the Arerri in AU

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Unread post by acreRake »

Maybe it means they've perfected a technique that only works on a handful of Arreri? They might be more successful at bringing out superpowers in other races but must always role for a side effect (something an Arreri experiment wouldn't need to do).

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Unread post by Wayne_Breaux »

It means that the Arerri do not have to roll for side effects the way other experiments do. THey can select any they might desire or they can choose to have none. A GM could also come up with a list of minor, beneficial side effects if he wished to go along with the process. It also means they hav control over what kind of powers most subjects will receive. In character terms, this means the player could choose their power sets (within the existing limits of numbers of powers available to experiments) or if the GM prefers, roll several times on the tables and pick from the resulting powers.
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Re: the Arerri in AU

Unread post by Yukon »

gadrin wrote:it mentions they've "perfected superpower inducing experimentation" but only a handful of Arerri are Mutants.

anyone got any theories I can borrow? (they're one of my favorite races.)

or was that just referring to PCs?

mutants and experiments are two different things in HU, remember.
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Unread post by Borast »

Read it as meaning that if a PC (or NPC) chooses to undergo such enhancement, that they are guarenteed to obtain the desired powers, and that side effects are either non-existant, beneficial, or otherwise have no real effect (ie: she sees "thereness" about any object she studies that others can not detect, but has no use to her in any way).

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