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Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 9:51 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Curse of the world bazzar.

the armor of the bazar is an armor spell.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:25 pm
by ZEN
Tyciol wrote:Death Trance (1)

While this spell could be argued to be illusion as it makes the user seem dead when he is not, it actually produces physical effects such as slowing your heartbeat and breathing down. It doesn't do anything to fool the senses, that's up to their observation.

Yes I agree with you there, however, there may be a little bit of illusion involved, such as causing the body to feel cold and masking any sign of breathing, heartbeat or brain activity.

Ventriloquism (3, PFRPG)

This is throwing your voice, a skill many people use. The mage is still creating sound, the spell is just transferring where it goes. Hardly illusion.

This is an illusion, it provides a magical means for the spell caster to perform a trick requiring skills they don't possess, plus, while the spellcaster may by creating a sound at point A, the illusionary magic effect is creating a matching sound at point B, while also masking the sound at point A.

Horror (10)

This is more of a mind control spell, not illusion. It creates intense fear in their minds, but not because of anything fooled.

There is no real source of fear aside from the spell effect.. sure, it's mind control.. why does that disqualify it from being an illusionary spell?

Wisps of Confusion (40)

Like the above, only confuses and disorients, it's like a stun spell, not an illusion.

Why is it called Wisps anyway? What frikken wisps? But again, as above, this is an illusionary spell including mind control, perhaps it causes distortion of vision and the sense of balance, perhaps it bombards the senses with strange smells and wobbly blurring and crazy tilts to the observed ground level or distorts judgement of distance.. either way, it is an illusion, as nothing is really different except the victims perceptions.

Magic Warrior (60)

This might get by... but since it causes a physical effect I wouldn't call it a full illusion. Perhaps saving against the spell means the energy created by the spell caster to mold the warrior loses composure against the person's resistance, it's not a complete fabrication like the horrific illusion, though combining both would be an interesting fabrication.

Badly constructed game mechanics for this spell.. the jury is out on classification as fragile magic construct or illusionary belief based mind over matter thingy

Re: magic pigeon

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:52 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Ickus wrote:Ok... dredging up the past here... but

Why doesn't Magic Pigeon make it onto the list of illusion spells. In my opinion it is about as close to an illusion as you can get without having the word in the description.

Because there IS a physical pigeon created.