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Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:36 am
by sHaka
Hi Guys!!

I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this topic has been tackled before (though a search yielded nothing).

How do you Handle Movement in your games - I mean regarding Vehicles. Characters have a Spd attribute, so that's ok - but how do you factor in the acceleration, turning and speed of vehicles such as the Sky King or SAMAS. Knowing that something is travelling at 350 mph is all good, but it has often given me headaches regarding combat.

Anyone have any solutions/house rules that make this issue easy to manage?


Shaka. :)

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 9:32 am
by Borast
Way I'd do it is if it's rocket propelled, it can reach top speed in a matter of seconds...assuming the pilot is strapped in...if not, limit it to 30mph accelleration - that should be more than enough to have him / her holding on for dear life!

If it's wheeled, limit accelleration to 2.5mph per second to 30mph per second, depending on size, and engine power:weight ratio (ie: what would be reasonable).

If it's jet powered, it can accellerate in a progressive matter (starts slow and builds - like a rocket, but slower!)


In any case, it's up to YOU, and you will have to be even handed and consistant about it. :D

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:00 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
First off, welcome to the boards.

secondly, I never really worry to much about exatcs. I recommend that you stay away from exact calculations. I just say it generally takes a melee to reach top speed and it takes 1 melee action to tur it around. even if the exact times differ it's all close enough. keeps the action moving and the calculations to a minimum, and that's the important thing.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:25 pm
by Dead Boy
Well, given that the Speed Attribute can be quantified as Feet Per Second, when dealing with vehicles that have their speeds measured in MPH, I just whoop out my calculator and back-track that MPH in to ft/sec. I jot that down in the book right next to the speed section of the given vehicle/PA for future reference. With two easily compairable values, I can now mix apples and oranges (or people and power armor as the case may be).

As far as acceleration, deceleration, and turning radii go, I keep it simple. Though it may not be 100% realistic, I allow the Speed attribute reflect the person or thing's ability to get up to speed. And as for turning, a long as they're not making 90-degree, right angle turns that would be impossible for anything to make, I'm pretty liberal about what's permissable.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:42 am
by sHaka
ok cheers for the help you guys!! and thanks for the warm reception!!!