Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Chaos Earth is here & now. Let the Chaos ensue.

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Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

i'd eat the dwarf. The elf too.
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Unread post by Mack »

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Unread post by Zivilyn »

I think I'd be dragging all the family and friends I can find through that portal. Think of it, what family doesn't wind up dead is in no way prepared for this kind of world... The only reason any of us would be is because we all have Demon and Monster lore thanks to us being happy dorks. It would be an adjustment for them to live in a medieveal world, but much better then being eaten by something you probably don't have any way to fight.
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Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

This message has been moved to the Chaos Earth Forum, where the topic is more applicable and appropriate. If you have a problem with how this post was handled please direct all inquires to, including the url to the post in question.
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

My players have learned never to go through a portal if they do not know what is on the other side.

EXAMPLE: An Ocean Wizard Style character from an S.D.C. world steps through the portal. You rob him and rush through...into an alien world, in the ocean, at a depth of over 3000 feet.
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Unread post by Hystrix »

This is gotta be one of the most rash things I've ever heard of. Rush through a portal when you don't know where it leads. Maybe if you where forced through then I understand, but to just dive headlong into the potral... silly. :-P
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Re: Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Unread post by LDMcFear™ »

If you are playing Chaos Earth, and you see a dwarf or an elf pop out of a portal, remember you have no food, your half out of ammo, and theres a demon living under your bed...this is hell.

Call For reinforcements

Through that portal lies your salvation...


Walk up to the happy elf / dwarf ready to handshake it and welcome it as a friend, when you get within about 2 feet, grab its weapon and change purse and CHARGE THROUGH THE PORTAL!!!!!

Walk up to the Happy elf / Dwarf and greese them with my cool-guy Nema MDC weaponry. Damn Rift Spawn anyhoo.

This is a beautiful SDC world known as Palladium, and although there are demons and monsters HERE too, they dont insta kill you the second you have your Nema Issued MDC pants down.

After Reinforcements arrive grab the Man Portable-Nuke and pitch it through the Rift into the evil SDC World where Demon's come from in Invading hordes!

I remember my silver eagle pilot seeing one of these blessed portals, and being too superstitious to go through it. That poor foolish dead guy.

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Unread post by RockJock »

If you somehow no it will be safe for awhile you go and grab your friends and family, and all of the engineering personel you can get your hands on. From mechanics to Roscoes to actual engineers. Next grab as many nuclear engines and solar panals as possible plus whatever other supplies you can get. The final thing you need is as many computer databases as you can find on everything from how to guides to technical specs.

Now you go about making a new world for humanity by making a small enclave and eventually joining one of the human kingdoms and showing them the joys of gunpowder.

Or you can eat the Dibee:)
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

I would be dead, either from old age or by being killed by the super hurricanes that pound the hell out of the Southeast.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Geronimo wrote:I'd make a MAJOR witches pact and enslave you all...
erm.. i mean... I'd try to help my fellow humans in anyway that I could.... :D

You'd be sleeping with the fishies just like me. :p
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Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Mike Taylor wrote:
Geronimo wrote:I'd make a MAJOR witches pact and enslave you all...
erm.. i mean... I'd try to help my fellow humans in anyway that I could.... :D

You'd be sleeping with the fishies just like me. :p

Squid headed fishies? ;)

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Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Y'know, Geronimo does have the Innsmouth Look about him.
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Unread post by G »

What would I do hmm.. Timeline:
-hide and learn about monsters from the rifts while everyone gets eaten and I run low on food.
-find a police car (whos occupants were eaten), and scavenge. If I'm lucky I'll get a neuromace, laser rod, and set of full body armor, with jetpack & communications gear/optics in the helmet from the trunk. (I'm in Canada no way I'm finding anything good, lol)
-realize I'm still running low on food and make my way to arissa65's military base (while avoiding contact with ley lines & monsters). Why? I'm sure hes got enough food, samas & Glitterboys to last one or two hundred years. (The government stockpiles everything). Live happily ever after, I'm a lover not a fighter. After about 50 years, (when I'm old) I would be in the right place for a full red borg conversion (brain in a box type would extend my life a long long time). That takes me til about 350PA, where I would need to get a cloned body or transferred intelligence. Then again if I managed the transferred intelligence in 50PA, then theres no problem with dying of old age.

Alternate plan, while avoiding monsters end up at the wrong military base, Archies military base. Get a job as idea man. Make some robot women, and don't leave the base - oh what ever will I do with my spare time? Live happily ever after :) If anything goes wrong stick myself in stasis or clone myself (and make more robot women). I think theres a theme here, hehe. :D

Alternate plan, fail at avoiding monsters on the way to the base. Run into a dragon instead. Not caring if its good or evil, I'll get it to make me its familiar. There are tons of reasons for either a good or evil dragon to do this. Such as: it needs to learn english, wants a guide in its new world, wants a ppe battery (I'd get it to teach me to be a shifter making me a better battery), become its dragon rider - I can snipe people/cast spells/etc. I'm better than either a cat or bird for a lot of reasons.

Alternate plan, fail at avoiding monsters on the way to the base. Run into a school of psiembiotes. Bond with one that has a compatible personality. Then have it teach me to be some type of psi (probably burster or nullifier - would go best with its mind melter type class). Then go found psyscape.

As for the elf and dwarf:
Scenario 1 (meeting them after about 50 years as a borg/bot) I'd be friendly - I'd have a ton of weapons by that point.
Scenario 2-get reports of them and have them tailed.
Scenario 3-Ignore them, let the dragon eat them, or enslave them. Lots of options.
Scenario 4 - Ignore them.
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Unread post by NoJack »

In a realistic type setting, the elf and Dwarf are no different than anybody else, they could be good or evil. In a rather chaotic setting where there are more than enough 'bad' things out there... they better be good because I'm not gonna wait around for them to get evil... The simplest solution is to kill em both (hit and run with a car is the easiest) and chuck 'em back through their rift(s) as a warning. As a post-apocolyptic setting, I'm assuming that things like firearms are in very short supply (thus the hit or run scenario) So yeah I would strip them of anything usefull.

Jump through a Rift? Yeah right, over their dead bodies. Talk about playing Russian Roulette with a Naruni Handgun... sure you might hear the nice loud click echoing out of that 4" muzzle, but do you really want to take that chance? I mean we are talking about a field of shimmering blue energy in the air. Not something you have a close personal knowledge about.

While yes slightly better than being Dead, medevil life wasn't all that it's cracked up to be... no electricity, no running water, little to no heat, most likely you don't have very many skills that are usefull, and that's assuming that you know the local language. That's a big assumption.
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Unread post by Nightbreed »

Well, considering that my part of jersey might be underwater.....

But heck, i'd jump in. It may be an adventure :-P :D

Unread post by Alacon »

As far as that scenario I wouldn't ask questions just pull the triggar..kill the elf and if there was something nasty chasing me i woul jump in but other than that i would find more weapons and kill as many as I could then I would go through the nearest portal...
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I'd be Underwater maybe...I'm in Florida :D
Though my part is pretty high and dry...


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Re: Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Unread post by bradshaw »

Stock up on raid, for all them bug guys that started popping up in the state. And politly ask the horde of dragons not to rename my home town 8-)
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Re: Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Unread post by runebeo »

All I know is if the world has no high-speed internet, digital cable or free health care, I'm jumping dimension till I get some.
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Re: Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Unread post by csbioborg »

I'd jump in that portal NOW given the chance pick up some dragonese and start praying to Path and OD (whom I have a thoery is just a splinter essence of Odin)

if I survive and this happened now not in 2098 as I'd likely be dead or a borg even in the Rifts continuity I'd jump through. If was able to meta game I'd lure as many Chaos demons in as I could with me and laugh as my AR15 sudden;y started drilling holes in them. Not so tough in a SDC world are you.
I remember days like this when my father took me to the forest and we ate wild blueberries. More than 20 years ago. I was just a boy of four or five. The leaves were so dark and green then. The grass smelled sweet with the spring wind...For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.
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Re: Chaos Earth - what would YOU do?

Unread post by RockJock »

Wow this is old, and my spelling/typing was as bad back then as it still is today. Somethings never change:)
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Unread post by The Beast »

Rift Jumper wrote:
arissa65 wrote:As a memeber of the US military I would have to stay and fight. Can't see the military abondoing the Nation they are sworn to defend

You and me both.

Really? The both of you will stay in the military until 2098? I plan to retire from it well before then.
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