize for this being a rather lengthy one. Raalynthslair did a good job posting, and since most of the other player characters had their intro post related here in their entirety I though it was only fitting to do so here too. The fact that I was too lazy to condense the posts down has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. :lol:

Another thing to point out here is that the discussion between Hiver and the truck driver originally took place entirely in French. I have stuck raalynthslair's translations in to make it a bit easier to read.


"It's here little miss." The middle-aged trucker said to his young passenger.

"There's nothing here." The girl responded, looking out the window of the 18-wheeler's cabin. "Where is the school?" She said, with a hint of worry and confusion in her voice.

"It's just a short way up the road, around the bed. There's a gate and wall." He said, pointing. He turned and popped the driver's door open and stepped out. He walked around the front of the truck and opened the door for the girl. He reached up and took her small hands and helped her down out of the vehicle.

He looked her over as she gracefully slid down to the stepping brace and to the gound. She wore a simple pink dress that was short, probably mid-thigh at best, and that flowed freely from her chest down. The dress was modestly cut in the chest, no worse than the average teen-aged girls' t-shirt. The dress had puffed sleeves that ended with a tight bow tied almost mid-way down the upper arm. She wore white tights and pink shoes that resembled school uniform shoes, but with a fairly high raised heel. She was just a little over 5 feet with them on, so he assumed it was to pronounce her height more than to draw attention to her figure - which she didn't have much of anyway. He smiled as she stood there looking around, taking a few steps carefully minding her dress in the wind. She reminded him of his daughter, lost to him only two years ago, who was nearly this same age. Unlike his daughter, this girl had light brown hair with slight blonde highlights. She was also noticeably a mutant. She had cat-like ears protruding through her hair, which was worn in two loose-hanging pigtails, tied with pink bows as well, that ended with a short braided section at the end. Her hair almost reached the large bow on the back of her dress, even tied up as it was, he imagined it'd reach almost all the way down her back if it was free. He saw her tail moving quickly, she was curious and excited, and probably nervous.

"Let me get your bags." The man said, pulling out two large, and heavy suitcases from the truck. "I'll carry them for you."

"No sir. You've done too much. Let me carry them, they are mine after all." She pleaded, trying to take a hand on one of the suitcases.

"No, I am good. You get your purse and your laptop case." She looked surprised and jumped up on the truck. She leaned over the seat, standing on her tip-toes to reach inside. She leaned back, holding her dress down against the breeze with one arm, and carrying a laptop case and purse in the other arm. She hopped off and bounced once playfully. She closed the truck door and jogged up to the man as best she could in her shoes. It wasn't hard to catch up to him with the weight he was carrying. "Thank you!" She said as she approached.

"It's nothing." He said.

A few moments later they arrived at the gate. He set her suitcases down and looked at her. "Mind what you are taught here. The world hates people like you and me. My daughter could not protect herself. Make sure that you can." He said after a moment. A tear began to form in his eyes.

Hiver leaned in and hugged him gently. "Thank you sir! I will do my best. Thanks for everything!" She stepped back and watched him leave, noticing the bulge on his back under his shirt. She wondered what it was he kept hidden from the world's eyes. Had it not been for the arranged meeting with him by her father, the secret travels with trusted friends, and the destination of a mutant school she too would have had her visible mutations hidden. She thought of the constricting tights her mother had made for her to hide her tail, or the large bulky long dresses and skirts she wore, and of the painfully tense hairpins used to hold her ears hidden under her hair, and the prosthetic false ears that had to be practically glue to her head to appear as if she had human ears. She shuddered.

But that was not a worry now. She looked at the gate, "Loralton Academy" she said aloud. She had arrived finally at a school where she'd fit in. She had arrived here on time without a problem despite her peculiar means of transportation and secretive methods. She had a feeling that something great was about to happen. Nothing could stop it!

In the distance she heard the truck roar off to a start. Her ride was leaving, she was here. Smiling she half-walked and half-skipped to the gates. A great new chapter in life was about to begin!

She pressed on the gates... locked. Locked? Locked?! How was she supposed to start her new life here if she couldn't get in? She noticed a call box. Pressing the button she stood a few moments swaying back and forth onto her tip-toes and back to her heels edge, rocking herself as if playing with time to ammuse herself. She pressed the button a few more times... still no reply.

Pulling out her paper she read the date and time... 4 O'clock on the 6th. Ok. "It IS oh-4-hundred." She said aloud, speaking in English suddenly, not realizing she'd switched. "Where is everyone? And why I am getting here before the sun?"

She read on... "Training and testing will begin right away." That's it! She knew it, it was a test! She grinned at how clever she was, and to think they'd try and fool a young girl on her first day, when she's not even made it into the campus yet! She scoffed a gigglish laugh to herself. "Let's get in and pass this test!" She thought. She dragged her suitcases, one at a time using her legs on either side and pulling backwards like a little kid pulling a large heavy chair, into the bushes and hid them both. She took her laptop bag and purse and hid it among the bushes too.

She walked up to the gates... She realized she couldn't quite squeeze through the bars... and almost tore her dress trying! "The tragedy!" However, she DID tear her tights a little, "oh fooey!" she cursed herself. "Well, up and over!" She walked along the wall a little ways until she got to a tree fairly close and climbed up. She moaned about dirtying her dress and ruining her tights further as she stood on a large branch near the wall. "Ok, uneven bars type jump, land on my hands and let my momentum carry me over." She ran a gymnastics-like motion through her mind... and took a few quick steps and leapt! Springing out of the tree she landed on a handstand for a split second on the top of the wall, and pushed to send her self flying over... She drifted swiftly and gracefully down, keeping her legs tightly together and ignoring her flapping dress in her face. She hit down, knees bending to absorb the shock, but feet remaining planted. She stood, raised her arms in a "V" above her head, the swiftly dropped them to push her dress back down... She looked around... "I'm in, that was too easy for the first test!" She giggled to herself and began to survey where she would go next...

The combination of moonlight and Hiver's own nightvision gave her a view of her surroundings that was as clear as if she was standing there in the daytime. The driveway continued on for a ways, then wound its way around a curve and out of sight. On either side, there was roughly 10 feet of grass before trees, shrubs, and other assorted undergrowth took over and made seeing into it more than a few yards nearly impossible. Fortunately, there was no sign or scent of guard dogs in the immediate area -- if there were any, they weren't allowed this close to the gate.

Hiver's presence had not gone unnoticed, however, as her movements triggered sensors hidden near the gate/wall. She had only gone a few steps up the driveway when her uncanny hearing picked up the soft whine of a motor, almost like a string trimmer. The noise was muffled, and quite likely wouldn't have been heard at all by normal ears. Whatever it was, it seemed to be up in the air -- and it was getting closer.

Suddenly, a bright light seemed to appear out of nowhere and almost blinded Hiver. An automated voice boomed over a loudspeaker (obviously mounted on the same flying machine that housed the spotlight): "HALT! YOU ARE TRESSPASSING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY! PLEASE IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE!"

Before she could respond, a shiny 12" long metal nail embedded itself into the ground at her feet. A voice from outside the spotlight -- a human one this time, but without any more emotion than the mechanical one -- added, "And if you DON'T identify yourself and remain where you are, I'll nail your @$$ to the nearest pine tree!"


Okay, ApocalypseZero... is THIS enough freakin' creme filling for you? :lol:

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:04 pm
by ApocalypseZero
Hey, now that's the fluff....err stuff. :lol:

Hey, it's been close to 2 months that I have been waiting to read more on this. Although, I will have to say that UncS has been giving me a little insight. I have to say, I love the story. I had the life of HU revived in me by this storyline. I feel attached to it in some way. Now, I must go, my HU game is calling. :D

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:18 pm
by Uncle Servo
ApocalypseZero wrote:I have to say, I love the story. I had the life of HU revived in me by this storyline. I feel attached to it in some way.

Wow. That's got to be one of the biggest compliments we've ever received -- ranking right up there with a player going on someone else's game thread and bragging on how much he's enjoying Loralton. Thanks for the kind words.

However, Martha and I can't take all the credit. It's also because of the great pack of players (Sara, Megan, Sammy, Kittenstomp, csyphrett, Darkwind, and raalynthslair) that we've got such a good story going.

Great job so far, everyone! :ok:

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:22 am
by Uncle Servo
Darkwind wrote:Awwwww...Man!!! No mention of Johnathan's attempt to handle Coach Dean like he was in a boardroom? LOL

I think that didn't work because a.) Johnathan's hairstyle wasn't bad enough, and b.) he didn't use the words, "Coach Dean... YOU'RE FIRED!"


Well, at least the pillar lowered back down once the alarms started... and for a brief moment, you knew that all your peers could look up to you!

*ducks the flying tomatoes*

Mr. Obvious

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 11:02 pm
by ApocalypseZero
Obviously, you must have missed the part where I said that I got my recharge for Heroes Unlimited from you initial game post of Loralton. Literally, anything before that was nothing of any solid working. Of course, I do have to say that I am more comfortable with Rifts, I do enjoy the normal world of HU as a break.

You have been cremed, again. :lol: :D :?

Re: Mr. Obvious

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 10:02 pm
by Uncle Servo
ApocalypseZero wrote:Obviously, you must have missed the part where I said that I got my recharge for Heroes Unlimited from you initial game post of Loralton. Literally, anything before that was nothing of any solid working. Of course, I do have to say that I am more comfortable with Rifts, I do enjoy the normal world of HU as a break.

No, I didn't miss that part... but it's still not every day you hear someone say that a campaign you're running has revitalized someone's interest in a game. The "wow" factor hasn't worn off (and quite frankly I hope it never does -- because I don't want to grow complacent and expect folks to like just any dribble I have a hand in producing).

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:20 am
by ApocalypseZero
Oh, then allow mw to cast the first stone then.

You Suck!! Boo!! Hiss!! I've seen better GMing from barnyard animals!! :D

Actually, that is how my last game turned out (after you left). Now I have to write up an email teaching others how to roleplay and not simply give me emotionless (I call it the Robot Syndrome) replies like......

GM: "You seem to have found nothing in the area."
Player (and you might be able to guess who it is): "Okay, we go back to the car, drive to the next area, then do it again."

Now, does that show emotion? Interest? Enjoyment? I think not. At least I can say it seems that your group is not suffering the same problems I am. Good thing the player lives close, that way I can whack him in the head with whatever object I choose.

Remember Loraltonites, don't let this happen to you! :lol:

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:37 am
by Yukon
ApocalypseZero wrote:Oh, then allow mw to cast the first stone then.

You Suck!! Boo!! Hiss!! I've seen better GMing from barnyard animals!! :D

Actually, that is how my last game turned out (after you left). Now I have to write up an email teaching others how to roleplay and not simply give me emotionless (I call it the Robot Syndrome) replies like......

GM: "You seem to have found nothing in the area."
Player (and you might be able to guess who it is): "Okay, we go back to the car, drive to the next area, then do it again."

Now, does that show emotion? Interest? Enjoyment? I think not. At least I can say it seems that your group is not suffering the same problems I am. Good thing the player lives close, that way I can whack him in the head with whatever object I choose.

Remember Loraltonites, don't let this happen to you! :lol:

some people like roleplaying in first person, and some people in second person. and some in third or fourth person... many persons are there?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:10 am
by ApocalypseZero
some people like roleplaying in first person, and some people in second person. and some in third or fourth person... many persons are there?

Huh? You mean how many players? Right now I have 5, but 1 has computer problems, and another went MIA on me. So just 3 for the moment. As for some of my problems, check out the email I sent my group. It is in the GM Forum on pg 2 of the thread, GM Advice.

If that doesn't explain it, PM me.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:19 am
by ApocalypseZero
Raal, I knew that.

It was merely the way Yukon presented his question which confused me, and in the confusion, I wrote my reply.

Now that I am not confused anymore, I understand what he was asking, and it wasn't a point of my player being in Third person or whatever, it was the point that the player did not play his character, he merely moved him like you would control a robot with a joystick, pure and emotionless. And as far as I know, the character is not a robot, nor is he emotionless, in fact, he should be very distrought with the death of his mage friend. All in all, I left out the vital part of the player giving his reactions in the OOC (Out Of Character, we put that before posts so we distinguish between the two).

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:11 pm
by ApocalypseZero
Well, do you feel that we have sufficently hijacked this thread from Servo?

:lol: manically :lol:
Loralton is mine!
:lol: manically :lol:

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:04 pm
by Uncle Servo
ApocalypseZero wrote:Well, do you feel that we have sufficently hijacked this thread from Servo?

What, a thread hijacked on the Palladium Boards? Who'da thunk it?? :eek:

*wonders how long he can hold the fake 'shocked' expression*

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:13 pm
by ApocalypseZero
I am glad someone is around to keep me awake today.

Oh, and the shocked expression is slipping. :D

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 11:37 am
by Uncle Servo
Well, since I last updated...

Hiver attempts to jump out of the spotlight and into the woods (hopefully) where the nail-slinging assailant can't see her. Fortunately Rhis shows up in a blur (literally) and defuses the situation before it becomes a flat out battle. Obviously this doesn't set well with Matrix/Coach Dean, who views Rhis' actions as taking away his authority and hindering his effectiveness as Loralton's guardian. He uses Kirk's teleport power (still within the time limit under Mimic) and retires to his room to sulk for the rest of the evening.

Chance and Jameson catch up just as Dean 'ports out and busy themselves with the task of gathering up Hiver's bags while Rhis confers with Hiver and realizes that the girl has misread the arrival time -- and as a result, she's about 12 hours LATE (though nobody has yet to make that point evident).

Meanwhile, the alarms going off in the training room have had an undesired effect on Ashleigh, who was flying around in eagle form right next to a speaker when they sounded. She loses control and starts spiralling down towards the floor. Lucas, afraid that she won't regain control before crashing, sends up a cluster of pillars underneath her to break her fall. Ashleigh is banged up just a bit, but is otherwise unharmed aside for her pride.

Kirk teleports back into the training room, informs the group of what's happening, and announces that he's going out for a burger (though it's only been a couple of hours since dinner), and Amorph joins him after donning a variety of props and makeup to make him look 'more human.' They teleport out right as Rhis and Hiver enter the mansion's front door, arriving at the bus station where Kirk arrived. The soft neon glow of golden arches are visible only a mile away.