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Magic rule clarifications/questions.
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 1:04 am
by ectospheno
I have a few questions regarding magic in the Palladium Fantasy setting.
1. Circle Magic. The book states that removing the components from a circle stops the circle from working. What is there to prevent a being that makes his saving throw to enter a circle from simply kicking away the components?
2. Spell Magic. How do you determine if a spell caster has been interrupted (such as from being hit by a weapon)? Is there some sort of save vs pain? While I own pretty much all of the Palladium Fantasy books I don't own a single Rifts book so please don't reference one of them when answering this item.
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:45 am
by Adam of the Old Kingdom
1: Nothing, he made his save.
if you want, you can have the cirlce itself make a save, magic being the wierd magical thing that it is, to see if the magic that is chaneled through and binds the cirle can be broken.
2: save vs pain sounds about right. anyone else got more?
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 4:10 pm
by Veknironth
Well, the circle is broken if the components are destroyed. IF the creature saves, better have some sort of back up plan.
As for the save, there is none. IF you are struck by a weapon, or there's some other distraction that will ruin the spell. Better be careful when you're casting a spell. A good way around that is to use the channeling rules, then your spells will most likely be off in 1 attack. Also, you can't cast a spell while performing an action that requires concentration. Casting a spell is difficult.
"Not making magic easy."
Re: Magic rule clarifications/questions.
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 9:29 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
ectospheno wrote:
2. Spell Magic. How do you determine if a spell caster has been interrupted (such as from being hit by a weapon)? Is there some sort of save vs pain? While I own pretty much all of the Palladium Fantasy books I don't own a single Rifts book so please don't reference one of them when answering this item.
Most GMs used a ME roll for when someone is trying to interupt a mage's casting. (have the mage roll (under) vs his ME Score) This is because the mage is ocupied with a mental fomula for casting the spell and if he has the mental edurance to 'keep his mind' on what he is doing then he cast the spell w/o interuption.
Re: Magic rule clarifications/questions.
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 4:05 pm
by Vidynn
ectospheno wrote:. Spell Magic. How do you determine if a spell caster has been interrupted (such as from being hit by a weapon)? Is there some sort of save vs pain? While I own pretty much all of the Palladium Fantasy books I don't own a single Rifts book so please don't reference one of them when answering this item.
there is an official rule, you dont need a save vs pain (which is debated in another thread - IMO it isnt needed, we have the PE-stat and Hit Points).
PF-rulesbook, pg 46: There is a 90% likelihood that a spell caster will lose his concentration if struck a painful blow, preventing the casting of the spell.
cheers, Vid