Re: Friction Control
Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 11:12 am
AlricFlaim wrote:This might take two people, but how about making the floor under people frictionless so that when they try to move they fall down...Then increase the friction of the floor so they're stuck laying down on it.
Increased friction won't keep them pinned to the floor (in fact it would make it slightly easier to get up). Now, if you keep the floor frictionless, THEN they wouldn't be able to get up (but then all they have to do is blow their breath in the right direction in orser to move/slide across the floor).
Couldn't I increase the friction of my hands and feet to let me climb buildings? I'm not sure this would work, but it sort of makes sense.
So anyone got any input on my uses? or any other uses to add?
Nope - increased friction won't let you climb a sheer wall, though incresed friction would HELP you climb things by making it harder to slip.