omnicrondelicious wrote: Ugh. I dunno why your post rubbed me the wrong way so much. I guess it just felt too much like "my way is the right way" to play. But after the above little cathartic rant, I feel better.
of course it was "my way is the right way". that's why I labeled it a 'rant'. don't take it personally man.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Wow dude. There are several ways I want to respond. So I'm going to do them all!
Insulted Omni:
You've crossed over from responding to the original poster's request "to get some ideas and feedback on how this whole thing works" to bashing how other people play their own games. You'd think we were forcing you to play it our way. We're not, so chill. I think everyone understands loud and clear that you don't like having separate ammo for weapons but I don't need someone telling me what 'feel' is in an RPG when I've been playing them for 14 years.
I was giving feedback as well. I never thought you were trying to tell me how to play, and it wouldn't have mattered even if you had. no offence Omni, but I'll burn my books before I play your way. as far as bashing it goes, you all were presenting your opinions on play style, why the hell shouldn't I?
omnicrondelicious wrote: Mocking Omni:
I totally know where you are coming from. Specific ammo is such a drag. Man, this one time my GM wouldn't let me use crossbow bolts for my bow and I said, no way! That's just making life tough! KISS and all. And then that Ninjas & Superspies game where my character used a .45 Colt and a 5.56mm M16 and all the bad guys used 7.62 AK-47s and stuff and I couldn't use their clips. That sucked. Last time I played with that GM. Yeah, that specific ammo thing just makes the setting lame...
No dude, making weapons have specific clips does not drag down the game. In fact, the vast majority of game systems do not allow willy-nilly swapping of ammo.
it does when ammo is as hard to come by as in Rifts. dispite how it seems in the books, only a very few places in the world have the ability to recharge E-Clips. remember, the books only outline the MAJOR players and places in Rifts, the rest is either deserted or mideval style, if not more primitive, remember, teh CS only has 5 million people total and they claim a lot of real estate comparitivly. settiling are few and far between, and on the road it can be WEEKS before you can re-supply. and who knows when you need to use your ammo to fight off random beasites. taking them off of downed enimies is the best and sometimes the ONLY way to get them in time.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Ranting Omni:
Since when was KISS the palladium rule of thumb? Palladium is not exactly known as the simplest or most elegant system in the world. In fact, it's known as clunky.
and I never could understand why. am I the ONLY person who thinks it's simple? I love Palladium Books because the system is beatuful in it's simplicity. no, I'm not being sarcastic, I took to it like a duck to water. naturally, there was one or two points that I disagree with, mostly for taking restrictions OFF the mechanics and making them even more simple. all you are doing is rolling a die and adding modifications, what's complicated about math?
omnicrondelicious wrote: As for the issue of interjecting real-life into an RPG, what you fail to grasp is there are a couple hundred people on this list and each person has different elements and degrees of reality they like to have reflected in the game setting. Some people really like snipers. And they want realistic sniper rules. Some people are military specialists and want a tank to behave like a tank and be able to kill an infantryman on a direct hit. Some people are history majors and like societies based on real-world principles. Some are economics graduates who find the credit system breaks their tolerance for suspension of disbelief. And some people own guns and know that you can't pop any ol' clip into any ol' gun and would like that in the game. People enjoy bringing what they know into games - what's wrong with that?
not a thing, not a blessed thing. he asked for advise, I gave him it, it was don't do it.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Nobody is forcing any of these into your games, much less all of them. I certainly only focus on a few elements of the real-world in my campaign. I just don't care enough about snipers to alter the rules. If you don't care about any of the above, that's completely totally fine. But don't come down on threads that are interested in those topics. In fact, if you don't care about real-world stuff in your games, I have to wonder why do you keep reading and posting on these threads then?
congrats on misinterpreting the topic. he sated teh issuse of if they are interchanable and asked"WHAT DO YOU THINK?" I told him what I thought and was quite in line with it. all I did was offor a dissenting opinion from the majority of the board. my opinion is still valid. this is an open forum for disscussion. they have the right to state what they think, and I have a right to disagree with them. these boards are NOT strictly for discussing how to apply real-wrold topics. they are for DISSUCSION, which includes mentioning the possibility that it might no be nessecarry.
omnicrondelicious wrote: re: lack of setting in the books... I can make an arms catalog a helluva lot easier than I can a setting book and I don't need to spend $20 for a bunch of weapons.
I guess this is just where you and i differ. i can sit down and in 2 hours, create a new city anywhere, in the New West, canada, japan, or anywhere in between. I can think of it's primary industry, technology level, general apperacne and fashions of people, it's general attitude twords D-bee/CS/rape/homosexuals/stranges/most anything else that will come up with my players, and what I can't think of, IF it comes up, I can easily make it up on the fly. I can think of it's arts, buildings and get a rough scetch of the town map. I can think of it's leaders, it's rebels, it's crime and who controls it. major players, famous people, how others think of it, and what the players can do there. it's a pice of cake. I know I can, because I have done so. repeadedly.
but damned if I can make a new rifle. I can sit there. I can't think of it's type, power, stats, anything. or a system. I'll leave that happy task up to big Kevin and company, as well as the bissest people/places. leave the small stuff to me.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Look at the plethora of fan-made weapons and vehicles for Rifts online.
why? theres plently in the core books, I have better things to do with my time.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Compare that to the amount of quality setting material...
my point is it's up to the GM to provide that, it's part and parcle with the job. I don't like pre-made games becuase everythings already made, all I need to do is read the book myself and suddenly i know where everything is and what the secret is. I enjoy the hook, line, and sinkers in palladium as reading material, but I don't use them.
omnicrondelicious wrote: Do there really need to be 100 different energy rifles? Really, do there?
sinse you seem to like real-world so much, why not sinse there are hundereds in real life (non-energy at leas) and too damn many handguns to count.
omnicrondelicious wrote:As for developing all the setting info for myself, Nekira - you aren't a full-time student, a volunteer at an archaeology lab, and don't have a fiance.
true, except for the full time student part. I just spend time in class on here too. I have other things that take my time up thank you very much. It dosn't require all that much time.
omnicrondelicious wrote: It is very, very handy to have published, detailed material. Too much detailed material is a bad thing. But there is a nice in-between which I don't feel Palladium has been achieving.
I disagree with you there. enough said.