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Mechanical Awareness and....cell phones?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:09 pm
by BookWyrm
I was re-writing an old character of mine, and I wanted to change one of his powers to Mechanical Awareness. So, looking it up, I got a funny thought; :?
Since, with this power, the character can sense the presence of surveillance devices, listening devices & spy robots nearby, what about cell phone transmissions? Just the basic signal, no actual voices or can he/she tap into the conversation? What would it be like if said character stepped into an internet cafe' & all the connections were in use? :shock:

This may have been covered before, so forgive me for having a senior moment. I celebrated my 38th year on this planet just a monty ago, and I find myself slowly forgetting stuff that I used to remember. :-?

What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Machine Awareness and Cell Phones. :oops:

Re: Mechanical Awareness and....cell phones?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:45 pm
by Borast
BookWyrm wrote:What would it be like if said character stepped into an internet cafe' & all the connections were in use? :shock:

Talk about instant migraine... :ugh:

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:08 pm
by BookWyrm
gadrin wrote:cell phones -- yes, it says "any machine with moving parts or that use electricity or has a computer chip."

you'd be aware of it, but couldn't jam/tap it.

check out Frequency Absorption for jamming (same book) or EE/EMP (same book) to knock it out.

I know the Phantom RCC in Phase World can "read" radio signals, but I don't recall a Super Power that can do this. I'm sure you could make a new "Supervision" power.

Thanks, Gadrin, and everyone else.
I don't think something like that would be a "Super-Vision" power, more like a Super/Master psionic power or Major power

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:04 pm
by acreRake